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File: 1432969964774.png (45.35 KB, 256x256, webcam.png)

No. 7450

is anyone paranoid as fuck about this? everytime this topic is brought up I get scatterbrain about it. I'm not famous or even popular or anything, so there's no reason for me to be targeted. but anybody could be I guess. An account on instagram just followed me a while ago called something like "spy on people without them knowing" and a link to some website. I freaked and reported them for a second, and now I can't shake the paranoia off. I guess I should just buy some of those small round band-aids and put them on the cameras of my laptop and iphone.

No. 7451

I am too, and the paranoia always comes up at the most random times. Like I left my laptop up to play music while I was getting dressed today and suddenly I started thinking like WHAT IF there is some sick fuck out there watching me do this?

It does happen to average people, unfortunately.

No. 7453

I was paranoid too. I just cut a piece of thick paper so that it covered the camera and taped it down.

If you're extra paranoid you can deactivate the software.

No. 7458

Just use malware bytes and put a cute sticker on your webcam

No. 7461

oh good suggestion. a cute sticker is better than a band-aid

No. 7471

There was a board on 8ch that was about ipcam spying. Essentially majority of ipcams are not secure and anyone can use a website to access it. Apparently the website can access cams at random but you can't open a specific cam unless you know the ip or so I've heard. People are saying most of the time its grocery store feeds or people's living room and not much interesting stuff.

I would just stick with the sticker idea since it's cheap and easier than disableing the camera

No. 7476

I used to cover my webcam with a cute hamster bubble sticker until it fell off. Shortly after I accidentally video called somebody on Skype when I was getting up and found out he was just sitting there watching me until I saw the light on by my webcam. I've kept it deactivated ever since.

No. 7480

Ever since I found out this can happen I've kept cameras on my phone/laptop covered with a sticker. I've talked to some weird people so I'm not taking any chances.

No. 7895

File: 1433332635552.jpg (35.31 KB, 1000x749, cslide.jpg)

i just bought this thing. i have been using a sticker but i don't like to peel it off every time i do use my webcam. anyway, just wanted to let you guys know if you were feeling paranoid. it's not super kawaii or anything but it blends in well.


No. 7911

I cover up all my cams, even on my 3Ds.

No. 7914

I don't give a shit if someone wants to watch me get dressed/undressed. I look like a goblin unposed anyway.

No. 7917

What if they post nudes on the inter webs..im scared of that

No. 7920

I just tape a piece of paper to the camera lens. You don't need this expensive thing. Make it so the tape acts like a hinge so you can flip it back and forth.

Don't want creepy Asian fetishists like Rayrey206 peeking at you lol

No. 7929

expensive? it's $5 lol.
i didn't like the sticker/tape method and i didn't like how it looked. whatever though.

No. 7930

I meant it's expensive for the quality. According to others, it keeps breaking and tape+pretty paper is only like a few cents. It's too expensive for the job is what I meant

No. 11706

Disable/uninstall your webcam driver in device manager, reinstall/enable when wishing to use your webcam.

No. 11711

I've taped a sticky note over mine and on my tablet.

I hardly ever use them to begin with.

I got paranoid from it when /x/ would have those threads with all the links of cams. Some funny shit, to companies, to just staring at someone's wall.
My favorite one was for the Zoo show a giraffe get a check up.
I do however think it's not right though.

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