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No. 73805
>>73800>>73801Making things up for anons about being a nasty bitch as a teen.
Yeah okay.
No. 73817
Last summer I was outside painting something and this little yellow bird keep hopping and tweeting and flittering between the fence, the found in front of me, and the porch to my left.
I love animals, especially birds, but sometimes I have these dark and awful "moods" where I think about doing stuff to animals or people that I know I should talk to a therapist about, and I've seen plenty of them, but every time I'm in a room with one it's like my mind goes blank. Anyway I got my roommate's pump action pellet rifle and shot it when it flew back to the fence and it made this weird strangled bird noise and hit the ground in the neighbors yard. I hopped the fence and it was still alive, I just shot a hole in its wing but it was bleeding pretty bad. I put it in the neighbors' pear tree and went back to my yard and finished painting, went inside and finished my project. It took me about two weeks to feel bad about it, but when I finally did I cried about it. When I was a kid at my old house I used to patrol the woods behind my house for injured animals or baby birds and squirrels that fell out of nests so I could nurse them back to health, and I was always that dopey little kid that believed in love and wonder and te beauty of little things like birds singing, morning dew on the grass, or midday rain showers. But now I feel empty most of the time and when I do feel something it's either extreme sadness where I cry and want to hurt myself or its that weird feeling I got with the bird where I'm super calm yet I want to hurt something.
Yes, I have a therapist. He knows about the bird. He literally gives no fucks and starting in April my insurance is probably not gonna cover any more therapists.
No. 74409
When i was a kid, i used to play Habbo Hotel a lot. I made a sort of a friend there, and we would sometimes hang out in the Habbo park and in discos and stuff. She was really clingy and I didn't like her that much, but was too shy to tell her to leave me alone. I decided to make a new character, because I got bored with my username. My friend asked me if she could have the old character, and kept bothering me about it, so i gave it to her. She had some stuff on her character that she transferred to my old one. She wasn't too smart, so she didn't change the email address of the character, so one day I logged into it and took all her stuff. A few days later she came to me crying about how her character was hacked, and I just said "Oh. That's too bad." After a few weeks she stopped playing Habbo. Apparently she was from a relatively poor family, too, and she seemed like someone who doesn't have that many friends irl. I still feel kinda bad for it, ten years later. We were "friends" for like a year, too.
When i was an edgy teenager, I made a troll account on this gaming site with forums and customizable avatars. I made her to be a 10-yo elitist fashionista valley girl or chavette or what ever it is in english. I wrote some "harsh" fashion blog entries about emos and weeaboos and things (emos are unstylish, weeaboos wear circle lenses that make them look creepy etc), and they started to piss people off. I started to get dead threats from actual 10 year olds, and i reported them to the admins of the site, and threatened some of the kids with police. Most of them got really scared and deleted their accounts, which they had definitely put real life money into. After a while it stopped being fun, so I abandoned it by stating that I got a modeling deal in Tokyo, and it seriously pissed the weebs off, and they wouldn't stop calling me fat and ugly and even told me I should kill myself. I forgot about it for a year, until and logged in again out of curiosity, and some of the emo weebs still had such a flaming hatred towards me there. I think I seriously fucked some of them up mentally, they had commented very unnerving things to my year old blogs and things.
No. 74468
>>73778Giving my dog a blowjob is probably the worst thing I did
No, having lesbian sex when I was 8 with a 6 year old girl.
No. 74497
>>74485>>74496Just to let you know that from a male perspective this shit is incredibly unattractive.
Oh and before you snap at me, there are times I get angry with kids too, but I bite my tongue because they're KIDS.
No. 74524
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>>74355I'm struggling with this rule
No. 74548
>>74496Kids not being controlled by their parents is so stressful. Pet peeve.
>>74488Did he jump downwards and land in a classroom in an amazing way or did he jump upwards as though his alien masters were beaming him up? We need to know
>>74542I hate to break this to you but if you're arguing with an autist you are also an autist
No. 74552
>>74547>>74549Generally any tragedy involving a child, especially a young girl, kills me inside for the rest of the day if I read about it. related.
No. 74562
>>74559I didn't. I'm someone who has very selective empathy. If someone I perceive as truly "innocent" gets abused/murdered I really feel it deep inside. It resonates with me.
It's one of the reasons I'll always support the death penalty, and a lot more alongside it. My sympathies are always with the innocent victim, something we seem to have forgotten in an age where it's fashionable to morally grandstand by sticking up for convicted rapist/murderers to show how superior you are to everyone else.
I reference that girl in particular as there was a debate about how her mother let her play in the town green/park with her friends unsupervised since the place was believed to be so safe.
No. 74582
>>74577Even if you take justice to mean a purely utilitarian application of law & order, then the recidivism rate of those who are executed is 0.
And don't kid yourself, the notion that we shouldn't kill serial child killers is just as much based around emotion and sympathy (moral grandstanding) as wanting to execute them is.
No. 74597
>>74534Nah, I don't think it's a problem. Like, I was legally an adult when I did everything but the cat thing. I never did it out of anger or the, just morbid curiousity.
>>74497I would believe this if I didn't have guys trying to crawl up my cunt. Thanks for your unsolicited opinion though.
No. 74665
>>74497>>74599>>74530>>74537>>74542Sure reeks of robot in here. Sure is bringing the quality of the thread down.
Go away and take your autism with you.
No. 76439
>>74667her parents probably killed her.
it's interesting to read about it.
No. 76449
>>76337>Death penalty should be outlawed until you can prove with 100% confidence that they got the right guy, otherwise it's barbaric. The justice system at present shouldn't be trusted to hand out death.Wait a minute.
What about the thousands of people who have been killed by recidivist murderers and violent rapists released into the public sphere again?
Apparently that's an acceptable price to pay for the "justice system", but the odds of killing one person by mistake aren't?
How about you sort out the problem of recidivist criminality first, because until you do, you're implicitly saying that those thousands of people who have been killed by recidivists were an acceptable price to pay.
No. 76563
>>76439From what I've heard and read up on the case, that seems to be so. The portugese police sure seems to think so. They reopened the investigation, and rightfully so since multiple cadaver dogs pointed to a body behind the couch, in their rent car trunk and their closet.
I know we cannot possibly fathom what the actual investigation is like as public members with no access to legal documents and evidence analysis, but I have a gut feeling. And that gut feeling tastes like murder.
No. 76564
>>76373Stealing isn't a bad thing, unless you steal from local shops.
It's only bad if you get caught.
No. 76677
>>76564stealing is such a selfish, petty, childish thing to do.
'Oh boohoohoo I deserve this shirt! I deserve this makeup! Jobs are for suckers I'm fighting capitalism stealing knickers makes me incredibly cool'
If my children ever shoplift ill smack them and drag them back to the store to return the shit and loudly apologize in front of the whole damn store. Stealing for literal survival is one thing, being a lazy greedy little shitstain should get you nothing public humiliation and the loss of the right to enter any store at the proprietors whim.
No. 76690
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If you really don't care stop giving him motherfucking replies. This is embarrassing.
No. 76728
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>>73823TSwift, is that you?
No. 77059
The worst thing I've ever done? Umm… I made fun of an ex friend of mine (who acted like a bitch, only used me for her own good and abandoned me when I was suffering from depression and needed a friend) when I heard that she sees a psychiatrist once a week and takes antidepressants because now she's depressed and alone too. What goes around comes around, bitch. I honestly don't regret it.
Another bad thing was wishing the death of my philosophy teacher from high school because she bullied me so bad that every day she would come, I felt so anxious I started throwing up in the morning and having headaches. Still don't regret it, she's an evil person and doesn't deserve to live.
I also said, speaking of an evil uni professor who's a real bitch and makes people cry at her exams because she won't stop picking on them (and during a lesson she even pulled a girl's hair because it was dyed red and she "hates girls with red dyed hair"), I said "Why can't she just die already or get the fuck out" and now she's dying for real. I kinda feel bad.
I also wished for my mother's death when I was fourteen because she was abusive, used to beat me up for no reason, spat on me, humiliated me and was verbally abusive, so this one time she was on top of stairs and was yelling at me and I had this weird thought of just pushing her down the stairs. It was a difficult period, she was totally crazy and demolished my self esteem (even if now I'm fine, I always carry the weight of those years) so I was going crazy too. I regret that wish though, now she's just occasionally verbally abusive but I don't hate her anymore. I can relate to Venus sometimes
And I called my little sister a "slut" when I found out she sexts and sends nudes to random guys on whatsapp she doesn't even know.
I think it's all.
No. 77696
>>74356It's not. I don't see how that's very bad tbh, I just worded it to sound worse because edgy thread. The whole point of the "game" is to hurt them by leaving them, yes, but that doesn't change the fact that it's only after giving them all good things, and that for a brief time they were very happy.
TBH I just get off from being the perfect mpdg. It gets boring after a while because I get nothing out of it beyond the assurance that I'm good at pretending. Once I'm safe he's caught, there's little left to do. I started enjoying their pain for similar reasons, it meant I was so good that losing me was devastating.
Sage for explaining myself blogpost.
No. 77720
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Not much really. Stole some money from my father, but he is an asshole and would have spent it in whores.
>>74496>You're No. 77734
I killed one of my pet guinea pigs when I was a kid.
They had been class pets but I volunteered to adopt them…my 4th-grade teacher was a real bitch and whenever I had a stressful day, I started coming home and taking it out on the guinea pigs. I would do things like squeeze them in my hands or throw them up in the air and catch them. Then I would feel bad about it and 'play nice' with them until the next day, rinse and repeat. I'm pretty sure the older one died from stress.
As far as recently? Probably the one that would get people riled up in her the most would be admitting to paying rent by selling my body to a married man. I also dated a guy for around two years because he treated me like a princess, while I could get away with intermittently cheating on him. I ended up sleeping with one of his housemates while he was completing his final exams, kek. But later on, I found out that he'd also been cheating on me with one of my housemates. Really, when I found out, all that went through my head was 'wellp, that's fair', but I pretended to be really upset about it and used it as an excuse to break up, because he'd always insisted that if he ever caught me cheating then that would be the end of our relationship. I pretended I'd been completely faithful the whole time and was outraged, broken-hearted, etc., just to make him feel really bad. He still thinks I'm an angel, my reputation is unscathed, and the roommate (who's pretty cute) still hits me up on FB to apologize for not dating me when he had the chance (but tbh the fact that he was planning on moving across the country was part of what made a fling with him so tempting.)
People are probably going to call me a slut or a troll for this post, but eh.
No. 77827
>>77739You do know race comments outside of the race threads are not allowed right? Fuck off with your race spam, it's getting annoying. We get it, you hate white people.
Go post in your thread about it. Stop bringing up race everywhere. It's getting really annoying.
No. 78078
>>78076I don't care about that.
I care about young teens and children behaving as though they are inherently deserving of whatever the fuck they want and never developing a work ethic, refusing to contribute to society, being a selfish greedy little baby who can't understand not getting a candy bar they want, and having a sense of entitlement when they aren't entitled to anything but their human rights as outlined by the UN.
Its not about Walmart not getting two bucks its about selfishbabies who think they are cool and anti capitalist when really they're just greedy.
No. 78784
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>>77842are you new to imageboards or something?
No. 78797
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>>78784>>78782Stop clotting the thread with your samefagging
No. 78828
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>>78798One of the responses is the question "what?" The other is a failed attempt at labeling someone a newfag… That can hardly be seen as agreement. Nice job exposing yourself. : ^ )
No. 79137
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>>78929I honestly hate children and i hate parents who have nof ucking discipline or brings them to every event, even when it's supposed to be 21+
I work at a convention center for many different events and there are so many rules about not bringing in babies, kids under 18 and strollers but self entitled parents do it anyway and then yell at me when I can't allow them inside. fucking idiots.
No. 79182
>>78929Tough girl, taking out your anger on a child.
High t as fuck lol. Do you also have a beard?
No. 79652
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>>79637I live for these. Keep em coming guys.
No. 79705
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stole a total of $2,000+ worth of cash from my parents to buy these things at the local drug store to get mad tweaked off of
parents somehow to this day don't even know money went missing
No. 79999
>>79846>>79848>>79854>>79859>>79990i know it's extremely painful. very disturbing. i'm the biggest coward ever. i don't think i could ever forgive myself. i know this doesn't help much but i have been returning my christmas/birthday/etc money they give me back to their stash
>>79884they aren't
No. 80305
>>74497Male here.
I hate kids.
I understand why she'd do that.
It's fine.