No. 732079
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One time I poked holes into two of these soda things, on the top part so when you would carry it, it would just break and leak soda everywhere. I was mad at the bitch for keeping up all night with her shitty party, so her hungover ass had to clean up two jugs of sticky soda off her room’s floor.
No. 732148
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sorry if this gets long, i don't have the energy to greentext but if you have time to kill i feel like this was an interesting story: back in my senior year i had a years-long little schoolgirl crush on one of my best guy friends, and I think he found out and we ended up getting together at his friend's party one weekend. the girl whose house it was at and her little mean girl friend group were so weird towards me, we'll call them the bridge trolls three. one of them was genuinely my friend but the other two thought they were so funny and edgy by actually bullying classmates and acquaintances and treating them awfully, on some bpd narc level shit. bridge troll #2 pulled my top down and forced me to flash one of my guy friends at school once, but could be cool at times and we bonded in a couple classes regardless. the third one was genuinely hellish and somehow worse. she was the fugly one but had the nerve to be arrogant despite it. she never failed to be condescending and fake nice to me for the entire year that i was dating our friend and really thought i couldn't absolutely tell she resented me, it was kinda obvi she used to have a crush on him as well and just never acted on it, but she had a boyfriend at the time so she really should have been minding her business. anyway the party part is important because I know she knew about us (we were obnoxiously holding hands the rest of the night lol) and at one point I lost my cellphone and never ended up finding it. the next day I posted on facebook asking if anyone who was there knew where my cell might be, no one knew, I leveled up to an iphone eventually (this is back when that was still kind of a new fancy thing to have) and forgot about it completely.
fast forward next year, first year of college, i end up having to break up with my bf because as much of a sweet relationship as it was and as much as it made my last year of hs memorable and fun, i realized it was ultimately shallow and at the end of the day we were still just the friends we were years ago. in truly awful timing, i fell really quickly for someone else (still with them to this day almost a decade later though, so not for nothing) and while i felt incredibly guilty and like a total bitch about that, it wasn't cheating or anything abhorrent or intentional. still i regret it because i feel like it hurt him more and it's probably the reason we fell out of touch entirely. ANYWAY during this weird in-between era of my life, bridge troll #3 (party host troll) talked mad MAD nonstop shit about me, but i still was good friends with nice bridge troll #1 (the mean girls karen of the trio) and my ex, and troll #3 was not exactly the kind of friend that deserves respect, so they both constantly spilled the tea to me. one time on facebook I made a reference to an old inside joke with troll #1, and #3 lost her everloving shit and sperged out at me in my facebook inbox (#2 and 3 both unfriended me when i broke up with my ex so it was in my spambox at first lol) telling me she hated me and the way i treated my ex (which by the way was nothing but respectful, i honestly never even led him on whatsoever, we just happened to inconveniently have tons of mutual friends) and that i was a tryhard unfunny bitch (maybe so, but pot meet kettle). there was more back and forth but the entire time I was just like "ok whatever i didn't do jack shit and I don't hate you back, get well soon luv xx" and unfortunately this put a wedge in my friendship with troll #1 because what kind of friend would choose someone like that over me and still think she could be friends with both of us?
but troll#1 and i ended up graduating from the same college and organically bumped into each other on campus irl a few years after all this shit had passed. we hung out all night in an art studio i regularly worked in after hours and i did my painting homework while she filled me in on how she's doing really well and who she has or hasn't seen from our old school. we get on the topic of the troll trio and she says troll #2 is her bff now and she worked through all her toxic bully behavior and is basically a different person now, good for her i guess.
troll #3 on the other hand highkey fell off. she is not friends with any mutuals of troll#1, absolutely everyone cut her off at some point. i forget exactly what she did to troll 1 but i know it was a betrayal of sorts, but her life after high school was a trainwreck, she got too into partying and drugs and got into this weird bi poly relationship with two siblings, did all kinds of cheating and lying in general and at one point lived out of her car.
so hearing all that was the "petty revenge" part of the story, but during this convo with troll 1 i also found out that she had been lying to me about my cellp[hone all those years ago. troll 1 tells me that all the trolls hung out the morning after the party and one of them found my phone in a pantry and this absolute cunt TOLD THEM NOT TO GIVE IT BACK TO ME. just kept it forever out of pure spite. essentially stole it. they proceeded to gather around troll 3 as she WENT THROUGH ALL MY TEXTS AND PHOTOS AND LAUGHED AT THEM……. i am so relieved i was never into taking nudes or sexting but still, learning that was so disheartening and mortifying. so unbelievably disrespectful and cruel. troll 1 was so sweet and genuinely remorseful about the whole thing and it felt very cathartic to have learned all of this information and sort of rebuild the troll bridge between us in a way, she's always been kinda wholesome and harmless and we never got close-close again but i wish her well and i'm glad she and the other troll changed.
also, my ex straight-up didn't even like troll #3 as a friend and was just too nice to say it to her face. when we were still friends post-breakup he'd always tell me to ignore the "retarded whales"
also HER ex-bf who i am friends with now is gay now and dumped her when he realized it, so yet another win/ revenge story there
also also, i believe my ex is successful in the stem field he majored in, he has the smallest digital footprint of anyone i know but from what i gather he's doing well and doesn't keep in contact with any of the bridge trolls so i'm glad he escaped them and got better, less toxic friends
one last thing i just remembered, i think troll 3 found and followed me a couple years ago and watches my instagram stories sometimes and even likes my posts as if nothing ever happened. i haven't looked at her profile once because it'll just bring up uncomfortable memories for me so who knows, maybe she's doing better, but the fact remains that she got what she deserved regardless.
No. 732214
>>731811>be me, waitress at a vaguely Asian restaurant >boss is attractive, charismatic, early-mid 30s Chinese guy>head bitch of waitresses is a young college dropout, MASSIVE koreaboo, unabashedly talks about how bad she wants to bang Asian guys>I'm talking the type of koreaboo who has an insta page full of videos of them dancing to kpop in public, interspersed with pics of their (Southeast) Asian bf of the month>Typical overdone kpopper makeup: plaster-white foundation practically glows in the dark, thick pencil brows, also puts on a weird bratty persona modeled after a rich Chinese girl stereotype>She's still quite hot and has a great body ngl>Smug bitch constantly hits on our boss and is overly protective/flirty with him even though he has never crossed that line with us
>working with her and boss one day>I'm just chilling folding napkins>out of nowhere boss tells us "you guys should start youtube channels">I laugh and say I have no talents>"well, anon's channel could just be her sitting there looking pretty :)">yellow fever chan hears this, sees her chance>bats her eyelashes, plays up the uwu cutesy thing to the max>"and what would mine be about, [boss]?">he thinks about it for a second>…>"comedy">my face when>HER face when>I had to run to the back room to lmao No. 732281
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>>731811When I was seven, I was invited to a slumber party from a girl in my grade. This girl would always pick on me at school, but my mom made me go cause she thought it would be good for me.
When I got there, the birthday girl ignored me until her mom made her come and say hello. At least her mom was nice to me lol. As I expected, her and the other girls choose me to be their target for the night. They locked me outside for over an hour. I saw one girl spit in my water bottle when they thought I was in the bathroom. They made fun of the stuffed animal I brought, and wrote all over my drawing book. I was a really shy and passive as a kid and would just kind of “take it”. I knew when my mom got off work at 7, she could come get me.
After a while, birthday girl’s mom gave her a $50 bill to buy snacks at the convenient store a couple blocks away. She sent us all together, so I just followed behind the others. Never wanted to go home more. The girls suddenly took off running and laughing without me, but I was just feeling too embarrassed to try to catch up. I remember the sensation of my face getting all hot and red.
I could see that they had already made it to the convenient store but I was taking my time getting there. As I’m nearing the store, I see the birthday girl had dropped the wadded up $50 in the parking lot. I looked around. No one. I stuff the bill deep into my sock, and sauntered into the store unnoticed.
The birthday girl and her sidekicks are heading to the counter as I enter. She proceeds to freak out amongst discovering she had lost her mother’s money. I can’t help but feel a little giddy over it. We left empty handed, and she pouts the entire walk back.
and her mother proceeds to harshly scold her for being careless once we get back to her house.
Birthday girl storms off into her room, and I sneak away and have my mom come get me. The shitty night was over, and I was kid-rich! Nothing too exciting.
>fun thread OP, has potential