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No. 72951
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This girl looks like urkel. Shame, her coords are always cute.
No. 72952
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No. 72953
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No. 72954
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Cadney has gotten really fat. It's not flattering in the slightest, she looks like an old woman.
No. 72955
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Lovely Lor. I don't understand how someone can spend thousands on clothing and makeup instead of spending that money on a nose job.
No. 72958
>>72951I don't know about his, she's pretty alright looking
>>72955yeah, I kinda feel bad for her
her face is so unfortunate
No. 72959
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>>72954She always looked old.
>>72955She seems nice and sweet, I really feel bad for her.
I wonder why lolita attracts so many ugly girls, I don't understand how they can wear pretty clothing while having an ugly face.
No. 72960
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No. 72962
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No. 72963
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No. 72964
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No. 72965
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No. 72966
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No. 72967
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No. 72968
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No. 72969
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No. 72970
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No. 72971
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>>72961I did too. They both have manly, long as fuck faces.
No. 72976
>>72963This one has a pretty face, she's just a little older.
This fucking coord, though.
Why would you try to coordinate BLACK accessories with a brown/pink JSK?
and lita boots? christ.
No. 72978
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No. 73010
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>>73006I agree. There's some weird stuff going on in /g/ lately.
Lolita is as /g/ as it gets
No. 73014
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No. 73029
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I think lolita attracts uglies because they're trying to overcompensate for their ugly faces with pretty clothes. Like maybe they hope that if their coords are good enough, no one will look at their ugly mugs.
No. 73030
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This one has the trifecta of ugly, old, and a terrible outfit
No. 73159
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She looks like my uncle if my uncle wore a wig and lolita
No. 73190
>>73029are we sure that's not a trap?
I mean, I'm no looker but some of these bitches legit look like men.
No. 73193
>>72950>butterfaceI have seen this word misused a lot on this site so I'm just gonna say it here.
"Butterface" is a person with an ugly face but a nice body. So if they don't have a nice body, they are not a butterface.
>"Body is hot, but her face…" >But her face>ButterfaceI mean, I get people are into different things, but the girl in the OP is not a butterface.
No. 73219
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No. 73237
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No. 73238
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No. 73248
>>73030That's Duplica, right? She has been into Lolita for such a long time and has quita a big wardrobe, yet she never manages to do a good outfit, and to make everything worse, she
always takes the crappiest pictures.
>>72959>I wonder why lolita attracts so many ugly girlsHave you looked at the human population recently? Maybe 15% of the female population is really pretty, the rest is average to ugly. And with a style like Lolita, especially Sweet, it is much easier to look bad. Crappy wigs, bad make up and posing are just three things that come to mind that let people look worse than they actually are.
>I don't understand how they can wear pretty clothing while having an ugly face.I know there are things you can do to look less bad, like proper make up, hair style and clothing style but even than it's limited. So, what are they supposed to do? Wear trashbags for the rest of their lifes because they don't have a kawaii face or don't want plastic surgery?
No. 73273
>>73029I think it's not that it attracts uglies, but if you're not an immaculate, cherub, dolly-faced girl that can pull off anything kawaii, the style only emphasizes how bad you look. It's just too hyper effeminate, youthful, and tends to make everyone look either too bloated with it's poofyness or too manly.
This girl (?) has nice legs, but the blouse makes her look fat and the bow just makes this person look more drag-like.
I seldom meet lolitas that dress in a style that actually suits them. It's usually like cherub faces wearing gothic which makes them look like edgy pre-teen girls, super greasy people wearing classic, and masculine faces wearing sweet.
No. 73278
>>73257That would just make their face stand out even more, it would stick out like a sore thumb.
There's a reason why as an example during casting, models wear very very plain clothing, so their looks are more easily judged.
So no, just jeans and a t-shirt wouldn't be a good idea.
No. 73284
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No. 73285
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No. 73287
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No. 73288
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No. 73289
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No. 73300
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>>73284lol face in the second picture looks like one of these
No. 73326
>>73240it's an unflattering picture and she's not wearing makeup. you gotta admit that she looks terrible here.
>and this is coming from someone who hates Tim's SJW crapsuuuure…
>>73300wow i cannot unsee the resemblance
No. 73327
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At least she realized her face was more suited for ouji.
No. 83948
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>>72950This one, really part of the All Star crew.
No. 83949
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No. 83950
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