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No. 72761

Any farmers who have been on a reality/competition TV show or know someone who has?

No. 72762

I know a girl who was on Beauty and the Geek Australia.

No. 72763

I should elaborate on this.
Everything is fake.

No. 72793

MTV's show Made filmed at my high school when I was a freshman. Funnily enough I wanted to apply, but the minimum age was 15 and the cutoff date for apply was a week before my 15th birthday. While interviewing applicants they filmed a lot of random hallway shots and crowd shots. They picked a girl who was a junior.
They filmed in the cafeteria (for the shot where she tells her friends what she's going to be "made" into and her friends laugh, the same every episode) and gave the girls scripts to read. I thought it was pretty ballsy to do that in a room full of high schoolers lol. I watched the episode after it came out and they did some interesting edits like saying they were in a certain hallway when they were somewhere else.

Funnily enough the next year I went to a different high school and they filmed Made there too, although I didn't see them do anything other than some crowd shots like once. Not sure if they ever actually made an episode.

Also this was all like seven years ago so I don't know if they even make Made anymore, hopefully not because it was terrible.

No. 72828


No. 72874

Room Raiders was totally fake as well. They had some set houses that would be changed up or redecorated for different people in different episodes.

No. 72878

A girl that went to the school district over from where I live was on 16 and Pregnant. The school wouldn't let MTV in so they had to film a lot two counties below it, where either the girl or her baby daddy's family lives. I can't remember details on this, but apparently they would offer scripts and have them follow a guideline of sorts.

Catfish also came a few towns over, Sauk Village, IL, where some black girl was pretending to be some other light skin black girl and catfished this guy. I haven't been able to find anyone who was in the area while it was being filmed, but I just know they amp it up for tv. (Harold & Armani, S4 E3)

No. 72909

I think she was expecting it to be her great debut into showbiz. That everyone would see her on TV and be absolutely enthralled by her beauty and personality and that she would have an endless stream modelling/acting gigs for the rest of her life

No. 73011

I work for a rather large reality show down south and it's not fake. The stories that are filmed are real stories that the family writes down and gives to the network. Then, when they film, they set up multiple cameras and just roll film to catch real actions and comedy..not fake, scripted stuff.
I know that's not the way for all shows, but it is for this one

No. 74695

I worked on a few reality TV shows, most notably Top Chef. The competition aspect is real, but the editing that makes it look like they're all sweating down to the last second is not entirely accurate; most contestants are have dishes ready to roll prior to the last 5 minutes. They really can't talk or communicate with anyone outside of the filming months, and producers do have say in the elimination process.

I know Kardashians isn't real at all, but the actual girls are very aware that they're playing characters of themselves, so what you're seeing is really a hyperbole that they created.

Just say which network.

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