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No. 72461

Anyone here who's watched Gossip Girl? I just finished it.

No. 72462

Is it any good? I need something to burn some time on.

No. 72464

It is! I'll warn you, though, the quality in everything drops from season 4 to the last.

No. 73750

watched it for the tongue in cheek self referential culturally aware jokes like that one time when they referenced the "left bank/right bank of Paris" and in general satire about rich people and their intricacies (hippie RISD artist, boarding school crowd, having Jane Birkin's daughter guest star LOL) but the plot is pretty much winged and nonsensical.

No. 73756

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Dan Humphrey was the fucking worst.

I almost wish I had remembered Penn Badgley for the Punchable Celeb thread now.

No. 73757

how unrealistic was it when georgie got that harvard legacy boy toy to be her baby step daddy

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