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No. 715714

>tfw you've only reduced your presence in the world to the computer is because your mother used to alternately mock or criticise your other activities

>"You're going to have finish that book at some point. You've been reading it for over a week. How slow of a reader are you? When I was your age, etc. etc."

>"I found this notebook full of stories. They're weird. You should do something different."
>doing exercise whilst listening to news on radio
>"Oh, look at meee! I'm getting informed whilst doing my exerciseeees!"

Then she bitches at me when I go to a safe, password protected computer where my activities can't be criticized.

>"What do you even DO on that thing all day? I'm so SICK of seeing you using it!"

Why are parents like this? Has anyone else dealt with parents like this?

No. 715717

this is better suited for the vent or rant thread tbh your mother sounds like a bitter fat narc. saged because this post will be banned

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