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No. 7108

"I ♡ 徳永千奈美!! Cuteness! Charm! And Potty Humor! Loud mouth artist from Jersey~! I tweet a lot about Berryz工房 and dogs. Nice to meetcha'!"

twitter: https://twitter.com/CEOofCute

Deviantart: http://usako-chan.deviantart.com/

Entitled Plush artist on Deviantart who moved locations to Facebook because she wasn't getting enough ass kissing comments. Is a Jpop Idol obsessive weeb who wishes she were a kawaii japanese Idoru,wears circle lenses, and has "mastered" the angle shot to make herself not look so short, stubby and fat. Her ego is about as big as she is. Likes to think she is the cutest most adorable idol weeb on the internet.

No. 7109


No. 7110

>Entitled Plush artist on Deviantart who moved locations to Facebook because she wasn't getting enough ass kissing comments. Is a Jpop Idol obsessive weeb who wishes she were a kawaii japanese Idoru,wears circle lenses, and has "mastered" the angle shot to make herself not look so short, stubby and fat. Her ego is about as big as she is. Likes to think she is the cutest most adorable idol weeb on the internet.
this is like every weeb vlogger/blogger ever
except below average looking


No. 7111>>7113

Judging from that picture and description alone, she comes off as having the maturity of an annoying 11 year old.

No. 7112>>7117

Oh my god do these threads all come from the same person

No. 7113


i smell autism

No. 7114

School's out. Summer lolcow has arrived.

No. 7115

Looks like Venusangelic

No. 7116

Did she make those plushies on her deviantart? They look kind of good.

No. 7117

well what threads do you want
you're being picky, anon

No. 7118

Ok so did she do anything bad or are you jealous of her good plushie making skills? inb4someonesaysi'mholly.

No. 7119>>7121

some kid shitposting everyone who they don't like on the internet in the hopes that they'll find gold and those big ol' meanies will get bullied by anons.

No. 7120>>7122

File (hide): 1432774155977.jpg (120.36 KB, 480x767, momochi.jpg)

>likes Berryz Koubou
that hair

No. 7121

So basically rallying a personal army against someone they are jelly against?

No. 7122

>>7120 Those perfect twin tails…

No. 7123>>7124

I'm starting to honestly think some users here don't understand what a lolcow is. It's not a slightly annoying weeb online who may or may not really have an ego.

I don't really see anything wrong her, and her post on DA made sense to me. It is a dying community and impossible to get your work noticed and build relationships on there (especially as a professional) anymore. Plus I think her work is actually really good. If I had an FB, I'd like her page, NGL.

No. 7124>>7126

I've been saying this for month, but some faggots wanted to bitch at me for it.

No. 7125

I actually think her stuff is really cute…?

No. 7126

well some of them are a bit funny
but i cannot find anything lolcow material, she is just your average weeb

No. 11101

She makes actually good plushies.

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