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No. 706633
>>706554You mean like the gore and trevor brown art type of aesthetic that the site started out with originally? or is it something else. Either way I am way to old to even entertain having a tumblr, it seems shameful and disgusting for an adult over 25.
Instagram has a big aesthetic/art community that is much less investing in advertising in the political swj shit, but the GUS is shit for obvious reasons, you have the disgusting explore page (aka ads) which is impossible to opt out of, instagram determines what you see ect.
No. 706647
>>706522It depends on what tags you follow/communities you are in.
>>706633NTA, it's the trolls and shitposters. Also, Instagram is not a good alternative if you don't post your own content and only want to discover content.
No. 707208
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>>706847It reminds me of how social media sites used to look in the early 2010s, which I like. I'll check it out once it opens.
No. 707622
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>>707208Checked it out, seems like a chonkier version of tumblr, the site definitely needs some design improvements, now it looks something student would make, especially those thick scrollbars, some unnecessarily big buttons. Thought, I like that they put different tab for discussions. Also it would be fun if they let customize the profiles, for now it seems you can change color scheme, add profile picture and set desc.
If anyone is interested you can sign in as demo user and test it out, no need for registration.
No. 707636
I don’t get this idea that Twitter is full of sjws? I feel like you can find communities of pretty much any political leaning
>>706647What kind of trolls are there on tumblr? I went back recently and haven’t seen any edgy posts so I’m surprised. I feel like it’s the most tolerable of any of the platforms currently.
No. 707822
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>>706391I think eventually a website is going to come out tailored towards people who have these sort of observations. It's impossible to have good community on a mainstream social media website with the way technology is designed nowadays. I think like this anon said
>>706406 obscure forums are going to make a comeback.
No. 709746
>>709744Highly agree about the tumblr part. I use tumblr to relax. The thing about the discourse on Tumblr is you can see their whole dumbass post. They don't really have to condense their initial statement down to a short clickbaity tweet to make you click and waste your time. You can see a full paragraph of bullshit and quickly scroll away, and for milk, you don't really need to check all the replies unlike twitter, most responses/drama will be in the post.
But overall, the advertisements (to me at least) are just the least invasive. Posts are funny, users are unique and weird, unlike on Twitter where everyone is racing to say the same thing and stealing content and then advertising some shitty keyboard slime.
No. 709765
>>709747Tumblr is the only social media I really enjoy using anymore for these reasons. The funny thing is that despite everyone saying it’s dead I seem to always see randos on Twitter reposting stuff I’d seen on Tumblr like the week before? It’s definitely improved since most of the userbase left - kind of want it to stay that way but I’d also be sad if it was shut down for inactivity lol
As for other communities, I tried using Neocities for a while, but most sites there are essentially carrds (ew) or personal sites. Definitely some cool stuff there but it doesn’t 100% feel like a community
No. 709788
>>706847Pillowfort still exists?
>plurk still exists wtf
No. 710732
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There's a website inspired by the old Myspace. No. 723637
>>706511I vaguely mentioned someone I was a
terf on tumblr last year and they deleted their whole account lmao
No. 723646
Just posting these here for anyone interested artists radfems
Also, yesterday I saw two websites catered to "free speech", but they seem to be flooded with alt-right and lolic*ns and who knows what. Since I advocate for none of them I didn't save them, but I know that kinda website exists now. It wasn't Mastodon btw, but yeah, this suggests that some communities will split and find nicher websites to avoid other people. Something about this both scares me and intrigues me.
No. 724321
>>723646Was it Gab? I also remember on called Social Club but no idea if it still exist, cuz all of the edgelords stopped mentioning it very quickly.
"Muh freeze peach" social medias are just cringey to me, wouldn't get anywhere near them
No. 728128
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Decided to check out pillowfort…kek
No. 730012
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>>729920New social media app, apparently it's trending
>>729917I quess I will try it just for fun. I'm not a teen and I don't post anything suggestive, but I don't really like how my parents and family members can see most of my posts (instagram, facebook). Thanks to the algorithm I can't even create new account cause it will be instantly suggested to them anyway.
No. 730037
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Sage for not adding a site, but how would you anons feel about a hobbyist SS media site were you need to pass a test to enter, example a semi-professional art forum ask you if you can draw a box in perspective, submit a small portfolio. I know it could become a pretentious circlejerk, but I know a lot of artist who'd prefer that instead of being stuck on an art forum were the collective intelligence is low. Also most people already like exclusive forums because the whole "Small obscure forums are nice" are only nice because the sites smallness is a test. Anyone serious about the hobby could find it, but casual often doesn't. Anyhow an exclusive forum will never come up because sites make money off of the most people using their site.
>>729920Seems to be instagram, but in their words "it aims to be similar to Instagram, but without the annoying ads and finicky algorithm". I don't have much hope for it because most seem to be joining it out of bandwagon and a lot of these "X site, but better" sites have a problem. X site might have had bad management, but more often than not it was market forces and users that forced them and the manager was just salt to the wound. Once Hive gets it's new server bills and algorithm exploiters it's going the way of Insta.
No. 730055
>>729917Not many reviews on the App Store and a lot say it’s buggy. It looks cool though and I miss feeling like I can post whatever on my socials (I feel the same as
>>730012 about Facebook and Instagram now). I’ll try it
No. 823742
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I'm starting to feel really hopeless about finding any online space suitable for me. I hate both the edgy misogynist dudebro-dominated sites like 4chan and most old school BBS and the WOKE female dominated spaces like Twitter and Tumblr. I feel like everyone who is female and into same geeky interests as me (including fanfic and BL) is "they/them gay transboi BLM TERF do not interact". Even the less obnoxious ones post politics shit and I'm so tired of it. I'm way too anti-woke for those people and having to worry all the time what to say or post to not upset anyone is annoying. I've always been lurker but I don't even feel like lurking anymore.
I also hate that fandoms moved to Twitter, I want to be able to have long discussion about meta and such and there are absolutely no spaces left to do that. Tumblr is still the best format to me and it's decently active but it feels like sane people are all doing the same thing as me and just quietly lurking/reblogging without writing anything. It's like paranoia that if you wrongly assume someone is similar to you and they turn out to be raging SJW you are going to be harassed.
Ugh I can't believe how shitty internet has become.
No. 823929
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I'm so happy that I got the chance to experience tumblr from 2010-2012 bc this was the best timeline. Just scrolling through your dashboard for hours and witness all sorts of weird and funny shit, with cool photography and artsy-fartsy shit in between. No politics or woke garbage, I miss that.
>>823819>>823858Also this. I hate the entire trend of simplifying layouts and designs so much. Everything is marked towards apps now, so they only bother with shit that may look good on your smartphone. Web users are being left behind.
No. 823944
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Who of you had a poupee girl account? Freaking loved that shit until they included the two class system with jewels, this was the death of this site.
No. 823954
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>>823742Tfw when I want to look at 9 pictures of glitter at once but I'm a
I still scroll through tumblr but the discourse irritates me so much, so many kids "politely" reminding other people they can't enjoy something because actually the creator is fatphobic etc.
If I want to be social I message people I know, social media is more for entertaining or political content these days imo.
No. 823967
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is a fun place because there's a variety of users, from tik tok youths to boomers, people with varying opinions, sweet people, people with personality disorders, people with theories- EVERYONE. The variety of people and opionion is the best part of the website.
And just like other anonymous sites, you hear about people's inner and more secret thoughts, you will cringe, laugh, you will be shocked, and you are allowed to argue as much as you want. I love it even if it is a little dead these days.
If the lady who wants to turn her bf into the 'ideal obese dragon' is here, hi lol
No. 823979
I miss message boards and forums
>>823967>If the lady who wants to turn her bf into the 'ideal obese dragon' is here, hi loldesperately need to know more anon
No. 824007
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>>823944YESSSSSS I was so addicted to that shit! I uploaded so many thing to my closet too kek it was so autistic in hindsight but I loved every moment. seeing everyone else's wardrobes was so cool.
No. 824190
I used for years and loved it. Biggest topic or conversation is gaming but if you like music, politics or art there is a group for you.
Usually you find your own clique of users which makes it fun.
There were only about 200 active users when I left because the admin was super strict about bad behavior. He did a ban wave of people who had posted pics of teenage girls. The admin was great, the mod team was not.
Biggest downside was it was male-dominated. Although the admin designated a girl admin to run private spaces on the forum for girls with very strict rules about sharing posts.
I ended up leaving because there were too many cumbrain males. Even if the rules were set up to protect girls on the site, it still felt
toxic when I was constantly exposed to the way they thought about women.
It would be cool if a girl dominated space like this could exist. I’m a developer, so I’ve toyed around with the idea of making a private invite-only forum for women. It’s awesome to have a semi-anonymous space where you can really express yourself in ways you might not be able to when your reputation is at stake.
No. 824196
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>>823768>>823805That's exactly how it is, feels like it's necessary to choose a side between two extremes just so you wont be thrown out of the community for saying something "wrong".
>>823825Yeah I suspect this too. I use Tumblr only to lurk and I have a lot of mutuals who are the same, post no politics and never interact or say anything. I suspect they have the same anxiety and just exhaustion about having to walk on eggshells
>>823858Yeah social media nowadays is literally just grey mass without any individuality. Everyone's page looks the same, their profile has the same stuff, they write in the same way and repeat the same canned lines etc. It used to be that being unique was cool and got you attention, now conformity is awarded.
>>824190>>824192I don't know any either. Seems like all female geeky/media spaces are now woke and 24/7 drama.
No. 824213
>>824209The gen x and boomers on wetcanvas are still going but they recently had some kind of site update that put off a large portion of their user base. I feel bad for them, they were struggling so much to understand a new layout so there is no way that they will ever be able to shift to something like discord or tiktok if their forum croaks
That will be us oneday nonna
No. 824221
>>824216Use zerochan
And look at good fan artists likes
They will follow people who are also good
I hope that helps
>>824213Never heard of that site, I just hope someone will make a good art social media that would be great. Wetcanvas does sound boomer like…
No. 824222
>>824216I've noticed that people with big followings don't even use hashtags on Twitter or Tiktok anymore they just rely on their audiences to carry things, which is so weird to me. Maybe it's a kind of flex,too?
I guess modern internet's search functions are so broken by advertising and hashtag spam that they have been completely abandoned
No. 824229
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>>823819I still have this one! back when TV heads were a fun and popular new thing
No. 824230
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>>824229Also these accursed things that were basically like the Dragon Cave icons, where everyone I knew in 2012/13 had them on their pages. And they'd link to a friend's profile, which looking back was a really cute idea.
No. 824474
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>>824216>>824221>look at good fan artists likesThat's how I was able to find a lot of artists, too. Finding smaller artists was always fun.
>>823858>clicking on someones blog and seeing their whole set up was part of the joy and you could really gauge their style and interests etc from how they accessorized their blog.The old YouTube and Twitter (before it became the cancer it is today) used to be like that.
I don't want to go back in time for personal reasons.. I just want the old internet back. Curse these boring, modernized websites that want to look more professional.
No. 933586
File: 1633670587307.jpeg (269.31 KB, 1280x1093, 20180329-cI3kMfBeB6j0e2cXrF00.…) is a LiveJournal code fork created by some ex-staff of LJ for those of you that miss it. Pretty sure the majority of users there are LJ refugees already., remember The Palace? it's still around, sort of. There's a guy who developed a new client and the servers are still up. Looking through the directory it seems pretty dead, but full disclosure I haven't tried it out myself. There's also The Manor which is supposedly really similar.
No. 933666
>>933634I remember reading this zine.
Speaking of, the neocities community has 2 main archetypes. Either the free speech 4chan incels or the zoomer nya/nyaself trannies. There are some nice blogs to follow if you look hard enough though but as a woman you pretty much have to fall into the second category, unless you want to read about some incels mommy issues.
No. 933690
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>>933683There is an overlap for sure when it comes to sissified /pol/ coomers, but this specific brand of hyper woke zoomers is something else. They also have a very specific aesthetic, it's not fully y2k nostalgia as it uses a lot of soft looking shapes with harsh colors. Idk how to explain it but it looks like a weird mesh of y2k and these absolutely fugly neon transparent divs. Pic related is just me browsing through the latest global activity tab. There's a lot of better late 90s/early aughts webdesign copycats on neocities, this tranny style kind of grew into an aesthetic of its own. I can't really explain it well.
On the other hand you'll also see a lot of "edgy" zoomers that have no issues with throwing slurs around and writing really fucked up shit, but they'll have an obligatory "fuck TERFS" blinkie in their about section. Often they'll be obsessed with mass shooters or some other brand of horror. Those are really lulzy but they invoke some kind of nostalgia in me because they're the image of a typical edgy "nobody understands me I'm so brocken </3" teen.
No. 933811
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>>933735One time I don't post a screencap and I cope a ban after 5 minutes or so? Ok. Hope mods ban as quickly people that don't post screencaps in cow threads.
Anyway enjoy the screencap
No. 933820
>>933817As I said, I forgot about it once as I dropped the link in a hurry, I do it 99,9999% of times. I've seen anons in cow threads at least not get redtexted, so IDK if they get banned. I sure hope so.
>>933818>they were sharing themselves with the (at the time much smaller) world with little regard for current trends, growing an audience, or how others would perceive them. This. I want to do this so much but at the same time I feel pressure about 'doing things the right way', so getting attention, growing audience, following ~aesthetics~ (I hate that this became a thing). Is there even a point in running a website like that anymore (except for yourself, as a diary)? Who would find it nowadays?
No. 933841
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>>933820The good thing about personal websites is that you can do whatever you want, strictly for yourself. It's hard to get into that mindset as we got so used to curating a perfect version of ourselves to present on social media for others to see. But here you really don't have to go with that route. I have a pretty personal blog but I remain anonymous. I don't link any of my social media. I talk about the things I like into the void. I left a throwaway discord and mail for contact, and I have a guestbook. I get people commenting like once a month and that's enough engagement for me. For a while I was talking through e-mail with some lady from New York that does tarot because she liked my site. It's not hard for me to be "lonely" on a website as most of my youth I was just a lurker and I didn't seek a lot of friendship online so I'm content with this.
Neocities adds a bit of a social media component as your site can gain followers and people can comment under your site updates. I don't really care for that much, but the added bonus is that people are more likely to read your stuff once they see you updated something which is nice. You also have the option to completely turn that off, and basically disable your neocities profile while still having a personal website.
Outside of that, there really isn't much of a point to it. It's good for artists to share their art and commission pages, but that's it utility wise. For me it really is just a diary, as I'm really bad at leading a physical one this proved to be really successful for me.
Another thing that goes with what
>>933828 said. Your website will never be finished. Something will always be in progress, you'll constantly have ideas of what to improve, add, remove, change and so on. But that's the fun of it. Your site will be forever changing just like you are, and it will grow with you.
No. 934057
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Honestly I find it kind of refreshing when I come across one of these basic html personal websites these days
No. 934337
>>933928Look at w3 schools to get yourself familiar with css and html you forgot about. My first page was actually a bit more complicated but after I noticed a lot of these decentralized internet fans hate js my new layout is completely html and css to make it more simple.
No matter how familiar you are with web development you'll always be googling things and testing things out so don't worry about it. Start simple, learn mainly about how divs and classes in html work and also position and display css properties. The rest you will learn by actually doing it. Also I recommend you edit your page in vscode/brackets with live server extension, so each time you save you'll see the changes immediately.
No. 938209
>would anyone read itIs a deal breaker for you, don't bother with it. The best blogs I used to love had practically no readers for years before they blew up. If you want to write because you enjoy it, just go for it. The audience will either come or it won't, it's not a guarantee. I think you should only do it if the process itself is fun and satisfying to you.
No. 2362398
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>>2362293I love this. Thanks for sharing, nonna.
No. 2362543
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>>823967It's like quora if it was edgy, it even has the pedos wanking to the posts