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No. 7033>>7035>>7044>>83604>>83634>>83684
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>>7032OP admin deleted your shit thread already. STAHP.
Pic related; a more updated pic of her
No. 7037>>83604>>83684
>>7030If your thread was deleted, there was probably a very good reason for doing it.
Give up or go back to tumblr with this nonsense. No lulz = no one cares.
No. 7039>>7040>>7041>>83671
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No. 7044>>7046>>83604>>83684
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>>7033Looks like her pics to me.
OP mad as hell.
Lemme guess, you guys went to school together in Leeds, your boyfriend fancied her or she made a mean joke about you one day and you've never forgotten it, recently found out she a camgirl now and came here to try and spite her?
No. 7047>>7048
>>7046Looking into the camera like that is a porn technique.
It gives male viewers the impression that she's looking directly at them specifically and encourages them to buy her vids to get the rest of it.
No. 83603
>>83602I'm really surprised that she/he (she looks like a trans) is calling other people ugly and telling them to "wear bags over their heads" when she's so fucking ugly without extensive use of shoop.
If you go through the comments on her pictures, it's all a bunch of people calling her photoshop/attention whoring out with her responding by insulting their looks/making racist comments towards them. Such an obvious chav. Probably lives in a council house with her scrounger crack whore mother and finds maggots in her mattress as dinner. Cunts like this are the reason that people want benefit cuts. She's disgusting.
No. 83634>>83636>>83663
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>>7033That pic was 10 months ago?……..
No. 83673>>83676
It's story time.
Oh god I remember this bitch. She was relevant among British scene teens on facebook in 2012 because she used Danielle Hunt to promote her and get her more e fame.
Can I just warn everyone that I'm not a regular user of this site, someone who knows me linked me to the thread and said I should tell this story.
We were at this internet meetup in Leeds, and a few hours after having to look at and smell anime weebs and scenies, we saw her. At first I didn't verb recognise her because 1) she looks nothing as she does in her photoshopped pictures: she looks EXACTLY like the one on the right at the top of the thread. And 2) she's much chubbier than she makes herself out to be online. She was also trying to get with someone and got rejected, got all pissy, and started cussing him out and accusing him of being gay, and her friends were standing there looking very embarrassed, not really sure what to do.
After this young man had finally walked away, she tried to convince people that he'd sexually harassed her, and that's why she attacked him. Of course very one around who's witnessed the drama believed her, not because she's attractive enough to be sexually harassed by any man ever, but because it's the courteous thing to do, and frankly they all pitied her. Once people started questioning her as to why he'd harass someone who looked like her (they worded it in a nicer way, said she wasn't "his type" or something) she blew off and literally tried to start a physical fight with some girl over it. It was just embarrassing. We left after a whole because she was such a mess and i was getting so much second had embarrassment.
Now all she does is get fake notes, likes, and followers on her social media to make herself feel pretty. She's not even cute with photoshop so I'm surprised she even bothers.
But yeah, she's hideous, a psycho, and tried to ruin someone's life. She also leaked her own CP and blamed her ex for doing it. So yeah she tries to ruin men's lives for fuck all.
No. 83684>>83685
>>83683Agreed. All the following:
>>7043>>7031>>7037>>7033>>7044Are a samefag, probably Alex Clark herself considering she made the thread.
No. 83699
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>this entire thread