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No. 701050

Feel free to share caps of the worst posts you've seen on here!(already a thread for caps >>>/ot/638051)

No. 701056

I'm sorry I know this is off-topic, retarded and unrelated but holy fuck. Just a few minutes ago I said outloud "Snap, that's going on my cringe collection" as a joke to my friend while I showed her something on twitter. Now I find that this fucking picture was posted around the same time that I said it for no fucking reason while browsing twitter. I literally screamed. My head is dizzy from how hard I screamed actually. My synchronicity powers are growing…

No. 701115>>701129

File (hide): 1608755159554.png (658.01 KB, 778x1176, picaanon.png)

Not sure if this is the kind of post you're looking for because it's not a bad post persay, but it was one of the few things I've ever read that triggered my gag reflex. I was so impressed by how disgusted anon made me that I had to save it and I think about it regularly.

No. 701116

80% of /ot/ tbh

No. 701129

i'd say anyhting that mkes you cringe goes here

No. 701167

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