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No. 69894

This LOLCOW is quite funny. She's a self-declared weedhead for starters.

She claims that she's against bullying, but if you scroll through her twitter account, you'll see that she bullies and calls people out on a regular basis if they decide that they no longer want anything to do with her.

She also appears to have no life at all beyond gaming and singing to her pet cat. Very strange. I wonder where she gets all her money from to buy all those games and sci-fi merchandise. She certainly doesn't appear to have a job because she spends all her time playing games and bullying rpers on twitter.

One of the things she does direct offensive insults at people on her Legolas account - in character, of course, and then claims it's just parody. If people retaliate, it's always /their/ fault, not hers. I sometimes wonder if she's really a girl at all, and not a guy to be honest, because all the tweets on her writer account (apart from those 'selfies' all appear to be written by a guy. As 'she' is a weedhead, I sometimes wonder if 'she' gets all her money from selling weed. It would explain why 'she' never talks about college, work or anything else like other rpers do, and would explain how 'she' can afford all those games, etc.

No. 69898>>69904

Are you retarded?

No. 69899

>because all the tweets on her writer account (apart from those 'selfies' all appear to be written by a guy.

You sound like the only dude here. Assuming that if someone types in an intelligent manner they must be male. Or that you can tell people's gender through a typed comment.

No. 69900>>69902

Is this finally the person vendetta-kun wanted us to target?

Because we don't give a shit.

No. 69901

OP you sure sound triggered by this girl playing vidya and singing to her cat. This is kinda hilarious, just how much this whole thing reeks of vendetta, how do these PULL tards even find this site?

No. 69902>>69903

Yeah, apparently we're supposed to give this girl hell for buying sci fi merch, having a twitter and (?) typing like a man

No. 69903

Ikr. Like this isn't even a board for posting lolcows so idk what he thought this topic would be a good idea.

No. 69904>>69905

I think that's the best part of this post. It gives it a sort of suburban mom outrage.

>this person has smoked a marijuana cigarette.

Like, oh the horror!

No. 69905>>69982

It's even better when you read it in an obnoxious Wisconsin accent lol

No. 69943>>70238

>She's a self-declared weedhead for starters.
oh no
next you're going to tell us she drinks alcohol and has pre-marital sex

No. 69982>>70235>>70240

Cheeseheads' accents are just a basic American accent so not really sure what you're trying to get at there.

No. 70235>>70240

more like Chicago blended with a little Canadian

No. 70238

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She might even be a hommo-sexual!!

No. 70240

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