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No. 696697
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Posting some cute cows
No. 696698
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No. 696699
File: 1608282940342.jpg (2.16 MB, 1584x2000, 2114_Christmas-Cow-WM-Smal.jpg)

No. 696722
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Not the op but, please anons do not interact with this thread. Only cute holiday cows pls
No. 696731
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>>696727Less talk, more cows
No. 696733
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>>696722Why not interact? Are you going to say I'm a glownibber and a scrote like every single other thread I've made? Do you ever use imageboards outside of lolcow? Do you love being this paranoid, annoying and tinfoily? I just want a comfy thread goddammit.
No. 696734
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What about a christmas cat?
No. 696740
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No. 696741
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>>696733Tbh it sounds like you're the one being paranoid. I wasn't being serious, just liked the cute cow pics lol. I thought it was funny the thread started w those.
No. 696742
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>>696734that cat looks like trying to scan my christmas spirit
No. 696750
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Being Comfy Blub blub blub
No. 696758
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Halloween cow
No. 696760
File: 1608287852733.jpg (38.84 KB, 500x375, just beef no equine.jpg)

A Cow that is %100 a Cow and definitely not a horse. Nope, not at all. No horses here. Nothing suspicious.
No. 696808
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>>696758Halloween is over. You’re in the the wrong thread, cow.
No. 696815
>>696805Again, my post wasn't meant to be taken seriously, see
>>696741. Anons probably would have kept posting cows whether or not I posted that. Please remove that stick from your ass.
No. 697074
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No. 697076
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No. 697307
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I have never celebrated The Christmas but I hope all you anons have a great time <3
No. 697311
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I've been doing 12 days of Xmas with my partner and every day I get them a cow themed related gift
No. 697664
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I got the news that our grandma is going to celebrate with my mum, brother and me because we have currently a lot of fighting within the fam because of reasons. Now I need to get something for my grandma because I had no idea that I would see her this xmas. I got my mum the water boiler that she wanted and idk about my brother. He is one of the reasons why everybody is fighting and he doesn't deserve anything for the shitty behavior he put out through out the year.
No. 697966
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>>697664You should get him something small or it might cause another fight.
No. 697976
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All I want for christmas is a smol borzoi pupper doggo plushie plush!
No. 698040
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>>697976doesn't look cursed enough
No. 698045
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I fucking hate Christmas and having to stay at my manipulative mother's place for a few days once again.
No. 699520
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>>699475me too anon. spending xmas alone this year and ngl feelsbadman. sending you the best of wishes.
never really liked christmas (dad was an
abusive fucker and it always got worse around the holidays esp. with everyone being home at the same time) but as an adult i've at least been able to spend time with friends – even scored an invite to my friend's family xmas celebrations, but with covid that's not possible this year.
as it currently stands will be spending xmas in my apartment with my cat, getting drunk/high by myself and watching movies while eating takeout. i'm trying to outwardly project a blasé "whatever man" approach to it or w/e but tbh it's pretty hard not to feel a little sad about it. i'm kinda jealous of my friends who get to spend xmas with loved ones and have such happy memories associated with the holiday ngl.
let urself feel ur feelings and have a cry if u need to. god knows i'll probably be crawling around /ot/ on the 25th and i won't be the only one so we'll do a collective anon christmas.
No. 701749
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>>696695going to be high, as fuck. merry christmas guys.
No. 701816
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The one good thing about covid is that I won't be having a big family Christmas and cooking dinner for 12 people.
No. 701885
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No. 701886
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What are you going to eat tonight for dinner y'all???
No. 701888
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Any gifts you are expecting, giving, recieving, or whatever??
No. 701893
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Are you spending your christmas alone or with family or friends?
No. 701894
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Does christmas feel nice to you this year? Or does it feel different?
No. 701948
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My boyfriend and I are LDR so we are probably going to watch the Creepshow X-mas special on Shudder together virtually tonight, then tomorrow I'm going to go to my sisters house and eat with her and her boyfriend. I got an email back about a new job so I hope after this weekend I can call and set up the exam for the job and quit my current one in 2021.
No. 701952
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>>701894It feels like it’s not Christmas at all.
It’s 20F outside but a small part of me still thinks it’s April.
No. 701959
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No. 701982
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>>701952>a small part of me still thinks it’s April.dude same
No. 702014
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>>699706Merry Christmas, anon!
No. 702036
No. 702715
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man my christmas is so depressing. any other anons spending christmas alone?
No. 702724
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>>702715I am too,anon
Im just going to treat it as another regular day at this point
No. 702766
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Merry Christmas anons! I've had a fuck ton of alcohol and now I'm watching teenagers play hockey, so I'm happy. It's been a weird holiday season but I hope you're all doing well
No. 702778
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mostly been hiding in room because family's annoying and has bitched at me half the day, drank a mimosa, want to pass out after walking dog again
at least I got a nice bath bomb
No. 702869
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Merry Christmas anons! Sending you all love/hugs and wishing I could be there for those alone.
(May I offer a cute Christmas ponies too?)
No. 702885
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>>702869I thought these were horrific hyper realistic Moomins.