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No. 68576
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No. 68577
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No. 68579
>>68577Where is her nipple
Those tits freak me out
No. 68580
>>68578Ah sorry, I noticed after I made the thread…
I'm new to lolcow, is there anyway I can still change categories?
No. 68598
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>>68575i think the girl in the op's pic is the shitstain who put glitter and glue in her roots and started that messy trend.
No. 68610
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No. 68612
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>>68586I agree. Her bf is also a trannie too.
No. 68616
>>68586>>68576Sigh. I used to LOVE her. I love her hair. But then she was getting more and more agressive. Like she has thiscalm, serene persona but on the other hand her stance of eating white bread during diet(??) was wrtten really agressively…something along the lines of "my friend eats onlywhite bread and she lost weight!!1!! People should stop listening to the bullshit doctors say!" Alb, do you even nutrition?
Also bawwed she was catcalled(I hate it too obviously) and chased by men (she described it as if they planned on killing her or something) and despite her claiming when runnning away from them they were screaming at her she didnt call the police. Instead made a crying tumblr post.
Also what happened to "the captain", her ex? He was a cutie. She stopped posting about him about the time she started posting more agressive stuff.
No. 68621
>>68620Yes please! I also used to like her but now I don't even know. I wanna talk trash??
didnt she have a different boyfriend back then? and they had dated for like 5+ years?
No. 68643
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No. 68644
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No. 68646
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No. 68648
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No. 68649
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No. 68650
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weeb edition
No. 68651
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get over wednesday addams already
No. 68657
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so aesthetic
No. 68664
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there are literally several thousand variations of this image
No. 68666
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No. 68667
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black overknees + optional other cliché
No. 68669
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No. 68670
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Ready for fall
No. 68680
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This is the most filthy looking shit why would you do this?
No. 68689
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>>68680Glitter eyebrows is a thing too. Funnily enough, Buzzfeed did an article about it and they actually said how bad it was because they almost lost their eyebrows getting the shit off.
No. 68925
>>68914No, it makes you look like an unwashed preteen who can't be left unsupervised near craft supplies.
Regrowth looks tacky as it is, why would glitter improve it?
No. 68942
>>68913I personally dislike the pastel glitter punk stuff because it looks too messy and flashy, also I don't like dyed hair.
I like fashion, but I'm more of a boho chic look, I like earthy, matte colors better that hot pinks and pop culture sweaters.
I guess, in my case is just personal taste…
Also in my experience all the people who dress a-la glytter pastel goth are self centered pricks.
No. 69021
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Ugly button up shirts done all the way up, thick dark eyebrows, and white hair seems to be a Tumblr go-to fashion.
No. 69048
>>69040This. I'm this anon
>>68913Its rare nowadays to see girls not wearing tumblr shit and if we see them they look very 2007. In other words, if you dress tumblr you dress normie and/or "/fa/".
No. 69052
>>69021I genuinely love those stupid shirts but I keep them as house wear.
I could probably get away with wearing like, pineapple or dog print button downs with my office wear once I start working with kids but it seems too silly to wear down the street or something.
No. 69068
>>69021Oh oh, let me guess this one out.
Okay so she's a demiboy, pansexual and genderfluid
No. 69167
>>68575Looks like a contemporary take on 1990s fashion
>fake tattoo choker >overalls>Grateful Dead t-shirt>dyed hairIs this really what kids on tumblr are wearing these days? Looks like she's wearing a "'90s kid" costume.