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File: 1432690807104.png (1.57 MB, 1328x1199, kenova.png)

No. 6854

I know better than to trust the Daily Mail, but this is some outrageous shit. In the article it says her parents literally control every aspect of her life, way beyond the Cathy/Margo limits.

I really don't think any of this is true, because this bitch has been around since the dawn of the "living dolls", just that for some reason she never received the attention the others did? She has appeared in some interview shows. In one of them she simply says her parents used to dress her like a doll, and she just continued that lifestyle on her own. Also, she changed her name. I don't know what her original name was, but "Kenova" in Russian means "Ken's" (the male barbie doll).

She has some seriously ugly candids with awful skin and really bad profile that she claims "haters photoshoppped to make me look bad".

She hangs out with the insane Russian whore "Karina Barbie", and has been seen in pictures in what looks like strip clubs and other raunchy places (which contradicts the whole "my parents don't let me do adult things")

She uploaded an article similar to the daily mail one on her VK, so idk wtf is going on.



No. 6857

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No. 6858

File: 1432690946121.jpg (444.62 KB, 582x1391, kenova3.jpg)

her as a child

No. 6859

File: 1432691265651.jpg (224.3 KB, 724x912, fukk0IB7iDs.jpg)

No. 6876

seriously? that's so disappointing…

No. 6878

She looked more naturally doll-like as a child but then again it's easier for children to appear more doll-like in general

No. 6991


Lol that photoshop. And all that make up at the gym. Does anyone buy that she really looks like this? I mean…dat shooping. Does she think no one will notice when she's out in public?

No. 7089

the article is basically saying that her parents are so overly controlling that she has never picked out her own clothes, her own food, or her own boyfriend. they do it all for her. and now as a result of being their puppet since birth, she has no idea how to function on her own, so she can't leave them.

No. 7139

Jesus, that's abusive. What a bunch of fucking weirdos.

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