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No. 675293
>>675284The only one that sounds like they need to be medicated is your boss. Can't imagine literally being at home and deciding to spend time watching the cameras at work. He also seemed to be making his own life harder.
My boss yelled at me because their was a cigarette on one of our outside tables when she walked into work the next morning after my night shift. You realize that literally anyone can sit at those tables from 10pm-10am, and that I can't prevent what happens after my shift is over? She also came up to me one day and went "You think I'm crazy don't you." Yeaahhh.. I quit that job after 6 months, 8.25 an hour wasn't worth it.
No. 675297
>>675284Nah, you were in the right to say fuck it, anon.
Healthy people don't stay in shitty situations like this. You did good.
No. 675328
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>18, working at shitty retail job
>youngish couple comes in
>say hello, normal polite retail greeting shit
>other guy comes in behind them
>recognize him as contractor who fixes stuff for us
>he asks if my manager is working today, tell him she won't be in until next week
>he thanks me and leaves
>couple is FURIOUS at me for ignoring them in the 4 seconds it took to have this conversation
>they said I gave this guy preferential treatment and ignored them even though they were first in line
>I apologize for talking to the guy first and said I didn't mean to ignore them
>they won't hear it and eventually write a letter about their poor treatment to my manager
Stuff like this happened all the time. It was usually just people wanting free shit/discounts but holy hell dude, I just work here and I'm doing my best.
No. 675365
>>675269Horror stories? Not really but the insidious nature of the behavior gets under my skin.
So I work in a GDP environment, really strict with the documentation, and since I'm new I need to ask for clarification sometimes.
Anyway, I had to take a breather because new rules keep being introduced or just ignored to benefit the older coworkers who are showing me the ropes and have me put in the effort.
For example, I notice an older coworkers mistake on her paperwork. I point it out to her and she says it's my responsibility to register it in paperwork and all that because I'm the one who noticed it. Not 3 days later, same woman comes up to me and tells me I made the mistake, so I need to register it. Hmm. And it's very small things like that, but it adds up, but it's like…if I brought it up at all it would sound petty? Because as a group we have the same general responsibilities, and it only takes like 5-10 minutes to do. So if I said "uh shouldn't you be doing that?" I come off as lazy.
It has chill enough responsibilities, the manager is so nice and i'm paid well for what I do. But when those instances arise (several times a day), I usually need to take a breather to calm down so i'm not a complete cunt to them.
I mean on top of just a touch exploitative, it also leaves me on shaky ground of knowing what the rules actually are.
Just to add though I've relocated to within walking distance to work versus a 1.5 hour commute each way and it's much much better, I quite like the job I do but I don't want it to be my whole life. I'll never ever get a job with more than a 45 minute commute now, I hope. Now I can do things like shitpost on lolcow in my spare time!
No. 675369
>>675328Don't take it personal.
They are shitty people.
No. 675389
When I was 19 I worked at my local Taco Bell for about 2 weeks before quitting. The day before I had quit, I saw a coworker wearing ankle socks, and I noted this because I was running low on tall socks and was thinking I could wear ankle socks the next day. But I guess that was the ultimate sin because when my manager saw me the next day, she pointed at my ankles (long legs, pants are never long enough, I was too broke to buy a new pair of pants so I was stuck with what I had) and started yelling "UNAPPROPRIATE". (Yep, not INappropriate. UNappropriate, cause she was an illiterate bitch) She yelled at me in front of all my coworkers and the other manager and sent me home to change, so I went home and changed into my pajamas and fucked right off.
Before that job I had a soul-sucking position at Walmart. When I was scheduled to close, I'd have to contact members of management to unlock doors and dumpsters for me, which was already a hassle. One evening though, for some fucking reason the daytime management switched over early to the night time crew, so I was trying to hunt down at least one fucking manager to unlock a few things for me. Ended up being stuck there for nearly 2 fucking hours past my shift end because no one would answer my radio calls, and if I hunted them down on the floor, they'd yell at me because they were with a customer. I was fucking livid. That was a few years ago but I'm still getting heated just typing this lmao.
No. 675422
Not a horror story, just general complaining about a coworker
I want to preface this by saying that I'm not trying to stroke my metaphorical dick, and that I'm not saying I'm the best employee to ever exist. I can follow directions and have a good enough work ethic for someone that was a neet before this job, that's it. In fact, that's what makes this coworker I have so annoying.
I was so damn nervous to start this job, and when I did I was beating myself up for making mistakes… for those first few days, maybe 3 or 4. After learning everything and getting comfortable, I haven't had a problem. And again, I'm no superstar, it's honestly just an easy, low-pressure job. So how is it that my coworker, who has worked here and worked in general much longer than I have, continues to fuck up at least once every single time she's working? I'm the newbie and I'm having to fix shit and apologize to customers on her behalf. They're such dumb fuck-ups too. They're the kind of mistakes that would get shrugged off if done by a new employee, but she's worked here for YEARS. And every time I have to call her to clarify something she fucked up, she doesn't even sound apologetic. At best she'll sound embarrassed. But most of the time she sounds surprised, almost as if she's saying "Oh, I didn't realize I'd have to actually deal with this. Thought that'd come up during YOUR shift."
I hope I never have to meet her in person, even if act nice to someone I'm awful at hiding how I really feel so I'm sure she'd see the irritation in my eyes lol
No. 675448
i work in a wine store that's essentially the walmart of liquor and i am so tired of the politics. i'm depressed and complacent and make enough money there to pay my rent and live semi comfortably, so i have yet to find something better for the past 3+ years i've been there, but the positions are so stratified it feels like a fucking caste system. i was hired as a cashier, so even though i'm now one of the most senior employees and i have learned a lot about both our products and our selling process, i have to fight to do anything but be stuck on my register. it's been better since covid started, we didn't shut down because "people need their alcohol in times like this! you're an essential business, hyuck hyuck" (don't even get me started on the casual alcoholism i've come to expect working at a liquor store for this long) but we hired a ton of new people. long story short 2 people who were also hired as cashiers but are older than i am have been promoted to the sales team after working there 6 months where i'm still having to fight to "earn" shifts that aren't register, even though i'm constantly busting my ass - i basically set up the online ordering counter since a lot of our business is online now, the entire beer department is me and one other person's responsibility, i trained every new cashier, and sales are consistently above target when i'm the only one on the floor. it's just so frustrating, i hate this job and my store manager seems hellbent on keeping me miserable but now more than ever i feel like i'm trapped there because so many people are out of work.
No. 675450
>>675379Also worked at Starbucks, some newish barista told a customer we were out of something (I think it was soy milk), so he cursed her out and threw his hot coffee at her.
She wasn't physically hurt luckily, but she was sobbing and the guy just casually strolled away like nothing. It was only like her second week out of training. I think our store called the cops on him but I don't remember what came of it.
Food service is like a whole other world of entitlement.
No. 675470
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I used to work in a very well-known clothing store in Europe, part-time because I was a full-time student. The store is implemented in big cities in big European countries and known for being cheap and convenient and from friends and family it's just normal in other countries. But in mine, no matter the city, the customers were extremely entitles at best, and crazy as fuck at worse. We were mostly students and a few full-time young adults or middle-aged mothers so we often had a bunch of customers with their super noisy brats pointing at us like we were some circus animals, saying shit like "look, if you don't want to end up like these people you have to work hard at school", even though over half of us were studying for prestigious master's degrees.
I was most of the time assigned at the changing rooms, and I can't even count the number of times I've seen puddles or bottles of piss, huge shits, used diapers, etc. in the changing rooms, it happened too many times. There were times where some crazy customers lost things or forgot them there and they're open every cabin while panicking, causing huge fights. This kept happening when the changing rooms became mixed. I've had customers change around stickers to force us to reduce prices for articles that were already dirt cheap and threatening me to sue the company even though I never gave a fuck and couldn't even do anything about it. And then, for some reason, they hired a literal retard to work with us full time, and he was ALWAYS assigned to the same areas of the store so I almost always had to babysit him while dealing with the craziest assholes I've ever seen. All my other coworkers were great though, except my manager and only him. He was an asshole and right before I quit I didn't see him at all and was told he pumped and dumped another manager, they fought over something else and he beat the fuck out of her so maybe he was fired before I left.
Soon before I left to start my slightly less shitty internship, I've had some guy going in the changing rooms without showing me any clothes so I stopped him and told him he had to wait in line if he wanted to try anything or if he was waiting for another customer. He straight up insulted me, showed me a white plastic card to show he was actually part of security, didn't notice he was showing the back of the card so he insulted me and threatened me for being retarded before showing the right side of the card. Which had a company logo that wasn't the security's company AT ALL. I called a supervisor who followed him and told him the things I did and he acted the same way. I then told the asshole manager and he was acting all smug like "oh, really? :) This happened? Are you sure? ;)" because apparently trying some kind of experiment where I'm called a stupid bitch and told I'll be beaten up by a guy twice my size is normal. A injured coworker told me the same guy did the same thing before but he shoved her away, so her injury was even worse for weeks. Literally hell on earth.
No. 675484
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I used to work 2 days a week for a placement thing at my college. Meaning that I did everything an actual employee was supposed to do without getting paid for a year straight for that sweet E X P E R I E N C E.
It was for an upcoming webdev group that consisted of me doing most of the work while the ones who got paid/received the shoutouts did nothing except gossip and shit-talk the customers. It's been 3 years and I'm still bitter about it, as I still remember them giving me shit for not producing an original(mostly consisted of me having to combine 3 website designs together and then write/transfer most of the text while making fixes after hearing the feedback from the customer) and fully functioning website with more than 8 pages in a day.
God, just thinking about it makes me furious. I looked up their website recently and it's in shambles, so there's that.
No. 675485
>>675470ughhhh can definitely relate to experiences regarding changing rooms. I used to work at an outlet retail center that was popular among foreign tourists, the amount of people who think fitting room = baby changing room is insane. Also the standard smelly feet smell all the time
Asshole people yelling at you about clothing limits were also hilarious. The families who would park in the stalls and try to skip the limit by constantly sending the kid out to bring back more clothes and then dumping all the returns on me always pissed me off.
No. 675487
>>675453We had one (1) chair in a small cubby at the back with the rest of the stock. We had to share that chair between us 5 and take turns on it, eating lunch in a literal dark corner like rats so the customers don't see us.
We also had to clean the air filters above the hot grill plate and deep fryers, and the floors were always slippery with oil. We were the main and busiest store of the fast food chain I worked at.
I don't know how anyone hasn't sued their asses so far, guess that's why they mostly hired immigrants.
No. 675490
>>675470I'm so sorry anon, I've had to deal with entitled zoomers/boomers and the great unwashed on several occasions in food service but I can't imagine how much worse it is in retail. You guys have it the worst, hope you're doing better wherever you're at now.
Just for the record, can you give a hint what the store where you used to work was so I can avoid it and not give them any money? Shmull and Shmear? Shmershka? Shmap? SH&M? Shmara?
No. 675502
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i work for a public library in a pretty populated urban area and the shit i witness on a daily basis…
we have a lot of homeless people come in, which is fine for the most part. usually they mind their own business, use the computer, go to the bathroom, etc. but every now and again we'll get one with very obvious mental health issues, more specifically schizophrenia. i had one lady try to convince me that someone sneaks into the library after we close to spray pepper spray on the public computer keyboards because she knew what it felt like on her fingers. name dropped "beverly connely" and how she MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS!!! tried to get her to speak to a branch manager but when i suggested that she freaked out and said she couldnt speak to authority and literally ran out the building
No. 675508
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super long but gouging my eyes out story
>worked at a gym doing regular stuff like front desk shit, cleaning machines, helping people learn how to use machines, yelling at people for safety reasons etc
>we have a regular bill (not his real name) come in all the time, he’s old and fat and does nothing but sit in the sauna all day and try to flirt with every girl barf
>he hits on the smoothie girl (we had little places inside like a massage therapy room and a full smoothie bar) and she was not about that life so she called him out
>he comes back the next day and is mad when she’s ignoring him for customers who are actually up at her counter taking orders
>he starts screaming at her and doing shit like stealing straws and napkins, knocking over place cards on tables etc
>when we tell him to knock it off the cops are coming he runs away to the men’s locker room
>my shithead manager is talking with the cops and tells me to fetch him out of the locker room
> “I’m sorry the men’s?”
> “yes”
> “what if he’s naked?”
> “the cops will be right behind you”
>he got to stand there laugh and talk shit with the cops while I had to fetch him
>called out to the locker room there was a female entering so everyone could scramble for a towel
>we don’t see him
> cop piped up “is that him over there?”
>old fat man showering, not hearing anyone saying excuse me
>I shout his name and the man turns around, it’s bill
>tell the cops that’s him and I make a bee line for the door
>tell my manager he’s an asshole, bill was very much naked. manager acts surprised the resident creep known to be fully naked in the locker room on the regular would in fact be naked
>spend the rest of my day staring at the wall wondering how I got here
I’m glad I left that job, there were a lot of other horror stories too like injuries, bodily fluid, etc. 0/10 would not recommend working at a gym
No. 675519
>>675485>The families who would park in the stalls and try to skip the limit by constantly sending the kid out to bring back more clothes and then dumping all the returns on me always pissed me off.That wasn't allowed, if you left you had to go back in line again. Products didn't have any of those devices that make noises if you try to steal them and leave so we had strict rules in the changing rooms, so middle aged moms who were trying that shit would regularly lose their shit at us. And fuck the ones with strollers. Most of the time their strollers were empty because their kids could walk just fine but they'd still go to stores with them and bump into everyone so my legs were always bruised, or bump into everything and making clothes fall so we'd have to rearrange every perpetually.
>>675490Zoomers never shopped here unless they knew there wouldn't be too many customers, they knew it was a shithole. The store's name starts with P and that's all I'm gonna say.
No. 675553
>>675532Lmao I'm sorry anon.
>>675538I don't know the details but she has seen several medical professionals and afaik they haven't found anything that could be causing the yeast infections. I suggested her new bidet might be causing fecal bacteria to get into her vagina, causing the infections but she stopped using it and the problem persists. It's been over a month by now, I think? Two months? Idk but I've started feeling incredibly anxious about going to work because of it.
No. 675779
>>675774My SO just recommended going public after I read this out loud.
The company's image is all that matters. Save everything, make it viral. Destroy him.
No. 675783
I graduated college during the 2008 recession and ended up taking a job at a local printing shop so my family would stop yelling at me for being a failure. I should've acknowledged the red flags at the interview when the owner of the place decided to meet me at a fucking pizza restaurant for the interview and would pause every 5 minutes to look at TV behind me and rant about the newsfeed. He gave me a single-sheet contract for employment that was basically minimum wage with no benefits whatsoever. I told him I'd look it over and get back to him later that week. No other interviews came through so my parents told me to take the job while looking for something else. I emailed him the next day accepting the offer. It was one of the worst decisions of my life to this day.
Despite giving appearances of doing well, the company was in shambles. The guy had tons of outstanding bills and would do jobs without a down payment. It was only three people working there: me, the boss, and a graphic designer. Everyone else quit. My degree is in marketing/PR and the boss told me that my position was "flexible". Turns out that I was a glorified maid/secretary. The boss and the graphic designer would sit at their desks watching youtube videos and whenever the phone rang, none of them would answer it. The boss told me that I was always supposed to pick up first then transfer the call to him, to give the appearance of "professionalism". It took nearly three weeks to get my first payday and when it finally came around, the check wasn't properly filled out. I was so embarrassed at the bank because they flagged it for fraud and I was lucky to not get arrested.
Whenever the guys made a mess in the office I was expected to clean it up. On a snowy day, the graphic designer came through the back door and made a mess on the stairs. Instead of making a comment to the guy, he instead called me to the back of the office and told me that I "didn't bring value to his company". The graphic designer also had the keys to the office and was responsible for opening in the morning. There were numerous times that I stood outside the building and the guy showed up an hour late. The boss would then complain around payroll time about my late check-ins, saying that I "didn't take the job seriously." He would also complain when I looked out the window because it "made him feel like I didn't like my job."
There was another incident where a bunch of random orders were placed on the boss' credit card and the graphic designer openly blamed me for it when all of the charges were made before I even started working there. I had to search the company email archive myself and prove it wasn't me. I presented the evidence to the boss. Once again, instead of reprimanding the GD the boss told us both that he "wasn't going to go on a witch hunt" and "we should all try and work together". Between all this I overheard countless off-hand, thinly veiled misogynistic comments made by the boss while on the phone with his friends. The boss also forced us to work on Christmas Eve during a fucking blizzard when the whole city was shut down. There was nothing to do, so he had me stuff old invoices into envelopes that eventually got thrown out.
On New Years day he demanded we all show up at 630am for a "team meeting". I got there around 650am because the bus I took got stuck in the snow and I had to transfer to a different one. I explained myself but he yelled at me and I burst into tears despite myself because I was so damn sleepy and emotionally broken by the stress of working there. I still hadn't found another job and my family didn't support me quitting. The boss never apologized about the incident, and instead pretended nothing happened. I quit about three weeks after that when he accused me of cheating the clock and going on 3 hour lunch breaks despite the fact that my desk was 6 feet away from his (so he always saw where I was), there were security cameras, and I sent emails to clients during the supposed times I wasn't there. He also threatened to dock my pay by one hour for every 5 minutes I was late showing up in the morning or returning from lunch, which is illegal. At that point I finally stopped listening to my family and decided to stick up for myself. I walked out of the office during his reprimand and never went back. My parents were mad but I couldn't take anymore.
It took me a year to decompress from that job. It was truly the worst and most abusive ordeal I ever went through. It was the first job I ever had in my life and I didn't know better.
No. 675796
Hey guys I know COVID fucked employment but there are actually a lot of entry level jobs in my bumfuck town, so I imagine everywhere else too. Might not pay good but if you are already getting paid little might as well get out of your
toxic environment.
>>675448Don't settle anon! Start looking for jobs, lie in your resume about your position (like calling yourself cashier/team leader, instead of cashier, small things like that). Being stuck in a bad work environment can get so bad for your mental health. I wish you luck
No. 675839
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>be me
>18 and first job working in an office
>boss is 34 year old woman named Sandy
>starts asking inappropriate questions day 1
>ignore it
>Talks constantly about her ex-bf that used her credit cards to run up 30k debt then dipped
>come in one day with hair done in a certain not common at all way
>next day she comes in with hair the same way
>keeps copying shit about me but it's whatever, compliment her on her hair because i feel bad for her dumped and in-debt ass
>Sandy does run to store for drinks quite often
>Ask for a juice
>brings everyone back what they want
>bring me back sugar free shit i didn't ask for
>does this whenever i ask for anything when she goes so stop asking
>I'm 150lbs lighter than Sandy, 2 inches taller and normal weight
>ignore it because it's obvious these are her own issues
>Get a common cold, still come into work
>She calls me into back room away from work
>tells me i'm pregnant
>what? No i'm not
>yes you are
>argues with me about it until i cry
>tries to add me on facebook where she goes by the name "flirty Cinderella"
>ignore her
>big boss leaves for a week
>guy who runs the warehouse we own and our orders ship from has too much work to do, needs inventory taken, freaking out
>nice guy who always invited me out for social drinks with warehouse lads, never inappropriate, offer to help them with inventory after work hours
>"thank you so much anon just let flirty cinderella know you'll be staying late"
>Let old flirty know in front of another department manager
>"ok, but it's after work hours and they're struggling"
>shouts at me no
>go to warehouse and let guy know
>he gets mad and calls her to chew her out
>tells me she does this because warehouse boys don't invite her anywhere because they hate her
>tells me she's a jealous bitch
>go home, whatever. Ignore it.
>big boss comes back
>get called into office
>SLAMS his fists on his desk
>demands to know why I "barked at Sandy like a dog"
>Wait what
>he's still slamming
>literally can't get my words out
>not sure if he's accusing me of actually barking???
>manage to splutter out other department managers name that saw the interaction
>Boss thinks he's calling my bluff by calling the other guy in
>big boss LOVES this other guy
>"ok guy tell me about when anon screamed at sandy"
>other guy looks confused
>checks big boss is talking about time I came in to ask to go to warehouse
>"yes and Sandy said she snapped"
>"she didn't raise her voice. she just asked and left."
>big boss asks AGAIN
>"she didn't raise her voice who told you she did?"
>big boss kicks other guy out of office
>I get up and walk out because i'm shaking and hyperventilating like the dub teen I am
>Sandy standing outside office door
>Hugs me and i stand there numb and just let her do it
>"so sorry babe you have to learn to behave"
>Pick up my bag, walk out go over to warehouse
>Tell them I quit and why
>Never go back to work. write a letter saying i'm not returning because of Sandy so it's on file.
>a month later nice guy from warehouse invited me out with them for a drink and catch up
>they tell me they all flipped at big boss
>none of the orders get run over before the cut off time because Sandy too fat to walk to warehouse
>Sandy screaming constantly since I left because the big boss just gave her my job to do on top of her own
>she never gets to go home on time
>nobody apparently realized how much work I was doing to keep warehouse running on time until I left
>feels good
>Sandy ARRIVES to the pub, uninvited.
>walks up to our booth and says hello to me
>completely ignore her
>drinks at the bar alone then leaves
This woman absolutely broke me down. I looked her up on facebook, she's still going by flirty cinders at over 40 years of age. She lost weight but still ugly and got dumped again. Rot bitch.
No. 675850
>>675835Make a LinkedIn profile. If your cute, use a cute picture. If you didn't graduate college, lie and say you went for two years and dropped out. Or if you have some money take a paid online class at Stanford and put it on your profile-99% of the time recruiters are too lazy to figure out the difference.
Try to get an internship or entry level job in marketing, market research, software sales, whatever interests you. If you can get your profile looking nice recruiters will reach out to you. Even if you live in the middle of nowhere, most professional jobs are hiring remote now because of COVID anyways.
I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it works. Tbh it helps if you're young and moderately attractive (explains lack of experience, being attractive subconsciously makes you a more appealing hire), but you could probably still pull it off otherwise.
No. 675932
>>675928>Some of the worst work harassment I’ve ever had has been from jealous older women trying to fuck their way through whatever company they’re in.Reading this reminded me of when I was 16 and got a job waitressing at a pub. A 45 year old woman made me her target because she was jealous that the dirty, gross, old drunks that sat at the end of the bar from opening to close were being gross about me, a literal child.
I'm in my late 20s now and I can't imagine treating a teenage girl like that. Especially over something as petty as my own desire for male attention.
No. 675934
>>675835Holy shit anon, I'm glad you left.
Sorry to other anons ITT like
>>675783 >>675839
who have had to work with
abusive assholes too, people love to take advantage of their positions.
This one
>>675774should sue or at least #metoo it up.
No. 676028
>>675992Can you write your name in a way which it could be mistaken for a man's?
Women use an insane amount of exclamation marks in their emails because of the social norm to be positive and friendly at all times, and now I'm even seeing emoji use become normal.
No. 676030
>>675992i've read a lot of posts from women who are working remotely lately and they say that they have to lay on sprinklings of warmth and calculated exclamation points to convey enthusiasm or appreciation, the occasional thoughtfully placed smiley face into their work emails for the same reason.
it's always been a bit of an issue but with more people working from home and tensions outside of the workplace being higher it's becoming more pronounced. it sounds frustrating and i agree with the other anon, i feel like if you were male, people would quietly appreciate your efficiency at what you do and your professional tone instead. i doubt the male colleagues of those women have to sit and edit their emails each time to coddle their coworkers. i also doubt that the people who project a cold tone onto a basic, neutral work email consider how this might (over time) damage morale or make it annoying to do your job, even though they expect you to consider their irrational feelings and act accordingly.
No. 676078
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Worked at a pet hotel that also had grooming salon. The manager was absolutely insane and so many horrible things happened there. I have seen many people's pets get sick and some die due to negligence on management and not to mention how run down everything was. One time this bird was boarding and when dogs were being brought into kennels, one of them was able to open a door due to it being faulty and he killed the bird, got blamed on someone who had nothing to do with it. Poor girl got screamed at and fired when its the fault of management for not fixing broken things. My manager made staff put bird in the freezer and refused to call the owners for quite some time. I've seen dogs get giardia and get very ill because management refused to do anything about getting proper flooring to sanitize. One dog ended up with bloat over a holiday and couldn't be saved. A dog died over a weekend and manager put it in the groom salon for 2 days before doing anything, left a huge stain on the floor. Horror story that happened before I worked there: a dog in a playgroup was mauled to death by a few others. When I started working in the groom salon things didn't get better. We had to work on aggressive animals that were a huge safety hazard to not only us but themselves as well. She would book us so full that instead of 8 hour days it was more like 10 because she wouldn't let us leave, just kept adding dogs to the schedule. Also wouldn't let us take lunches or breaks without freaking out about it. Manager's dog was dying and she wouldn't stay with him so we made him comfortable in his last moments and didn't leave him alone. She neglected her dogs grooming to the point her dog was in pain so we bathed her, de-matted, and clipped her overgrown nails. Manager yelled at us for it as if she was ever going to take care of that poor dog. She used to groom and can hardly see so I've witnessed her cut animals while doing clips, shaved a whole nipple off a cat. I've seen her straight up let animals fall off the groom table, leave them in dryers unattended, let them sit in the dryers with piss and shit in it and leave it for us to clean. She was disgusting. She also tried to give my job away behind my back for no reason, once I found out about it all my coworkers and even the owner of the business told her you can't just give someone's job away because you feel like it. Idk how this was never brought up to have her fired, but a supervisor told us that one time the manager came in and was freaking out like crying and she said sometimes she feels like bringing a gun and shooting us all. I was so scared for my safety having someone like that in charge. The owners randomly wanted to do an overhaul of how the salon works and then it into a corporate like petco, and they told us we would no longer be able to cater to animal's special needs unless an owner pays more for it. I was done at that moment. We had alot of clients with skin issues and we were known for taking extra time and attention to give these poor animals what they deserve. Manager straight up told me to use normal shampoo on a dog that has severe dermatitis to where he needs special antifungal shampoo. I will never be forced to do something I think is unethical so a business can make more money so I left. It hurt to quit because I grew to know these animals as if they were my own pets and I miss them. But I cried so much working there and had constant panic attacks. My mental health is so much better now that I'm not dealing with crazy people being in charge making unethical decisions.
No. 676089
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>me, 18 crippling social anxiety
>first day canvassing in the most busy parts of LA
>have to stand outside in one spot and convince people to give money to this shitty organization
>stuttering mess. couldn't memorize a word from my script
>"d-d-d-do you want to h-help f-f-fight the t-trump administration…"
>no one comes up to me except scrotes trying to hit on me
>only 2 hours into the day start having the most gnarly panic attack to date
>thinking of how I could run away and get a bus back home without stealing the company ipad
>vision going dark over and over again, feeling like I'm about pass out
>tears rolling down my cheeks as I read "d-d-do you support immigrants" off a crumpled piece of paper into a crowd of faces
>anxiety affects my stomach badly so I keep running into the Starbucks to empty my bowels
>failing to hold back the tears and havent gotten a single cent from anyone yet
>can't speak half the time, getting cold sweats trying not to literally shit myself
>large Armenian family points and laughs at my suffering
>nerdy white guy pities me and slips a $5
>shift finally ends and all the other canvassers have tallied up their donations to an average of $70
>hand them my lone 5 dollar bill, still in the midst of the longest panic attack I've ever had, can't speak at all since my throat is closed
>they think I'm having some sort of medical episode so I have to shake my head wildly when they ask if I need an inhaler or something
I called the next day to quit and never picked up my paycheck out of humiliation. I ended up working retail for a year with only mild anxiety, but the lesson here is to treat mental illness instead of just try to bulldoze it. I don't know why that day went so catastrophically but I will never forget feeling like the most pathetic bitch in the world.
No. 676116
>>676089I really felt for you, every sentence
>, but the lesson here is to treat mental illness instead of just try to bulldoze itSpot on, I grew up struggling with anxiety and my parents expected me to just go from being housebound to diving into intense interactions where I couldn't escape. What you described is what happens when you take that route. Glad you didn't retreat to full hermit mode after that. You'd be tempted to lol
No. 676158
>>675928I remember one specific incident where this happened with a younger coworker. I was like 21 and she was 18, her first job, etc. She was an absolute bitch to me for no reason, except that some guy (also younger than me) that she liked apparently had a crush on me.
I barely interacted with either of them, but she went out of her way to start shit, like going to the managers if I was late by 2 minutes or made any minor mistake/did something not by the books. This shit went on for almost a year before another manager finally chewed her out and told her to stop acting like a child. I hope she got over this pickme phase.
No. 676440
>>676030Had to do this. I have a very formal academic way of writing.
Even with the right amount of please and thank you. Collegues started asking why I was rude and cold like this.
Meanwhile, a male collegue used to write just in the subject things like "THIS THING IS NOT WORKIIIING". No more information, blank email.
No. 676482
>>676344I also worked in Primark and holy shit I feel like we're the same person.
I worked fitting rooms and used to find piles of shit, used tampons and puddles of piss that people used our clothes to try and mop up?? And the worst of all was a positive pregnancy test lmao, the public have no shame and the managers don't give a sbit
No. 676644
My first retail job was at a skincare boutique in my local mall. My lead manager was (literally) some old trashy bitch from the high desert, and her and the assistant manager fucked up the store really badly after the lead ran off the old team.
I have no idea what her problem was, but she was abusive and low key racist. She only wanted Chinese people shopping at the store, made passive aggressive comments around me about black people being exaggerating monkeys, and I presume, talking mad shit about me behind my back.
They both did that game where nothing you do is ever good enough - I was too aggressive when I was trying to sell and be confident, but then when I was quiet because they kept accusing me of “scaring customers” (because I am the scary negro uwu) even though I never once got a complaint and I liked my customers. Soooo I was obviously “depressed” and had mental issues. I was never told my hours, got yelled at and pushed into the register during some stupid interrogation because “the manager was afraid of me”, and how I was so mean and terrifying and couldn’t be trusted working the floor, and other crazy shit I can’t be arsed to remember now.
I also suspected they were stealing my sign up receipts as I would get tons of emails under my name when I would have the store to myself, but then somehow mysteriously I would come into work the next day and be told I didn’t and how I was ruining the store’s rep. We had to (supposedly) get at least 60-80% new customer sign ups, but I was only getting 20%? I had started saving my receipts and nothing was adding up.
Then to add insult to injury, they ghosted me for two weeks, hoping I would quit, and when I tried to get an explanation of why no one was communicating with me, my lead hung up in my face in the middle of my call. She only fired me after I told her I wasn’t going to just up and quit after being worked like a mule over the summer. So then she went off on how I need to be scrubbing toilets and shit. I have always suspected they were hoping for a chimp out to fire me, and from comments she made about the old team, this wasn’t a new tactic of hers.
All of this over some fucking lavender lotion top kek.
No. 677302
>>675530Anon, I was thinking about this yesterday. I know that she's been to gyn, but what if she has a small fistula that developed?
My own horror story:
>get job at hospital lab>assigned role to clean out machine fluids>poorly ventilated room about 5×7ft with 4 machines and a sink setup>expected to shut the doors when changing fluids because no one else wants to smell it>common knowledge that it's not ventilated anywhere near required standards (and wouldn't be for several years later)>not yet underweight, but not strong enough to easily lift massive jugs easily with precision>spill 100% alcohol solution on leg through scrubs>other chemicals like formalin, acetone and formaldehyde melt my shitty vinyl gloves>nearly pass out from smell through basic n-95 mask>ask for proper equipment to handle materials constantly>woman that oversees lab is angry skeleton that tells me to talk to lab asst manager>disgusting manwhore scrote that runs the lab constantly promising to get proper equipment keeps putting it off>quit job because don't want head lumpsThese fucking assholes put me down as non-rehireable. Now they're monopolizing everything in the area, eating all of the smaller medical businesses up. Not sure what to do after I get this degree.
No. 677452
>>676165Welcome to healthcare where every day is a horror story and it's always your fault for being assaulted either physically/mentally or sexually.
Anon, I've slapped, had my chest punched/grabbed, my crotch swiped, spat on and called various profanities. My ex-managers solution? Hold me back after hours to do paperwork and scream at me how it's my fault it happened. I worked evening and was supposed to be out the door at 11, but mostly left at 1-2 am because I had piles of paperwork. May I also state I wasn't paid for that extra time. I literally have so many horror stories from working in a retirement home/nursing home.
No. 711846
>>675774I think the reason they did that wasn't because they had some fraternity thing going on, maybe not even a friendship or a personal like for each other, but because that higher-up was in a position that's more critical for the function and the profits of the organization. He's a big cog in the machine and they don't want drama to stop the cogs from turning so they swept it under the rug.
Leaking the stuff to social media and yellow newspapers might work if their profits would be hurt by a customer boycott though.
No. 713318
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Never cried but I want to scream or go lock myself in the work bathroom frequently. I work at the most drug and crime ridden inner city hospital in my area. Behaviour has gotten even worse because of Covid-19. I Get called a stupid whore, cunt, bitch, slut, idiot, retard, get told I am a soulless evil demon going to hell, and have my life threatened on a daily basis. We can't retaliate no matter how outrageous the behaviour or we are in deep shit. The most we can do is ask the patient or visitors to please be respectful. Had a like 50 year old guy come in just now (driving a Porsche, naturally) with earrings, a terrible bleach blonde dye job and a reusable skull mask. It's policy to get people to change their masks to medical ones when entering to make sure they are fresh. He tells me it's a stupid policy multiple times. I tell him he can keep his mask and to please just change it. He tells me he obviously knows that and I must be stupid. I ask him to please sanitize his hands. He tells me he did but I didn't see because I must be really bad at my job and stupid (I was juggling many other tasks). I tell him he is being quite impolite. He demands that I sit my ass down while looking at me like I'm a cockroach. Before I can properly screen him a nurse brings his mother, a patient out, and he mutters something like stupid bitch under this breath before leaving. I deal with at least a dozen people like this every day. The day before a woman called me a white whore and had her friends (patients) threaten to find my home and kill me because I wouldn't let her in the hospital after visiting hours to see someone. Makes me want to call in sick every day.
No. 713405
>>675269I've experienced so many shitty things at different jobs over the past 15-20 years! The most recent that made me upset was when I was working for a super small business, about 5-10 people. I was put in the position of finding and hiring a new person. The boss would ask me to send him the resumes first though and based on the names he would say we won't even interview them. Specifically, no black people he said. (He himself was a Chinese immigrant) I'm white and it disturbed me on a few levels which are probably obvious. I always kept my head down because I needed the job but I started looking shortly after that and found somewhere much better.
I always think about this though when I hear people try to say systemic racism doesn't exist.
No. 713544
>>713405I had a manager at a pizza joint I worked at do something like this. Only he said “no fat girls”. If someone didn’t see if the girl applying for the position was attractive and thin enough for him, he would have us throw out the applications. He would always ask us to describe applicants physical appearance.
I was 17 at the time, and would never stand for something like that at my age now. Fuck that sack of shit.
No. 713548
>>713318Girl, the only people who have the balls to behave that way and call you those things are the people who ARE stupid whore cunts.
You are not "it" here. You are a fucking clinician (if I get it correctly), that shit takes BRAINS.
Fuck those fuck faces, you just hang in there, OK?
No. 713549
>>713405Chinese are SUPER racist, especially against black people and the Japanese. Though don't get me wrong, mainland Chinese hate white ppl too.
Fuck 'em.
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This is pretty mundane, but one time I had to deal with a customer that stunk so bad it activated my fight or flight response. He was hugely overweight and smelled like a wet couch that had been used as a bathroom. I had to breathe through my mouth for the entire transaction and it actually made me panicky. I feel bad for people like that but god it was horrible. There was also this one guy that would always ask me creepy personal questions, like whether I wore child size clothing or if I could finish a whole subway sandwich on my own. He'd go on about his Chinese ex-wife and how smol and tiny she was. One time I was alone in the store with him so I just hid in the back room with a stick ready to hit him in case he tried something, kek. He creeped me the fuck out.
No. 716024
>>675269 the senior in one of the sections is absolutely shit at his job. he has no loyalty and make loads of mistakes but won't own up to them and if anything happens he'll look to blame anyone.
he doesn't know how to speak to people AT ALL. ever since it's been just him, it's been absolutely shit and he puts me on the edge to the point where i'm constantly anxious about what i'm doing and second guessing myself.
this whole weekend i've been anxious about my friday shift and going over everything i've done, just waiting for monday so i can go back in and check for the 34959th time. how tf do i get over this shit? probably only when he leaves.
No. 717976
>>675502When looking for a job, my dad notified me that the library had an opening… I knew that library was drunk/homeless person central, they all congregate there because they can't kick them out.
I immediately turned it down because I knew it would be in no time that shit would happen to me esp. as a woman. My dad blew it off saying nothing would happen.
Well a month later another woman took the job and when she left a man had followed her, put a gun against her back and drove off with her and raped her.
While he got away, she still lived thankfully. Made me feel like I dodged a literal bullet esp. since dumbass me would've fought and probably gotten shot. At least it proved a point to my father.
You would think a library job is peaceful but nope.
Hope you don't mind me sharing this even if I didn't actually work there. Listen to your gut and stay safe y'all.
No. 1270278
>>1270232>>1270250Thank you, nonnas. I currently work a job where I'm not dealing with customers or human lives at all, so while it's a painful memory it doesn't affect my daily life.
>>1270255I'm glad you could find something different too. Working in a callcenter in general exposes you to so much weird stuff that you just didn't think you'd have to face in a job like that, unless you're a 911 operator or something. I hope the woman is alive too, or at least if the worst case happened, that her family and loved ones are alright.
No. 1271629
In 2014, I worked at an online store that sold useless junk through eBay and Amazon. Very small company, no HR. At the time, we'd communicate through Skype and my dumbass used my personal Skype account. One of the girls from the shipping department was really annoying and I'd complain about her a lot through Skype to my friend who was also my coworker–we we're friends before this and she got me the job. We'd complain about everyone we worked with. One day, the shipping girl jokingly tells me she's going to hack my Skype. I laugh and say go ahead. Even though she annoyed me, we honestly got along and joked around a lot. I really thought she was just joking so it didn't really stick out as a red flag or anything and I forgot about it.
Weeks and weeks go by until one morning she messages me a direct quote from my Skype convo with my friend. Its clear she had access to my conversations because she kept referencing things I said to my friend. She eventually stops being cordial with me as well as every single person I'd work with. They would give me death stares, roll their eyes when I said good morning, and started making complaints about the quality of my work to my boss. I had to give a presentation and the way everyone stared at me was like they were cursing me. This went on for months and I hated going to work everyday. I know I talked shit, but did I really deserve this? I didn't even deal with this petty crap in middle school or high school. We didn't have HR and I didn't tell my boss because he hated confrontation and I didn't want to admit I spent most of my work day chatting away.
One time, I made a reddit account to look for advice about the situation in I wanna say 2015 and everyone in the comments blamed me. They all said its my fault because I was talking crap on company time and I was the one who gave her permission to hack my Skype in the first place. These autistic redditors smfh. I ended up not responding to anything and just deleted my account and post.
Anyway, in 2017, I was still working there and there were a lot of new employees because the turn around was high so things got less tense over time. I made friends with a newer girl so she told me everything. The shipping girl saw my friend's account logged in on the spare computer, but didn't do anything about it for a while until she told a different coworker about it. They read through everything and eventually decided to print it out and make multiple copies to share with the whole office. Everytime somebody new got hired, they would tell them about it and told them to ignore me and my friend. I hated the shipping girl so much and I just don't understand why she did it. I eventually forgave her because I learned that my one male coworker raped her and told her if she told anyone, it's her word against his and no one believe her. That male coworker also ensured that my boss would only hire young women because he was manipulative and skeezy as fuck. I left at the end of 2017 and never looked back. The shipping girl moved to another state and I honestly hope she's doing alright.
No. 1273612
>start job ready to learn
>working with woman who has been there longer in me in our department
>learning things, need her help to pick up some things, she says she will teach me later
>dept. boss asks her to teach me tasks, she says later
>dept. boss tells her to teach me, she says it will be too confusing to delegate the tasks(???)
>coworker tells me she is talking shit about me behind my back because she is jealous of me (????)
>other coworkers and boss tell me she is know for gossiping about other employee pay and acting outside her role's authority even though we work in a sensitive department
>boss demands she share responsibilities with me and she basically whines it's not fair and she's not going to send employees to me
>she ends up going on medical leave, purposely throws some jabs disguised as jokes at me in front of other employees
>boss tells her NOT to work during her leave, she still posts notices related to our work on her SMS that we have to report for takedown
>we both get promoted while she is out
>boss reports she has said she is not happy with my promotion
>Get news she has called one of my direct reports and told them my pay to try and start shit
>she comes back, demands meeting with company president
>claims I am not qualified for promotion and also our boss is racist (???)
>she quits but makes sure to purposely ignore me the entire time in the office, refuses to give me any handover information, makes it a point to give important papers to my direct report and not me before she leaves
>I win!
It didn't surprise me that she had bullied other "threats" to her position out of our department. Honestly after she left a lot of employees told me they didn't trust her or she had backstabbed them at one point in time, so she wasn't as popular as she thought. Some people really are that delusional. I guess women really do hate women in the workplace.
No. 1279736
>>713757I worked at a hotel for years and I was expecting to hear stories like that but we were located next to a hospital so instead what happened was people would hole themselves up in the rooms to die because they were terminal, or they would spiral into depression because their family member was dying and you could see their mental state by looking at their room when you cleaned it… very sad. we had corporate rules about being cheerful and giving guests a warm greeting within 3 seconds of seeing them or w/e and one time this poor old guy blew his top at me like "no you can't do anything for me! stop asking! how can I have a good day when my fucking wife is dying?!" (paraphrasing) which honestly I do not blame him for doing.
although one time a guest intentionally left porn on display in his room for the housekeeper to see which really upset her. he got kicked out.
another time I was working overnight and around 3am a random guy outside asked to borrow my lighter and when I went to hand it to him he flashed me. I was pissed because he lowered his hand right before my hand got to his with the lighter and I instinctually followed his hand with my hand like I was chasing it, which brought me within inches of his dick. plus the movement drew my eyes away from his other hand that was apparently taking his dick out. fucking sleight-of-hand asshole. he ran away when I yelled at him, he was weirdly dirty & I'm not sure what his deal was, never saw him after that.
No. 1279855
When I felt like the universe got revenge on my work bully, it made me feel bad. She had bullied me throughout the last half of high school right after my dad had died, I had just been moved to a new family in a new city because of it and now I'm new at school and very fucked up due to events. Nobody knew this info of course. She made sure to make my life hell for seemingly no reason, and made entire Tumblr accounts dedicated to photos of me that she'd take. A couple years after high school, I'm a higher up manager at a large chain and in walks one of my new employees - her. I was instantly so uncomfortable I stationed her as far away as possible from me and had other coworkers let her know where/when to go for breaks. It was easy to avoid her and there were no incidents I guess. She had had a kid that was quite disabled with a scrote, and this scrote eventually got addicted to every substance and was homeless not long after the kid was born. She herself runs a famous instagram account of gothic selfies but has absolutely no mention of having a kid or being a mother.
One day I got a call while I was working that she wanted to speak to me. I was seriously sweating bullets even though I was technically her boss at this point, I had no idea what it could even be about. But when she showed up, she was fuuuucked up. Her scrote had beat her up so badly she was unrecognizable. She was swollen, black and blue, her perfect nose was broken. It was so fucked up. She didn't even do her hair to come in, just jammed a hat on and met me in the finances room. She basically said that she had to quit but didn't want anyone else to see her in that state, and later that evening messaged me a big thank you for being so kind. I cried like an absolute bitch for about a week after because I felt such mixed feelings. Her life was so shit for like.. my viewing only, front-row seats. I lurked her recently and she's back with him, still no mention of the child. He would be like 7-8 years old now. It didn't make me feel better to see her in such a state, even though I kinda thought it should have had that effect or something. Maybe if I had kicked her ass it would have been different, though. I hope her scrote dies
No. 1279860
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Love this for u nona
No. 1280183
>>675928>>675932Look I realise this is late but this reminds me of the co worker I had at a mexican chain I worked at. She was a spiteful, bitter bitch and I was only 17 when I started working there. I did my job, worked hard, this wasn't my first fast food job and I was an involved worker. She would pull me up for things like being late because I was smoking (I was walking to work with a smoke in my hand, not being purposefully late because I was having a cigarette), for being on my phone at work (I had it out charging and I was checking if it was charged so I could put it away). When she yelled at me for that, there was another girl on her phone BROWSING within both our eye sight, so I pointed that out and she just looked at her and told her to get off her phone, but only gave me a warning for it. They ended up firing me all because she didn't like me and pit the other managers up against me. She was obese, had fucked teeth and had those tattoos you see bogans (sorry, ausfag) get with a bunch of dates because they've lost several family members to meth and god knows what else. She called me a slut behind my back because I was comfortable chatting to another co-worker about my love life within her earshot, and that I was attention seeking. Honestly one of the most vile women I worked with, she was 10 years older than me and her obvious jealousy for the fact I was young and still had all my teeth was apparent.
No. 1280473
I had this entry level assistant at a medium company years ago, where I worked at the accountability dpt, there were 5 people: me, another entry, analyst and 2 accountants (joe and leo - fake names). Some context:
> Leo was our main chief and he was pathethic
> Joe was a literal sociopath
> Joe did absolutely NOTHING all day, every day, but he knew so much shit about everyone he simply blackmailed important people
> Joe was a leader in the local Catholic church, always involved in their events, etc. so people in this small hick town thought he was a saint
> Joe hated black people, they saw them as inferior and only married a woman because she was a blonde, like him
Now let me tell how it was to work with Joe
> My very first day at job, I was placed at another dpt
> Joe asks me to come to the meeting room
> At my arrival, he asks me to shut the door and come closer because he had a question about something I did in the laptop company
> Yes, somehow he grabbed my laptop from dpt in my lunch time
> I was super scared, he asked if I broke it because numeric keyboard wasnt working
> All he had to do was press the goddamn NmLk key
> I pressed it and said "there, its working" and ran away from the room
> Few weeks later I was replaced at his and Leo dpt
> I had to do a lot of out room errands (grab and deliver papers to other dpts)
> He would follow me, always pretending to be on the phone
> Everytime I looked in the corner of my eye he was around
> I was only authorized to have lunch after everyone left for lunch
> He would always wait everyone to leave
> He would close the doors and windows, including a balcony window we had to communicate to other dpt so they would no need to enter the room
> Would take half an hour pretending to work
> This was the only time I'd seen him in front of his computer
> Except he was looking at me
> Everyday this shit
> I would leave for college fucking drained
> He had an very obscure energy, and I don't even believe this shit much
> Sometimes he would also hold my shoulders when I was sitting in front of my computer
> Would whisper any shit in my ear I already knew to do under the pretense to ask smth or teach me smth
> Would smell my fucking neck
> Leo didn't gave a shit, would never ever confront him
> Joe also mistreated a lot of people and Leo would do nothing
> Learned later Joe had also blackmailed him
I got several chills under my spine reliving this. Dude was so creep. He had a fucking dark aurea.
100% sure he was a sociopath.
No. 1283789
Many managers are there to be the "heel", the designated bad guy, and are not so much to actually manage things.
Most people that start businesses are gregarious like other normies. They don't enjoy having to tardwrangle in workers and to be strict. They genuinely want to get along with people and having to be negative ruins their mood. So they hire someone who genuinely enjoys that shit as a job and gets off on it. And that way they can go back to being a person everyone likes and thinks highly of.
But the business owners and upper leadership that hire these psychos hold them in total contempt. I have relatives that own large businesses and growing up they used to tell me often "I would punch him out if I could, I absolutely despise him but he's useful" and "if I was one of my workers I wouldn't let him talk to me that way, but they take it so oh well".
I'm not sure if your average tardwrangling manager is aware of how much their bosses just see them as a useful tool, and despise them. I think they're ignorant to it, because they're often sycophantic little fucks that are desperate from validation from further up, and that asslicking is too intense and pointless to be entirely cynical. They're the former bullies at school that have come to believe in prosperity gospel bullshit and that if they just work hard enough, they'll be at the top themselves one day by golly. But they never seem to go any further up than they are, ever. They just stay at that level for ten, twenty, thirty years and then retire.
But because people are people and do push limits, you have to have someone that's a bit of a cunt there to keep people in line. The problem is that the job is too often being offloaded to sociopaths that get off on it, and inevitably they just end up bullying the most vulnerable person pointlessly until she leaves.
No. 1284568
>>1284550Thankfully I didn't work in the human division otherwise being sent human parts would probably have been a possibility. Imagine opening a box at work thinking you were getting medical devices to put away and it's just casually a human heart or eye ball.
>>1284562This wasn't in a marked bio hazard box so when I opened it, I almost cut into the plastic bag it was in. Those aren't my hands in the pictures. I definitely handled it with gloves when I was told to put it in the cooler while we waited for word from the clinic on what to do with it. They ended up paying to have it same day shipped back to them.
No. 1286320
for the past three years, i've worked as a social media manager at the coolest agency ever. i loved my job and the people. it was everything i'd ever dreamed of. i could be creative, had a lot of freedom and was given a lot of responsibility from the get go. was able to create stuff for various clients, contribute in big presentations to win over new ones, etc. everything seemed perfect. but this fucking job ended up killing every last bit of creativity i had. after year 3, i felt like a shell lmao. it's just making fucking ads for clients. all the time. trying to think of new ways to sell people on IG something, every goddamn month the same shit. and most of the time, you do it for brands you absolutely hate bc you can't choose. also, you're never done with work, you take it home with you and it was normal for me to get up at night and check if an ad was performing well. i was overworked af and it was seen as absolutely normal. i quit my job because i felt like i was on the brink of burnout. creativity is now dead. i can't be arsed to do anything now bc i feel so exhausted all the time, just burnt tf out and i was an avid painter and writer before. tldr a creative job will suck out every last drop of creativity if you get consumed by it.