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No. 67458
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I met the guy who played Walt Jr from Breaking Bad at an airport in like 2012. He doesn't actually use the arm braces, but he does talk like that from the show, maybe less severe. He was pretty nice/cute.
Aaaand that's it. Lol.
No. 67499
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I met Kyle Massey at Brookfield Zoo a few years ago. They had some Disney panel going on in one of the tents and he was there to sign shit for kids. Unfortunately, I didn't get a signature because I wasn't too interested but I made small talk with him for a bit. He was pretty cool and seemed easy going.
No. 67554
>>67535He sounds like a cool guy.
>>67533He's mad because Jessica Simpson passed by before he could get a good shot, I'm assuming.
No. 67696>>67700>>67703
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In Cologne I passed by Elton (a German moderator) when he was filming something in the city. I was drunk and loudly said to my friend 'Oh look it's Elton John'. He just quickly looked at me.
10 min later I remembered that Elton John is another man.
No. 67702>>68420
>>67661you got to meet dave rowntree? that's pretty awesome dude
didn't speak to anyone else there, no?
No. 67818>>67819>>67825>>69264
>>67496fucking awesome
i went to school with alan jackson's daughters and he seemed nice. kind of shy. i was at a party recently and some girls were talking about him being an asshole, i didn't get that impression at all but whatever
jack white is a different story however, he came into a restaurant i used to work at and he was poopy. as did britney spear's sister, she came with like twenty people on a weekday and they were all very polite
No. 67819>>69264
>>67818I've heard the same about Jack White.
There's this local musician in my town who used to be his roommate, supposedly when Jack moved out he stole one of the guy's guitars.
he seems like kind of a dick.
No. 67825
>>67818in college I was sleeping with Merle Haggard's physician's daughter.
I learned about his lung cancer when she was on the phone with her dad, long before he made it public to his fans.
No. 67842
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I want to assure everyone that yes, Carlton from the Fresh Prince is just as much of a fantastic guy as you want him to be. Around 2006-07 I was on vacation in LA with my family and we were eating at the same moderately fancy Italian place as Alfonso Ribeiro and his little daughter. My younger brother, who was 12-13 at the time, was mesmerized by him and followed him out into the parking lot, even though I tried to stop him. My brother asked if he was Carlton and he answered very politely that he used to be. He then let my brother take a picture of him which unfortunately didn't come out because it was too dark.
Alfonso, if by some freak accident you ever end up reading this: Thank you for taking time out of having a peaceful dinner with your daughter to amuse a fat 12 year old boy with stalkerish tendencies. You're a superhero.
No. 67897>>67903
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I bumped into Richard Simmons in a shoe shop in LA and he was super lovely and every bit as over the top IRL as on TV. He said I looked 'sweet enough to eat'. I feel bad that he's a recluse these days, I hope he's OK.
>>67826I expected this to be the video of him getting beaten up by those Icelandic rappers. There are so many cringey Bam videos out there.
No. 68006>>68027>>68420
>>67661when was this? i'm a blur fanatic! how was it?
are damon and graham as cute as they seem to be up close?
i met drake bell once at disneyland. he was trying to get a lot of people to notice him/take pics & my friend was with me and called him "josh" and he looked really fucking annoyed
No. 68024
>>67700Well, how about Sarah Connor? Not rlly 'famous' but in Germany most know her I guess. I lived in the same city as her when I was a child and always saw her limousine and I think herself two times. No interaction though. But I talked to her sister Lulu Lewe a few times but at that time she was unknown of haha
But I remember her family as really down to earth
No. 68420
>>67702I hugged graham and i got to take a picture with alex. tbh alex was kind "meh" about taking one (as always) and graham kinda freaked out about me hugging him but honestly i did come off as a bit creepy since i was waaaay to nervous and i didnt even know hot to react. I didn't get to talk to damon or take a picture since he was kinda being swarmed by people trying to get noticed haha but other than that i think i was probably the only one who noticed dave, everyone else kinda brushed him off
>>68006It was last october and boy
THEY ARE SUPEEER CUTE, honestly they look better irl than in pictures, specially graham (i find he's not as photogenic as damon, but hes super cute)
No. 69042
>>69031also, her ex Josh Bell is a creep who's into teenagers
he's had some fun at tanglewood
No. 69313>>69317>>69321
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Unfortunately, I have a lot experiences with them…
The first one was almost 10 years ago.
>be me
>15-year-old kid
>been working for some family-friends for about a year now
>they own a kettle corn stand that sells at concerts and sport events
>dan's warped tour
>some asshole with stupid hair and a fuckload of makeup is wondering around
>mob of girls chasing after him
>he stops directly in front of our stand to sign shit
>buy some kettle corn or move asshole
>guy eventually leaves and takes his mob with him
>5 years later
>see a Blood on the Dance Floor poster
>It's that asshole from 5 years ago
No. 69341
>>67514I work at a concert venue so I see musicians walking around, warming up/testing sound, etc., a lot. One instance: Jared Leto and the others stood next to me and chatted for a few minutes, also later that evening after the show, I started walking home and saw him riding his bike in the parking lot.
I used to live near Bernie Mac. Went trick-or-treating at his house. Nice man.
My sister went to school with R Kelly's daughter, also went to her birthday party (don't think he was there).
Watched The Dark Knight being filmed for about 20 minutes back in 2007.
No. 69929>>70226>>70234
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Met John Waters at a book signing. He was probably stressed out, but I was disappointed he was kind of curt to me - I've heard he's normally very kind and gracious with fans. (And before you ask, I was far from the loudest, weirdest person in that room…)
No. 70226>>70244
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>>69929loud and weird would seem to be his crowd though
No. 70228
he seemed cool the few times he interacted with /v/
No. 70234>>70236>>70244
>>69929He was really over it at a book signing I attended as well. Barely a smile for anyone.
Some poor dude in line put his book on the table and started to say something like "I'm a film student and…"
You could feel the chill in the air.
No. 70244
>>70226I mean…he's what, almost 70 now? While he became famous pushing the boundaries of film and hanging around weirdos as a younger man, I can imagine that many strangers took that as an invitation to be crude/vulgar with him.
>>70234Yeah, I do feel for him. I'm still incredibly thankful to have been able to see one of my idols in the flesh, but I can't say I wasn't disappointed.
No. 70420>>70422
>>70317not the same kind. the std is a different simplex than the one most people carry
>>70305>>70304meghan trainor.
No. 70422>>70438
>>70394Stop making up rumours without receipts
No. 70995
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I wouldn't call her a celebrity, but I took an art history class with the little girl from Dante's Peak
she was really short, like 4'11", and really flirty.
about a year later I saw her at a New Year's Eve party I was attending.
No. 550793>>550795
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Andy Biersack eyefucked me when I was 12 at Warped Tour in 2013. When he saw me looking he did this nod thing. I kept walking but I was really blushy. I’ve been 5’10 since I was in the third grade so I doubt he thought I was 12 so it wasn’t weird. I didn’t tell anyone about it because all the kids who listened to Black Veil Brices were a couple grades older than me and I knew that if I bragged about it to everyone then they’d thought I was full of shit and was just trying to make the older kids like me. I tried to convince myself that he was looking at someone else and I just thought he was looking at me but now that I’m older and no longer idolize guys in emo bands or care about Black Veil Brides I know that I saw what I saw.
No. 551029
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This girl I used to be friends with in high school worked as an extra on Disney Channel. She'd done a few episodes of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
She said that Dylan Sprouse was cool to all the extras and ate lunch with them.
But according to her, Cole Sprouse was an asshole and refused to talk to the extras. At lunch he sat in the corner alone, didn't eat, and stared at some other kid that he didn't like.
No. 551032
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Grimes, and she was super sweet and down to earth. this was like 8 years ago Visions era though, so who knows how she actually is now lol
No. 551070>>551073>>551088>>551190
I saw Amanda Seyfried at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 551304>>553504
We don't really have that big of a celebrity culture in Finland as there is in USA, so it's super common to see celebrities minding their business all the time. It's also super common to see washed up musicians still acting like they're the shit. I live in the same city as Michael Monroe of Hanoi Rocks (a popular rock band in the 70s-80s) and I think he has done so much drugs that his brains are fried, because he is such a fucking spaz with his bike, thinking he's above the law just biking around almost running people over. It's so annoying and dangerous in the summer because you never know when or where from he's coming and how fast. Also he never wears a shirt under his vests and it's nasty, the dude is like 60 yo, like please just cover your old man titties, it's not the 80s anymore.
I was a huge fan of theirs over 10 years ago when I was a teen, and went to one of their shows. They had like 2 of the original members in the band (Monroe and Andy McCoy, who's brain is even more fried, he could hardly stand up) and the audience was full of teens because it was the scene era and teens here were obsessed with the 80s, glam rock and all that. After the show the band invited a bunch of 13-16 year old girls to the backstage (where they clearly had drugs and/or booze because all of the dudes were pretty out of it) and I didn't think much of it then, because I was like 13, but after growing up it has really haunted me because it was so fucked up.
No. 559098
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I met Olivia Olson at a show once. She was really nice and laid back.
No. 559124>>559133
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>>553700tim gunn is the classiest man to have ever existed. i met him once through a family member connection. he was so easy to make conversation with and genuinely seems likes he wants to get to know you and doesn't throw his celebrity status in your face.