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No. 673541
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No. 673579
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>>673571Omg anon. I wanna try stickering, idk what is called in english but pic related. But I feel like if I take a picture and put it on instagram, there will be trouble right?
No. 673614
I always wanted to do ice skating but when I was about to start,the ice skating place I was planning to go to shut down and there wasn't really anything like that for many years since it's not like I live in a cold country or it's a famous sport here.
Also I started indoor wall climbing but the act of simply going there gave me anxiety and with the whole rona thing I gave up and now I'm busy with other stuff I hope will manage to finish
>>673514 relatable…
No. 673690
>>673686 >I want to be gang banged What is wrong with yo..
>asian guysI take it back, I want this too
No. 673810
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>Solo hiking & camping
>Learn Japanese & Spanish
>Make really bomb coffee drinks, right now I just drink generic american grocery store beans but I want to make crazy good coffee, lattes, etc like nice coffee shops make
>Becoming actually fit beyond my hour of exercise a day, though this kind of ties in with hiking
Last one feels the dumbest because I literally just need to sit down for 10 minutes and breathe with my eyes closed and Ive done it like once this year lmao
No. 673812
>Plant/mushroom/insect/bird/etc identification.I'd suggest starting with learning how to identify the species that stick out to you or are the most aesthetically pleasing. Then branch out to the species native to your state/locality. Don't get too caught up with Latin names, they really aren't necessary outside of academic settings. Subreddits like r/whatsthisbug and r/whatsthissnake are well moderated, have enthusiastic users, and are a terrific alternative to flashcards.
Funny enough, the TND threads on here really piqued my interest in snakes and motivated me to research different species. In less than a year, I can confidently say I'm able to identify most North American species.
No. 674801
A lot of arts and crafts type things. Knitting, crocheting, weaving my own fabric, pottery, working with thermoplastics, cake/pastry decorating, making aesthetic home cafe drinks, etc. I just don't have the time or money to experiment with all the mediums that I want to try.
>>673686top kek but also based.
No. 680567
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I wish I could make a women-only IB for weebs where we can be degenerate and goof off a bit(but limit the degeneracy to content made for women). like one board for hornyposting and nsfw art, another for general discussion, and one for retard posting. But it won't happen because
1. I don't feel like learning how to code
2. I won't be able to pay for the site
3. Scrotes might ruin it. Though I like to hope that all the gay porn would scare them off, maybe even a guro dick thread, but probably not.
No. 2069853
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I've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride, even though I'm kind of scared of heights. I think it would be really fun to go on one though, it seems so cool.
No. 2070483
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I've always wanted to go skiing. I don't live near any mountains, so it seems like a far-fetched dream. It just seems like a really exciting activity, and I'm always bored in winter anyways.
No. 2070652
Kayaking which seems realistic now that I am more fit and have outdoorsey friends I just didn't have the confidence or people to go with before
>>2070626Eh better than crushing on the wrong girl then getting your reputation smeared as a slutty lesbian and everybody hates you
No. 2070664
Paddle boarding…if I don't go crazy in the next week I can sign up for a lesson. It looks like it's relaxing and a good way to exercise
>>2069853I'm not dying to ride a hot air balloon but I got to say they look amazing on the skyline. I used to commute on a backroad route and it was a super popular area for hot air balloons, so during the summer I'd always see them coming down to land in the fields
No. 2070843
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>>2070772Don't fall for the knitting propaganda, learn crocheting instead.
No. 2071288
>Thing you always wanted to tryI've always wanted to go on a cruise. I think it would be interesting being on a boat for so long. I want to see how long it would take for me to get that ocean induced psychosis.
>>2070843Beautiful picmix.