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No. 661377
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Masturbated, from age 6 until I got my own room, on the top bunk bed while my little sister slept below. It used to help me get to sleep so I did it silently. Sometimes I felt really guilty and wondered why I had no self control
Hope she never knew :(
No. 661399
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I have A LOT of things that keep me up at nigh when I remember them, for example:
When I was in elementary school, my dad gave me a Nokia phone, it couldn't do much but it managed to save videos. I used that video thing to save cartoon episodes and YouTube videos I liked but had no idea how to save.
I was really into Sonic the hedgehog, so I saved a lot of AMVs and such on my phone. One day, I found a yaoi video between Sonic and Shadow, I liked the song and the pictures looked really nice, so I saved the video. The issue here is that on the next day I showed the video to my classmates, both male and female, I went with them and showed 3 whole minutes of sonic yaoi, and they didn't even care, some of them really loved it in fact.
I legit went around my class, showing a video of homo-erotic furry stuff, and we all enjoyed it.
That thought still hunts me to this day, mostly because I am sure they still remember the whole thing and will remember me for that.
No. 661424
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>>661390based, pinkpilled etc., those scrotes had it coming
No. 2067097
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I really loved Stitch when i was like 7 and i liked to pretend i'm Stitch. Me and my best friend were always playing pretend to be different movie characters and one time we were hanging out.. she brought a different girl with her. I didn't know her that much and i didn't like her at all because she was like..dominant and my friend listened her like a dog almost. The girl wanted to play pretend that we are the witches from Charmed. Fuck Charmed! That show wasn't for kids and i thought it was really boring. I don't want to pretend i'm some adult lady! So i was Stitch, spoke in stitch language and the girl was like: "What's wrong with you?" I took my tiny bike and rode home yelling some Stitch insults LOL
No. 2067723
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I cringe for this, but I'm glad it happened, because my teacher pretty much changed the trajectory of my life for the better
>doing a slideshow presentation in middle school in tech class to learn about using powerpoint tools
>topic: disabilities and disorders, educational slideshow
>some kids get things like "the flu" or "cancer"
>one girl gets assigned a disease that is "hidden" (not expressed on the body)
The girl asks "hey teacher, how would I go about showing a picture of this hidden disease or demonstrating what it looks like on a person?"
>my dumb ass LOVES mind of mencia, think its the funniest shit on the planet
ME: "Hey, Becky!" (that was her name) "Why don't you just have a picture of someone going DEE DEE DEE!"
>does the dee dee dee move, picrel
>teacher looks at me and goes "oh really, anon? What's so funny about that? Do you know what he means when he says that? That he's making fun of people with disabilities? That's what you think is funny?"
>class immediately went back to work on their projects
>I stood there, silent, ashamed, and my face was burning
BUT if my teacher didn't do that, I don't think I would have developed any empathy at that point.
No. 2067729
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samefag, I have another one, but it is so fucking cringe and I am still ashamed
>had to go to daycare at 10 or 11 y/o
>time for kids to get picked up by parents
>I'm sitting in the back of the room drawing PIV sex on a handheld whiteboard
>random annoying kid asks what I'm drawing, sees it, GASPS
>"I'm going to tell Mrs. so and so"
I don't know how I did this, but I literally interrupted him every time he tried to get the daycare worker. I would make a noise or go shhhh or say "no" when he started to talk, and I kept it up until his mom picked him up. He gave up once he was out the door. IDK what happened after, but I was never confronted by this… so I imagine he didn't snitch after all, or nobody really cared.
No. 2067755
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>gave a presentation about muh sex work first year of uni completed with cutesy infographics and memes
I was so fucking smug and galaxybrained about it I want to kill myself. At least I mostly talked about decriminalization and labor rights rather than how heckin empowering it is.
No. 2068325
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My young weeb years were pure cancer
>Be 12-13 in middle school
>In my prime weeb phase and also angsty as fuck cuz bullied
>This is 2005, anime is still niche
>Elfen Lied is big
>Edge factor draws me in
>Make myself some diclonius horns out of sculpey and wear them to school on spirit day and wrap my arms with medical gauze
>Some kid thinks they're pig ears, makes fun of me
>Get period around this time
>Love the bloody imagery of the anime
>Decide it'd be cool to smear period blood on bathroom walls and write I AM NOTHING like in that one Linkin Park video for extra angst, while fantasizing that I killed a bunch of my classmates
>Family is disgusted of course and thinks I need serious mental help
Other stories:
>Bring chopsticks to school even though I can't use them
>Yell "HAII" when I raise my hand when I know any answer
>Say "Gomen nasai" to my teacher one day before leaving because she was mad at the class for some reason
>Be in math class
>Assignment is to come up with a business idea for a store front
>You know where this is going
>Talk about how I'm gonna have a totally epic anime and Japan themed store
>Sperg out about it to my uninterested classmates
>Pretty sure I brought some items for the class to show off too
>Bring one of my fucking anime song mix CDs and make teacher play it while we do our work
>Salva Nos from Noir begins to play
>I get embarrassed because it's a weird song
>Of all the times to have shame, it was then, and not anything else I did leading up to that
>Anxiously ask teacher to skip the song
>Tells me I'm being disruptive and that nobody cares
No. 2068394
>>2067920KEKK thats so fucking nasty
nonny I bet youu had paint chips stuck in your teeth
No. 2068415
>>2068325You made me so glad I didn't go through my weeb phase until college, poor
nonny brutal read
No. 2068419
>>2068325I remember a girl in my middle school doing all of this, and if you were 12-13 in 2005, we're the same age
I wonder if you were just a standard child-archetype I didn't know about, or if you and I went to the same school
either way, don't feel bad, you were at least having a better time than everyone else was
No. 2069618
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I pretended to be a guy online. It was around 2001-ish. I was on AIM and Yahoo chat mostly. I made a group chat with a few people from chicago and Cali. We had good times. I dont know why I thought I'd get taken more seriously as a dude even though I was really good friends with this one girl (I am still friends with her to this day) but things got serious with another guy who was gay. he told me his stories about being bullied for being gay and confined in me.
Yahoo then introduced voice chat and I told them my mic was broken. Guy later confessed feelings for me and I told him I wasnt interested. My guy alias vanished from the group chat and I came in as the guy's sister. It was the epitome of cringe. Even writing this out right now, it was seriously wtf. My friend from the chat never told the gay dude about my fake male alias. She's a girls girl. I am in my 30s now. It was such a weird time