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No. 65824
Since the RoK meetup is getting a lot of attention online right now, I thought a thread might be good.
RoK have scheduled meet ups over the world and there’s been backlash because the founder (pictured) published an article on legalising rape. He now says that was satire and that it is untrue. His other articles are available on the website.
About RoK’s website:
"Return Of Kings is a blog for heterosexual, masculine men. It’s meant for a small but vocal collection of men in America today who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine. ROK aims to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed in favor of creating an androgynous and politically-correct society that allows women to assert superiority and control over men. Sadly, yesterday’s masculinity is today’s misogyny. The site intends to be a safe space on the web for those men who don’t agree with the direction that Western culture is headed. If you are new, check out our top 35 posts of all time. Women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged from commenting here."
Their Beliefs:, farmers?
No. 65842
>>65836Isn't it all the same cesspool, or are there different varieties of crap in the TRP/MRA/MGTOW sphere?
Return of Kings is such a terrible name. Kings = masculine = good is not a logical comparison, nor is it historically accurate.
No. 65852
>>65850I don't, I call it a "mass democracy". I.e. universal suffrage. The idea behind this system is that the more alzheimers sufferers and jamaican immigrants and people who live in empty packing cases and mongoloid cretins are able to vote, the more sure is the grip of the masters of the media on the electoral process. This becomes even more pronounced in multiracial societies where the country just breaks down into tribal blocks who try to game the system to vote for what they feel is in their tribal interest.
People in my country have been opposed to mass immigration for decades. Has either of the mainstream parties done a damn thing about it? No. So I know it's not really "real" democracy.
No. 65864
>>65863Eurostat, Gallup, IpsosMori.
The only European country where a clear majority support mass immigration is, or rather was, Sweden.
No. 65866
>>65864 the US, only 35% want it decreased. No option about it being stopped entirely, but I imagine that'd be even smaller. Mori shows 50% of Britain lists immigration as "the biggest issue", but that doesn't necessarily mean full opposition. 50% also isn't a clear majority.
You seem to be basing your facts from I can't actually find the Eurostat survey they refer to, but I suspect they may not be representing the results accurately.
At least in the US and UK, there's no evidence that democracy has somehow failed regarding this issue. Regarding other European countries, I couldn't find evidence of it, but that evidence may exist. Please link the actual poll results if you can find them.
No. 65909
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lol I saw this on the news and thought it was some over-zealous meeting of fans of the anime series.
Also, I would probably hate myself and project all of my short comings into managing a hate group if I looked like old roosh over there.
>He's also a pickup artist
No. 65943
>>6586678% support the government’s aim to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands, including 70% of those who voted Liberal Democrat in the 2010 General Election.
(YouGov for The Sunday Times, January 2012)
Go shill elsewhere Angela.
No. 65944
>>65943According to the 2014 British Social Attitudes Survey, 77% of people want to see immigration reduced, with 56% wanting to see it reduced ‘a lot’ and an additional 21% wanting to see it reduced ‘a little’.
(British Social Attitudes Survey 2014)
No. 65945
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>Slutty Bitches complain about there's no men that want them for more than sex and make no effort to better themselves.
>Douchenozzle MRAs make a legit point that you shouldn't put a ring on a whore who's only good at being a whore.
>Tumblr-fried Semen Receptacles throw a bitchfit and demand the head of MRAs.
We all need to take a step back and look at the big fucked up picture.
We live in a society where we're giving high fives to and worshiping bitches like Monica Lewnsky, Dunham , Kardasian and Amber Rose aka women who pretty much earned their fame or did something stupid on their backs and knees and turn around and complain about a bunch of retarded guys worshiping Roosh, of all fucking people, who's telling them to take advantage of women who idolize said walking semen receptacles.
Good thing most of the people who listen to Roosh's shit are spineless and poor fucks anyway , but that's not the point.
This is some serious double standard bullshit. What ever happened to dignity?
Why is this even happening?
I don't even want these people dead. I want to pull a sliders and hop into a parallel alternate universe where society never progressed past the 90s.
A time where none of this shit was mainstream. Being a slut was a bedroom issue and you were properly shamed like the whore you were if people found out. No "beta uprising" bullshit. No MRA bullshit either.
Men were allowed to be men, not easily manipulated passive aggressive pussies who are afraid of jail time for just TALKING LOUDLY towards a woman. Guys back then weren't afraid of bravado like they are today.
Women were allowed to be women without having to deal with men with plastic cooters demanding rights. Being a tomboy without having some crazy whore declare that you must be a transman or something.
Life was simpler. These losers didn't have a voice back then. They were exactly that. Losers.
I want to wake up from this nightmare, but I can't.
No. 65956
like, this is mildly related, but I've realized something. most guys don't want to treat women like shit, but when they do and they're rejected and done so in a dehumanizing way, they're going to treat women in an inhumane way back, experimenting with ways to get what they want (if they still want it).
>>65947>feminist woman talking bad about immigrantsare you allowed to do that?
>>65945what does the word "slut" mean to you?
No. 65986
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Do you really care about a bunch of douchebags having a meeting?
I am seeing this being spammed everywhere. Is this a marketing campaign? Because guess what, you are marketing it.
People who make it their life to care about this stuff need psychological help. You cannot fix everything with social media and impose your particular brand of politics on the world. Allowing yourself to get worked up about non-issues is how you end up as a lunatic SJW.
>>65947A sane feminist? Now I have seen everything. But seriously, you' right. I really believe people are damaging their mental health by spazzing out over this type of nonsense.
No. 66044
>>66042Ugh, what losers.
You can laugh at neckbeards and weebs but it's feminists who really take the biscuit (or ten).
No. 66102
>>66091Because the main purpose of the said meetings is supporting rape (Incitement is still a crime in Italy) and EXPLAINING HOW TO RAPE without getting caught. Like, full instructions about drugs etc.
I doubt they could get seriously arrested, but the sole presence of police could scare them off enough to get lost.
And let's not forget that now that people knows, someone could arrange a group of revolt. The scumbags could get lynched (which I really hope to happen)
No. 66103
>>66102I thought it was more of a ideological stance. Regardless, the information is out there.
I think the police should ID them and keep them on a watchlist. Vigilantism is bad. You don't know if everyone there isn't a journalist (in which case the watchlist does nothing) or otherwise not going to do anything.
But yeah, they're fucking scumbags.
No. 66112
>>65940Thanks! But seems the backlash around here made them officially cancel their meeting anyway. They were meeting outside of a Starbucks so I was just planning to grab a coffee inside inconspicuously and quickly look at them. It's for the best they're not meeting up, but on the other hand, I sort of wish they did just so I could see who to avoid in the future (eg. if me or family meets one of these guys in the future, I know to avoid them)
>>66105Come on. Not all feminists support refugees, you know that already. You are asking like it's a trick question, and this isn't even a thread dedicated to refugees (we have one in /b/ already). Anyway, I find it's mostly the mentally unstable 'tumblr sjw' 'oppression is everywhere' type of feminists that support refugees, islamization and so on. Personally, I don't. Tbh I would probably even support death sentence for sexual or violent crimes from refugees in Europe, because what's happening now isn't working.
No. 66113
>>66105Refugees? I thought the thread was about RoK? Idc about the thread derailing.
And to be correct, it's not just refugees (and not all refugees) who rape women, you know. In my country it's mostly from our compatriots.
And what makes you think that Roosh and/or his minions hasn't/won't rape some poor girl? I mean, they want rape to be legalized.
…Now that I look more closely, has /r9k/ invaded again?
No. 66124
>>66113Can you give me a straight answer?
Do you or do you not support lynching actual refugee rapists, as you stated you support lynching Roosh and his gang of chucklefucks?
No. 66157
>>66124I'm against ALL rapists, regardless of race and yeah, even gender. And I'm against people like the "gentleman" in the OP picture who wants to make rape legal.
Like, of course they ain't changing the law, but rape comes from mentality and that specific fucked up mentality makes a bloke dangerous for people around him/her.
And I'm not saying they should be killed or what, but if during their meeting some guy decides to throw a shoe at them (Muntazar al-Zaydi style) or punches them I don't really mind
No. 66158
>>66157Just answer the fucking question.
Do you support lynching the rapefugees or not?
Because you had a viscerally violent reaction to Roosh, but you seem to be evasive on this issue, which leads me to believe you consider the former more egregious than the latter.
No. 66160
>>66158I answered your question. Yes, I don't mind if they lynch rapists.
Now may I ask you something? Why are you focusing on refugees? Is rape okay for you if the rapist comes from a wealthy country? And was the majority of rapes in your area really caused by refugees?
No. 66165
>>65986>People who make it their life to care about this stuff need psychological help. It's funny you say this on a website that's dedicated to obsessively cyberstalking and nitpicking and mocking people. Pot calling the kettle black.
inb4 LOL you must've been posted to /pt/
No. 66167
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Death penalty for
>people who support/allow rape
>false rape accusers
>people who support/allow false rape accusers
That includes ANYONE who commits one of those four crimes: journalists, people who reblog/post it on social media, police, judges, politicians, etc
No. 66230
>>66192I remember reading a story about some high school girl that got taken to a public restroom by three guys and just raped repeatedly for a few hours. The girl committed suicide shortly after that.
Rape from many years ago seems to stay in a victims mind and make them feel guilty and ashamed as it goes on, especially if the victim had it done by someone they trusted while they were younger.
Basically, the mind is incredibly fragile and rape has very long-lasting damage, whether it's immediate or years later.
No. 66236
>>66232And many times victims develop PTSD. I had a friend who did and she is very open and transparent with every person she was ever in a relationship about it. I remember she was once
triggered while being intimate with her at the time BF (they had only been dating for maybe a month?) and she didn't know what to do despite feeling it coming and he was completely at a loss since seeing anyone going through a PTSD episode is unnerving, much less causing it, even by accident. Needless to say he only lasted about another week or so and she moved on.
And if you're wondering, her rape happened at least 5 years prior and it was her brother. Most rape cases aren't perpetrated by strangers and many are done by family members.
No. 66272
>>66236that sounds pretty weak of him tbh
I've given worse girls more
No. 66292
>>66284>>66263What? It's not like I said rape was good or not damaging at all. Just that perhaps we as a society have been taught to view someone forcing themselves upon you sexually as one of the worst things ever, when there are worse things. Gang rape or getting a metal piped shoved in your are obviously very different things from someone continuing to fuck you for a few minutes after you said no, but the latter is what rape usually is.
Is it really so crazy to wonder if society makes rape worse than it otherwise would have been by telling victims that they have been forever changed and experienced the worst thing imaginable? I mean nobody tells people who experienced theft or assault that they are "survivors of theft/assault" for the rest of their lives, and I think they're better off because of it.
No. 66293
>>66292You don't understand, bud. Trying to understand other people by asking questions is OFFENSIVE.
I get that some people find it to be a touchy subject but maybe go talk about other things, then, instead of being a screeching autist.
You're free to wonder those things, but I promise you, it would not have any effect. PTSD and shit isn't something that is easily fixed, and that is something that victims who develop it figure out first hand. Staying positive is good, though.
No. 66306
>>66192Easy for you to say. Sex is supposed to be something special- even if you're a hookup person, it is still supposed to be something special, fun and enjoyable. It involves a high level of intimacy. If you're a woman, someone is literally inside of you during sex. It doesn't get more intimate than that.
Rape is a special kind of assault that invades someone in a way that isn't equal to just beating someone up. It is hard to describe if you haven't been raped or sexually assaulted yourself.
No. 66354
>>65897yes please
That blog is garbage. Robots: the blog.
No. 66442
>>66192I view it as a horrible crime in cultures where women value being chaste and dont sleep with 10+ men like in the middle east and much of Asia
In the West I dont see what the big deal is. Women have removed all emotional meaning from sex and just fuck everything. I fail to see how rape is that big of a deal for your average slut tbh. Just lay there like all the other times you've had sex
No. 66455
So, people were calling him a basement dweller, which is funny because it's true apparently wants to make rape legal but calls 911 for some threat received online? L m a o
No. 66464
>>66292Society isnt telling rape victims that they are victimized. I think rape victims can speak for themselves about the trauma of what they went through.
I think you're a troll looking to rustle jimmies through a lack of empathy.
No. 66468
>>66464There is a mental handicap called autism, where people have major trouble relating to others. Like with many mental illnesses, people may exhibit some symptoms, but still not qualify for a diagnosis.
tl;dr not everyone is very empathic
No. 66474
>>66470I'm autistic, I'm the person who posted that question, and you're not salty.
>>66471Autists don't have problems with empathy because they're malicious.
No. 66487
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No. 66491
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No. 66493
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According to my go-to news source knowyourmeme, the cyberbullies have forced him to cancel whatever it was he was going to do. I hope you guys are happy.
No. 66495
>>66492I agree. They seem like the type who are deeply insecure and probably don't have anything to offer except for their obnoxious opinions. I'm sure they'd be extrodinarily boring in bed too.
I don't think any woman in her right mind would be attracted to men like this.
No. 66595
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>>66587Maybe bullying made him turn out this way.
No. 67783
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No. 68611
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>>68514 you must be a fucktard if you think otherwise
No. 68965
>>68566She told no lie, anon.
And if you think otherwise, you should spend some time in male dominated places.
No. 69528
>>66325>I disagree, I think most men want to treat women like shit. Like, I've hear the way they talk about women when they think we aren't listening.The things women say about other women behind their backs are not exactly great either. Your making it sound like its only males who will do stuff like like that when its probably just a sucky trait we all more or less share.
>They basically want to see and hear women as little as possible and dislike everything about usHave you considered that maybe its just you men are trying to avoid? Not even trying to be offensive here, but if your seeing people consistently trying to avoid you, maybe your just not that likeable.
> They're ideal relationship with women is one where they have complete control over their partner, they basically think of as as walking sex toys and can't stand to find that we're people like they are.Change "women" to "man" and its exactly what you will read from MGTOW/MRA people…