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No. 649853
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>KEK BASED ALL MEN NEED TO GO, that's right sis
No. 649858
Have any of you watched The Sopranos? Biggest male cope ever I stg. You've got this mob boss, old man, banging 10/10 20-something year olds. No, he doesn't pay for them, they're genuinely IN LOVE with him, THEY throw themselves at HIM, because I guess he just oozes that much sex appeal LOL.
Most unrealistic shit ever, girls threatening suicide when he chooses he's had enough of them. In what world is this realistic? He's got a lot of money, but the women he attracts arent't golddiggers, no, never (except maybe ONLY his evil old ugly wife). So what attracts them to him, what does he offer, what does he bring to the table? I mean If he's old he must be handsome to make up for it, right? Nope, -1/10, balding, and beerbelly. Personality maybe? No lol if anything he treats them like shit. Surely he offers to give them money/buys them gifts at least? nah
I still cannot wrap my head around it
No. 649877
>>649865Muh male ego rule: Once a woman's place starts censoring stuff because it may hurt men's ego, it officially starts dying.
I get enough people policing my speech to be 'nice' and coddle men irl, don't need it online.
No. 649878
>>649863omg lol now you've just placed the bar higher. How is anyone going to ever be satisfied with their husbands if they aren't out there killing pedos/rapists, sigh
I'm dead anon. Seriously though, I think there've been a lot of men that've hurt/killed someone that raped their wife/daughter/mother/sister/female loved one.
No. 649893
>>649885awww! thats so cute anon
anyways, back to man-hating
No. 649897
>>649886Is this wrong though? Keeping in mind the laws society have in place, should we really be expecting men to punish someone who hurt someone else's loved one? Shouldn't we expect that
victims respective family take care of it themselves? Would you risk being put behind bars on behalf of someone you have no relationship to?
No. 649918
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when men gang up it's always for bad stuff, never good
No. 649921
>>649913Ignore it then, infighting over innocuous shit is going to get the thread locked/ruin it, retard.
Anyways, is it possible at all for men to by sympathetic to women's struggles? We have to frame EVERYTHING as a benefit to them in order to get them to care, it's like "I don't know how to convince you to care about other people," but literally all men about all women.
No. 649922
>>649914Some gay men act even more open about their misogyny since they hide behind the 'but I don't want to fuck you so I'm just like you and deserve to be included!'. Openly staring at women and groping them, being rude as fuck talking about fishy vagina (aka "sassiness").
Men are men, defective to the last cell. They have the same entitlement, literally poisoned michfest woman's only festival because they weren't included.
No. 649933
>>649921I only started hating men after I tried seeing the good in them. There is none. They're selfish fucks who are content to let sharia law level shit happen because at the end of the day having guaranteed access to pussy is most important to them.
>>649926Kek cope. If he's a mommas boy he expects all women to be his momma. He feels entitled to it. The only quality a good man has is self hate and humbleness.
No. 649956
>>649933>If he's a mommas boy he expects all women to be his momma.I'm honestly not sure where you got "momma's boy" from "Has a good relationship with his mother"
That's just retard logic if you instantly connect those two. Some people are nice to their parents without wanting to fuck them or be coddled by them forever, anon.
No. 649958
>>649937> but at the end of the day is still an absolute emotional drainOh god. Fucking yes. Whenever I talk with other women it’s mostly some nice stuff, like how was your day and such. But with men is like:
>hey i just met you>and this is crazy>but here is all of my emotional baggage >and please call me because i will kill myselfFor fuck’s sake, why men.
No. 649982
>>649958>>and please call me because i will kill myselfThe astounding accuracy kek. He's baity when he self-hates, that's why I'm skeptical of self-hate as a necessary trait.
>>649947>they still want soothing and absolution when they accept their existence is a scourge.EXACTLY.