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File: 1432569359006.jpg (209.47 KB, 401x600, 914455_304482629733142_2097752…)

No. 6486

Any favourites?

No. 6488

File: 1432569495184.jpg (12.53 KB, 236x314, 914455_304482629733142_2097752…)

I heard Risa Nakamura has brought out a new book. She's alright but never smiles and every, single, pose is literally the same.

No. 6541

She looks so cool though. Wondering how she gets that look to her eyes. I want to know what she looks like without eye makeup for a better idea of how it's done…..

What is her book about?

No. 6542

ahhhh they look so cute

No. 6585

light contacts, falsies on bottom lashes, pink or red eyeshadow.

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