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File (hide): 1602039951487.jpeg (751.62 KB, 2048x1440, 5DD2EF1A-7174-4427-884D-8B1770…)

No. 648334

Are there any weird YouTube communities / hobby channels / topics you keep up with?

No. 648340>>648490>>648561

Not obscure at all but I love keeping up with foreign cafe channels and seeing the new packaging/equipment they get. It's just so satisfying to see them use them. It's also fascinating to see the standards that are put for fast food service and presentation in other countries, meanwhile amerifuck is trash when it comes to that.

No. 648422>>648433>>648456>>648476>>648499>>648731>>661430

I think I found this youtube niche on the blogsnark subreddit but they’re usually called “what’s for dinner” or something along those lines and it’s all white midwestern/southern moms making family dinners, mostly using crockpots and airfryers, premade sauces, onion powder and shit like that. But I find it pretty fascinating to see what some white people eat and how they cook kek

No. 648433

Thanks for sharing anon, this is such a wierd mix of cringe and comfy. Seeing canned/packaged everything and no seasoning besides onion/garlic powder is low key driving me insane, but it's also reminding me of the time's I'd stay over at my Grandparent's and Aunt's houses as a kid in the deep south.
Now I'm craving biscuits and gravy

No. 648456

i LOVE that, it feels like i'm at a friend's house looking the mom cook dinner lol
i'm not american and i find this kind of content really fascinating. i also browse pinterest for teal and gold chevron 2012 fashion abominations, look up fashion/beauty blogs entries from a decade ago, and watch slaton sisters and chris chan videos for that rural and suburban US experience. idk why i'm so interested but i am.

No. 648476>>648587

I'm not from America but I regularly see comments about Southern white people's food and their lack of seasoning with the heavy implication that their dinners are weird or laughable(? or something like that) and now I really wanna know what people who make these comments specifically about white people's food eat.

No. 648490>>648561

I follow a lot of Korean cafe vlog channels too and try to recreate their drinks and sweets at home. I live in a major city in murica, but the cafes here are shite at presentation and ridiculously expensive. The only cities with decent cafes in the whole country are probably just LA and NYC because there’s a huge concentration of influencers around those cities, but even then the cafe culture is still wildly different.

No. 648499>>648540

Now I know what Americans mean when they say white people don't season their food… fascinating. And they just eat this? I would die. I can't imagine how much sodium is in all that.

No. 648525>>648526

I'm not sure if it's weird, but I love watching meal/bento prep videos.

No. 648526>>648555

Samefag. I also love mukbangs. There's something about watching those cute girls shoving insane amounts of food in their mouths. Yuka Kinoshita is the craziest example I think but I love Nado because she eats slowly and it looks like she's really enjoying the food.

No. 648537>>649151

Nothing has been the same since the downfall of YouTube Poop

No. 648540

It's nasty levels of sodium. I don't know how it's edible. Plus cream of chicken soup is gross af.

No. 648555>>648557>>648558

you know they're fake right?

No. 648557>>648558

NTA but how mukbang can be fake?

No. 648558>>648564>>648588

Nta but they are not outright fake just misleading, alot of these yt mukbangs are recorded through multiple days, the girl just puts on the same outfit, they still ate all the food tho so

No. 648561>>648986

I only ever see korean ones around youtube, do you have channels from other countries to share?

No. 648564

that's still fake considering the point is eating it in one sitting.

No. 648587

A lot of "non whites" fry everything.

No. 648588

I find it pretty comforting as the thought that one person would stuff all of that food into themselves in one sitting is terrifying.

No. 648606>>648631>>692578

Not something I personally watch, but the period community on youtube is kinda weird to me? most of them are underage girls who have giant collections of period products and show them off.

No. 648631

I wouldn’t have even thought that this community existed, wow

No. 648632>>655047

I really love channels that upload edits of songs with atmospheric edits ("it's playing in another room" or "you're in the bathroom at a party", etc). It's just fun to pretend you're someone else, someplace else for a little bit.

No. 648634

Miniature dollhouse kit videos… god I just love miniature things

No. 648731

>pioneer woman plates
this gonna be good

No. 648986>>649131

This channel is Japanese and does cafe vlogs. Cafe vlogs seem to mostly be a Korean thing.

No. 648988>>649131

There are also some Starbucks vlogs but they're not as aesthetically pleasing as the Korean ones.

No. 648990>>649131>>655057

Korean food vlog culture is pretty interesting. There are even vlogs for places like Subway or Baskin Robbins.

No. 649131>>655057

Koreans have aesthetics in general down to a t.
Seriously no one is doing it like them.

Lol I don’t see what’s so entertaining about watching someone make subway sandwiches but I guess there’s something for everyone.

No. 649134>>649141>>649152>>649164>>653358

>food channels

anons, i present to you, the toilet flushing community

No. 649140>>649141>>649152

Elevator review channels is just one I'll never understand

No. 649141

now we’re talking

No. 649148>>649316

There's this guy who records videos of sirens going off. He also has an ice cream truck speaker collection.

No. 649151

i miss those times, now it's all tiktok compilations and commentary bs

No. 649152

hell yes bitch

No. 649164

This guy does public washroom reviews

No. 649177>>649356>>649582

The wet shoes community, literally fetish territory. There's playlists of so many people in their pools and bathtubs fully clothed.

No. 649316

I love the videos where this guy plays random sounds on a siren

No. 649356

my ex had this fetish and he was a major faggot

No. 649582

how is this a thing wtf

No. 653152>>653160>>653167

Don't know if I can post a video here without getting flagged for gross body stuff but- there is an entire community on Youtube for people scratching dandruff off their scalp. A lot of times it's people with psoriasis I have it too, I was looking up ways to deal with it when I found it It's weird as hell some people have preferences for the type of flakes and combing techniques but I guess it falls under the 'gross but satisfying to watch' category. Look it up at your own risk if you aren't grossed out by that kind of thing.

No. 653160

Post a vid retard

No. 653167>>653171>>653202

Wow shit is like beeswax. I feel hella sorry for psoriasis sufferers.

No. 653171

jesus if i had this i would just shave my head skin-bald.

No. 653173>>653349>>653407

I've been following a lot of grooming videos for tips on how to groom my own dog, then just end up sending them to the groomer anyway. I especially like the foreign groomers like korean or japanese because of how chill and warm they are.

No. 653202

You were right to question posting that, the thumbnail alone is fucking disgusting. Absolutely needs a spoiler.

No. 653349>>653357

File (hide): 1602485144162.jpeg (146.34 KB, 563x411, 722EAEE4-4CB0-4D91-826B-6756F5…)

I love those vids. I love when they make the dog look like a puffball.

No. 653357>>653482

What breed is that dog anon, do you know? It’s so cute

No. 653358

I subscribed would it be weird to do a bathroom review channel? Just curious

No. 653407

That was so cute I'm actually crying

No. 653437


No. 653445>>653462>>654126>>654782

Disgusting binge eaters who asspat themselves checking in, edited cutely but with a TW!!!
Youtube takes down videos with a fuck in it but not these people who are just gross

No. 653462

~My Worst Binge/Purge Cycle uwu~

What the fuck. Ever see an alcoholic talk about their vomiting the way bulimics talk about theirs? No, because even alcoholics have more sense left in that mush that used to be their brain.

No. 653482

Nta but I think it's just a Pomeranian with trimmed fur

No. 654119>>655048

Not super obscure but I love watching people commentate over their realistic diorama builds! Very relaxing.

No. 654126

Similarly also the anachans who post super ~restrictive~ what I eat in a day videos. They’re also almost always kpop fags…

No. 654130>>655001

I’m fascinated by the ex ftm YouTube community.

No. 654778

>ex ftm

No. 654782

I'm gonna fuckin purge now jfc, why do anorexics take the most disgusting pictures/videos of their food?
It's always all pallid and mashed up

No. 654791


No. 654932

These fucking cursed animated music videos that furries make of kids movies.

No. 655001

Elle's a really smart, sensitive speaker; she's the best of the bunch really

No. 655007>>655013

There’s a ton of channels dedicated to setting women’s clothes on fire. I’m not sure if it’s a pyro fetish or what, I found them maybe four years ago. Usually Russian or Japanese, they come and go. Weird dark aura.

No. 655013>>655015>>655019

File (hide): 1602651989628.png (59.74 KB, 1898x282, Sskjv.png)

What the fuck

No. 655015>>655019

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What the fuck: part 2

No. 655019>>655022>>655028

Dude I know it’s so weird. Here’s one where you can see the old man setting the dress up

No. 655020>>655028

First one I ever saw

No. 655022

All the comments are in German too. Weird as fuck.

No. 655028

File (hide): 1602653550306.png (39.74 KB, 1418x192, kkn.png)

I know they're inanimate objects, but something about this feels wrong.
The comments don't help at all, either. This shit is sinister.

No. 655034>>655035

In the same vein as anon finding a community for burning clothing, apparently there's one for flushing satin dresses down toilets.

No. 655035>>655039

File (hide): 1602654271664.png (88.66 KB, 1880x440, bssf.png)

Samefagging because again, these fucking comments. What's wrong with these people?

No. 655039

File (hide): 1602654895890.png (2.41 MB, 2240x1264, 442z.png)

Samefagging again. Why is this "interest" a thing?
Imagine being the person(s) who has to unclog these toilets.

No. 655047

wow lol I used to mess around with songs on audacity like this all the time as a kid. I'd close my eyes and pretend I was in different situations.

No. 655048

Same I watch these for hours sometimes. No frills just people creating mini scenic masterpieces

No. 655057

>Lol I don’t see what’s so entertaining about watching someone make subway sandwiches but I guess there’s something for everyone.

reminds me of vid related which was a trend on tik tok. I've done this job and it is kinda zen but watching people pack so slowly and also not properly prep items for shipment is not relaxing lol.

No. 655060>>655198

I used to watch reborn videos a lot. There was one woman in particular who would make “day in the life with a toddler and baby” vlogs and didn’t make it obvious that she was pretending with reborns. This led to most comments being like “wtf”

She went so overboard. Claimed not to want real kids but would record scenes of her dealing with reborn’s ‘crying’ for ages. She had a nursery full of real baby equipment and so many clothes. Would take the reborns outside too. She actually died and no one believed it at first

There was another channel, the girl was only about 14 and she had these reborns worth hundreds each and all the equipment. Claimed not to be wealthy. I wonder what happened to her. I’d be very concerned if my teenage daughter wanted to play with realistic dolls

No. 655198

Oh man I remember that first lady. I shudder to imagine what a day in her mind feels like

No. 658295

Cattle hoof trimmers

No. 658325>>658686>>661721

Emergency Alert Systems, both real and fake

No. 658369>>658377

I used to know a girl when I was in school who would upload videos of her smoking cigarettes on YouTube. Back then I had no idea it was a fetish thing and a lot of girls would do it so men would rate them in the comment. She was typical English council house so she would have her hair scraped back in a bun and be wearing her bathrobe, but men loved it. A video is an example I couldn’t find her old vids.

No. 658377

Sounds fucking retarded, must be even more retarded for the suckers that are into this tho.

No. 658671>>658685

Idk how obscure it is since the guy has 2mil subs,but I guess having a channel dedicated to advanced lockpicking is a niche

No. 658685

Ha, I stumbled upon this channel when I was watching puzzle solving videos. There is a type of puzzle that include unlocking complicated locks, and this channel was recommended after watching one of those. I ended up watching and enjoying a few of the videos, because it's actually similar to solving a physical puzzle.

No. 658686>>659549

Oh, i definitely see the appeal of these, I remember watching this video years ago and it stayed with me for a long time, even though I knew it's fake. Some made up alarms are unnecesarily "dramatized", this is so bare and straight to the point it's actually terrifying.

No. 659549

If you like this kind of thing check out Local 58. Its a horror themed channel dedicated to mostly old school tv bumpers. Obviously fake as it's an ARG but it captures that atmosphere so well

No. 659604>>659621>>659815>>659823>>661871

I watch a lot of schizophrenic youtube. There's quite a few channels but Bob Hickman is my favorite. I forget how but I was friends with him on facebook a few years ago and even interacting with him some.

He thinks that god is inside of his body tormenting him physically and he'll often post pictures of his injuries that 'god' has inflicted on him. Lately his whole thing is doing these weird "work outs" in his basement. Vid related.

Schizophrenics post so frequently and never get bored of repeating the same stuff. it's so disturbing and sad to me but morbidly fascinating.

No. 659621>>659630>>659638

I am so goddamn afraid of developing schizophrenia or some other illness when I grow more older. Even though it doesn't run in my family, I'm paranoid.

No. 659630

NAYRT but me too. Once I had a dream about being schizo but I was only half aware of my illness so I thought someone was really stalking me and I kept begging strangers for help. They just ignored me and I felt powerless. Then when someone offered help I realised they might be the stalker and was scared it was a trap. Everything felt unsafe. I’d rather just die. Can’t even watch those videos

No. 659638

Same here except it does run ib my family so thats….great.

No. 659815>>659849

i love this anon, what are some other schizo channels?

No. 659823>>659831>>659847

lol this guy lives in my area, i recognize the van. west side of indianapolis. i usually see him shopping, or digging through the dumpster at auto zone.

No. 659831>>659842

How do you feel about the recent uptick in crime anon? Do you feel safe?

No. 659842

overall i feel safe. i've lived in relatively dangerous areas of indianapolis for a few years now and have kinda grown accustomed to it. it's also hard for me to really tell how much of an uptick there is as i recently moved near the outskirts of a known ghetto (haughville), so i'm seeing a lot more crime in general just because of the area. my husband & i just keep to ourselves and nobody really bothers us, so it's not something i worry about very much.
it is concerning when i see violent crimes towards women near me (citizen app really helps with this), so i've avoided walking around after dark until i'm more familiar with this neighborhood.

No. 659847>>659855

that's crazy, i kind of feel bad for him. do you know what he gets in the trash? or what he buys?

No. 659849>>662222

File (hide): 1603151095785.png (Spoiler Image,952.34 KB, 628x1189, gail_15_01012018_pepe.png)

Ill go through my sub list but some that that come to mind are:

Harrison Briggs. Harrison Briggs is a wild case just because of the sheer amount of videos he makes. Just in the last 24 hours he's uploaded 22 videos, each are around 30 seconds and usually all about how people are following him, there is someone hiding in his room he needs help, giving his exact location, etc. He seems to be perpetually on the run and lives exclusively in motels/hotels. No idea how he finances all of the accommodations considering there is no time or way he could be working, but all of the places he stays in looks nice. Sometimes he'll kind of aggressively confront people which is spooky.

Gail Chord Schuler, gabriellechana1 on youtube. She's a rabbithole. Unironically thinks that obese women explode from farting and turn the people around them mantally retarded. Too many hours of content. Her case is especially sad because 4channers cowtip her and feed her this crazy shit and her mental illness just eats it up I guess. Like she thinks Hugh Hefner's dying wish was for her to be the playbunny of the century, her nudes are censored with pepes, etc.

No. 659855>>659859

i've only really ever seen him from afar, usually driving around the area or in the dollar store parking lot. his van's pretty beat down, so i'm assuming that's why he dumpster dives at auto zone. i've never had the chance to talk to him personally or really be near him, sorry anon.

i feel bad for him too. unfortunately there's a lot of people like him in the area. one of which i often pay to mow my lawn or trim my trees.. he's full blown schizo and often loudly rants about pedophiles in my backyard. he's constantly in and out of hospitals with no place to go. i believe he was living in someone's garage last i talked to him, and they were stealing his SNAP card while he slept. the shelters around here are horrible; their belongings just get stolen if they try to stay over night. indianapolis seriously fails when it comes to helping those with mental health issues.

No. 659859>>660066

An Indy anon? On lc?? Omg hi

No. 659923

Speaking of weird schizo YouTubers, I first heard of this guy a month ago because he often drove around an area in Minneapolis, filming inside people’s houses and following women around harassing them. There’s a ton of videos on his channel of him following people around at night wearing a creepy mask. He got taken away in an ambulance a couple weeks ago afaik and he hasn’t posted since.

No. 660066

hey fellow indy anon! i made a post in the friend finder thread on /g/ a couple months back if you're looking for friends in the area. just ctrl+f indianapolis and it should pop up.

No. 661193>>661721

I'm weirdly obsessed with watching people rant about their job at Amazon warehouses

No. 661430

Guess who is binge watching these atm.

No. 661627

Tactical reload vids (people reloading their toilet rolls like they're mags) are so fucking stupid but amusing to me. Now I try to do it every time I replace my TP.

No. 661721

This shit is entertaining. For some reason I find the same kinds of videos that show up on TikTok straight up annoying. Maybe it's because the way they present themselves. On YouTube, it's more like a diary rather than showing an audience.

This reminds me of the community who tries to recreate old Weather Channel programming. Some people even have the genuine hardware that generated the shit.

No. 661871

this was a weird rabbit hole, thanks anon. i wonder why do so many schizophrenics end up being obsessed with religion and God.

No. 662105>>662114>>662130>>662239

Those mommy Costco haul channels who only go to Costco once a month to feed their family of like 12.

No. 662114

The fuck, do they bring a whole truck with them?

No. 662130

I can't stand these videos because no one has got any business having 12 fucking kids.
Interesting to see the massive amount of resources needing to keep this excess alive for a mere few days until the next megahaul.

No. 662185>>662218

Have no interest to travel myself but watching solo female travellers is really interesting to me

No. 662218>>662262

Tried watching a few of her videos and she acts like she desperately wants you to call her irl Leeloo kek

No. 662222

Gail is so fucking unhinged I loved her malware-ridden website. Also you did not mention how she thinks she has telepathic connections to what she refers to Her Men from her Marriage List which includes names like
>Data from Star Trek
>Vladimir Putin
>Matthew Mcconaughey
Her storylines are amazing.

No. 662229>>662241>>756749

Not sure if obscure but I like to watch this guy doing MRE reviews. He’s pretty chill and always weirdly tolerant of shitty/expired food.

I’m not even sure why I keep up with it, I like it when a MRE from my country is featured and wanna know what he thinks about it lol. I usually just put it as background filler and play on my switch.
Also he’s never really putting up tons of ads or any sponsorship so that’s pretty refreshing.

No. 662239

Oh man, this is my thing too! I love hatewatching this shit… especially the fundie families with a bajillion underfed kids, where the woman is supposed to be the household angel or what the fuck ever lol

It always blows my mind WHAT they buy. Typically they buy so much premade, prepackaged, industrially produced crap… they throw so much money away when they really could just save a ton of money by making everything from scratch, because the overhead goes lower and lower when you make larger and larger batches. Then again, planning ahead wisely isn't exactly the forte of someone who winds up with 10-16 kids…

I used to do provisioning for fairly big outings - think like 14-day camping in the woods for 25 people - and it always blows my mind what these people buy. Sometimes it's sensible, and other times my jaw's on the floor lol

(Do we have a fundie/tradwife hate topic I should take this to?)

No. 662241

Ahhh his channel is nice
my favourite video of his is when he ate and smoked amphetamine-laced Nazi rations

No. 662262>>662272

Had no idea who that was, searched her up and by appearance alone holy shit you may be right anon. I don't like nor dislike her personality, I just really like the way she edits her videos. Feels like I'm truly seeing things with her as a fly on the wall or something.

No. 662272

She’s definitely on one, I skipped through a few and had a hard time with them because she kept posing like her and in general doing unnatural things in hopes there would be compassion. A little awkward.

No. 663644>>663667>>663690>>663701

Not obscure, just weird. There are apparently quite a few Youtube channels dedicated to tracking Asian celeb weight loss/gain, with most of them specifically tracking kpop idols' weight. I know kpop stans are crazy but this is autismo even for them.

No. 663667

Yeah these were shared on here a lot when the kpop threads were a thing

No. 663690

These are so dann toxic do they even know what they’re projecting with this? Not gonna lie I looked up kpop diets aswell when I was desperate to loose some weight, shame on me

No. 663701

I don’t like k-pop or Korean culture at all for that matter, but I have benefited from the shallow Korean diet culture. There’s tons of videos about their crash diets as well as extreme dieting from pretty Korean girls and they’ve helped me keep any extra weight off, plus the food they eat isn’t gross to me.

No. 666746>>666754>>666768>>666788>>666795

Im addicted to these Another Dirty Room episodes. Basically three guys go into seedy shitty motel rooms and tear them apart looking for disgusting things and review them. Its fascinating and horrible that people pay to go to here. They've even gotten places that charge by the hour, you absolutely know what's going on in these places. It makes me paranoid that even nice hotels might be hiding stuff like this.

No. 666754

My husband and I watch this together! A few took place in the state I used to live in, lmao.

No. 666768

I love ADR. Some of the rooms they've been to are nicer than ones some children grow up in. I had gratitude for a roof and a cigarette burnt mattress back then, and gratitude I don't have to live like that now.
Also it's funny to see grown men screaming about bugs and grime. There's no way Dan and Rick don't cuddle when they get back to their real hotel

No. 666788

that room gives me the heebie jeebies, christ alive. the guy with the glasses is really funny though

No. 666795>>667052>>667193

Apparently Dan Bell is a lolcow but I do enjoy this series.

No. 667052

nta but really? thats disappointing cause his abandoned mall videos were pretty cool. i just hope he's only a harmless cringy sperg and not actually dangerous

No. 667193

Any details? I can't find anything except some people saying his livestreams are boring / cringy which is not LC enough for sure

No. 667460

i like the ones where people try to fit their whole fist in their mouth, or whatever object is lying around. cause literally why

No. 667854

I follow alot of this women vlogs , that are like day in the life of a salary woman in japan, specially Tina's life , all her videos are so comfy the way she makes all her homemade meals with such effort, the way she goes out alone , and enojoys her own company , sometimes I wonder if she really loves her life like that , there are many channels with this theme


No. 668412

mask channels are a thing

No. 669254

There’s a not-so-obscure section of youtube dedicated to GachaLife videos, which is a dress-up game that functions as a flash animation program and rakes in millions of views a month majority from children. The more popular content is typical angsty tween nonsense like abuse and secret children and bullies, and cringey creepy pasta romances and yaoi. The obscure part of it however, is the “fandom reacts” section. This is where people recreate characters based on already existing characters or real life people in GachaLife, and have them react to any content on youtube. The videos can be from 5 to 20 minutes long even, and most of it is just the characters sitting there. An occasional text bubble or some sort of flash animation may occur but it’s not frequent. If the fandom is popular enough they easily get hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of likes, hundreds of comments. And it’s very much monetized. This video has around 6 ads for a video that’s mostly screen recordings of other videos and would take at most 30 minutes to edit by anyone competent. It’s arguably lower effort than actual reaction videos. Faces in GachaLife can be premade so the reactions on the characters are one-click away. But they garner SO MUCH engagement.
GachaLife preexisting-media reenactment is a subsection of the Gacha umbrella that also exists, ranging from music videos to television shows to youtuber videos and movies.
The more variety of characters fandom-wise is featured in the thumbnail, the more clicks the video receives as well.

No. 692578>>692638

File (hide): 1607730019994.png (2.23 MB, 1263x732, tinadivalicious.PNG)

Kind of in a similar vein, I think a lot of specific collector communities are so strange. specifically when they collect kind of mid-tier quality products. It's weird that people will get hyperfixated on a product like lotion or candles but then collect specifically from huge department store type brands when they could collect the artisan versions of these things? It's only weird to me because for example, they will learn a lot about candles in general and use terms like cold throw, hot throw, top notes, middle notes, etc, and known the history of the scents within the brand etc but they're buying from such mediocre brands. It's like if you were super into coffee, knew all of the roasting and brewing methods but bought starbucks beans. For slightly more money they could become experts or collectors of an actual high quality product but instead they spend paychecks on these brands. It must stem from some childhood nostalgia for the store/product itself. Pic rel is a youtuber that actually moved to be closer to a bath & body works. Nothing wrong with this innocent hobby but it's facinating

No. 692638>>692745

I've been into indie perfume for a while and while my nose kinda sucks, buying B&BW after not trying it for years was really disappointing. I bought a pumpkin chai scent for fall but it just smelled extremely fruity/cotton candy to me. There are a ton of indie candlemakers for the same price point as B&BW who would have better stuff imo.

No. 692745

I have tried to get into B&BW but like you said they all smell like super sweet synthetic shit…this is coming from someone who loves gourmands…I’d rather save my money and buy Diptyque or even Cire Trudon.

No. 756567>>756595>>756723

I've been into watching this channel, New England Wildlife and More. He explores abandoned houses, goes to estate sales and buys dead people's junk, and orders shit like this online. Based content.

No. 756595>>756726

I really do hate this guy's voice.

No. 756723

same here lmao I've also been getting back into watching Ashens because of him

No. 756726

Hard agree. He sounds like an ugly sickly male. would never want to be in the same room as him.

No. 756735

There is a section on youtube of women eating cornstarch, and there is a whole technique to how they do it. It's not a fetish thing, it's a pica thing. They like, smush it and get "chunks" of it and break off pieces. The squeaky crunch of them eating it makes me cringe

No. 756749

I love this, thank you

No. 756804

i;ve been binging whose line is it anyway AMVs lately
there's LOTS of ryan x colin shipping videos from the mid-2000s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLswkdYYXww&

i want to archive them all somewhere in case they get deleted.(embed)

No. 1533867>>1533875>>1543218

this DID faking woman is so fucking bonkers and creepy, does faces and voices it's very unsettling
she also has children…

No. 1533875>>1533886>>1534806

wasn't it proven that DID(with the exception of maybe childhood age regression) is essentially fake or a pseudo-mental illness

No. 1533886

woah I wanna see this

No. 1533912>>1535187

my favorite genre(?) of videos is guys having fun, I'm very much not a rule breaker kek so I like to live vicariously through them. Old videos of soldiers messing around are another type of video that I would put into this genre, along with weon youtube (chilean groups of guys having fun, like oye weons and wena compare). I LOVE vagrant holiday/surveillance camera man. The video (yes, singular video) was deleted from the Surveillance Camera Man channel, but the archive is here, HIGHLY recommend watching it: https://web.archive.org/web/20190220131525/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP5ZVPwP7bg
Vagrant Holiday is my favorite. He travels to countries, spends as little money as possible, while exploring lots of places very illegally. Nothing I can say to try to encapsulate him can compare to watching him sleep in bushes, subsist off of baguettes and trader joe's multivitamins, and get robbed at machete point in mexico or wander around the abandoned portions of an active federal prison on an island.

No. 1534806

it's certainly debated whether the disorder itself exists, but everybody is certain that tiktokers and youtubers making a show of it don't actually have anything else than maybe munchhausen

No. 1535187

samefag, I was just watching one of those videos of soldiers messing around in someone in the comments said
>I like raw footage of things I'd most likely never experience
which is a way better way of describing it than "guys having fun." Granted most are guys having fun or doing kinda illegal stuff like lift surfing, but it pretty much encapsulates everything. vid related is wena compare. guys can be gross but I was addicted to their videos in high school

No. 1538254

The Youtube Algorithm is funny sometimes, I was looking up how to make Japanese stew(Chankonabe) and I got recommended this channel by a woman who runs a "sumo stan" account, detailing the history of various sumo wrestlers and issues and incidents in the sport and I discovered this whole community of western sumo fans.

No. 1539043>>1954655

buffcorrell is a youtube mystery to me. He releases the same type of videos nearly every week, same format, same room, similar dance moves just different covers to songs. He has nearly 2k videos on his channel and while some break 10k most have couple thousand views. I don't think this is a parody or just to go viral anymore otherwise why would he still do these every week? The only answer I have is dedication and maybe ad revenue

No. 1543218

I've been clicking through this woman's videos and the videos of other "systems" commenting on each other's videos.
And wow, DID-claimers on youtube are so, so much more mentally ill than those on TikTok.

No. 1543249>>1543261

I can watch this rock polisher guy for hours. Can't speak for other channels in the genre but this dude has such kind dad energy, and the lakes are always nice.

No. 1543261

This is actually kinda cute.

No. 1954519>>1954520>>1954553

The creepy balloon side of YouTube

No. 1954520>>1954553

No. 1954553>>1954567

I take it you discovered this "fetish community" from the fandom thread.

No. 1954567>>1954570


No. 1954570>>1954582

I mean I don't everyone involved in "balloon popping" gets off on it, but It is still a fetish.

No. 1954582>>1954945

Ooh. I never heard of that fetish until now.

No. 1954655

I love buff. Requested a few songs from him and he did them. So sweet

No. 1954945

Yeah they're also known as looners

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