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No. 643442
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Ideally I would like to have a natural burial, without coffin or clothes. A good second option would be giving my body to medical schools or researchers.
Going more wild, leaving my skeleton and preserved organs in a jar for any descendents that I may have, or even in a museum or public space (like a library, they are one of my favorite places). I wanna be spooky.
No. 643446
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I love this thread. Lately I've been thinking that I would like my body to be wrapped in a white shroud with some fresh flowers and buried in a shallow grave, maybe in a preserved forested area somewhere. No embalming or anything for me.
No. 643534
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same as last night
No. 643583
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SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army SKELLY ARMY skelly army
No. 643774
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No. 643783
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No. 643791
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Im gonna sound super edgy but I hope no one finds it, i don't know why i don't want people to think of me as dead (or to even see my body) i want to be just one of those people who is perpetually missing forever.
With my shitty mental health people close to me would just be like "eh she finally offed herself" so i doubt it would make alot of difference for closure, my family doesn't give a shit about me so fuck them no one is allowed to have my stuff for like 5 years until they can legally declare me dead kek.
No. 644050
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wow finally a place I can answer this question with my weird request
as many anons said,I would like my organs to be donated to ppl in need if possible and I really liked this
>>643442 reply about keeping the skeleton somewhere
aside from that,I would like to be cremated and then(if possible,idk if it can happen)have my ashes mixed with 3D printer material and be made into a kawaii/cool animu figure of myself that I'd have at least attempted to design
this way my descendants(if I have any) could show me off to guests and be like "…and this is my great-grandma"
or idk throw it away or store it in an attic because it's weird af
No. 644133
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>>644099you can be cremated and still have a burial place, it's the most common actually. you can even have a regular sized grave if you prefer, but much better is to have your spot in a place called columbarium, because it wouldnt take so much cementary space and would be easier to take care of for your family when they visit your resting space.
No. 644137
Cremated to save space, with a nice plaque or something in a cemetery so that no family or friends have to look after an urn or anything
>>644044 is pretty but if it broke you would feel so bad
>>644112Necrophiles enjoy true gender equality so enjoy trusting even less people with your corpse No. 644256
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Tossed at the open sea or be thrown to a mountain to never be recovered again. Maybe put myself and flames then fall to my Certain death. If someone records it, it will be a plus.
I’ll probably end my life if I get something like cancer or something serious. Or even if I’m tired and too old to function properly. I believe ending your own life is a beautiful way to get out, so I wanna be edgy in my final moments.
That’s my plan, but If I get killed by an accident or something I can’t control my wife has instructions to bury me in a forest with my favorite figures and dresses in a weird way to confuse future archaeologists.
No. 644589
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I would love to be turned into some kind of jewel or gem. It's basically the same as just having a pot of my ashes lying around, but prettier. I don't want it to have some sort of connotation of spiritual energy, it's just I turned my body into a pretty shiny rock. I bet it's balls to the wall expensive though.
>pic related is the closest thing i have to a diamond downloaded
No. 644596
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Great thread! I’m interested in a natural burial much like
>>643446For most of my life I thought I wanted to be cremated, but I find the cremation process a bit too removed from close friends and family. I think death and burial should be an intimate moment shared with loved ones, so it seems a bit strange to ship your loved one’s body off to a crematorium so someone can incinerate it for you. I don’t think ritual funeral pyres are going to make a comeback for safety reasons— although if it were allowed, I might consider it— so a natural burial seems the most intimate and ecofriendly of all options. I’m very into becoming part of the earth faster like
>>643588 mentions. We’re all going to decay and turn back into the primordial elemental soup everything is made of a la NGE Tang regardless of whether you shove yourself in a steel coffin or turn yourself to dust. A natural burial respects the body and the process of decay and regeneration the most, IMO.
No. 645177
My organs donated (if they're healthy enough to be donated…) and what remains made into something pretty, like a gemstone as
>>644589 said. I'm ugly as fuck and useless alive, at least my remains will be beautiful and my organs useful, hopefully.
No. 693399
>>693397I am, and that's why I don't wanna live past 40.
I will be the best mom, the most caring mom. I will be loving and understanding.
But my death is mine and mine alone to decide.
No. 693408
>>693401Wew, bitter incel much?
I hope you're very young and just stupid. 40 is still young, you sound like a fool.
No. 693472
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i love how many girls want tibetan sky burials in this thread. that would be IDEAL. but honestly, i just want to be wrapped in a nice shroud and placed in the dirt, no embalming. so i can feed the worms, create soil, and become part of the life cycle all over again. i just want to nourish the earth that's nourished me throughout my life. that's enough for me. i don't need to leave any kind of legacy or impact, i would still be contributing to the beauty of the planet.
No. 694087
>>693983>I don’t want to slowly melt into a bunch of toxic sludge oozing out of a steel and polyester casket into a concrete vault six feet under.I might steal this for when I'm explaining my feelings to people
I really like the idea of a traditional burial and returning to the earth slowly, with a beautiful Gothic headstone that becomes part of the graveyard scenery that future melodramatic teenagers and dog walkers will loiter in. However I think I will choose cremation just to save costs and time. I need to think of somewhere to have my ashes spread though, because it's really unfair to just leave your loved ones trying to decide where you would want your ashes spread.
But in the case that I'm murdered and my body could become important evidence in the future I want all the unnatural preservation and the plastic coffin sealed in concrete. Build in a freezer for me if that's possible, that fucker is going down whoever they are.
No. 695217
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Just burn me and scatter my ashes on a meadow. Picrel
No. 696198
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i want to be uploaded to the internet
No. 2359283
>>2359276I thought Indian women had high rates of self immolation because of sati.
What the fuck is wrong with that country?
No. 2360220
>>2359443I thought about that but I don't want a homeless moid or hiker to stumble across my corpse.
I'd rather die in the ocean.