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File: 1432517111854.png (154.38 KB, 540x405, idk.png)

No. 6391

I'm dying to know

No. 6394

The way her hair is drawn makes it look like labia minora when you put the sensor rectangles in the right places of her head?

No. 6395

File: 1432518692562.jpg (145.93 KB, 1920x1080, zAHjoOn.jpg)


Er, I think it's more that it looks like a dick…

Those black boxes are the exact same way they censor penises in hentai.
I know because….. reasons.

No. 6398

I think you're right

No. 6400

File: 1432522650506.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.37 KB, 524x676, dong.jpg)

That's a dick. those black lines is how they censor dicks in hentai manga.

No. 6459

That guy in OP's pic is kind of cute for a refrigerator.

No. 6461

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He's from the manga/anime Ore Monogatari.

He's supposed to be huge and ugly.

No. 6477

if you haven't, Ore Monogatari is pretty funny and cute, for a story about this huge ugly strongman and his qt tiny gf

No. 6484

Good rec anon! I'm watching the first episode now and it's super cute!

No. 6489

Lead dude has serious case of autitsm, so be warned.

No. 6490

So far he kinda thinks she likes his friend, which is kind of cute. I'm okay with misunderstanding, clueless protags as long as they're nice and he seems to be genuine.

No. 6504

hes actually not aupposed to be ugly, he is just ultra macho in a society that prefers "pretty boy" femme beauty in men. he's actually traditionally handsome in a manly samurai warrior way. no one actually calls him ugly in the series.

No. 6540

>>he's actually traditionally handsome in a manly samurai warrior way

…..what the fuck are you talking about lmfaooooo

No. 7518

in the side bar of the manga where the author talks about stuff she even says that she chose the artist because she loves the way she does that particular manly style of man, and that she thinks takeo is attractive. takeo is not viewed as ugly in the series by other people, he even gets a job as a waiter at a fetish gay restaurant. if he was considered ugly he wouldn't be hired at a place where you're supposed to be hot.

No. 7543

Started watching because the big guy dating a short chick is pretty cute, but then the bromance ended up being more entertaining to see.

No. 7549

suna best girl

No. 7570

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ngl but I can't believe this guy voices Takeo lol

No. 7571

wtf are you serious? i bet its hilarious to see a recording session

No. 7603


He's like that one kid in high school drama class who has a really good voice despite looking like a dork

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