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No. 6144
>>6139At this point I just keep hoping it'll go away. Both sides. I'm tired of sjw garbage saying 'games need to grow up blah blah' but I'm tired of the other side complaining about women and the red pill dregs that have decided to join in.
I just wish it wasn't such a social issue honestly. I just want to play games. I don't care about 'misogyny' or gender politics. If it's a good game, why the fuck does that matter? Mostly I'm more mad at the people who are interfereing with the games themselves. 'change this to suit me! Wah why won't you change this joke that's clearly not against trans people wah'. Like, fuck off. If you don't like something, you don't need to buy it. I don't like certain brands of food, so do I tell them to change? No, I don't buy them.
There's space enough in the market for 'socially aware games' and regular AAA gaming, but of course, I think the former is not going to make much money (if Quinn's ebegging is something to be noted)
No. 6146
I just don't care and I'm tired of hearing about it.
>>6137I agree. It's nothing but autists arguing with other autists at this point. The whole reason it's still going on is because one side can always find autists on the other.
I don't entirely understand the situation, but it seems to me like Zoe Quinn fucked Kotaku writers who were reviewing her game? Isn't that site kind of just a laughingstock already? Was Zoe Quinn even in important game developer? She just made some shit indi game, how is it evidence of "corruption in the gaming industry" and why does it call for social revolution? Idk, it just seems like some fat retarded nerd fucking other dumb nerds and the people who care are autistic.
No. 6180
>>6146>I don't entirely understand the situation, but it seems to me like Zoe Quinn fucked Kotaku writers who were reviewing her game?She's literally the most unimportant thing in gamergate, she was just the entrance to the rabbithole.
summary for those who don't know anything about GG:
Zoe Quinn is only how the whole thing started. Here's the summary of the very beginning events, which lasted only about 2 weeks.
>Zoe Quinn's depression quest game comes out>gets rave reviews even though it's not even a game>ex bf that she physically and emotionally abused by Quinn comes out with how she was abusive, incidentally talks about how she slept with five dudes to get better reviews for her game>peoples' interest pique at this, but every time someone asks about it in different forums it's immediately deleted and people are banned, even on 4chan and topics related to it get buriedThat's where it about ends with Zoe Quinn's involvement. Way more interesting things happen AFTER her initial involvement:
>Suddenly over 10 unrelated gaming news/review websites all make almost the same article essentially titled "gaming is dead", "gamers are misogynists", "gamers are evil" etc.>A journalist named Milo Yiannopoulos found a list of over 100 gaming journalists that often collaborated and decided on what topics to push, essentially creating an artificial dialogue atmosphere that to control what topics people were allowed to talk about>Milo immediately gets death threats, dead animals and syringes sent to his house, and ends up getting swatted>Antics ensue, editors and writers from gaming journals start talking shit on twitter about how bullying should be brought back, gamers should be beaten, and even a 10 year old is sent death threats by one of the journalists on twitter No. 6183
>/pol/ gets involved, tries to create a refuge for people on /v/ who try to talk about it, but topics also start getting deleted.>more antics ensue, /v/ supports real feminist gaming endeavors such as The Fine Young Capitalists and creates Vivian James, /pol/ makes "shekel-shoah" and reports a bunch of ads on Gawker>Anti-GG starts up by saying that all gamers are a bunch of white cis male shitlords, and that they're trying to "make games more inclusive for women and minorities, social justice antics ensue>pro-GG women and minorities step up with the #notyourshield hashtag, Uncle Tom accusations ensueAnd now people are finding connections to Feminist Frequency (the show Anita Sarkeesian hosts) and digra, and the current theory is that companies essentially want to relabel games from being involved with fun and joy and turn them into learning tools for pilots and surgeons and general education. This can't be done with the stigma of videogames being fun and played by nerds, though, and they probably won't sell. So they're essentially trying to make playing games for fun equivalent to lynching black lesbian crippled kittens.
No. 6194
>>6180>>6183>talking shit on twitter about how bullying should be brought back, gamers should be beaten, and even a 10 year old is sent death threats by one of the journalists on twitter>connections to Feminist Frequency (the show Anita Sarkeesian hosts) and digra>This can't be done with the stigma of videogames being fun and played by nerds, though, and they probably won't sell. So they're essentially trying to make playing games for fun equivalent to lynching black lesbian crippled kittens.What conspiracy theorist horseshit. You people really believe this? That's approaching /pol/ levels.
>Milo immediately gets death threats, dead animals and syringes sent to his house, and ends up getting swattedGuess which wonderful hoop earring-equipped lady you sound like right now? Also, I'm pretty sure he never got swatted.
Just stop giving them attention instead of accusing them of colluding in SJW bunkers to destroy vidya gayms. You're giving them what they want. You are absolutely no better than the people you hate. No one can stand either side because of this retarded drivel and obsessive attempts to polarize everything into us vs. them.
No. 6197
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>>6194>What conspiracy theorist horseshit. You people really believe this?Seeing as there's proof on twitter of people actually doing this, yes I do. It's no secret that these tweets were posted. And I'm pretty sure Anita never actually got shit in the mail from her "haters".
Here, have some caps. It's one of the editors for Gawker.
No. 6198
>>6183>the current theory is that companies essentially want to relabel games from being involved with fun and joy and turn them into learning tools for pilots and surgeons and general education.wat? how is this a "theory". people have been doing this since forever. pilots, astronauts, military personnel have being using simulation "games" because who the fuck wants to put an inexperienced greenhorn in the cockpit of an expensive machine? educational games have existed for ever, I learned math from those Math Blasters games. I played Mavis Beacon to learn how to type, etc. No kid would ever play learning games if it wasn't fun nor enjoyable.
The only reason Gamergate got as much traction as it has was because forums started deleting and banning people for dumb shit. If these people were allowed to argue about this shit when it first started, it would be dead by now. Now you've got /pol/ conspiracy theorists coming out of the woodwork and idiots who are so influenced by what anyone with persuasive argument skills says on the internet.
No. 6201
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>>6198I never said I believed it. It's just the latest news. That's what happens when there is a literal conspiracy where one group of people try to do something that's hidden from everyone, you get people convinced of other, crazier conspiracies. That is literally the definition of conspiracy I'm not joking, a group of people with a hidden agenda trying to accomplish a goal, which they had and were trying to do, as seen on the gaming journo-list. What did you think was going to happen if you hide information? If they just came out honestly and said "we're a buncha assholes that just want to get paid to give games tenouttaten" this would have blown over quickly and not snowballed as big as it has now and formed all these crazy theories. It would have been even better if they just had some dignity and integrity in the first place, but most journalists don't, these days. Now this shit is never going to go away, on either side, ever.
Here's the one of several adults (including another writer for a gaming journal) being totally mature and supporting women in gaming by sending death threats to a 10 year old.
No. 6203
>>6197No, I knew exactly what you were referring to. But you completely blew it out of proportion.
One dumbass Gawker editor made awful unfunny jokes about bullying nerds because hurr Gamergaters are nerds. And you represented that as
>editors and writers from gaming journals start talking shit on twitter about how bullying should be brought back, gamers should be beatenWhen some Gamergater makes a joke about Brianna Wu, it's the exact same thing: the other side characterizes it as right-wing terrorism or whatever.
Just stop. Yes we know Gawker is shit and SJWs are dumb. Stop making a crusade out of it.
No. 6211
>>6201I didn't say that you believed it, just a general reaction. And you're right about that, since that game journo pros shit came out people have being digging the rabbit hole deeper themselves.
I just don't understand why people care so much about other people's opinions on video games.
No. 6213
>>6203>one dumbass Gawker editor>oneThis isn't an isolated case, there's many tweets just like that, including many journalists saying unprofessional garbage that must have given their PR departments (if they had any) anneurisms. See: moviebob saying shit like how harassment and threatening people is fine as long as it's the correct targets. Sure, the ones tweeted by random people can be taken with a grain of salt, but if you put yourself out there as a professional, it's kinda sorta expected that you'd act like one. The TrickIX poster here is also a game journal writer or editor iirc
>>6201Could you imagine if you had real live reporters from CNN or FOX threatening children on twitter? People would be all over that dramu. Just look at how many people make fun of Bill O'Reily and his DO IT LIVE video. If game journalists want to be treated (and PAID) like professional journalists, they should act like them.
No. 6218
>>6213It's a fucking blog, it's not like it's a real news station. They don't have to be professional for anyone, it's not like any of them are real journalists. I'm not the anon you're replying to, but you're doing the exact same shit they're doing. If someone on your side made bullying jokes on twitter and some SJW got upset about it, you would be making fun of them, calling them oversensitive, and saying that X doesn't represent all of gamer gate.
>>Could you imagine if you had real live reporters from CNN or FOX threatening children on twitter? Oh my fucking god, shut up.
>>Bring back bullying>>THREATENING AND HARASSMENT OF CHILDRENS ZOMGThis whole thing about accusing everyone of stalking/harassment/threats is getting pretty fucking annoying. Remember how GG reacted when Zoe accused them of harassing her? I'm not saying that she didn't deserve it, but I don't doubt that 4chan would send her threats. You didn't care then, and yet you're upset about bullying jokes and referring to them as "threats"? Give me a break.
No. 6220
>>6218Exactly, couldn't agree more. I'm glad other people realize this.
It feels like watching two archrival political parties bicker. Both need to shut the fuck up.
All that said, I work in tech and SJW shit is growing more and more annoying by the day, so I do feel some sympathy for the ones who aren't constantly overreacting and are just sick of ultra PC authoritarianism.
No. 6237
>>6218Why are you being so hostile/flinging insults? I just reported on what was going on with facts and screencaps, and you're acting like I'm a total tinfoilhat for no reason other than "it's just jokes!" even though people have had real things like dead animals sent to their real house. And my mistake, it wasn't Milo who people tried to SWAT, it was Mike Cernovitch iirc. If you want to interpret it differently you can. People screeched to move the discussion here after a bunch of posts saying gamergate was just about harassing Zoe Quinn, and two posts saying no it wasn't. I did, and I tried to sum up the events as much as I could for those saying "I don't know what gamergate is about". It's a bunch of dramu, something I thought people would like on this site. Instead you're telling me to
>Oh my fucking god, shut up.Then why post in this thread if you don't like it? Why not post your own screencaps? Why not go and find a thread with dramu that YOU like instead of shitposting how these threads shouldn't exist, even though I was told to move it here and there's no other GG thread so it's not like I'm flooding the board?
No. 6260
>>6237Because you're a fucking faggot who can't see his own hypocrisy. That's why I'm calling you names, faggot. Oh no, you think everyone is the same poster. I'm sorry other people have told you the same shit I'm saying lmao that must have been hard. This thread is about discussing gamergate. My opinion is that the whole thing is fucking stupid. I'm sorry this site isn't the hugbox you had hoped for.
It just annoys me when people have this narrow perspective on things. I know damn well that you didn't get hurt by the bullying jokes, yet you're using it to slander the other side? Do you know all the shit 4chan has taken part in? Any time 4chan gets involved in something there are bound to be legit threats and harassment, stop deluding yourself into thinking that your side is completely innocent.
No. 7180
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>>6260why is GG still going? maybe its just the nature of the internet for its pissy drama but it needs to be over already.
No. 7388
>>7304His personality is also top notch
He's such a sweetheart
No. 7473
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>>7388Oh yeah, oh yeah. The stories of how well he treats his mum make my ovaries legit quibble. I love big dudes who are teddy bears personality wise.
Fuck, this is now a Rock thread. I am hijacking it.
No. 7499
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>>7473lol you're welcome
also didnt he make a twwe about how he loves going down on women? that made me melt