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No. 61039

Let's discuss anything comic book related. Favorite character(s)/team(s), movie, games and so on.

No. 61042>>61622

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The Batman Family aside, I love most of the known Green Lanterns with Guy Gardner being my favorite. I think Guy is the type of character that you either love or hate, there's not middle ground with him.

No. 61043>>61048>>61051>>61056

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Ooooh thank you for making this OP.

Does anybody have any suggestions for what I should add to my meager Batman collection?

No. 61046>>61056

My favourite characters are Emma Frost and Scott Summers, but I don't ship them that much. Can we talk about how much Marvel has ruined Scott?

No. 61048>>61051


Knightfall for sure.

No. 61051

Thrillkiller and Knightfall like >>61048 said.

No. 61056

Samefagging, but Anon do you want strictly Batman or do you mind Batman cross overs?

Dazzler is so underrated.

Fear not Anon characters get ruined all the time, what will happen is Marvel will eventually do another retcon.

No. 61396>>61402>>61465

The suicide squad movies makes me want to kill myself.. Harleys a dumb bimbo, and the joker is so fucking annoying.. They are my favorite characters.. Give me one good reason not to kill myself plz

No. 61402>>61418

Get into Red Hood, he's pretty awesome and his movies/comics are pretty consistent. I think they forget that Harley was a forget or want us to forget that she was a M.D. smh

No. 61418

I'll check it out! Thanks

And yeah excatly, shes supposed to be a little batshit but not a braindead bimbo..

No. 61465>>61571

I hate, hate, hate what they did to Harley in the SS. She's literally become male pandering fap material. it's embarrassing, even for DC.

No. 61571>>61574>>61635

You do realize that was her original concept? She was created for the animated series to be a sexy back up for the Joker. Go back and watch that show, she is a moron and almost all the other female characters call her out on it. Her back story didn't even get invented until she was included into two other comic adaptations.

No. 61574

She was Joker's therapist at Arkaham (Dr. Harleen Quinzel). She wasn't an idiot, when she toke the moniker of Harley Quinn is when she started acting ditzy.

No. 61575>>61774


No. 61622>>61863

A+ taste OP, Guy Gardner is my husbando. I wish /co/ wasn't such shit. Its all company wars now.

No. 61635>>61908

>she was created as a backup for the joker in Batman:TAS

No…she wasn't.

No. 61774>>61778>>61802

Shes not buff or tall enough, and atleast wear blue contacts WTF

No. 61778>>61800

I hate the director's commentary. While people know Superman and Batman's past most people that know who Wonder Woman is know her general information. She's one of the well know superheroes and most of the media she's in cartoons or games touch on her last. My mom knows this stuff and she's not even into comics.

No. 61800

Excatly, their just trying to cash in on feminists and "Muh equality, stong wimminz" and thats not what shes about at all!! Pisses me off!

No. 61802>>61817


They never make the female heroes as buff as they should be because they need to fulfil their teenage boy boner quota.

No. 61817>>61836>>61866

I think they're trying to say divorce the idea that heroes are people who possess masculine qualities. Traditional superheroes are hyper-masculine. They have big muscles, giant square jaws, big codpieces or bright underwear, and do manly, heroic things like rescue women from danger.

By portraying female heroes as realistically feminine, it allows people to disconnect the idea that heroic, and manly are synonymous. I like that she doesn't look like a tranny who spent too much time at the gym.

No. 61836

You can look feminine and have muscle? Lmao!

Its bullshit, she wouldnt be so strong as they imply while looking like the actor.

No. 61849

Any Transmetropolitan fans here? I've been trying to complete the series but volumes have become surprisingly difficult to find in stores lately. Are they out of print or…?

No. 61855>>61869

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I wish she looked like this in the movie

No. 61863

Another Guy fan to gush about him over? Now I kmow I'm in good company. Man, that ridiculous.

No. 61866>>61905

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>she thinks this is manly

Drown yourself in your toilet pls.

No. 61869>>61870>>61877

Even in the animated movies she has more muscle definition. She's a damn Amazon, she had to fight other Amazons to get the title of Wonder Woman. They could have wend the Xena or Black Widow route at least.

No. 61870>>61964


I'm sick of it too senpai.

No. 61877

I loved the animated movie!
And yes its so fucking dumb!! I dont know if it is because they dont wanna hurt insecure feminists delusions about "Real wimminz have curves, muscles are gross ew" so they can cash in on them or something.. Still mad tho.

No. 61889>>61964

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No. 61905

DAMN! That girls booty is tight. She would look awesome in some Cat Woman get up. Who would think that is manly? She is fit and proportionate, sounds like someone has issues.

No. 61908

http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Harley_Quinn_(DC_Animated_Universe) yeah, she was. Outside of making toys and trying to bring in a female audience that was her purpose. She got introduced in context of the Joker, for the sole purpose of a supporting role. Even when working with Poison Ivy she is a support character.

No. 61964

It's really sad. They can't type cast worth shit.

Diana is a beautiful fit woman, they need to get over themselves.

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