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No. 597992
>>597988holy shit you're so retarded!!!1!1!
Just kidding, I think you are retarded, but I'm glad you got better.
Playing with a taken man, even if overseas, is the worst shit you could however.
No. 597994
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Oh boy, here we go…
When I was a teen, basically from 16 till I turned 18, I used to be that pickme who would be a right-wing chan who plays videogames all the time and is so "not like the other girls" because I hit high ranks in comps: masters in LoL (while still loving being a support without duopartners) and other MOBAs along with diamond in OW while being Ana OTP. I'd feel instant cringe over people locking my champions, this sort of stuff. I was a very competitive person on a toxic lvl. ( I still am a competitive person but without any toxicity; I just like pushing myself to do better without any background BS now such as "hurrdurr i am bettur than username", thankfully). I also used to butthurt a lot over SJWs rather than ignoring these people because of my immaturity and people whom.I hung out with. I always never minded all the weird jokes about women belonging in the kitchen and other sexist stuff, I would even sometimes encourage that. Or would even be bragging about my cooking skills for attention (while ironically hating tradthots because i am from a country that brainwashes people onto being a tradthot).
I also used to be that idiot (didnt last too long, only for a year because I realized how messed up that is (still cringing hard over my past tho, jesus…) who would be into DDLG because of my daddy issues and its cute, childish aesthetic.
However, the worst part of all of it was me, being 16 and naive over finding friends. I only years later realized that many of them wanted nothing but to fuck me or get nudes from me but never succeeding in it. They would also encourage me onto talking about lewds. I would always think they'd have just normal curiosity, like your basic talk without any will to jerk off to it, but silly me. I also ended up building my whole personality over being a lewd-chan which only lasted half of a year during that time because of the amount of creeps I'd meet and friends who would end up wanting to talk to me only about sex. I quickly realized that these people would never see my personality, only the fact that I am a self-proclaimed (kek while being a virgin) e-slut.
It's been years now and I am nothing but a normal person who avoids playing toxic videogames and being around people who would do the same mistakes I done but at much older age. Also avoiding "gamer"-kuns who act toxic and disrespectful, people like that. I feel terribly bad and cringe over my past mistakes, everytime a man who would be toxic during those times or use me for nothing but weird sexualization tries to dm me after years, I explain to him that I don't want to have anything to do with my old friends and delete them. I also have apologized to all the people I've hurt in the past. And now I've got nothing but "normie" types of friends or people with whom I share hobbies. I still play LoL, but only for a month or two every year because I am not interested in it for a long time now. I am apolitical person because that doesn't seem to be my thing and this topic itself is difficult and harmful, however I make donations to causes. I am just out there chilling with my paintings, ceramics and books and I've never felt better. The videogame that I play the most for a long time now are Pokemon GO and Just Dance.
When it comes to meeting pickme-chans, I do not feel any hate nor anger. I just feel horribly sorry for them and sometimes want to tell them "Girl, love yourself". The latest pickme I have met was a woman who is 6-7 years older than me and plays OW. She is a proud traditional rightwing-chan and makes sure to tell about it to everyone all the time. Supports and agrees with her friends jokes about the kitchen and other things where women only belong, etc. For some odd reason fakes her voice whenever a man joins, also talks crap about me behind my back and is trying to take my hobbies and interests with her. It is sad but I do not talk to her for 4 months now, I have never been todic to her, only patient and polite, shortly started backing off her after she started being creepily obsessed with becoming me.
Do not know if thats how every pickme acts, but oh well.
No. 598006
>>597992I was fully retarded. I truly can't explain it.
I agree, the guilt and hurt from doing what I did was not worth getting a crumb of attention. That shit gave me anxiety and made me feel like shit for months. If we had been living in the same country, let alone the same city, as his gf, idk if I would've been able to sleep.
No. 598011
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Alright, this one is gonna out me as a shitty horrible person so buckle up.
>be me
>be 18
>be in a shitty horrible abusive relationship long distance
>meet a new guy on an online gaming site
>break up with the abusive guy
>find out new guy is a literal autist with marfan's syndrome
>doesnt matter, at least he's someone different
>join his discord, meet his friends
>now i gotta act like a 4chan retard to get them to like me
>pick up on anti-semitism, racism, sexism, /pol/tard behavior
>one of his friends starts to like me more than the others
>starts dm'ing me out of the blue and we learn more about each other every day
>turns out this guy has PTSD, bipolar because he's ex-military
>start talking to this guy more and more
>stay up late watching anime with him, falling asleep on the phone together
>send him money when he needs it
>buy him books for his college courses
>stay up all night soothing him when he has a "fit"
>he tells me he's in love with me and i'm his waifu
>tells me he wants to see me soon
>"omg this guy could be the one"
>meanwhile the "new guy" (aka my boyfriend) has no idea what's going on but i haven't talked to him in weeks despite us being in the same discord
>drive to his state
>spend 200+ for a room at a hotel near his house
>he kisses me and tells me all these nice things and then we fuck
>spend the night in each others arms listening to music and him telling me we're lovers and friends
>next day, i buy him groceries and drop him off
>go back home, feeling fantastic
>over the next few weeks, he starts growing distant
>tells me he's having a "bipolar fit"
>i feel shitty but keep being nice and sweet, buying him games and paying for his books
>eventually we stop talking privately but are still in the same group chat
>tfw i literally got fucking royally emotionally wrecked and fully deserved it.
I have other stories of shit like this if anyone is interested, ones that relate to this if you really want to hear about the awful person I am, but i understand if this in itself was too much
No. 598233
>get raped by ex-bf
>go online
>meet guy
>he says he'll protect me
>alcoholic, lives with mom at 37, no job, ex-heroin addict
>idc gonna protect me
>he gets me to drink with him
>drinking everynight
>"go to the doctor anon and tell them about your rape you can get benzos"
>keeps bringing it up
>do it
>now drinking everynight and mixing with benzos
>get coke anon
>buy it off dark web
>smoking weed too
>everynight, get drunk, snort coke, take a benzo, smoke weed
>encouraging me
>his ex-gf is acting crazy meantime
>making excuses
>suddenly he's gone
>mutual sends me link
>been arrested
>find out he was watching a movie with ex-gf when he got too drunk, stormed outside, got arrested for trespassing, busted up face
>he'd been seeing her the entire time
>I was the other girl
>his friend sends me screenshots of him talking about how he hates me because I'm so crazy he just thinks I'm hot
>"she wouldn't talk to me unless she'd been raped i'm glad it happened"
>they're all laughing
>ex-gf leaks convo of him shit talking me to her
>ex-gf is attacking me the entire time
>"but he did this to both of us"
>doesn't care, I'm the evil one
>I start to unravel
>i have nothing
>never dealt with my rape
>he gets out of prison
>he kees hitting me up to do things on cam and leaving
>I do it because I don't want to be alone
>more drugs for pain
>his friend adds me to a skype call with 20 people
>they're all screaming at me about my rape and drug
>sit there and take it
>i deserve this
>form of self harm at this point
>call ex-bf who raped me when I'm super drunk
>"why did you rape me"
>he records the whole convo
>sends clips to people I know
>crash mentally
>get involuntarily committed after try to OD on benzos
>gone a week
>meet bunch of girls inside
>they hold my hand and tell me about their abuse
>feel serene for a while
>come back
>"lol we assumed you'd been committed"
>they all tell me they don't want to hang out with me anymore because they don't want to be questioned when I kill myself
>say ok, delete them all, leave
idk how i changed after that, I just stopped caring about men. I just realized they were all awful, and I was dumb for thinking they ever saw me as equal to them. I found PP and FDS and now I feel great. I've started to go out my way to include more women in my life. He still tries to text me/call me/email me/IM me and I don't respond. I feel like I literally leveled up. I don't even feel like I want to respond.
Sorry so long!
No. 598255
>>598233you don't sound like a pick-me, just like an abuse
victim. maybe don't be so hard on yourself that you think you need to call yourself a pick-me (or a cow, i know posts like this end up in the "cow yourself" thread)
No. 598301
In one way or another, I think we all have manifested pick me behaviors when younger, clueless or in love (at some degree)
I would qualify myself now as a very tough minded person thanks to the experience prior, especially when it comes to self esteem and men. We wrongly think we have to adapt into some kind of mold, or act nice, polish ourselves into what our partner think we should act/look. Some anons said it earlier, men hate it (but they enjoy the benefits of it)
Personally, the biggest clown i have ever been was when I dated a man in my 16, first time, madly "in love" (as much as you can imagine a virgin clueless naive 16 years can call it love). I thought it was hot to pretend i loved sex, i didn't care if he spend nights out with his friends in a club without sending me any messages, i accepted possessive behaviors, I said yes to everything. I even accepted sex acts from him i didnt really want in the end or felt comfortable with (deepthroat, anal) because i wanted to look confident and sexy in his eyes… the tomfoolery of it all was then he cheated on me for his ex after 6 months.
I dated him 4 years later at 20, and dumped him one month later because without the pink glasses of love i just felt hyper aware of all his flaws, and putting myself beneath him when i was a teen was just struggling with self love and wanting to be "fully loved".
Now Im single but quite happy, I feel like after this experience as a first time I unfortunately became very wary and prudent and it's annoying to be that closed off, but I can't trust most men, I wish I could let go of this wall, would love advices haha
No. 598346
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I really didn’t have a chance of not turning out to be an exceptional pickme. It was a perfect storm of unchecked mental illness, socialization and online grooming. I can’t express to you how glad I am I found lolcow when I did, I was SO close to whoring myself online. My only saving grace was having always been an internet nobody who values anonymity so the fuckery largely stayed offline.
>histrionic mother and grandmother
>disneyland dad, alcoholic uncle who’d pay me to sit on his lap
>male teachers nice in elementary school, female teachers old mean ladies
>asian drama style bullying in school because a popular male classmate liked me
>gets on the internet, pedophiles are nice to me
>gets exposed and addicted to fucked up porn
>drinks hella libfem koolaid holy shit
>bishit unicorn
>bdsm polyamory
>has sex with women but pathologically afraid to be vulnerable around them
>uses my attraction to women as cool girl point
>unable to maintain female friendships because low EQ doesn’t know how to be a good friend to women
>constantly “upgrading myself” in terms of looks/superficial interests lest I lose value in the dating marketplace, effectively acting like the fakest bitch ever lived, deludes self by calling it self-improvement
At first I was flabbergasted by anons’ “prudish, pearl-clutching” attitude but you were so unapologetic, unafraid to say fuck you to beliefs I have regarded as normal and right, to be stating otherwise was an act of rebellion. Completely different from the edgy contrarian politically incorrect shit I read in men’s spaces, to which I would simply think them stupid and move on. I guess deep down, I knew things weren’t right, but my fear of not being a “cool girl” was overwhelming. I didn’t want to be unfuckable, unlovable.
I read all the threads and recommended essays in the months after that. Made some NAMALT infights but they were out of genuine confusion and ignorance, a good chunk of my inner world was getting dismantled. I never felt bad or defensive when anons called me pickme retard. This sort of tough love frankness from fellow women who actually have my best interest in mind was something I’ve yearned for my whole life. It’s invaluable compared to men’s self-serving “niceness”.
Now the prospect of growing old with my best friends far far away from men’s bullshit fuels my daydream. I am working in therapy to overcome my traumas preventing me from pursuing women romantically and wholely. In short my pink-pilling was gradual yet fast and life changing. I will always hold lolcow fondly in my heart even if it eventually gets forever degraded by trannies and Twitter handmaidens.
No. 598352
>>598233Yeah like that other anon said, you've been through some mind breaking shit. I'm proud of you and love you for rising above like a magnificent phoenix queen.
>>598349Butches may have internalized misogyny but I don't think they're pick-me's in a classical sense. They more want to be acknowledged by men like be invited to the club house in a weird self-hating way.
No. 598354
>>598352ntayrt but i feel like there's degrees to it. my lesbian friends have bent over backwards to make undeserving chicks (butch and femme alike) love them/stay with them. pretending to like so many things, pretending to be okay with
toxic situations, and then telling their gf they're so glad they're not like their exes!!11!1!
but i also feel like it's worse with men. like god damn it i've pretended to totes relate to anime that were only relatable to teenage boys/young men and made me feel unseen as a real human woman, just so a guy wouldn't think i "didn't get it". pretending objectification is ok with me because i'm a cool girl who deserves to be loved. ugh.
No. 598399
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I feel like almost everyone (male and female) from my friend group when I was in my teens/early 20s perpetuated this idea that most women were gold diggers, and if you wanted to be the "cool girl," it meant you basically could not ask for anything ever or have any kind of standard.
I bought into it like a little idiot. I was always ready to put down any woman who wasn't happy with a dinner at Applebee's and remind everyone how I'm sooo happy eating wherever, because it's about the tImE wE SpEnD tOgEtHeR, not the restaurant! We don't even have to go out, let's stay in and I'll watch you play Call of Duty! I'm sooo chill haha.
No. 598431
>be 16, get first 'real bf'
>buy him stuff all the time while he complains if he has to buy me a $2 cheeseburger
>regularly travel 2 hrs on public transport to see him, he won't even walk 10 mins to meet me at the bus stop
>have to sit and watch him play video games for hours
>selfish in bed, never gives head while I always did whatever he wanted
>constantly talks about other girls to get a rise out of me, including my younger sister (at the time I thought he was just being an asshole, but now I realize he seriously was into them)
>barely ever wants to see me but always wants to talk to me on the phone etc, fight about it all the time
>write essay length pleas for him to care about me and be nice to me, he dgaf
>keep trying to dump him because I know in my gut he doesn't give a shit about me, but he always threatened suicide to force me to stay in contact with him
>cheated on me twice, the second time I dumped him for good after suffering 3 years of this shit
I can forgive myself for all this because I was young, and at least he equally embarrassed himself with all the pathetic suicide baiting. I can't forgive myself for reconnecting with him in my mid 20s and planning to meet up, just for him to cancel on the day of with a lame excuse. I think I just wanted him to be into me so I could reject him for once, but even that is giving him way too much power. The whole thing was a lesson in what not to do, never again.
There were a few silver linings though - soon after we broke up, I dated his best friend who I ended up liking way more, had a bigger dick and enjoyed eating pussy. And when we spoke years later, turns out the girl he cheated on me with (an ex I was ALWAYS paranoid and jealous about) cheated on him so often it gave him ED lmao.
No. 598467
>>598461LOL yup, they're always the most insecure in their relationships. One of the more "popular" stud's girlfriend had the same major as me and was in several of my classes. Whenever I'd say hi to her while they were together, the stud gf would give me the dirtiest look until I walked away. The worst part is how a lot of them talk about other women. Beyond disgusting. It made me lose my shit when I heard them call other women "hoes" and "bitches" casually. I wanted to fucking choke them. It's bad enough that men do it to us all the time. Why do you think this shit is ok or even cool for you to do?
(sorry if i'm derailing!)
No. 598522
Im not too sure if I’d qualify since my experience doesn’t involve a “direct” male influence, but I’ll share anyways.
>19 years old
>sheltered, little to no experience with men
>overweight so no male attention kek
>Shojo manga fantasies
>in search of ways to appeal to men
>Stumbles upon trp subreddit
>gets depressed upon the atrocities witnessed
>All my dreams are shattered
>bishounens aren’t real
>otome game romance is impossible
>2 straight years fucked up my health
>went further into the manosphere rabbit hole
>gained even more weight so I look like shit
>started balding
>eczema worsened
>deleted all my social media
>started dressing butch because of internalized misogyny
>started acting aggressive
>threw away all my belongings
>failed multiple classes
>no motivation to crack open textbooks
>placed on academic probation
>no job, $2000 in credit card debt accruing interest
>gaming addiction
>porn addiction
I even wrote a university essay using trp Ideologies, and got a 50 on it. I’m still cringing to this day.
I never tried to reach out to males since I always felt too ugly, fat, and introverted lel.
Luckily I stumbled upon lolcow before it was too late, finally realizing that I shouldn’t do this to myself. I went through the radfem rabbit hole, and now I’m just vibing and trying to better myself, albeit clumsily. I’m 21 now, trying to get my life back together. I’m still fat and on academic probation though.
Currently trying to lose weight, get healthier, graduate from uni.
(This is my first post here so apologies for any mistakes)
No. 598526
I refer to myself more as a "female simp" (since I adore and respect other women rather than being an NLOG) but yeah, basically pick me.
>always the one to pursue men>drew portraits of many of the men I've been interested in, hoping it would show the depth of my love while also demonstrating my skills (dumb)>be vocal about being into RR and wanting to financially support men>only go after manlets>made a picnic and homemade cake for a guy's birthday and he didn't even bring the cake homeThe last one was recent and part of my awakening. He's a good enough friend to hang with, but I know he'd never do something like that for me since he doesn't even return the feels.
>>598018>The issue with pickmes Is they are doing things girls would like and appreciateThis is the realization that hit me in the face (among other things) and shouted at me that I should have been dating women all along.
Women are generally more attractive than men and can actually appreciate what I have to offer…but the appeal of the social acceptability of being with a man was strong, especially for someone who spent so long being a social failure.
No. 598573
>>598564Yeah, men are kind of feral. I'm sure there are exceptions but that's been my takeaway from these events.
What also solidified it was when I lost interest in one and he suddenly began aggressively pursuing me. Love shouldn't be about such games.
No. 598638
>>598588If they do understand those gestures, they take it as "woman nice to me, now me get pussy.". Physically I like men, but damn they're some disgusting creatures personality-wise.
It makes me think that the "good ones" are just a little smarter and patient, I have a hard time believing they don't see you as a hole they can fuck regularly.
No. 598684
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>>598084>tfw always wished I had female friends and/or sisters>hanging out with them would be so much better and less strained than hanging out with men>was bullied throughout my school years for being an autistic weeb, none of the girls wanted anything to do with me>drowned my sorrows in Magic: The Gathering and Heroes of Might and Magic, which are extremely penis-heavy hobbies>been clowned in two relationships by manipulative scrotoids and spent so much money on train tickets to see them while they spent nothing on me, insulted me and were only in it for the sex>got too sick of men and dropped male friends, many of whom gradually became incels>now too old and weird for making new friendsso it goes
No. 598697
>>598692(I'm anon above you) While I did have only male friends I wanted to impress really hard, I didn't really sympathize with them in the sense of agreeing with them mistreating girls (I stood up for the girls and spoke up against it), I just wanted to be liked by anybody at all since I was bullied a lot before. Though I did tolerate a lot of the stuff I wouldn't tolerate nowadays, but I think it depends on the people and situation.
I have to say it kinda hurts to be called an NLOG just for having male friends when so much of it is circumstantial.
I mentioned in another thread, I think it was about bullying, that I only had one (male) gay friend who didn't want to be seen with me in public and later told everyone in my small town I was prescribed benzos which got me ostracized even more.
People called me a scrote and a pickme just because I didn't have female friends and my best friend at the time was a gay male, even though it's not even something I wanted.
No. 598768
>>598233Anon, this is awful, I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. I wouldn’t even call you a pick me, you were just a vulnerable
victim who was taken advantage of. The only pick me in your story is the guys ex girlfriend.
No. 598779
>>598764Uhh, are you me? My male friends always remained close to me after rejection but constantly negged and gaslighted me in any way they could. Gossiped about me too. I usually dropped them once I had no more use for them because I’d always be pissed about things they did for way longer than I would have been if I had stood up for myself.
It’s surprising how catty men can really be when they’re not the violent type. Generally these tend to be guys raised by their mothers, which for some reason turns them into entitled, petty, passive aggressive brats. Maybe it is because I was raised in a shitty environment but I’d much rather deal with someone yelling at me out of anger than mind games and subtle sabotage.
>reconnect with someone I met on okcupid like 6 years ago but as friends>things go ok for a few months>he makes shitty comments sometimes but not enough to really “make a fuss over”>I accidentally fell during outdoor trip and almost broke my knee, he gets annoyed and passive aggressive with me about “being careful” but I still don’t call him out >a couple weeks later he tries to kiss me>lean away and tell him no>meet his friends all at once at an event and they all hate me>one of them even threatened to beat me up because she thought I was a snobby bitch>realized he’s been gossiping about me after one of them tries to trigger me by talking about one of my major traumas that I did not discuss with any of these complete strangers It took that for me to realize how many of my “friends” are doing shit like this to me, to remember how many exes went online to bitch about me in the most exaggerated way possible. It’s fucking ridiculous. I’m hoping I can make some girl friends after quarantine. I’m worried that they’ll be shitty to me too since I’m socially inexperienced but the possibility they won’t is better than having to deal with a dude sitting next to you negging you bc he’s half mast and the ocean is dry
No. 599215
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I've done a plethora of pickme shit in my relationships, but this was by far the worst
>dated a trash guy I settled for, move in with him after 4 months and paying for way more than I should/doing all the chores
>he treats me like shit and calls me sweet petnames like hussy and sloot. I get mad and call him out but to keep the relationship I relent
>he starts hanging out at a petstore all the time after work instead of spending time with me, ends up working part time there
>starts seeing a girl 10 years younger behind my back and dumps me for her, meanwhile I had no fucking idea he was cheating on me.
>I stay because "he said he wanted to buy a house with me one day uwu and his friends love me and say dumping me was a mistake!"
>I tried my hardest to win him back doing stuff he didnt want me to do like his laundry, making meals even though he only ate out, taking care of his animals
>continue to mess around with him on the side and even help him cheat on college courses
>girl finds out I still live there and he still fucks me, he doesnt want to stop having a "friendship" with me so she dumped him
>"congrats you got what you wanted. this is all your fault!"
>I ask him when we would get back together since we're both single and acted so sad/heartbroken when he dumped me, he says he doesnt know and continues carrying on trying to date other women
>still desperately trying to win his affections back
>I finally start to realize he really doesn't give a fuck about me since he constantly rubs in my face the women who flirt with him/want to date him, but I'm too chickenshit to move out
>I start trying to see other people, he gets mad because I'm not home to greet him like always, when I stayed away for the night to hook up he starts calling me a slut/talking about how I'm getting gangbanged/I'm taking my best guy friend's big black cock and hes rubbing it on his pillow?
>He ended up a few days later literally wrestling me to the ground, and when I got up shoving me hard enough to leave a handprint bruise on my chest and knock me into some chairs
>Nope. Enough is enough. This guy gives literally zero fucks about you girl. Run.
>Restraining order filed, move in with a friend, blocked him on all social media.
Worthless lost just about everything after I left. He couldn't afford rent so he lost the apartment, lost his job, lost a lot of money trying to invest, his disgusting car broke down, his friends turned on him when I revealed with proof how he actually felt about them, just about everything. Only thing he's gained from all this is weight. I wanted so hard for him to like me because I wanted a long term relationship/marriage with someone, so I did everything he asked and then some. He was the type who always blamed other people for his problems and all his past relationships were dramatic and ugly because his exes were "crazy". He loved preying on young/emotionally immature girls and from what I could see internet sleuthing he sunk his claws into his high school sweetheart, who is definitely a pickme that tried her hardest to shove herself into our relationship.
He's a huge asshole and deserves nothing but he did teach me a lot about myself and to stop breaking my back carrying these inferior men. There's no rush to lock someone down, and only agree to something if you're comfortable with it, don't just do it to make your partner happy.
No. 599274
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>>599226I love you, anon, please never stop doing God’s work.
No. 599703
>>598791I do have plenty of friends. Does that mean because you post on an imageboard you don't have friends either? This is a pickme topic so I bought up a pickme too.
She is a real piece of shit too. She's the kind of person who complains about you being attractive if you ever mentioned you are harassed. Now I make up stories to make her seethe.
No. 599787
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Did we really need a thread for this? I thought it was common knowledge that most farmers are former pickmes or current pickmes in denial.
It may shock some of you to know this, but swinging from one extreme to another doesn't indicate that you've actually healed from you crippling insecurities. Normal people don't worship males and think they can do no wrong, nor do they believe all males are psychopaths and need to be rounded up on an island and shot.
Y'all have literally gone from "LOOK AT ME BOYS I'M NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLS!!!" to "LOOK AT ME GIRLS I HATE MEN JUST LIKE YOU DO!!!" and the fact that you don't recognize that is astounding.
No. 599952
>>599787based. you just said what we've all been thinking. a true hero. the hero we needed but not the hero we deserved.
i cringe just as hard at man haters as i do at man obsessors.
maybe they just have an autistic fixation on gender and sex.
No. 661078
>>660224>Most of them seem to still be looking for a relationship even if it says "friendship"A lot of unicorn hunters as well, unfortunately.
I'd love some more female friends as well. Would be cool to live next to each other or even with each other, and just forget all about men. Platonic female friends sharing our lives together.