No. 59591
>>59564Thanks for making lolcow less USA-central.
Keep up the good work
No. 59630
File: 1452844864191.jpg (281.58 KB, 2048x1368, 01251051010516.jpg)

>>59618I'm not though? I said it was disgusting many times when people asked my opinion, but I think it's stupid how she just milks the fame from this, it doesn't look like it affected her as much as she says.
We can always talk about the other cows here tho, like Luka. Whores herself out for attention, mother doesn't know how to sell at all but she makes her charge 450BRL in a super sonico outfit for other people, can't hear that someone that she doesn't like is going to cosplay something that cosplay the same fucking thing at the same time, shoops herself to hell and back (but not so much as myo) and if i'm not mistaken she is underage…