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No. 59411

Anyone here seen this documentary? It's pretty hilarious, doesn't really show much about the people at the camp losing weight but the drama between them is gold.

No. 59422>>59965


No. 59506

Thanks for posting this anon, it was just the thing I wanted to watch but didn't know existed.

No. 59953>>59956

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Thanks for sharing. I'm only about 15 minutes in but already this kid is killing me in the most unsettling possible way.

No. 59956

This guy is seriously a psychopath, I wonder where he is now.

No. 59957>>59995

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>"I'm going to show them and go 3 days without a shower and see if they ever nag me about it again!"
>Later that night…
>"If you guys had just told me I stank I would have taken a shower! I thought you were being a bitch to me by telling me to take a shower!"
lolwut? This bitch is the worst. I feel sorry her roommates have to deal with her constant whining and playing the victim.

No. 59965

top kek
I just watched that part. Holy crap, that was gold. rip in pieces my sides

No. 59985

that one guy giving dating advice to the fat kid lmao "say your eyes are beautiful just like you"

No. 59995>>59997

I felt bad for her in the beginning because /I/ was that weird kid at camp who couldn't relate to anyone, but once she started never-ending whinging all my pity went out the window.

No. 59997

Also the fitness director is kinda cute. ;)

No. 60058

of course petey (or p.d. or w/e) has a maddox t-shirt. ugh.
tbh he's the only one I can see actually getting fitmode if only so that he can more effectively get away with being a total douche scumbag towards women.

No. 60059>>60062

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I'm not sympathetic with the fatties but what a fucking prick

No. 60062>>60066

What makes you say that, anon?

No. 60066>>60070

One sided conversations, interrupting, threats, refusing to listen to what the other person says, putting people down and antagonizing them, and that handshake at the end of every session to feign some sort of mutual agreement. He's not disciplining anyone, he's there to make people feel bad. Petey is an asshole and I know it's "fat camp" and that this show isn't really about encouraging people to make progress and better themselves as much as generating drama and views but if this is actually his day to day job he needs to be fired.

No. 60070>>60073>>60076

I don't know, I really didn't get the same impression.

>one-sided conversations, interrupting

Sure, I can agree that this man needs to work on that. But you also have to realize that the interactions in the documentary are edited to show only his talks with troublemakers. He probably has a lot to do on a day to day basis.


??? Are you talking about him "threatening" the counselor to become a camper or leave the camp? The one who smoked, snuck out to buy food all the time, and instead of mediating the drama in her room, partook in it?

>refusing to listen to what the other person says

Yes, people who are chronic liars and who other campers have confirmed to be the case when they reported them to the director.

>putting people down and antagonizing them

If they did well, he congratulated them. If they were doing poorly, he let them know that they could do better.

I don't think if the camp and by extension the director running the whole gig weren't encouraging people to better themselves, the campers wouldn't have lost the weight they had and been happy with their progress. I think the director's leadership style was more stern than most and his his weak spots, but I didn't think there was anything rude about it.

No. 60073>>60080

One minute he says everything is he says, she says; then the next minute he's all like you know what you did, you know it. The guy is an inconsistent asshat. Fact is by the end of the day he didn't manage to get the kids to improve their shitty behaviors. You can be tough, if you're effective. This guy isn't.

Honestly I think a woman would do a better job at getting through to the kids.

>I don't think if the camp and by extension the director running the whole gig weren't encouraging people to better themselves, the campers wouldn't have lost the weight they had and been happy with their progress.

You must be seriously naive to actually believe that a reality show oriented camp is seriously for the sake of its participants. Have you seen The biggest loser? Most of these kids will start gaining back their weight the minute they leave the camp. Fat loss needs to be a long term thing and the problem lies within the day to day lifestyle. This type of approach is retarded.

No. 60076>>60080

>he let them know that they could do better.
And yeah, that's not what he did. He literally can't stop using negative adjectives describing the kids. Being condescending to someone is a sure fire way to make them stop wanting to listen to you.

No. 60080>>60081>>60087

The camp is not to help kids with personality issues, it is to make them lose weight. He is not a counselor, he is the director. He is more of an organizer and last ultimatum. If you're still referring to the situation with Braelyn, I agree that he was a little bit inconsistent and could have been more straight up instead of immaturely futzing around (I would have fired her a lot sooner, tbh). And as I said, he had weak points in communication that could be worked on, but he wasn't exactly the biggest asshole ever.

It is also not a reality show, it is a documentary about an already existing camp. As you can see, if kids and by extension parents had issues with how he ran the camp, they would not be returning summer after summer. Does the weight loss work in the long run? Probably not, but that's because it's camp, not a home intervention. These kids are still dependent on their family's lifestyles.

>And yeah, that's not what he did.

And no, to me that is what he did. There are only two times I can recall when he used very negative words when talking to the kids, and that is to Petey and Braelyn, the bad eggs who didn't listen from the get-go because they respected no one. But he does tell Petey he's proud of him when the kid makes an actual heartfelt speech at the end of the summer, and encourages Dionne by telling her that other people do want to be her friend because she was cool but needed to put herself out there, he always congratulates for a job well done them when they lose weight, etc.

No. 60081>>60084

>it is to make them lose weight
Did you even read what I said?

No. 60084>>60086

Yes, I did. Did I misread something?

No. 60086>>60088

>You must be seriously naive to actually believe that a reality show oriented camp is seriously for the sake of its participants. Have you seen The biggest loser? Most of these kids will start gaining back their weight the minute they leave the camp. Fat loss needs to be a long term thing and the problem lies within the day to day lifestyle. This type of approach is retarded.
Fat camps in general are retarded/money grubbing schemes. You're making excuses after excuses for the shitty way the camp is ran while not actually refuting anything I said.

No. 60087>>60088

>As you can see, if kids and by extension parents had issues with how he ran the camp, they would not be returning summer after summer
Or maybe if the fat camp actually helped kids to stop being fat nobody would be 3rd/4th years there. lmao

No. 60088>>60091

>Does the weight loss work in the long run? Probably not, but that's because it's camp, not a home intervention. These kids are still dependent on their family's lifestyles.

These camps exist because people want to go to them. I don't see why that makes them money grubbing schemes, or any different than short-term health retreats for older people.

No. 60091>>60094

>These camps exist because people want to go to them.
And? I thought we're talking about their claim that it's helps people lose weight here.

No. 60094

For short-term weight loss (which is the point of the camp), you cannot disagree that it does work.

No. 60110>>60196>>60197>>60332

btw here's "Return to Fat Camp"
theres a wannabe scene queen girl and its funny.

No. 60196>>60197

Holy shit, how long after was this? I know the original Fat Camp came out in 06.

No. 60197

Also holy shit at Petey's tranformation. He actually looks good.

No. 60332

>get cancer and then I will feel sorry for you
What a shit counselor.

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