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No. 59348
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OP isn't wrong
If you deny many things such as miscegenation are actively being pushed and borders being disolved then just open your eyes. Pic related is a new book to learn the German language. Also this is interesting now that we're seeing it come to fruition No. 59352
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note the inverted stars
No. 59427
>>59348Friendly reminder that white female/black male mixed race couples are less than 3% of the population.
Friendly reminder that you, OP and other faggots with these opinions are actual, literal cuckolds who watch interracial porn all day and think it's reality.
Friendly reminder that people with these opinions, and any conspiracy theorists really, have nothing interesting going on in their life, but want to feel like they're in the middle of some great "happening".
Friendly reminder that /pol/ and Stormfront need to go back to their containment boards.
No. 59430
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>>59343nice try, but maybe next time include a few reptoid stories to make your theory more convincing.
No. 59441
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>>59438>everyone I disagree with must be a robot whaaI'm convinced this is the same nigger that tumblr-izes every thread with this shit. Whenever someone says something that's not acceptable among the SJW crowed there's this cunt calling everyone a robot. Fuck off, nigger.
No. 59468
>>59441So it wasnt me who thinks these edgy posts are made by men/robots?
Gtfo manbitch
No. 59470
They have no idea that their inherent ineptitude causes them to stand out like sore thumbs. Blessed be.
No. 59537
>>59348This type of shit is so forced
It's disgusting
I don't even care who people fuck and what color they are, but I don't like the BMWF coupling being forced so hard
No. 59538
>>59427>Friendly reminder that people with these opinions, and any conspiracy theorists really, have nothing interesting going on in their life, but want to feel like they're in the middle of some great "happening".This describes SJWs also
They're more alike than they realize
No. 59563
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
The Jew led "academia" in the US is entirely controlled by the Jews. They rule the academic world and they use their influence to separate white Americans from our heritage and our culture. Jews dedicate a massive amount of their resources to brainwash young Americans into hating our own race and country. They ban authors like Lovecraft for being racist and slander great figures in our history simply for being a product of their time. Their real intent is to separate us from our history so we feel there is nothing sacred or worth protecting in our country, with the final blow being complete when whites have lost our majority. It is only then that we have truly been conquered, because then there are no true Americans left. Then, they can move on to Europe, leaving the jews with no one in their way for world domination.
No. 59667
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>>59666Shhhhh. It's okay, nigger. Lipstick Alley still cares about you.
No. 59719
>>59677>implying anyone's trying for your nigger assT O P K E K
No. 59736
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"We know that they hate us from the depths of their souls. We take pleasure in their hatred. There is nothing that they would not do to us if they had the power. We cannot therefore give them even the slightest bit of power. More than that, it is our duty to tell the world of their nature and their depravity. We must again and again prove their sick role in beginning and carrying on this war. We must attack them incessantly, accuse them without pity of the crimes of which they are guilty, until the nations begin to wake up. That may take a long time, but it is worth it. We are dealing with the most dangerous enemy that ever threatened the life, freedom, and dignity of humanity. There can be no mercy. We have pity only for the countless millions of our own people and those of other European nations who will be given over to the hate and destructive will of this devilish race if we become weak and give up the battle. Those Philistines who today are so eager to protect the Jews would be their first victims."
No. 59737
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"We must all keep alert. We must be on guard against the insidious cleverness of the international world enemy. In the depths of his soul, he realizes that this war that he so frivolously began, expecting it to be the last step to world domination, has instead become a war for his racial existence. He desperately seeks to stop the inevitable march of events. It will do him no good. We will keep at him. In the end, the Führer’s prophecy about World Jewry in 1939, which they laughed at then, will come true.
The Jews laughed in Germany too when they first saw us. They are not laughing any longer. They chose to wage war against us. But that war is turning against them. When they planned a war to totally destroy the German nation, they signed their own death warrant.
Here, too, world history will be the world court."
No. 59964
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>tfw the jews won
No. 60016
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>>59964not on my watch fam
No. 60027
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>>60021you guys could have been the most powerful nation the world had ever seen with technology 40-50 years ahead of our time and a master race, but instead chose to be a bunch of cucks overrun by a bunch of turks, shitskins, and degenerates. how does that feel?
No. 60551
>>60432Nigger insults revolve around "ooooooo dis bitch dumb af lol u ugly weez be lookin all fine an shit where her ass at tho?"
Hearing stupid people try and insult people is embarrassing as fuck and niggers crank it up by 11.
No. 60552
>>60551Meanwhile literal nigger insults consists of the usual
>fuck off gorilla>GO BACK TO THE ZOO>other variants of the same thingAt this point it's white noise since it's been repeated so many times. Get more creative, lazy fucks.
>>60549You're the one butthurt for bringing up LSA, dumb cunt.
Did they bloody e-scalp you or what?
No. 60554
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>>60552>How dare you make fun of my favorite site! I-I bet they owned your ass! LOL called it. I could tell you were from there with your proud strong sheboon wiiminz mentality.
No. 60555
>>60551Nah, stop downplaying LSA's abilities.
If that's one thing they know how to do they can do that and VERY WELL. They pull up your search history, track you from other forums, insult you with the flaws of your online persona and try to diagnose you psychologically while insulting your whole family and making you regret yourself from ever coming there.
Sure they are psycho bitches and attack everyone who disagrees with them, but the one time they actually stab someone just right it's when it's a stupid racist troll such as yourself. And I have no problems sitting down and watching them tear you down to the white bone.
They can always spot if you make a new font too, and if I would post this on LSA they could probably found out who you are too.
I'm sure you're still bootyblasted from them giving you the drag of your lifetime since you're over here using generic jungle monkey insults and shitposting on an anonymous board.
No. 60556
>>60554I don't go there anymore (for a good reason), but even if I did I would feel no shame in telling you so.
I'm not the one insulting the people who go over there on an anonymous forum like a coward.
If you hate them so much why won't you log back into your account and tell them how you really feel?
Or are you scared of your reputation getting worse than the period red it is already (if that was possible)?
No. 60638
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>>60556ummmm, like? what's with your obsession with racist white ppl? like, if you hate them so much, why don't you just go somewhere like lipstick ally?!?
your a fucking coward that insults people on anon on the internets lol bet u wouldnt say dis shit to muh face motherfucker
or are u scared you gonna lose more rep ho bag? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET
u dont fuckin KNOW the bitches on lipstick ally. they gonna fuck yo shit up bitch
No. 60641
>>60638Anon, stop sperging out.
If you're going to mock me do it properly by greentexting, faggot.
No. 62460
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No. 64203
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I came to lolcow to talk to other girls. If I wanted /pol/ crap I would go there.
No. 69680
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No. 69815
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Tfw my country and the rest of Europe is being ruined but it's too late to stop it now
No. 70717
>>70701A common sense individual
Or horrible racist scum if we're going by society's view of you
No. 72125
>>59427>Friendly reminder that white female/black male mixed race couples are less than 3% of the population.this. no matter how much the media tries to push black male + white female the most common couples are two white people. even when people do date outside their race it's usually the white guys who do it; white women very rarely date non-whites and if they do it's almost always the more caucasian looking ones
the only people who think there's some sort of miscegenation conspiracy are autistic white men and women who can't get a date
No. 88588
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I don't know where else to fucking post this, but it's funny as fuck and I need to post it so I'll do it here. I found this insane white nationalist site and everything on there is pure gold. It's almost as crazy as that "realhistory" site. No. 88590
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This shit's so awkward when you're german.
Like come on, we killed 6 000 000 jews and there are still people claiming Russians did it better? Give Hitler some credit.
No. 88607
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>>88590The 6 gorillion is a Jew meme.
The systematic extermination of Jewish peoples didn't officially begin until June 1941, for which there were 6 extermination camps. The war officially ended on September 2nd, 1945 right? So, over the course of 54 months, approx. 1642.5 days, you'd need to be murdering and burning people at a rate of 3652.9 Jews per day, 608.8 Jews every day per camp, for 4.6 YEARS.
Every SINGLE day for almost 5 years and these aren't Jews who just magically appeared into these camps, they needed to captured, rounded up, identified and transported first, and then disposed of and burned en masse, whilst there was a fuel shortage mind and a lack of manpower due to most available forces being sent off to fight.
The officially recorded Jewish population of Germany never even exceeded 4.5 million during this period, and we know a good portion of them were able to escape.
The 6 gorillion is a Jew meme.
No. 88631
>>88628nah im not that anon and even i noticed the influence of tumblr on this website (the shitty gifs and SJW ideology for example), nigger slang etc…
I dont accuse you of being one anon but I wish the SJW cancer goes away
also why do koreaboos have white guilt?
>youre not black you cant say the n word zomg>youre not black you cant sing formation zomg>youre not black you cannot make stereotypical jokes about black people even if youre just defending yourselfall of these comments usually have a random korean girl icon and idk why
No. 88680
>>88631This is a realely weird thing I've discovered by weebs and asiaphiles in general.
Initially you'd expect them, being liberals 99% of the time, to want Japan and South Korea to go full retard with the borders like Europe and America have. But actually most of them will defend behavior from Japanese and Korean men that they'd castigate white men for I've found.
No. 88686
>>88649Get that fat out of your ears Anon. I JUST calculated that shit for you and you're still screaming "TIN FOIL HAT, TIN FOIL HAT"?
I bet you also believe that naughty terrorists with long beards hiding in a caves managed to hijack 3 aeroplanes and successfully navigated them to to world trade centre and the pentagon without being shot down or detected in a nation that has the highest military budget on the planet.
No. 88702
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>>88607>>the officially recorded Jewish population of Germany never even exceeded 4.5 million during this periodKEK
Only 160.000 jews were killed in Germany.
Don’t you know the holocaust took place all across Europe (9 500 000 jews total, 1,7 % of the population)? Polish and Russian jews constitute the biggest percentage of victims. What does the number of german jews even have to do with it (though the number of german jews is much smaller than 4.5 million, where did you got this number from)?
>>Every SINGLE day for almost 5 years and these aren't Jews who just magically appeared into these campsSince deportation started in 1939 that’s 7 years but that's just a minor mistake in comparison to THIS bullshit:
>>The systematic extermination of Jewish peoples didn't officially begin until June 1941, for which there were 6 extermination camps.Again: You do realize the killing didn’t take place solely in extermination camps but that people also died in "normal" working camps of which there were more than 14? Even more important: there were mass executions all across Europe - Eastern Europe in particular. That's Poland, the Ukraine, Croatia, those three tiny countries next to Russia you probably don't even know the name of - basically, a HUGE territory?
You do realize Germans made use of the infrastructure Stalin already build for deportations and killing people he didn't like? The soviets were deporting people since 1930.
You do realize slavs were happy to help?
You do realize the Croatian Ustaša was SO good at killing jews the nazis got worried and told them to slow down and chill?
You do realize they still stumble across mass graves in Eastern Europe every now and then?
Ever heard of Babi Jar?
I’m sure there's plenty fancy conspiracy theories about the holocaust but this is lame. It only uses elementary school knowledge on it.
>> It can’t be true 6 000 000 jews were killed in 6 extermination campsNo shit, Sherlock, really?
Do your math again.
I’ll give you credit for one thing though: Your numbers are
sort of correct for Auschwitz (that’s where whoever made this dumb theory got them from in the first place I guess).
Around 600 jews were killed in Auschwitz per day. But 1. Auschwitz is the exception not the rule that's why it's so famous and 2. Auschwitz is a whole fucking VILLAGE with 3 small concentration camps with SEVEN gas chambers. Seven. That's 86 people per chamber per day. Doesn't sound this impressive now, does it?
For the record:
Jews killed in Auschwitz: 1 000 000
Jews killed in Treblinka: 700 000
Jews killed in every other camp: > 250 000
Jews killed old school execution style, in ghettos and working camps: A LOT
Why am I even trying…
No. 88710
>>88704There are different numbers, ranging between 10 and 7 Mil. No one knows the exact number as well as no one knows the exact number of Holocaust victims. But the point stands, the number is higher than 4.5 Mil.
I mean, even if it was a conspiracy those evil jews wouldn't be this stupid to chose victim numbers higher than the actual population so every /pol-tard could prove them wrong. That's not how they worked their way up to (TOP SECRET) world domination.
No. 88718
>>88712It's difficult for me to find english sources ad hoc since I'm german.
United states holocaust museum 9,5 Mio.
Estimation by Taylor Myron Charles from 1942 9,237,314 Million
Again, I rounded up but let's not pretend we're arguing whether 5 or 6 Million jews died during the Holocaust or whether 7 or 9 Million lived in Europe beforehand because then I wouldn't be arguing at all.
Here's a map with the estimated population and victim counts of every country (blue: population, black: killed). It's in german but it should be easy to understand: No. 88722
>>88720Joke’s on you, I'm polish. I own both, a german and a polish pass.
Don't pretend your opinion is
so marginalized. There's more than enough germans ( and polish and hungarians for the matter) who'd gladly deny the holocaust with you.
I imidiatly found a german page claiming the same nonsense like
>>88607'm not going to do you the favor and discuss immigration politics with you. At this point I said what I wanted to say so I'm out.
No. 88742
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>>88722Spierdalaj durne bydlo niemiurskie, hanbe nam przynosisz po prostu rzygac mi sie chce. Za granice kalosze bydlo wzielo i teraz szpanuje ze niby jako polka moze sie wyrazic? Nie jestes prawdziwa polka jesli sadzisz ze zyd pasożyta poczwara to cos dobrego dla polski. I wierzysz slepo w te żydowskie klamstwa durna zagraniczna kurwo. Idź niech ci hans czy klaus nasra na morde bo tylko na tyle im jestes dobra.
A niemury na ciebie nawet nie spluna jak bedziesz plonac. Dla nich jestes kurwa prostytutka polska, wiec ich nie bron tak pasożycie. Nie jestes niemka nigdy nie bedziesz, jestes dla nich po prostu kolejna kurwa i smieciem.
I naucz sie prosze angielskiego bo nam wstydu narabiasz.
>>88724Most of us actually hate jews. Poland is very antisemitic. We also have a thriving neonazi youth culture, often masquerading as neoconservative groups and a variety of neonazi splinter groups linked to things like panslavism, pagan traditionalism and even hooligan neonazis. There is still hope for a bright future, we just need to all do our part. Whether it's by gently influencing the opinions of your friends, voting in local elections, writing articles or even books, there are ways we can all defend and expand our legacies, ideologies and heritage from those with none. Like flowers blooming from rotten corpses, there is intellectual beauty that can be grown from those with weak or malleable minds.
National socialism can and will overcome jewery and empty hedonism , as deep down decent human beings will never feel satisfied on a diet of popculture and mass produced tripe. Deep down they crave community ties, exclusivity and a sense of belonging. A sense of purpose and the feeling that they are building a future for their young. These are innate weaknesses and feelings natsoc can capitalise on. No other political ideology does that to such an identity linked extent. Communism attempts it, but falls hilariously short due to the human vice of greed. Oh sure, they attempted to fight that aspect by having americans/capitalist/etc caricatures that were supposed to be the antithesis of communism with their embodiment of greed…But how true did they ring when culturally greedy jews were the ones mandating their
problematic to the cause nature? China in the 50s is the only one that made decent attempts at fighting greed. Natsoc actively fights greed in ways communism can only dream of with its inherent ideology. That is something the greedy pigs can never take from us. The truth. So take comfort, and have faith. As long as the last history or biology book is not burnt, national socialism is not destroyed. Natsoc is scientific pragmatism distilled. Keep up the good fight!
I would also like to apologise for that german halfling whore, her mother was a polish prostitute that Hans jizzed into after taking a shit on her face, so now she has an identity crisis and actually thinks she's a real pole, and a real german to boot. Best of both worlds kek. What a sad wretched creature. Wounded by jewish lies and blinded by the media, she is unable to look upon the holocaust with a critical eye. The fact that the number of declared death camps fluctuated so conveniently during investigations will not cross her mind. Even if she reads such a thing, she will push it out of her mind, choosing to retreat to the comforts of logical fallacies, as the good jewish schools taught her.
Sorry if I made mistakes or rambled I'm on my phone kek
No. 88772
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No. 88774
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No. 88775
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No. 88776
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No. 88777
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No. 88778
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No. 88779
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No. 88780
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No. 88781
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No. 88782
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No. 88783
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No. 88791
I'm the Anon that posted
>>88607 but even I think this Nazi posts are retarded.
I don't actively hate Jewish folk or desire their genocide, I just think a lot of the facts surrounding WW2 have been fluffed or outright fabricated, obviously because the winner has decided their own narrative/history.
No. 88795
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>>88791i don't really hate jews either nor feel any hard feelings for other races, but i really agree with a lot if not most of nazi/hitler's ideology, no-tolerance attitude towards degeneracy, and love how advanced they were as well as how beautiful the architecture, art, symbolism, nation, etc was at the time
No. 88875
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>>88854because i feel like it
No. 90711
>>72125>it's usually the white guys who do itMen of all races tend to date out more.
>white women very rarely date non-whites and if they do it's almost always the more caucasian looking onesNot from what I've seen in my day to day life tbh