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No. 58898

Thoughts on the David Bowie had sex with a 15 year old thing? What do you guys think?

If you don't give a fuck, don't post in this thread. You'll just look annoying.


My opinion is that it's perfectly fine. She was a consenting 15 year old and he didn't persuade her at all. Her goal was to fuck Bowie, move on to another rock n roll star from another. She owns he own sexuality. Anyone else agree?

No. 58899

put this in the bowie thread

No. 58904

Fuck, I didn't see one already exists. I'm sorry.

No. 58905

You know OP you can delete threads.

No. 58907

It wont let me for some reason, ah

No. 58912

Honestly I wish someone had bad the foresight to create this containment thread while the primary RIP Bowie thread was left for mourning/remembering Bowie and his work and reminiscing. Oh well.

No. 58921

There's a time limit now.

I say either let this thread sage or move all the pedo discussion here.

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