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No. 579582

Discuss everything South Korean here.

No. 579584

How is the nth room scandal progressing? Is it still in the public eye? r/GC used to provide me with semi regular updates

No. 579588

No. 579590

Can't wait to see the thread get ruined by kpop fags

No. 579593

Can't access link

No. 579595

No. 579614

I was hoping for someone to tell what Koreans thought about it, not some dry ass news articles anon

No. 579630

>"South Korea General"
>proceeds to talk about kpop only here

No. 579650

Koreans aren't paying attention like they did 4 months ago. News about the Nth room case still pop up tho.

No. 579693

How about Korean food for beginners? There is this amazing looking Korean food place near my apartment, but I am too intimidated to go into it because I don’t know anything about SK… food looks so good though.

No. 579706

doesn't hurt to just pick something random off the menu or ask for recommendations as a novice, but i'll list some stuff i really enjoy from korean restaurants.

-korean fried chicken. beware of the spicy sauce; the restaurants in my city make it super weak but still a bit too spicy for my normie white bf. restaurants in tokyo never toned it down and, despite loving heat, it made me unable for think for 10 mins straight a couple of times. but there are other sauces too, and the classic combo is k-fried chicken + beer. (chimaek)
-bibimbap. just a bunch of veggies, one or two meats and rice. to eat it you pour the sauce they give you (some restaurants don't offer extra sauce tho) and mix it all together. eat with a spoon. very basic but delicious.
-korean pancake/buchimgae. there are different asian variants of this dish and it's easy to enjoy imo.
-a side of kimchi! if you've never tried it, you should. it's a staple of korean meals. it might be an acquired taste but if you keep an open mind you could come to love it. bit spicy though.
-bulgogi. marinated meat. divine.
-blood sausage/soondae. weird name, weird color…but it's delicious, trust me. tastes nothing like what you expect.
-tteokbokki. chewy rice cakes with spicy sauce. god i miss it so much, you can get it for so cheap in asia. it's pretty damn spicy usually. the texture is great.
-jjajangmyeon/black bean sauce noodles. black bean sauce over some noodles, no broth. best variant is seafood jjajangmyeon imo. it makes a mess (the sauce is quite literally black) but it's so tasty.
-any jigae. stew. will depend on your personal taste, of course. i personally love kimchi jigae.
-gimbap. japanese maki but make it korean.
-korean bbq. honestly i'm not obsessed with it but yakiniku/korean bbq are most fun with a group of friends. meaningless and maybe impossible if alone (the restaurant might only serve 2+ people).
-naengmyeon. cold noodles. only eaten in summer. it could sound off-putting but it's actually satisfying.
-bingsu! famous korean dessert in summer. still haven't had it but it's pretty nice from what i've heard.

No. 579916

bingsu is good! injeolmi is the best kind. not sure if they might have it where you live.

No. 581710

Sooo, the Seoul mayor is now dead. I saw people saying that it was due to sexual scandals

No. 581723

God DAMN I love me some naengmyeon. Would be so perfect in my city's current hot and humid weather. There's a place in my city that has it all year round and sometimes I would get it in the middle of winter just because I love it so damn much lol.

No. 581802

Dead or his career or over?

No. 581838

The Seoul mayor Park Wonsoon, the second highest ranking official in SK, was found dead at a mountainside in Seoul. No suicide notes and the daughter was the one who contacted police.
Sexual harassment claims were filed against him hours before his disappearance…
They are still investigating.

No. 581932

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I've been watching a lot of korean TV. It's crazy how much they let slip about things going on behind the scenes.

Can't believe I found out Ho Dong likes eating so much he'll throw up so he can keep eating

No. 1544920

Any nonas had luck on Korean tinder?

No. 1544958

No. 1545018

just become a prostitute, same thing

No. 1545025

no don't do it, especially if you're new to korea and can't read between the cultural lines. You'll just end up as some korean scrote's foreign girl experience story
Usually for serious/better relationships; people meet through 소개팅 aka introduced by a friend/acquaintance. You're better off just making a solid social life first. Join shit on meetup.com, join fb groups for expats, language exchanges (which are essentially speed dating anyways), or if you're religious go to whatever establishment.

No. 1545191

What's up with Korean sects? They seem even crazier than usual. A friend of mine stayed in Korea for a year and told me they're everywhere, meanwhile during a semester in Tokyo I only got one person trying to convince me to follow her to her church. Did any anon who lived on Korea or are still living there have to deal with this shit on a regular basis?

No. 1545197

Koreans are religious idiots. Just look at their culture, they love to do what everyone else is doing, and they loooove being followers. They love conforming. They are basically the US of Asia. It makes sense that a country whose people are so obsessed with image and capitalism would also latch onto one of the two worst religions in the world. The entire country is basically led by capitalist corporate oligarchs and the quality of life is garbage, their healthcare is garbage, their social safety net is basically non existent just like the US. Perfect climate for religious extremism.

No. 1545199

I am in a tiny eastern european country (i would call it western european but w/e) and it has a lot of korean or viet immigrants, and koreans trying to recruit people in their cult in 90s-late00s was supper common here apparently. My friends and their family would always have at least one story where someone would have a korean person stalk them on a bus stop for a few days to try "changing their life".

No. 1545210

That's scary lol it never happened to me in my country thank god. I posted my encounter with the crazy sect lady in Tokyo once here and it made anons laugh because of how strange that was but now I imagine that if someone tried that shit in my country in Western Europe as well the same lady would have gotten an asskicking.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised tbh, was the previous president kicked out of office for giving too much money to a sect and letting it use her? I was surprised that Shinzo Abe was involved in a sect and got killed for it until I remembered that South Korea is the same but worse and it's very close to Japan culturally and geographically.

No. 1545250

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>was the previous president kicked out of office for giving too much money to a sect and letting it use her?

no it was way crazier than that. she joined the sect in her 20's and they spent 30 years grooming her to eventually become president and it worked. the sect then basically controlled the entire nation of south korea through the president who was their loyal puppet.

No. 1545463

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Damn, I guess MGS2 predicted this too…

No. 1545629

I always hear the craziest stories coming from S.Korea. Such as the nut rage incident.

No. 1545670

what's the nutrage incident?

No. 1545681


The nut rage incident, also referred to as nutgate (Korean: 땅콩 회항, Ttangkong hoehang), was an air rage incident that occurred on December 5, 2014, at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City onboard Korean Air Flight 086. Korean Air vice president Heather Cho (Korean name: Cho Hyun-ah), dissatisfied with the way a flight attendant served nuts on the plane, ordered the aircraft to return to the gate before takeoff.

No. 1545707

nta and I'm looking more into it. It's pure autism, there's no way someone can do that shit without being developmentally delayed, I refuse to believe it.

No. 1545731

south korea seems like the boring version of japan

No. 1545737

>They are basically the US of Asia.

No. 1545783

Thanks for your concern but I really don’t care about that desu. I’ve already been raised ultra puritan and missed out on teenage partying and dating, I’m not looking for a long term bf, I just wanna go clubbing, go on a bunch of dates and have a hoe phase, because soon I’ll be a decrepit old lady and I know I’m gonna regret not having fun in my youth.

No. 1545826


No. 1545902

so this is just my opinion, but if you're gonna do the hoe thing in Korea my advice is to first join a bunch of online expat groups for women in Korea first to get a feel for what you're up against. Because every week there's a girl asking for help because she got sexually assaulted or raped and the police don't care. Korea is 'safe' but the nightlife is sinister for women. Getting roofied, filmed w/o permission during sex, stealthing are pretty common. On top of that, korean men will treat ignorant foreign girls differently, shit a korean woman would never put up with. Kpop culture has rottened foreign girls brains so they get in trouble because Korean men are fucking trash. So start searching for groups on fb first and learn from others

No. 1798218

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No. 1798238

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>feminists managed to sneak in the small penis gesture
Fucking based KEK

No. 1798239

korean radfems are always unfathomably based

No. 2057265

lmao korean feminists are always so based.

No. 2061964

>and have a hoe phase
You sound like a tranny.(necro)

No. 2061985

Nta but sometimes when you guys say stuff like this I feel like you never interact with women outside of lolcow

No. 2061991

That post is a year old

No. 2063218


60% of South Korean men equal feminism with "female supremacy"

good luck in finding oppar

No. 2096456

No. 2122239

Nothing more powerful than being a moid, being korean in 2024 and being a muslim. He was outed as a sex pest 2 years ago but of course kboos and Allah forgive everything disgusting moids do, so now he has over 6 million(!) followers and apparently even enough money to build his own mosque…

I also came across her videos a couple of times, she posts nearly daily and seems to still haven't made any progress, so sad.

No. 2122244

>6.01M subscribers
Holy shit… how?

No. 2122247

There's another wfam youtuber I feel worried about. Her name is Linda and she was super young when she married a much older korean. Since a couple of months now it's only him in their videos, taking care of their young daughter alone. Many asked whether they divorced, so he made a video explaining that she went back to Germany to rest, since she was overwhelmed by the pressure of being on youtube and getting negative comments.
But I also saw a couple of viewers saying they find it very fishy, that she would just leave her daughter behind, that she couldn't even write a small explanation. Why do her parents need to take care of her, isn't that his job as a husband? Some even claimed he abuses her and hides her away. The man simply taking the baby from the mom would sound eerily similar to the girl above… She hasn't been seen since months (again what previously loving mom could leave her small toddler for so long?), meanwhile he happily continues making money by regularly posting his daughter, supposedly so that her family in Germany could see her…

It's so sickening. He was already successful before but it's nearly as if the accusations really made him blow up big.

No. 2122254

I don't know enough about this guy to make any judgment but his statement that they started the youtube channel to show videos to her family sounds implausible and makes me suspicious.

Why couldn't he send videos through a messaging app or email instead of exposing their private life to strangers? It sounds like he's trying to make himself more relatable so his story appears less unrealistic.

No. 2122339

> muslim
> sex pest
those go hand in hand

No. 2128167

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No. 2128246

i dont fucking believe him until linda says something. If Linda really just wanted to rest, why not just stop youtube and say it's because of stress. Something sinister is happening.
Korea will always favor the korean parent, and Korean moids who don't give a shit about their kid but kidnap their child out of spite like her here >>2096456 is more common than people think but it's mostly hidden because it mostly happens to south asian women in Korea who don't have a voice to say anything. I'm in a few female only fb groups and there's always esl nonnies asking for help or what to do because their korean husband abuses them, took the kid, and so on. And of course they're stuck in korea with no support nor job opportunities.
kpop has rotted young womens brains and korean moids benefit from it

No. 2128552

Did you watch their channel and know more? I have zero idea, I just came across one video about him raising the daughter alone, clicked out of boredom and instantly felt like this is fishy
>kpop has rotted young womens brains and korean moids benefit from it
Absolutely. People still talk about supposed "white worship" in Asia but korean moids know exactly how popular kpop, kdramas, skin care and so on are, they know they are considered the "price" now and act accordingly.

No. 2156431

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Is anyone keeping up with the second nth room shit? If there’s a thread, I’ve missed it.
>what is nth room
Korean scrotes all over the country are organizing telegrams and networks to exchange AI-generated porn of women. Kids, moms, sisters, random passerby, celebs, etc.

No. 2156477

South Korea seems like such a boring place to visit if you aren’t Korean and have no other connection to it. They have very few shrines and temples compared to Japan because after learning about Christianity from American missionaries, they cracked down on Buddhism and Korean shamanism. The nature seems limited because it’s so densely populated, and whenever I see people go there it’s like they’re only there to shop at malls and buy overly processed slop in cute packaging at the convenient stores.

No. 2156539

I went there as a tourist back in 2016, with hardly any knowledge about k-media and yeah, it is kind of boring but visiting DMZ was a blast.

No. 2162316

I went a few months ago, and at first I was worried that I wouldn't find anything to do, but I actually had a really nice time looking at the architecture and enjoying many cafés. I honestly want to go back.

No. 2176233

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>sentenced for 4 years for smoking marijuana
>while the rapists who ran burning sun were released in 19 months

No. 2176270

Lol or the guy who ran welcome to video only getting 24 months

No. 2176305

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Lately there's been a large rise in deepfakes/image-based sexual violence directed against women and girls in SK. Quite a bit of the discussion I've seen is on twitter, but there is also a subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/KoreaEndMisogyny/) that is working on discussing the issue in English bc they hope international pressures can influence the government to take the issue more seriously. There was also a protest recently as well; it's really unfortunate because the women have to hide their faces as if they were wearing burkas so that the incels can't target them for being feminists with deepfakes.

No. 2176505

These complaints only really apply to Seoul and that's like saying Tokyo is boring for the same reasons. Which, tbh, I agree with– Tokyo and Seoul are both pretty much like any other major international city. There's a lot to do and see travelling outside of both of those cities though.

No. 2176513

I wish I had another Korean girl friend. I live in the states, but I find it hard to make close friends here. My city has a Korean cultural meetup, and it was obviously completely full of Koreaboo. I don't even like Kpop or watch Korean dramas..I just happen to be ethnically Korean. I moved too far away from my hometown and now I am really missing being around other Korean people, especially I miss eating together. I planted 부추 in my garden and had so much this summer. If only I had somebody to share with.

여기 한국인 있어? ㅠ.ㅠ(ㅠ.ㅠ)

No. 2176562

I'm so happy that the 4b movement is going strong I hope these moids die off

No. 2176595

I watch a lot of Korean survival/variety shows, and this is what Korean sounds like to me: BUNGA?! WOAAAA. OPPSEO NEGA OTTOKE DURUM BUL TEOKKSONMIDA. CHINCHA? ANIYO, CHIGGUM TOKTAK PAKSEONCHIMMIDA. BOUYOUUOH?? MMM, DE KAMMIDA. CHINCHA?? NE. WOAAAAAAAAAAA(racebaiting)

No. 2176624

have you tried posting your own meetup group? Have the description and everything be written in Korean, that should filter out the vast majority of Kboos.

No. 2176692

Back when I had a kpoop phase (very short, lasted 8 months) as a dumb 14 year old, korean sounded cool to me, now it just sounds annoying as fuck kek. The exact way you described it.

No. 2176803

Korea's hard stance on weed vs actual rape is disgusting. I hope those poor women get with real men and the birth rates die in that shit hole place.

No. 2179305


So you admit you are an idiot who used a culture as a passing trend, and now you can throw it in the garbage because it no longer entertains you and therefore it loses value. Disgusting attitude.

No. 2179311

I always wondered how normal korean people view koreaboos if you don’t have a kpop store or a bubble tea shop I’m sure it’s hella irritating. Maybe there is an asian meet up to take out the kboos?

No. 2181126

Sorry, that was not me racebaiting in any way; that was just a bad joke and an attempt at a legit impression of how their language sounds to me, a Scandinavian, because I'm someone who's obsessed with how different languages sound in quite an autistic way. It's such a beautiful, unique language to me. This might sound weird but when I first heard Korean, I googled if there existed any similarities between Turkish and Korean, because there's like a weird, Central Asian "rhythm" and slight harshness, for lack of a better term, to both languages that I think is so interesting to listen to and beautiful.

No. 2184170

Worse than Singapore.

No. 2184497

>who used a culture as a passing trend
Who the fuck said anything about the culture? I was just listening to the music, dumbass. Since when was a bunch of plastic surgery faggots prancing around on stage considered to be true authentic Korean culture? That's like saying I'm 'using' American culture for listening to Britney Spears and Michael Jackson, kek. I like a Russian band, but I don't start eating pierogi, learning cyrillic and start wishing I lived in a commie block. You retarded newfags love making up shitty fanfiction.

No. 2184826

I hate when I try to discuss anything south korea related outside of lolcow there's always some moid chiming in about the korean government is secretly run by a goddesses cult that's super feminazi, they believe this shit without sources too everywhere. How do you even counteract this? Its less believable than lizard people.
Do any of you know where it started? Besides them having a female president once, I hate it so much, it's in every sk discussion.

No. 2184850

Their female president was really into some cult shit, but it wasn't a "feminism" cult and had a male lead iirc. Incels use that to spread fake news about evil feminism cult ruling South Korea because they are butthurt that women online ridicule their tiny dicks or something

No. 2184988

its really harrowing to me that i haven't seen more international headlines about this, it's an absolutely massive issue that's only going to get worse if the government doesnt step in and judicially skullfuck the boys and men creating, distributing and profiting off this content. i'm not a conspiracy theorist but the fact that i dont see more coverage about this makes me wonder if the story is being suppressed somehow. a lot of this content is CP & many of the consumers of this porn are international. also, even outside korea, this is part of a larger international trend of young zoomer boys creating/distributing revenge porn online– see "to catch a kick predator".

No. 2184999

That's even worse.. you have shit taste in music and are a brainless consoomer.(infighting)

No. 2185010

But I haven't listened to kpoop since I was 14.
I have never bought merch or albums, etc. and never will. How am I a consoomer? You're trying too hard, retard.

No. 2185574

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>During this year’s Miss Korea event in Seoul on Tuesday, 15 finalists had to answer various pre-prepared questions. One of the questions was, “If the image of myself in a deepfake video looks more attractive (than myself), how could I reduce the gap (between the image) and my actual self?”

No. 2185583

What the fuck? I don’t understand how foreigners are able to live in Korea, I’ve got a family member that’s been living over there for about a decade now, and i don’y know how she does it

No. 2185596

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Koreans get off so easy when it comes to food because wtf is this

No. 2185602

Ignoring the rampant misogyny and humiliation of this question, how the fuck did the scrotes expect them to answer?
>buhhhh imagine a deep fake of yourself that's MORE attractive!!!
>now um uh how what would you do to look like that!!
It feels like whatever retarded moid wrote this was too busy cooming his half-incher off to the idea of asking this question and humiliating these women and getting excited at the fact they'll have to answer with all smiles like braindead alien dolls. I hope Korean radfems build guns to arm themselves with and firebomb homeless male shelters in response to this.

No. 2185607

the thing with calling out the bad aspects in other countries on this site is that it almost always devolves into racebait and anons use that as a excuse to say racist shit about people of that ethnicity.

No. 2185623

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No. 2185961

Hating only men in a country is never racebait, men just like saying it is to shut down women's reasonable concerns for their safety and happiness.

No. 2186042

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No. 2190976

your right

No. 2194008

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kpop fags acting like kpop is "anti-colonialist" is the funniest shit

No. 2198494

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Woman searched for 44 years to find kidnapped daughter who was adopted abroad

Western nations were desperate for Korean babies. Now many adoptees believe they were stolen
>Kim believes Western governments clung to the narrative that they were saving needy children and ignored evidence that suggested otherwise. Foreign diplomats in the country surely would have noticed that Seoul’s streets weren’t packed with abandoned babies and street children, she said.
>“We were commodified like a good to be sold,” she said. “They made fake orphans and fed the market.”
>“The public authorities were alerted early and were late in taking action,” the report said. “In France, diplomatic archives and the archives of associations effectively showed these practices existed in countries over long periods of time and they were alerted at times at the highest levels, often in isolation, without any political reaction to put an end to them.”
>Access to birth control and abortion in the Western world had caused the number of domestically adoptable babies to plummet, and families clamored for children. The system was designed for the convenience of consumers, and most adoptive parents didn’t even have to visit South Korea.

No. 2198544

>we are fighting colonizers by starving, overworking and emotionally abusing bunch of 15 year olds with plastic surgery

No. 2198872

Damn a kpop artist getting political? Idk what countries colonizing others have to do with the korean war and SK gaining independence? Is this even real??

No. 2205788

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kek retards getting suicidal and legitimately depressed over this kpop idol leaving a group, search his name on twitter, they’re going ballistic and keep in mind he was in his group for barely 2 months and looks like any average korean guy you can pick up in itaewon

No. 2205969

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We need k-critical back

No. 2206109

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No. 2207832

Anytime you mention Korea, a bunch of weirdos pop out of the woodwork, either incels screeching about how its a feminazi shithole, or femcels saying Korean men are crazy and you'll get raped as soon as you step off the plane. I went to Seoul last year and absolutely loved it tbh, it was much cleaner and more comfy than Tokyo and I felt sooo much more safe there as a woman than walking around London or Tokyo (which actually are full of rapey randos). Literally nobody in Seoul bothered me at all and people were so helpful and nice. Honestly I wish I could go back, its just so far away.

No. 2207835

Seoul is very safe. The biggest threats there are the random Russian/Uzbek illegal immigrants and Thai/Viet mafia members, but even they will leave you alone as long as you dont bother them.
I'm part of a kakaotalk group for women who got plastic surgery in Korea. 90% of the women were solo travellers and none of them ever reported back any experiences being bothered by men or assaulted afaik.

No. 2207837

>a bunch of weirdos pop out of the woodwork
>half of the claims about the moids are from korean women themselves
damn you got the yellow fever bad havent you koreabo. be careful in the washrooms.

No. 2207852

>damn you got the yellow fever bad havent you koreaboo
No, I have a white boyfriend kek.
>be careful in the washrooms
Will do, you be careful walking the street in any American or European city lol.

No. 2208191

That's so messed up. I feel so bad for all the people who were possibly affected by that. I don't know why some of these people need to have kids so badly that they resort to surrogacy or literally kidnapping kids, but there's definitely individuals who are profiting off of this (the companies that run surrogacies/adoptions) at the expense of victims.

No. 2224937

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>Jordan Peterson is also considered a feminist in south Korea
what the absolute fuck

No. 2226169

This tells you the horrific state of women's position in society in S.Korea. When conservative "we should love and respect mothers" sounds "feminazi!!!" to all these piece of shit small dicked moids who think women, even their own mothers, should be treated like slaves and furniture. These xy degens are literally secretly filming their own female family members while they are on toilet and posting it to porn sites.

No. 2237179

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still not letting this go

No. 2237183

>the US
>the west
Golly gee I wonder who occupied Korea for three decades while pillaging raping murdering and enslaving the population! Must have been the evil westies

No. 2237186

I mean us soldiers were literally raping comfort women too. It’s actually sad. That’s how double eyelid surgery got invented. they wanted the enslaved women to resemble western women. When they would get pregnant by US soldiers or get STDs they’d be locked in a house with the other undesirable prostitutes. Us didn’t save South Korea they just made them their bitch.

No. 2237187

And the South Korean government literally used Korean women’s bodies as a bargaining chip for Us soldiers(learn 2 delete)

No. 2237199

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A lot of countries have been terrible to sk women but south korean moids only complain about the west when they feel emasculated or pretend to care about the women they love to deepfake and rape when its in their favor. Kmoids are uppity about outsiders desecrating the comfort women statues but throw shit fits when the government even implies to implement laws on AI deepfakes or hidden cameras because moids can’t leave little girls and women alone. The fact moids like picrel aren’t ashamed and actually have a popular server is telling

No. 2237203

You are right at the end of the day it was South Korean men who sold their own women out to men all over the world because they are spineless cowards. It’s insane how many races of men stand in solidarity with using their women as rape pawns in senseless wars. Korean men need to be taken out back old yeller style!

No. 2237701

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I remember reading about this and being so confused lol..why would the afd join Korean men to attack Korean women?

No. 2237717

>I called in my international sugar daddies to help us attack the mean nasty feminists
I swear SK scrotes are either racist as fuck or spineless pickmes when it comes to foreigners, there's no in between. This doesn't add up at all, these idiots probably talked to 1 foreigner and now think they've got global connections.

No. 2258032

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I hope the women's universities will be able to continue without males

No. 2273458

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what a shitty culture

No. 2273672

>cooked, cleaned & did his laundry

No. 2273707

least toxic korean man

No. 2273717

This reminds me of that post that one woman on Tumblr made about describing what sex with Japanese men is like, and how she mentioned Japanese men will not want to have sex with you unless you both have immeadiately showered beforehand. Sounds exhausting

No. 2273734

Always stay positive, the trash took itself out in that case.

No. 2274046

Maybe true in a lot of cases but not true in mine (I have a long term partner of 3 years though). On the other hand, that's actually preferable to how disgusting most moids are who can barely be bothered to wash their hands much less their ass.

No. 2274233

I've heard this too, not too bad all things considered

No. 2274390

Unless he's not also attributing your "dirtiness" to also being a foreigner, that is. lul

No. 2274489

I think it might be more common when they're just hooking up, which makes a lot of sense tbh. I don't get the sense that regular couples are nearly as meticulous because of course you shower daily.

No. 2274531

Or maybe you're just a dirty slob.

No. 2275004

Kek some of you think you're so hardass but you're just posting like a Patrick Bateman obsessed incel

No. 2288107

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>SEOUL, Dec 3 (Reuters) - South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Tuesday declared martial law in a surprise late-night TV address, slamming domestic political opponents and sending shockwaves through the country.

>Yoon said opposition parties had taken the parliamentary process hostage. He vowed to eradicate "shameless pro-North Korean anti-state forces" and said he had no choice but to take the measure to safeguard constitutional order.

>Yonhap news agency cited the military as saying activities by parliament and political parties would be banned, and that media and publishers would be under the control of the martial law command.

>Yoon did not cite any specific threat from the nuclear-armed North, instead focusing on his domestic political opponents. It is the first time since 1980 that martial law has been declared in South Korea.

No. 2288126

This faux "country" is on the verge of collapse because it's rotting from the inside. The worshipers of capital and the revisionists would rather point towards a socialist utopia and blame it for all their failings, instead of admitting that the artificial culture they created in the late 20th century was ideologically vacant. No matter how much they prop it up with hyper-consumerism or ultra-misogyny, something that is not natural cannot survive for very long.

No. 2288211

I hope so too. Women barely have a safe haven in SK.

No. 2288257

This is what electing moids who campaign on pleasing incels will get you. The politicians who could get to the national assembly unanimously voted down the martial law, so hopefully impeaching YSY comes next.

Vidrel of Journalist/Politician Ahn Gwi-ryeong pushing down a soldier's gun and asking if he has no shame. Pretty baller of her tbh.

No. 2288368

And still there are scrotes in the comments saying she shouldn't have been shocked if she got shot/she must have female privilege for getting away with it. Crazy. SK has been a pressure cooker for a long time, but seeing it all come to a head like this is really surreal.

No. 2288402

>martial law
is anyone surprised after the 4b movement,rape,misogyny,incel pedo coomer moids… that it came to this? kek.. at this point institutionalize all the korean moids in the world to labor camps and let the women live and govern the country. the moids are clearly too retarded to do it

No. 2288431

at least johnny somali isnt going anywhere

No. 2288467

why are their politics always so melodramatic

No. 2288473

Because their entire country is a farce. It's all just an elaborate play. Melodramatics is essential for the state's continued existence.

No. 2288539

good, pickmes never propser

No. 2288549

Thank god for 2D men

>socialist utopia
get off the internet

No. 2288561

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lol he'd already called it off

No. 2288566

Fucking wuss. They better kick his ass out now

No. 2288866

it was pretty satisfying to watch confused men getting nervous about having to report to their local military center in the morning; considering Yoon was popular among the young angry men base who thought they were sticking it to the feminists. Yoon even failed to abolish 여성가족부/womens department kekk fucking losers

No. 2291295

I'm getting a kick out of the impeachment carols. Very festive!

No. 2300853

It seems Japan is a much more popular travel destination than Korea. I traveled to both countries last month but there were waaaaaay more tourists in Japan than in Korea.

No. 2301113

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Impressive snow sculpture

No. 2305609

Only Kpop and Kdrama weirdos are attracted to this country. Japan attracts various types of weirdos. Anime weirdos, manga weirdos, video game weirdos, Hello Kitty weirdos, Jirai weirdos, Vkei weirdos, sushi weirdos, matcha weirdos, Godzilla weirdos, samurai weirdos, ninja weirdos, etc.

No. 2305687

I've seen a lot of people going to korea for stuff like makeup/skincare, beauty treatments, plastic surgery etc. but that's it really. Unless you're into kpop there's not a cultural or media presence in the west like Japan has. I wonder if all the stories about korean incels, the insane beauty standards, high suicide rates that are getting attention in the US have also had an effect

No. 2305711

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japan has a long tradition of being fetishized in the west by japanophiles

vincent van gogh was inspired by Japanese art.

Korea just makes awful pop music you can get anywhere else

No. 2307546

he's impeached. the cheering

No. 2307553

Can't tell if the anti-feminist incels are gonna be on suicide watch over this or if they're secretly gonna be relieved after that shitshow.

No. 2315349

they're reporting the singer IU and her brother to the CIA kekk beecause IU for provided food to protestors who wanted impeachment.

No. 2318183

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Glad to see kpop is declining.

No. 2318253

oh thank god

No. 2348601

When will that stupid saga with the president end? I don't care for it and it clogs news feeds.

No. 2348611

you are a fucking idiot

No. 2348726

Global audiences realizing kpop is just one giant sweatshop and meat grinder in one

No. 2348926

Same and btw I’m on his side. I totally believe that they were blocking all his laws to spite him and he spoke up against the commiis and he got blamed for trying to fight corruption.

No. 2389171

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No. 2389188

>I swear SK scrotes are either racist as fuck or spineless pickmes when it comes to foreigners
Japanese men are very similar, on jpn twt I've noticed that some Japanese men will delete post if they find out it was translated to English, and there was a popular German tweet calling Japanese people "godless" which a lot of them are still very upset over

No. 2389500

I’m just a passer-by, but why is this thread dead af? Do we not have any nonas that live in SK?

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