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No. 578538
>>578535I'll start
> Age26
> Favorite cowsI love hating on Lowtax and Alice of GOMI because they are entitled and spiteful people who love to shit on others but are cows themselves. They also wasted opportunities with their laziness and shitty attitude. I also like following Caroline Calloway and Usagi Kou. Chris chan is a classic too.
> Cows you don't think are cowsNone come to mind but I think people are too hard on Pixielocks even though she is a cow. Not sure why her thread is so popular.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?I've been following cows for a good portion of my life. I used to go to sf_drama on livejournal and was obsessed with CWC for a while.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?No, I used staminarose shortly before it closed down
> How has cow culture affected you?This is super embarrassing but in my early twenties I took things said here to heart way too much. I was legit convinced I was ugly based on how people nitpicked here. My advice is you never know what people behind the posts look like.
> Favorite things about cow culture? I love gossiping about people and finding dirt on them
> Least favorite?I hate people who nitpick and who need to compare themselves to cows to feel better. If you feel really angry about a cow, you probably need to back off.
No. 578575
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> Age
> Favorite cows
Momokun, Erin Painter (RIP), Baylee Jae, Emalee the copycat and Anisa (Basically talentless cows)
> Cows you don't think are cows
They're all on there for a reason
> How did you become involved in cow culture?
It started with the Momokun sexual assault scandal and when you have a bad feeling about a internet personality they always end up on here
> Is lolcow your first cow site?
> How has cow culture affected you?
It's made me more aware of how staged someone's internet life can be and it's okay to criticize someone's shitty behaviour
> Favorite things about cow culture?
Photoshopping, people loving my shitty edits and anons can be very nice and helpful when looking for girl advice
> Least favorite?
Cowtipping and I know some threads get locked cause the higher ups favour certain cows
No. 578775
>>578535> Age31
> Favorite cowseunuch sisters, Ginger Bronson (rip), Charms (rip), Stefany Lauren, shoe0nhead, Caroline Calloway, Momokun. Lowtax, ResetEra and most of Deathfat subforum on KF, particularly Kelly Lenza.
> Cows you don't think are cowsI'm not a Venus WK, but watching her thread makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It's like those retarded doujins with a bad ending where main characters get totally degraded. Nicole Dollanganger - I laughed at some comments and her calves, but she's not really milky. Dakota was a cow around 2012, but now she's fucking dry and boring.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?My first cow was Winter Rose Nightingale-Nickerson on LJ in 2005, then I got into fandom_wank and lurked on Skinny Gossip for a while.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?See above. Also I've been on /cgl/ since 2011, then on Stamina Rose.
> How has cow culture affected you?I got a bit more mean-spirited and judgemental, I guess. I had some misgivings about trannies before, but LCF got me on full TERF mode.
> Favorite things about cow culture? Drama, laughs, anonymity and predominantly female environment.
> Least favorite?Constant nitpicking. I was ready to drop June threads during sperging about her height. Pedo debacles, selfposting and cowtipping.
No. 579052
> Age
> Favorite cows
Stefany, Margo, Momo, Luna
> Cows you don't think are cows
Belle Delphine. She is what's advertised, pretty straightforward.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?
Came here from /cgl/, and really got into it with the beginnings of the Momo and Margo threads. Those were real entertaining shitshows like I had never seen.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?
If /cgl/ still counts as a cow site, no.
> How has cow culture affected you?
In some ways, it has affected me negatively, like seeing girls ripped apart for minor bodily imperfections or weight, and somehow that being justifiable because their personalities are horrifying. I think most of my favorite cows are quite pretty girls, it's their antics that I love to rip into. On the other hand, cow culture has made me realize the depths of virulent narcissism such as Onision's and Margo's, and makes me more wary of people with similar behaviour irl.
> Favorite things about cow culture?
Reading a good milky thread all at once, with perfect pacing. Coming back years later and seeing a cow got an onlyfans.
> Least favorite?
Anons who shit up the thread with stupid infighting.
No. 579293
>>578535> Age20
> Favorite cowssh0e and pregory, tradthots and sometimes onision but it's hard to keep up with him and all the shit he gets into haha.
> Cows you don't think are cowsMomokun, she used to be a cow but now she's just some fat chick that people get pissy at because she has a lot of followers.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?Pretty sure from Chris chan.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?Nope.
> How has cow culture affected you?I made some friends through it and it made me realize a lot of the double standards I put on people and how to correct them.
> Favorite things about cow culture? Humor mainly.
> Least favorite?Nitpicks for sure, a lot of the time 'cows' just do normal shit and they get nitpicked for no real reason.
No. 579774
>>579741> Is lolcow your first cow site?No, I used to lurk Fandom Wank and Ef*gzs (later renamed ediotzs) on LJ, then GOMI and staminarose. I'm curious to know if anyone here is as old as me and remembers Crystal Wank or the Snape Wifes or Victoria Bitter!
>>578775 anon, and I do. Snapewives even got an academical analysis after a while.
Speaking of LJ drama, MsScribe got some coverage lately, and the comment section is a goldmine of vintage cow info (I wondered if I should post it in the author cow thread, but didn't want to necro).
No. 579801
> Age
- In my late 20's/early 30's.
> Favorite cows
- No favourite cow in particular, I rotate between active dramas. I'm mostly interested in weeb/cosplay cows as I'm an old /cgl/ migrate.
> Cows you don't think are cows
- Dakota Rose needs to be let go. She hasn't had drama in years and is living a normal life away from her batshit family. The anons in her thread are psychotic with their obsession. And this is coming from someone who used to passionately hate her during her "living doll" phase. Most camgirls/e-thots are boring as well and I strongly feel their threads attract similar girls who are just jealous of their simp armies.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?
- I used to browse Something Awful, 4chan and varying LJ fandom drama communities in the early 00's and a bit later Encyclopedia Dramatica and /cgl/. I've been around almost forever and I was there when the crazy Final Fantasy house story was still current and real-time, I also remember following old classic Deviantart/Livejournal drama like Snapesnogger, Disneyfan01, Usagi Kou (who resurfaced a few years back), Zerodomon and Zeriara.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?
- No, see above. I joined Lolcow shortly after it opened.
> How has cow culture affected you?
- I've become a lot more self-aware about what I post online and how I should handle drama. I also know to pick my battles and that there will always be some seething cunt on a vendetta no matter how picture perfect and boring I manage to keep my image as. As for Lolcow, I learned to love and appreciate my gender a lot more as I could read and write unfiltered female thoughts here for the first time in my life. It also cured me of my desire to be internet famous as I witnessed first hand what a curse it can be.
> Favorite things about cow culture?
- The way it allows a social study tier analysis of human behavior. I'm fascinated by how off the walls people can become under certain circumstances and it's like reading a good story that keeps you on your toes. It also reassures me about how I wasn't crazy for thinking someone's behavior is unacceptable.
> Least favorite?
- Like I already mentioned, anons can become way too personally invested in a cow and become obsessed. I hate the petty nitpicking and obvious vendettas. I hate cowtippers who get a kick out of showing some cow how much some random anonymous people hate them. Most cows are just egoistical and autistic, they don't deserve to have their psyche broken. You can have them learn a lesson to fix their ways but it's just not worth it to ruin someone's life just because they were a bitch online. This of course doesn't apply to Horrorcows who are realistically dangerous like child abusers, scam artists, predators or those zoosadist fucks.
No. 580090
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> Age
21 in a few days
> Favorite cows
No cow will ever top my milky queen Felice Fawn and her copycats Mila Mortice. I like the Shayna thread but only because of the farmers and their art there, not because she's milky. I really don't follow cows like back in the freelice days anymore, I just check whatever threads get bumped because I like gossip.
> Cows you don't think are cows
Luna because she's not milky, her thread is just screenshots of her posting sanrio stuff. PnP has gotten boring and repetitive. That Myah Alana girl too, shes just a boring egocentrical teenager, nothing different from most cali girls.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?
The tumblr and lj edrama community really brought me in this hellhole, especially freelice.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?
I tried to enjoy PULL and GG but there's too much blogposting, it's pure ass cancer.
> How has cow culture affected you?
I'm incredibly skeptical of every online persona I see, sometimes even when it's people who aren't ecelebs.
> Favorite things about cow culture?
Hands down the fanart, I love it so much. Also how farmers make even the niptickiest of things funny as fuck.
> Least favorite?
Blogposting. Even though LC has the least blogposting it's still very much a thing and it bother me to no end. So unnecessary.
No. 580147
> Age
> Favorite cows
Various anachans, Erin, Luna, Myah, Peaches, Nika and Jaelle, vivadrag/Ashley and dollltears/Maddie.
> Cows you don't think are cows
Most of the camwhores.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?
Through finding Soren's 1st thread back in 2016? 2017? And then Ginger and Nicole's threads. I was very involved in the traumacore side of Tumblr at that time.
> Is lolcow your first cow site?
Yes. I've visited others but none are as good imo. Too many scrotes.
> How has cow culture affected you?
I'm better at spotting internet ruses and have been pink-pilled in recent years.
> Favorite things about cow culture?
Every now and again anons will post about missing old cows and I think the collective nostalgia for train-wrecks like Crying Emily, Felice, EW and Emilyologist etc is always nice to see.
> Least favorite?
Farmers projecting onto cows, blogs, mini-modding, how quickly farmers take the bait when a cow or their friends post in their thread.
No. 580183
>>578535> Age28
> Favorite cowsShoe0nhead, Black Friday,
Toxic Tears, gimgirl555 on lolcows// Chris chan, Lucas Werner, Andrew Dobson, Nostalgia Chick, Ben Garrison on kiwifarms
> Cows you don't think are cowstbh a lot of the altcows. Angela Benedict and thegoblinqueen come to mind.
> How did you become involved in cow culture?Encyclopedia Dramatica
> Is lolcow your first cow site?No. ED to Kiwifarms, then PULL, then
> How has cow culture affected you?Made me more aware of how to act online, the importance of privacy and locking down sites where you want to vent. Also made me realize that starting fights with online people is a quick way to be a cow yourself.
> Favorite things about cow culture? Cringe, and telling other people about cows. My best friend and I trade cow stories and love following cows together.
> Least favorite?tbh sometimes the milk runs dry and people nitpick…when a cow is getting better, let them, stop nitpicking and stop trying to find things to keep them in the thread or to keep the thread moving.