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No. 574723

Cryptids, the hollow earth/Agatha, aliens and other supernatural shit.

Discuss experiences and share knowledge of realms beyond our own!

Religious experiences are also welcome

No. 574819>>574839

I'm totally down with paranormal shit, yet I've never had anything really resembling a paranormal experience…what's up with that?

No. 574839>>575065

Eh, you’re probably too in-tuned with reality

No. 574879

used to be friends with someone whose family had countless paranormal encounters.
mine hasn't at all. i'm fascinated by ghosts but i'd never sleep again if i saw one.

No. 574881

I predicted a relatives death through a dream. I had a dream where I was informed they had died and the next morning I heard the same news.
I've had some other lesser premonitions; many times I would be thinking of a certain episode or a movie and when I would open a tv see that exact same episode or a movie. And otherwise I would expect something bad to happen, be brushed off and then have that exact thing happen either to me or to someone else I was warning. It's like I'm Cassandra if Cassandra was lame and watched tv.

Also, skinwalkers and wendigo scare the crap out of me, real or not.

No. 575065>>575067

I'm okay with this tbh. Also I feel statements like these are a cope. Not being in touch with reality is typically a good sign and is often indicative of things like magical thinking, paranoia and psychosis. How do I know that people who regularly have "paranormal" experiences aren't just mentally ill?

No. 575067

*not typically a good sign

No. 575211>>575244>>575271>>598205

I’m still trying to tell myself the dogman isn’t real


No. 575244

It looks like an ostrich to me

No. 575271

it looks like a really out of focus bug to me. The way it is long, vertically, and how it moves in front of the power pole.

If this was in the dark, people would be claiming it was an "orb".

No. 594429>>594468

Has anyone ever tried to get into cicada 3301 or knew someone that has or is it just another front for the glow-in-the-darks?

Edit: spelling error

No. 594468

this was all exposed by some teenager years ago. It's just a group of people that code and shit. The kid said it was really boring and he lost interest.

>According to Tekk, it was a group of anonymous developers looking to recruit "highly intelligent individuals" to build open-source software for the good of the world.


No. 597878>>597901>>597903

I saw a skinwalker here 2 years ago. When I was in high school, I’m surprised it didn’t eat me or anything like that
>me and fat gay friend walking through someone’s ranch at night (it’s a shortcut to my house from the middle of town)
>we only have phone flashlight
> we keep walking, we know cows and coyotes and rabbits are a thing
>we’re just talking about stuff when I stop
>there is a dog/coyote looking thing on a plateau in the distance
>too scared to shine light directly on it
>we can make out it’s shadow though, it looks like a Rez dog or coyote
> it looks at us, I can feel it staring at me even though I can’t actually see its face
>within a matter of less than 3 seconds it moves its back legs forward and stands upright and runs away on two legs
>the thing was like a man’s size (5’10”-6’) when it stood up
>it runs so fast before we can say anything we haul ass out of the field/ dirt area all the way to my block,
> we were both too scared to draw attention to it so we just keep the flashlights facing the floor
>we lock all the doors and close the blinds of the windows.

He was about to spend the night and we couldn’t even sleep after that. We waited until it was light outside to fall asleep.

No. 597901>>659151

File (hide): 1596711541664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,33.39 KB, 640x457, 1A8C24A7-F29B-4B63-86B8-0A0750…)

That is so fucking scary. I’ve heard of incidents of deer doing that. I’ve also heard it can be a symptom of degenerative brain disorder like chronic wasting disease or misfolded prions basically just retarding the brain to hell and back

No. 597903

>I saw a skinwalker here
so has anyone who visited Lori's or Stef's thread. You are not special.

No. 597963

was at my boyfriend’s place for a few weeks. i kept thinking about his neighbors across the street, meaning to ask him if he knew about them, if they had kids, etc. i tols him about the first time i saw someone die in a motorcycle accident and times that i had predicting (can’t think of the right word) dreams. a few minutes later we see one the neighbors’ bodies covered in a bag being taken out on a stretcher by nurses. they died under an hour ago. this just happened recently, pretty sp00ky

No. 598057

I went on a ghost hunt for fun with a local paranormal ghost hunting group that takes groups of people to supposedly haunted locations with all kinds of devices. It was cool and there were weird coincidences, but nothing to make me really believe in ghosts I guess. I want to be touched or scratched or something and I want to know what's up with people who say they have been. Like, are they liars? Delusional? Telling the truth/really do believe it happened? Maybe their mind plays tricks on them or something.

No. 598133>>708724

when his grandpa was dying, my friend went on a holiday despite wanting to stay with him (I think everyone suggested he should go). a couple days in, he knew he had passed before he got the call

No. 598205

Facebook link says not found, does anyone have a reupload?

No. 600921>>601071>>659133

File (hide): 1597040777863.jpg (22.99 KB, 491x275, 2b99521685172e477dbc6a22b3f615…)

Has anyone ever tried to see aura's?
I've tried this with my hand and after a while a light blue glow appears around it.
Is this real or is it just my eyes playing tricks?

No. 601071

Idk but I’m definitely on the right.

No. 659126>>659194>>659947>>836209

File (hide): 1603095703898.jpg (10.41 KB, 320x213, EPmDMQtn4hcSkdgBf2kYKn-320-80.…)

Does anyone here have cool experiences with ghosts or the deceased?

No. 659133

I think it's just your eyes/brains playing a trick on you, like how when you stare in the mirror for too long your face starts to deform because your brain is bored. I'd like it to be real though.

No. 659151>>659313

Man that image is nightmare inducing.

No. 659194

If ghosts are real I'm mad at them. I hosted weakly seance sleep overs as a tween and they never bothered to even say hello. If they're that impolite idk if they're worth paying attention to honestly

No. 659313

I thought this was a furry kek

No. 659538>>659539

File (hide): 1603130782799.png (96.08 KB, 650x457, 07271-1.png)

Found my thread. I've always loved crytpids/paranormal crap ever since I was a kid and had those old 'Mysterious & Unexplained Events' books. Allow me to spreg about some of my insane theories:

I believe UFOs exists. The Pentagon confirmed them. However, I don't believe they are piloted by aliens, I think they are new aircraft being tested by the military. Explains why they are usually sighted near air bases or remote areas like desserts. The government always has technology way ahead of what we have now. I think a lot of classic UFO reports in the 50s/60s reports behave a lot like drones today, being able to hover in the air for some time before moving again. People did not know technology like that could exist at the time.
Abductions are the government kidnapping people and running mind experiments on them.

If aliens are real they don't come from space, they are similar to ghost in that they exist on a parallel plain to ours and phase in and out of reality.

Bigfoot puzzles me because there are so many people with evidence to suggest it is a real unknown animal, yet so little of it is reliable. Even the most elusive animals on Earth leave behind tangible evidence that can be tested without it always coming up 'inclusive'. Tinfoil theory: he is an interdimensional being that jumps in and out of reality to fuck with campers

No. 659539

Anon I love you lets be friends and conspire together PLEASE

No. 659585

I definitely believe in the supernatural, and in various cryptids. Simply due to the fact that we don't really know what there is in the world, there is still a lot to discover.

No. 659611

I believe the hollow earth is real and that there are portals to it in caves and Antarctica.

No. 659899

Do any anons here unironically believe in Demons actually existing?

No. 659947>>659949>>659995

File (hide): 1603161652281.jpg (82.35 KB, 819x593, houselayout.jpg)

So, I vividly remember this one time as a kid, I was in bed reading a book with the door to my room open. My bed was positioned in a way that I had full view of my doorway and the small hallway outside of my room. There's this small mirror that hung in the hallway and I randomly look up from my book to see the reflection of this old maid looking at me. She then turns and walks away. I don't know why I got up and tried to see who it was because all she did was walk into my bathroom. added a lil diagram bc I realize my childhood home is a bit confusing to explain. It struck me as so odd and I've never been able to explain it or forget about it

No. 659949

sorry to samefag but forgot to conclude that obviously no one was there in my bathroom when I did look.

No. 659971>>660004

When I was under the age of 10 my whole family in the car saw a stationary 'line' that was bisecting the whole sky and the moon. It was weird af and was very much a structure that would make it seem like we were living under-the-dome. An enormous line that stretched to each visible horizon (in a small city so not much). It was not a contrail, but a black line almost like a pipe. I'm not lying - my sister, lifelong friend, and I saw a similar kind of horizon-spanning pipe-line in the same city sometime during highschool, years later, but this one was more grey, thicker, closer (?) and was advancing more fast than we could walk. We didnt know what to make of it but my sister and I recalled when we saw the black line years before that. Idk wtf it was bc it seemed so .. industrial ?? Seeing it twice was wack.

Also: I live in a rural area with a lot of open fields and good starlight. I was with the same sister in like the seventh grade or something - before drones existed in the public market. We were on an open field practicing soccer when we both noticed a brighter light that seemed to be moving in the night sky. We both noticed it an inquired as to what it could be and decided it was a plane/helicopter. But then it started moving slowly back and forth, up and down, about 3-5+ kilometers away, so we just stood there and watched it - really trying to see if it was moving at all or if we were just imagining its motion bc it was so small. Suddenly, this light rips off into one direction, gets larger, and zips over the hilly horizon at a silent and shocking speed. I dont even think a commercial drone could manage the speed or the silence. We both saw it, and have no idea to this day what it was - except today I would say it was a drone.

No. 659993>>660004

I had an auditory experience of a ghost, but still not sure if I somehow imagined it. Was outside a house purported to be haunted at night. I was with other people but the voice I heard was distinct from theirs, still I'm not sure anymore. If it was real it would've been a young girl killed there telling us to basically back off.

overlooking that, I have a feeling that paranormal activity is psychological or wishful thinking. I 100% believe demon possession is psychological, especially growing up religious. I think that intense scruples, obsession, mental illness, abuse and attention-seeking are behind that. the human mind is very powerful in general. so yeah, I don't believe in most stuff I guess, but it's still fun to explore. I am also open to there being exceptions to what I think is the norm.

No. 659995

lol anon you made a whole diagram, bless you. that's pretty creepy though, cements my fear of mirrors.

No. 660004

(repost to fix something)
I'm the same anon wanting to add. I don't think UFOs are real either, like other anon said it's the government. I think theres leaked stuff about that. They mkultra'd people into "being abducted." The pentagon confirming UFOs only confirms that they want us to believe in that narrative, not that it's true.
Something that fucked me up at first was the cattle mutilation cases. Now, especially after hearing descriptions of strange hole impressions on the ground and people seeing helicopters/strange men, I think that is governments as well. Probably researching diseases. That said, this is kind of a conspiracy on its own so I'm putting it here. Also, sexual degenerates and cultists are responsible for some of the animal stuff I bet, but not most.
Lastly I think religious experiences like the sun dancing and such are meteorological. I watched a weather show about it (yes I'm weird) and there were other phenomena like a tube in the sky. >>659971 Could it have been a "morning glory cloud"? probably not but you reminded me.
Anyway I'm not here just to shit on everyone's fun. Something that interests me deeply is the similarity between religious accounts and UFO encounters. The accounts date back in history even to the book of Ezekiel in the bible. That's what I find weirdest. You'll notice that what Ezekiel describes seeing in the sky is a chariot. I find that super weird. Back then, the UFO was a chariot (technology for transportation) and today, our UFOs are advanced military technology? It's an interesting parallel that made me think. Could be the thinking or something else, even weirder?
the similarities between UFO sightings and religious experiences (such as those by a mass of people) are what interested me first. There is obviously stuff going on but how much of it is this or that or if it's the real deal, it's fun to puzzle over.
Most of the UFO sightings I heard about were actually from military or ex-military guys, which I found suspicious. But there was one by a mass of people that was just like Marian apparitions. So it's interesting to hypothesize about

No. 661339>>663405>>836209

What do you guys think is the most convincing piece of paranormal evidence/media is?

I'm currently looking for this video again, with a girl who had just moved into a new apartment filming herself playing with her cat. She was mostly focused on the cat on the table but in the background you see something fly towards them. What made it more believable to me is that the cat reacts before the thing gets thrown so it obviously sensed some shit was about to go down. If anyone can find this video I'd appreciate it, the tone of it was very genuine and it creeped her out so badly I don't think she posted anything else.

No. 663401

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Anons, I have one story for which I have no explanation.
Friends of mine used to love in this flat in an old tenement house. They started to experience bizarre things, such as knocking, cold spots and doors and drawers opening on their own. One day, one of them felt as if someone was pulling on their clothes. Also, their animals would get agitated/stare at one spot for a long time. They thought nothing of it, until one day, one of them took a mirror selfie and noticed a faint face in the background. She sent this photo to all of our mates, in different chats. We were all spooked, but it could have been just a distortion, etc, and the face was not that visible. On some other occasion, we were all sitting around talking about it and we wanted to show the photo to a person who has never seen it. Now, out of five people that were there, three had received this photo. None of us could find it - neither in our phones' memory or even in the char history. One of the guys was editing that photo to highlight the face previously, so he he opened the app he was using and the photo was there, but instead of the original face, there was another highlighted face, much more visible and angry-looking, that nobody seen before. It was very very scary in the moment. And after some time we have found out that there was a son and a father living in that flat previously, where the son was a complete degenerate junkie, that overdosed in that house and his dad followed soon after him. So we thought that the initial face was the dad and then the angry one was the son.

No. 663405>>666379

Just take the batteries out

No. 666379

Kek they eventually figure out to unplug it. I'd pay to see an entire movie based on boomers being haunted by technology in their house.

No. 673248>>674243>>710059

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I'm not sure if this is paranormal, but uhh
I was pretty young, and I wanted to be a cool kid and experience more than other people.
So I wanted to summon a demon, even though I don't think they exist.
I didn't really know how to do it, but like, you use blood, do the pentagram, do some symbols I found on google, do the prayer backwards etc; etc; I just mish-mashed a bunch of stereotypical satan summoning shit and hoped for the best.
As usual jack shit. Nothing fucking worked ofc, no satan, just me looking like a complete creepy weirdo. I cleaned it up, and went to bed. A few days later I started hearing ringing in my ears, and then pounding, and then my heart started beating really loudly, I could barely breathe. I woke up and saw a shadowy figure on top of me, broad shoulders, yknow. Happened every other night. I was super creeped out. But tbh, I still don't think that the paranormal is real.
spoilered image because its body horror.

No. 674243

That's sleep paralysis, sis.

No. 708724

Similar thing happened to my mother. She didn't know her mother was sick or in a hospital. She was at home and heard a mirror break, searched the place and found nothing. A week later found out that's when her mother died

No. 708731

My great grandma summoned some kinda spirit w her friends as a young girl. It told her shed die at 93, and she did. Our family knew for decades so it's not like she made it up

No. 708780>>710083

>be me
>read some funny paranormal greentexts
>decide to summon an incubus for shits and giggles
>say out loud something along the lines of "if there is any hot demon that won't hurt me, suck my soul or curse me but is open to having a conversation I invite you"
>suddenly power goes out
>mfw when it's only out in my room
>run back to my bed, too scared to sleep but also too scared to stop hiding under covers
>finally get too tired and fall asleep
>have a wet dream starring a demon

that was my first and last summoning because I'm too much of a pussy to try it again

No. 710059

My dad did something similar, wanted to see if Satan was real and summoned a demon and nothing happened and then just shrugged it off and forgot about it. Then later the house he did that in started getting haunted because people in my family started seeing shit and they were unaware my dad tried summoning satan there. My dad got surprised because he kept being told shit happened there after he did his stuff and even after my grandma sold the house the new owners say stuff too.

That said you have sleep paralysis, I do too, it's weird as fuck but you get used to it. t least I did, it's annoying now and the only way I can make it go away is to stand up and walk for 5 minutes and then put on the tv and fall asleep.

No. 710083

I mean, shit anon, tell us how you did it. A bitch has been lonely these past couple months. I'm not into the scary, trying too kill me and haunting me and my family forever stuff, but if a demon wants to lay pipe who am I to say no.

No. 710110>>710368>>710430

I heard an exorcism at my best friend's neighbour's house, we listened with a cup against the wall. Multiple voices screaming and begging the Devil to come out from the family's son's body, and then we hear an extremely low voice insulting them. I don't believe in that stuff, my guess it's that everyone in that house was extremely religious, but it was quite disturbing
I have a lot of acquaintances who have seen their dead relatives' ghosts, I think that's very common. Also, my aunt, who is an oncologist, apparently can tell when her patients are dying, before checking on them, and sees their souls or something like that when they pass away. It fucks her up a lot

No. 710300

Always wanted to see if we'll ever have a thread about paranormal shit so I'll share mine that happened to me while I was half awake. Happened around early morning in April or May?

I kept getting woken up by something slapping my fucking ear. It was so strong that it was making my head bounce on my pillow. It happened 3x times before it stopped. Never happened again thankfully and I still think about it everyday.

No. 710305

I like to think that different areas of the world are "owned" by different alien species.

Is there any good youtuber who does paranormal shit? I used to watch a lot of "haunted asylum 12 am exploration" vids a few years ago.

No. 710368>>710601>>710812

Tbh I envy religious people. I really want souls and life after death to be real, but I'm so skeptical.

No. 710430

> I have a lot of acquaintances who have seen their dead relatives' ghosts, I think that's very common
My mom died years ago and we were so insanely close to each other that I've always thought that if spirits exist I'd have an experience that includes her. Ten years on it hasn't happened. That being said, if I did see her I might worry that I'm hallucinating.

The only thing I can say happened is that for 7 days after her death I felt as though I wasn't alone, and then on the 7th day her funeral happened and the feeling left me that evening. Which could just be a part of grief. My dad felt spooked living in the house afterwards, he doesn't believe in much of anything but he shared that much with me. Again could just be grief.

No. 710601>>710812

Life after death sounds like torture even if you go to heaven/anything other than hell. Dreamless, never ending sleep sounds best to me

No. 710812

Old people often times want to die, because they get tired of life. I think we're programmed to want to live until we get too old and weak. It's a natural progress. So i think deep down every living animal knows that when it's over, it's over. Death is nothingness and that's actually comforting, i agree.

No. 715758

Hello nonnys! Have any of you ever had a dream that happened later? If so how was it? Is there a way to make your sixth sense stronger?

No. 826350>>826356>>826380>>826411>>826458

i know this thread is kind of dead, but i was wondering if anyone had any weird deja vu experiences? i have deja vu quite often and i sometimes wonder if its not related to other realms or some shit lol. maybe its just my brain being stupid but i like to entertain the possibility that it has something to do with different timelines running into each other/getting entangled.

No. 826356>>826403>>826496

I KNOW it's just a coincidence and I don't believe in the paranormal but this kinda freaks me out. I used to constantly get deja vu when I was in primary school and then when I left i never ever got it. I just got a job working at my old primary school and since I've been back I get it all the time- only ever in the school building though. Creeeeeeeeepy.

No. 826380>>826432

It's said that deja vus are what happen when your memory checks itself, it's something that happens in your brain. But yeah, they're so freaky and the feeling is so strong

No. 826403

Holy shit I can relate to that. I always had deja vu moments with my dreams that would sometimes warn me of stuff that would happen and they would ACTUALLY HAPPEN but it was just petty little kid stuff and it gradually went away when I grew up.

I also have a very weird story which now could be logically explained but seems so creepy. I remember watching the tv with my sister and when a scary scene popped into the screen and I visibly screamed because I didn’t want to see it, the tv would just turn off. The deja vu moment happened again when we happened to watch another movie a few months later and the tv turned off again when I was screaming in fear again. And then all of those moments started slipping away when I grew older, being an adult truly is a fucking curse you almost lose some sort of purity or divinity in yourself or something

No. 826411

it happens to me every other day, i think it's pretty neat. I don't understand why people think it's some sixth sense or find it creepy though.

No. 826432

It happens when your brain accidentally categorises what it's processing as a long term memory rather than a short term memory. Nothing paranormal, just dumb body shit

No. 826458

When I was a kid and teen I got it alot. It would fuck me up. With age tho I get less of it and it doesn't hit as hard. Growing up I was told it's some sort of brain glitch, as your brain is storing away the memory it stores it twice? Something like that.

Actually I did have this weird phase where I'd have these ongoing casual relationships with guys and the first time visiting a new guys house I'd be filled with deja vu around having been in their house before. Could never figure out why

No. 826496

i used to get deja vu in school allll the time. like it would almost feel like time "record scratched", in the sense that i would see something then feel like im seeing it again. idk if i sound schizo but yeah it was soooo weird and genuinely made me think i was going crazy for a while.

No. 826584>>826616

File (hide): 1623274291094.gif (2.25 MB, 409x307, 058da1286e61565741f26eda4d45c9…)

Wish I could find this video on youtube, It looks silly now but it really scared me when I was younger. I miss "vintage" paranormal videos

No. 826591>>826593>>826594

Does anyone think there is some truth about finding random stairs in the woods?

No. 826593

I loved that reddit series!!! That recorded baby voice story went so hard

No. 826594

no, it's fun to read tho

No. 826616>>826674>>826853

Oh my gosh me too, I spent so many days as a middle schooler watching old school YouTube ghost videos and stuff

No. 826674>>826853

same, would spend ages looking at (probably fake) cryptid/ufo videos.

No. 826837>>826840

File (hide): 1623306575502.jpg (3.84 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20190914_212722.jpg)

thread pic reminds me of this picture i took a few years ago when i was walking through the woods in the late evening. i was just taking random pictures as i was walking through and when i went through them later i noticed what looks like a pair of eyes reflecting back behind the tree to the right. could just be an animal ofc but height wise i can't make sense of it and let's just say i'm not going through the woods when it's dark anymore kek

No. 826840>>826842

File (hide): 1623306737856.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.66 KB, 800x533, raccoon-tree.jpg)

he be lookin

No. 826842>>826850

omg i wish but we don't have racoons in my country

No. 826850

File (hide): 1623308251003.png (Spoiler Image,564.36 KB, 390x586, perhaps.png)

perhaps he be lookin

No. 826853

So many good ones! reminds of this really site, I doubt it's still up but it was called ghostsandangels.com it posted ghost pictures and videos

No. 836209

I don't have cool experiences but I do have one thing happened that terrified me about 10 years ago.
I was in my early 20s and living in this massive flat by myself. The bedroom was pretty empty because I'd just moved in so there was very little mess or furniture- just the built-in wardrobe, a floor-to-ceiling window with curtains, and a massive bed and nightstands.
That day, I was going through some devastating news. Coming back from work that evening, I went straight to my bedroom, threw myself on the bed and broke down crying. The emotional pain was so intense I remember screaming in my pillow.
I must have been sobbing/crying for several minutes when all of a sudden, I distinctly saw something from the corner of my eye. It was like something was falling from behind the drawn curtains, up from the ceiling, all the way down to the floor.
Then I heard a massive "BOOM" on the ground where "something" had fallen down. The sound was like if a ton of brick had been thrown on the ground. "It" sent the curtains flying.
I was so startled I bolt upright straight, stopped me from sobbing right away, petrified for several seconds.
First thing I thought was the curtain rail had fallen down. It took me a few minutes to realise that they were still up (and still a bit shaking). I got up, checked everywhere to see what had fallen. I kept seeing in my mind again that movement behind the curtains, I did not imagine it, or the huge freakin "BOOM" sound. Replaying the sound in my head, it sounded like a huge, massive, giant hand had slapped the ground?
I checked under the bed, behind the sparse furniture : nothing.
I got scared and for the next 2 weeks, slept in the living room and wouldn't come close to my bedroom again.
It's completely unexplainable to me what this was or what happened. The window was shut, nothing got in, yet I absolutely and definitely saw something falling from behind the curtains then produce such a massive BANG that it sent the curtains flying.
Still can't explain what that was today.

If anyone has that cat video, I'd love to see it!

No. 836248>>836292

does anyone know of some rlly good paranormal boards/sites?

No. 836292

Maybe try uboachan and lainchan, not sure about other sites

No. 836318>>836491

A few years ago after having to kick out a roommate, my ex and i took over his room. His shit was still in the living room on the other side of that room's wall. A friend had given me a stick of sage not long before that so i decided to jokingly light it up to clean up his bad vibes (i just like the way it smells tbh) Eventually i walked out of the room back in the living room and saw a dark grey humanoid looking thing bolt out of the old roommate's stuff and run on all fours really fucking fast out the door that opened to the roofdeck. It was broad daylight and i was dead sober. No one believes me lol

No. 836491>>836576>>836822

sage aka salvia is hallucinogenic

No. 836576

Could have been Salvia divinorum, but you have to inhale it to have the effect. Those plants have varying potency and you need only a comparable small amount of the hallucinogen.The salvinorin which has the hallucinogenic effect releases at about 240 °c. Some people report to not have much effect from this, others seem very sensible to it. The hallucinations are known to be on the uncanny realistic feeling side, like sleep paralysis and the likes. Anyway the effects after inhaling come and leave very quickly.

No. 836822

Ayrt, never done salvia but I've done heavy doses of different psychedelics and that visual was just different. Not saying it wasn't an hallucination but it was creepy and disturbing af.

No. 944218

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I know this may be necro but I don't want this thread to die.
I've been watching "A haunting" lately and is so dramatic and fun. What are some horror TV shows you nonitas like/recommend?

No. 944240>>944245>>944246

I have a question, has anyone tried an app called "the miracle box"? Saw a tarot reader on yt tried this app and some ghost/spirit contacted her.
I'd just say it's fake, but that fucking ghost mentioned the real names of the family members of this youtuber. I won't lie, it was creepy kek.

No. 944245>>944258

Can you link the video? Usually youtuber horror videos are fake or for kids but I'm so interested on paranormal apps

No. 944246

brb downloading now

No. 944258>>944266>>944328

Unfortunately, she removed all those paranormal videos. I just checked and can't find them. Her channel name on yt is "Starseed 11:11" and there was a word "paranormal" in the name of these videos.
She made a few videos, but after this situation, she stopped making them, I think the experience scared her.

One was creepy because she asked for any message for us, but that ghost kept talking about her family members (including names). It said that her husband annoys it.
When she pressed for more, it made a loud screeching noise. After that, she was clearly uncomfortable and just said she was sending love and light. It was all surprising.

No. 944266

>It said that her husband annoys it.
based ghost.

No. 944269

I had some paranormal experinces, but its going to be a long story.
I didnt belive in ghosts until these.
1. Ghost who had a problem with me: I bought a flat and lived there with my bff roommate. All was well untill one night i had a 5 dreams in a dream. I was already well trained in lucid dreaming and astral projection, also had nightmares since i was a child untill i was like 18 so i know a lot more about dreams than your average joe, dreams and all sleep states are my hobby. Thats why i could tell that these 5 dreams in a dream were something way different to a normal dream. In these dreams there was a man in my kitchen. He was standing there in white clothes and had black slicked back hair. He was evil and jumped from my 6th floor balcony. After waking up again and again, to story continues that he was running back to my flat on the stairs to hurt me or jump again. When i woke up for real i told my roommate and went on my day. In the evening we were taking selfies with an analog camera and my roommate was joking abou the man from the dream. The second i handed her the camera the lense broke! I thought weird, but can still be a coincience. A few days later i was sleeping alone in the flat and had another dream in a dream. I got up from my bed and looked above it, there was a painting of one of my friends twisted into the shape of the painting with bones broken suffering. I knew the man painted it to hurt me and i woke up. When i woke up i heard a man laughing from my kitchen. It couldnt be the neighbour because he never laughed, he only said "Kurva" or screamed "Silence" (he was crazy). It wasnt the neighbours voice either. I layed there frozen untill the sun started to come up. Then a few weeks later my boyfriend came to visit me and this time i slept fine, but he was woken up by a girls voice saying "he is standing right behind you". Right behind us was the kitchen. And then he saw some orbs in the room.

2. Religious experince:
So some years after the ghost story took place i did mushrooms couple of times to expand my horizons. So far it was fun and i learned a lot about the world around me and myslef. I love to do mushrooms in nature alone, anyway most of the time while it was mindblowing i didnt see god or anything. But couple of months ago i did it to say goodbye to my forest since i was moving far away and it was so beautiful. I watched a sunset on a hill of wet grass and in the clouds illuminated by the setting sun i saw an angel. (Im not religious at all, i think christianity is more about people than god really.) The angel was the realistic kind, and specifically i think it was a Seraph since it fits the description of many wings and eyes. It had a big eye in the middle and a circle of wings around it with smaller eyes, and then wings on top of wings. It was made of light and cloud and was golden rainbowey color and it was slowly spinning. It was also huge and was just chilling and looking at the landscape. It felt incredible seeing it. I felt like a small critter, no different to an ant of a tree near me. Thats what we are to the angel, all the same little things he can watch and not really care about.
From this i think that angels exist, and they are quite abstract creatures, like an alive symbol. I think people in the bible seeing these types of angles were trippin and then tried to fit it into their story/ideology or whatewer, but the angels have nothing to do with religion, they are just chillin!

3. Girl with a dog:
So i moved to this new house i am now in. Its build on top of a quite old destroyed house. The first owner of this newly built house had a puppy mill it seems, not much more known about him. The first night i slept in here i woke up, sit up and saw that the door was open and there was a girls head looking at me. She had brown hair either short or in ponytail ( it was very dark and i didnt have glasses) and was about 10. Then the door opened a little more and a golden retriever came to my bed and stared at me. I felt that the dog was very nice but the girl not so much. It felt very strong and reminded me of the first ghost experince. A couple of days later my boyfriend said to me that he didnt want to freak me out but that when he was chilling alone downstairs at night while i was asleep he saw some weird shadow move. Im pretty sure we will find a some dog skeletons in the garden where the torn down kennels are burried in the ground, hopefully we wont find any girls there.

No. 944328>>944343

Ot but the whole 11:11 thing.. I'm not much of a believer in anything but I'm about 15 years into wrestling between my head telling me to 'pay attention' to the number 11 and another part of me just assuming I've some weird form of ocd. Other repeating numbers too… I'm fairly sceptical on most things, I try not to entertain it but I feel like ignoring it only leads to shit like me getting a receipt with a long series of 1s on it where its harder to explain away the chances of getting it.

It started before I ever had an internet connection or any awareness that's it a thing other people get too. I thought I was going nuts, then I googled it 12 years ago and if I'm nuts I'm at least not alone. Cannot shake the feeling that it means something.

No. 944343

it's legitimate. don't read too much about numerology but instead pay attention to the pattern of events that surround a "sighting." you'll probably be able to determine what it can mean then, and it might not necessarily lead to schizo thinking

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