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No. 57323
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>>57319Gender stereotypes, I presume. I'd not delve into nature vs nurture of that, as its not really related to your question.
>I think it has something to do with masculinity and femininity.Indeed. Regardless of the cause, a lot of men are simply homophobic. There's only bro love allowed and beyond that it gets weird.
>You can't exactly view and call yourself masculine if you've let another man dominate you and fuck you in the assVery freudian. I'm afraid it's more complicated than mere "homophobia is just internalized fear of rape" meme.
No. 57334
>>57323I'm pretty open about my sexuality and if I wanted to fuck dudes I would. It's just that the entire basis of what I and most other men find attractive is rooted in the female herself. You'd think this would be true for women too, but it seems many find both femininity and masculinity attractive while men don't.
>>57325I wasnt aware people didnt like bisexuals in the lgbt community. The more you know
No. 57342
>>57334>find attractive is rooted in the female herselfMaybe it is, maybe not. Hetero dogs readily bang other dogs if they're frustrated. Some chimp species do the same (for fun, or to resolve conflicts). Pederasty was pretty common in ancient rome/greece…
Maybe it's all self-inflicted prudishness in contemporary men.
No. 57344
>>57342>Maybe it's all self-inflicted prudishness in contemporary men.I do think it is the case. I've had several male friends. There was one of them who was pretty open about liking yaoi, there was a point he was openly bi and got a boyfriend, until he got surrounded by a bunch weeb guys like him and formed a circlejerk.
He turned from that to "yaoi on x site? i didn't know there was any lololol anime babes! is she cute? then i'm interested lolol"…. He tried so hard it was something pretty pathetic to be honest…
There is this other friend I had that we both liked this one extremely girly character from a manga, and he couldn't bring himself to feel attracted to the character just because the canon said he had a penis even though it was totally a trap and had already crossdressed various times! lol. He kept saying he HAD TO BE A GIRL, he HAD TO BE A GIRL, and I was like "it's just a cartoon, like it if you want! Let's talk about him together", and he was like "b-BUT HE IS A GUY!"… I couldn't convince him in the end. (Even if he maybe then went and fapped to him anyway).
I don't truly understand why men are this ridiculous scared to find attractive anything that is implied to be remotely "masculine" (even if it is a trap, lol). Do they think they'll stop liking women or something from that point? I don't get it.
No. 57353
>>57351That's tough I'm sorry that happened to him.
I think people need to understand what boundaries and what is and is not acceptable.
No. 57388
>>57342This kinda falls apart for me since I'm a 24 y/o virgin. If I was attracted to guys at all I'd be fucking them
>>57368Don't know if I buy that because men would also be out on their own too and also have sexual needs
No. 57392
>>57390>I'm not going to compromise on my sexuality.I mean if you want to fool around with girls go ahead, and if not then don't
Who cares if you're 100% hetero or not
No. 57418
>>57319>vast majority of men have literally zero interest in other menwell, the vast majority would never admit to it, but some definitely have thought about it. There are various reasons for it.
1. fucking other dudes is not seen as masculine, men are just more homophobic
2. female bisexuality is actively encouraged
3. there are no upsides to being bi, gay men abd straight women don't like you.
No. 60354
>>60352I'm completely convinced the only reason they identify as straight despite fapping to cocks is that they think sexuality is a culture, personality, and identity, but since Im obviously the same I must still just be straight.
some 'NO HOMO BRUH, NO HOMO' but I doubt thats nearly as significant a contributor as the above.
No. 60361
>>60352Depends. If they're fapping to literally just a twink dressed up as a trap then that's pretty bi/gay. But if it's a tranny with actual tits et al then I don't think that's the same as there's a lot more to attraction than just genitals. Saying that guys must be bi/gay for fapping to trannies is like saying that all straight women or gay men should be attracted to trannies they see on the street.
I'd be more concerned about the guys who say they hate seeing dicks and only watch lesbian porn.
No. 60362
>>60361I would be disgusted if my boyfriend told he he was attracted on any level to a tranny.
I'd rather him be bi and straight up about it than to be attracted to a fake woman.
No. 60367
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>>60358Wasn't familiar with that meme before, but yeah.
'I dont feel like I have any special tumblr sexual identity, so I must just be straight'
I think.
No. 60401
>>57319Only white girls and wannabe white girls are bicurious in excessive amounts
Disgusting tbh I dont even insert my own vagina when im fapping because its so disgusting. I dont get how guys can like my-I mean the vagina of a hot cute girl :^((((
No. 60406
>>60387meh. I'm bi and I experimented when I was young, but it's easier to be 'straight' so I got myself a dude, am engaged, planning to buy a home, have 3.2 kids and a white picket fence. Nobody wants to be a gross social outcast and to disappoint their parents. Some people want to fit in.
I guess that's why bi people are hated a lot, because we go to the 'enemy' because it's more acceptable.
If my dude ever cheats one me, our marriage breaks down or anything like that when I'm older I would totally go back to dating women, but I'd probably keep it private, iono if I'd want the stigma of being a 'lesbian'
No. 60412
>>60406Stigma of being a lesbian, so are you bi or just a lesbian that's still in the closet?
You sound really insincere. It comes across like your only using him as a cover, which isn't cool. Your no different than those guy guys that stay in the closet until their 40s and then come out. They have no respect for their sposes and it's disgusting.
No. 60461
>>60412Nah I'm bi and I like men. I'm not going to leave him because he's a man wtf.
I mean that if I wanted to settle down with a woman, or be out in a public relationship with a woman, people would label me as a lesbian, and that's not something I want.
No. 61017
>>57368This doesn't make sense. Wouldn't men get horny too while away for several days hunting?
I hate evo psych because its a soft science and it sounds like BS most of the time, at least from people on the internet.
No. 61025
>>61017It's annoying how some people take it so seriously when it's not falsifiable, but then it's ten times stupider when people reject it for those reasons but believe even worse pop psych of feminist psych.
I also hate people who are offended by it. Reminds me of people who reject evolution because they're insulted by the idea of being descended from apes. Even if you don't believe a word of evo psych it shouldn't offend you.
In terms of "heteroflexiblity", there was a study a few years ago by Chivers and Bailey. They showed people videos and monitored their physical response. Both straight and gay men only showed a response (meaning increased blood to the penis) to actual images of their preferred sex whereas both straight and gay women responded (meaning got wet) to pretty much everything including videos of animals having sex.
So basically guys can either get it up or not whereas women get wet even if they're not interested. That would make it a lot easier for women to experiment.
No. 61027
>>61025>whereas both straight and gay women responded (meaning got wet) to pretty much everything including videos of animals having sex>So basically guys can either get it up or not whereas women get wet even if they're not interested. That would make it a lot easier for women to experimentEwwwwwww
Women confirmed for disgusting sloots
No. 61030
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Well I'm a straight guy, but I can say I definitely see the appeal of rubbing cocks with a twink and cumming in his tight wet boypussy
No. 61047
>>61041I never said you were but a lot of people are. A lot of the type of people who buy into the blank slate wing of psychology blame society/media/patriarchy/etc for their problems and get super butt hurt at the suggestion that perhaps their own "lizard brain" is what affects their behaviour. It's impossible to know what causes humans to behave how they do but to pick what you believe based on what makes you feel happiest is stupid.
>>61027I believe the authors actually took the evo psych route. I think they said that women respond like that as a protection against rape etc rather than concious sluttery.
No. 61748
>>61421It would make sense. As someone who's been sexually harassed and raped, I always thought this was the reason why I had a major rape fetish. Brain turns traumatic experience into pleasure in order to cope.
I think that's a very positive thing tbh, one of the most important human characteristics is to adapt and in this particular area women are undeniably miles ahead of men.
No. 61856
>>61421>>61789I think what the authors meant was that it's better to get raped with a wet vag than a dry vag.
In psychology all you can do is collect data and offer a rough guess at what the results might mean. Going beyond that and saying that modern humans do X because of Y is not possible. It's why you always see feminists and red pillers arguing over the meaning of a new study as both sides can interpret the data however they want and neither is provable.
No. 62498
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>>62431 “BRO goes beyond using labels, and is for men that are interested in meeting other men. It’s as simple as that.”
My sides
No. 62499
>>61748I think that's a very positive thing
Why? It makes you more inclined to seek more harm and abuse.
No. 62502
>>62499Ah yes, being afraid of men, unable to have sex, and getting
triggered over anything for the rest of your life is a lot better.
I mean, I see where you're coming from but if you think coping with abuse by developing a fetish for it necessarily ends up in "seeking more harm and abuse" then the only way I can respond is also exaggerating the diametrical opposite, that is, by NOT doing it one will necessarily be a PTSD defensive, scared mess forever and ever amen.
No. 62504
>>62502>Ah yes, being afraid of men, unable to have sex, and getting triggered over anything for the rest of your life is a lot better.>if you don't have a coping mechanism that makes you seek out abusive behavior you will be traumatized for the rest of your life!Nice false dilemma. Sorry if I legitimately
triggered you just for disagreeing.
No. 62525
>>61643Jesus, is lolcow really this stupid?
Just find a nice man and settle down. Don't be a whore (i.e. a typical cosplayer), don't be a piece of trash, be good to your father etc.
Stop helping to destroy our race with this degenerate, low fecundity, pornified behavior.
I would have thought women would understand keenest of all how much porn can fuck people up.
No. 62534
>>62521Pretty much this
In the special snowflake culture we have nowadays there is nothing worse than being straight and white, so many go with meme sexualities to get some sort of special snowflake notch in their belt
No. 62567
>>62504Fetish =! seeking out abusive behavior
You responded by making an absurd, slippery slope assertion. I merely did the same, kek
Sorry if you're offended by people who deal with their shit in ways you dislike, but it's just plain irrational to pretend these people (myself included) are looking for ways to repeat the abuse they suffered. It's not the same thing.
No. 64802
>>64798It's a pretty good deal tbh
He's pretty cute along with being a great guy, but he has zero confidence.
Funny thing is that he pretty much makes me either wear stockings or a skirt. I guess it makes it less gay in his eyes lol. Either way I enjoy it and so does he. I have no doubt he likes women considering I've seen him sperg out around a girl he likes on our floor. But he's definitely bi if he can fuck me that often.
No. 68373
>>68371Oh that makes a bit more sense
I wonder why men are so into lesbians, but women aren't into gay guys. I mean into as in thinking it's hot
No. 68377
>>68373Combination of societal expectations and genuine biological reasons, I guess.
I'm not a SJW or even a feminist but it's true that it's mostly men who are in charge of the media, so women are sexualized much more than men are. Also, men respond much more to sexual stimuli in the media and elsewhere than women do, so executives and marketers take advantage of that.
No. 68403
>>68375>>68376Oh I thought it was really only popular in Japan with Yaoi. I've never seen women "into" gay guys in America
>>68399Quality discussion
>>68377Makes sense. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint
No. 68410
>>68404"Lesbian" stuff for guys is mainstream
"Gay" stuff for girls is mostly confined to fandoms where girls write guy-on-guy fic
No. 68588
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>>68403>I've never seen women "into" gay guys in AmericaGo to any fanfiction website or Tumblr and you'll see American fans only writing about gay pairings. I've seen it most with BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Harry Potter or recently Star Wars 7.
No. 68625
>>68410Ah okay
Thanks that makes sense
No. 68631
>>68588Okay you're definitely right. I had never been to that side of things before
No. 72988
I thought I was straight, but I fell for the trap meme a few weeks ago. That being said any masculine traits I catch during a video just kill my boner. I also finally understand the feminine penis meme
There was one trap who looked pretty in the face, but the angle changed and she had man arms and I couldnt go on. It's just fantasy though. If somehow I ended up finding a super passing trap I'd like to try at least once
>>57344There's a saying that goes along the lines of "You could build a thousand bridges, but suck one cock and you'll forever be known forever as a cock sucker"
Or something along those lines
No. 73144
>>73005Well aware
I've never seen a "trap" irl that didn't elude any feelings other than disgust
No. 73146
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Actually stats from an NHS survey
Women are about 3x more likely to fool around with the same sex
I still hold that this isn't a natural phenomenon, but more that male homosexual experimenting is far more stigmatized than women doing the same
No. 73503
>>73322I find it incredibly hard to believe anyone would ever come across a passing trap in public
Even with all the photoshop and complimentary lighting I can still tell it someone's a dude. Would be even easier in real life.
The only ones that have genuinely surprised me are some of the SEA ladyboys
No. 73555
>>73511This pretty much
Trans/CD are mentally ill and full of delusion
No. 73565
>>57319>vast majority of men have literally zero interest in other menIt's less acceptable to admit you have had sexual/romantic feelings for other males if you are male.
In contrast, I think many females will say it because it will get them attention from males.
I do think bisexuality is the norm, whereas true heterosexuality is on the edges, as is true homosexuality, plus the tiny flicker of asexuality (nothing else exists, snowflakes)
No. 73666
>>73503I'd consider a "passing trap" a "real woman," if you dare, as in they transitioned at a young age and just live as normalfag women.
I know one irl though. She's tiny and cute and has had been socialized as any other girl, I've never had any reason to view her as anything else. In fact it'd be weirder to call her "he" or "tranny," she's one of the rarities that make me steer clear from the subject in general for being such a goddamn angel.
No. 80162
>>80093I'm a guy and I consider myself straight, but if it actually got down to sex or sensual touching with a man I'd get a boner for sure I think. I have no interest in men though and wont seek out to make this happen anytime soon.
It's just a natural response to another hot body rubbing against you. I dont see what's so controversial about this statement
No. 80263
Didnt want to derail the personal infograph thing again with this. But I mentioned previously I know two relatively older women (late 20s, early 30s) who thought they were bi then realized it was more an admiration/jealousy thing with other girls instead of a sexual attraction
Found this thread and it seems similar stories all around No. 80332
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Why is every girl online bi when this isnt the case irl?
No. 80333
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No. 82192
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Well I'm a guy and I'm pretty confused now. I'm graduating from Uni this spring and still was a khv. One night I was just tired and frustrated, so I sent out a yik yak post pretty much looking for a guy to suck me off because at that point I was really just tired of everything and didn't care. Never been attracted to men in my life, but I just wanted a warm and mouth pretty much
Fast forward a week later and I've been fucking this Asian twink just about everyday and also have sucked him off a few times along with making out. I still definitely prefer woman, but a warm body which happens to have a dick > being alone every night. It doesn't bother me that much, but not really sure where I stand anymore. I still wouldn't say I'm sexually attracted to the guy, but it just feels nice. Given the choice I would definitely prefer a woman, but this'll do I guess
Just throwing this story out there because I was half expecting not to even be able to get it up for the blowjob and I'd end up just going home. I think if I can swing that way then most other guys also can tbh
No. 82241
Not sure if I will get shanked for blogging (if this is stupid, sorry, just ignore), but I have a bit of a dilemma.
I'm a bi female, always have been. I only had one kinda sorta girlfriend before, for about 6-8 months. (It was complicated.) I have had a few flings with girls, 6 to be specific. Never slept with the same girl twice though.
I'm now married to a man. We have been together a long time and still get along great. Lots of spark to our relationship, blabla. He has a job where he constantly can't be home for a few days in a row (firefighter) and recently one of our conversations led to him saying he would be okay if I had sex with a girl if I felt lonely/wanted to have sex while he was on.
I was… shocked. Did not see that coming. But he has a very different view of sex than I do. He also doesn't view me having sex with a woman as a… threat? He is actually very comfortable with it and doesn't think it's a big deal.
He doesn't have any interest in fucking anyone else unless I am there, (we have discussed doing some group stuff in the future before), to my knowledge at least. I have a suspicion he would want the option to join if I was intimate with a women, but he hasn't said so yet. (That would require more talking first of course.) But I don't really know what to think about this. On one hand, it might be nice to be intimate with a girl, but I get so attached emotionally to people. If I act on this, I'm worry I might have conflicting feelings. I can't see myself falling out of love with my husband, he really is my everything. I'm not dependent on him either, like financially or in a critical way emotionally, but I never had the desire to have sex with someone else. I am a lone a lot though, mostly because we live in a new area and I haven't made a lot of friends yet. Also it is a bit lonely, not having someone to share moments with a lot or be intimate with, since he is gone a lot. I do not feel it is necessary to be, however now that he put this in my head, it is tempting me. I love women, they are so different than men, especially intimately. But I feel it would be too complicated for me to actually act upon this, despite him giving me his blessings.
So tl;dr, should I even bother sleeping with a woman (or women?) if I decide to act upon it, since I have my husbands blessings? Or should I just leave this Pandora's box alone?
No. 82258
>>82241Do not do this. The other poster really is right in comparing it to Pandora's box. Especially since you say that you get attached easily. There is ansolutely othing good that's could come out of this imo. I'm guessing he's in the mindset that since you're not getting penetrated then it isn't cheating, well it is in all honesty. It's no different than romantically seeing another guy on the side, but he's just ignorant to this to put it bluntly
Ultimately it's your life, but I just think this is a bad idea through and through
No. 82259
>>82258Just going to add a bit to this, but if you have an insatiable desire to get physical with a girl (judging by your post I don't think you do) and if you can both handle a FFM threesome that might be OK (I know I wouldn't be ok with this and and neither would my bf). If it's just about him not being aroud enough then deal with that instead of quite frankly cucking him
I put in in a bit more than my two cents, but there you go
No. 82569
>>82254>>82258Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I am inclined to agree, I was just so taken off guard about it that I didn't know how to form an opinion. I can only see it being fair if we were in an open relationship, which I am not looking to do (I mean, I wanted to get married for a reason, I don't have the desire to pursue anyone else), unless we have an agreed threesome here and there (with a guy or girl, we are both bi). As nice as that sounds, I do have reservations about that emotionally though.
>>82259Actually, to be honest I do miss being intimate with girls because it is a very different experience than being with men. But you're correct, I don't have an insatiable desire or anything. Just loneliness really. It will probably lessen once I start making more friends in the area, but I guess in the end I am mainly just missing him and mistaking that for missing intimacy, which is why his proposition appealed to me in the first place. Maybe, I don't know, I'm not very good at understanding my feelings.
Anyway, thanks.
No. 84118
>>57319>Why are there so many bi women as opposed to men?there aren't, it's just way more socially acceptable
>while the vast majority of men have literally zero interest in other menyou'd be surprised how many straight men watch gay porn. they just don't like to admit it.
No. 84687
>>57319It's evolution. Humans have grouped in polygamous ways for ages: 1 man and a few ladies. It's no surprise the ladies who were bisexual fit better into such a configuration and thus reproduced more, whereas male homosexuality didn't do anything, and most really heterosexual males have an aversion for male homosexuality, as in, it's a mental pain to see or imagine. This too makes sense with evolution.
No. 84694
>>84688top fucking kek
Do you really believe that?
No. 84703
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I'm bi, always have been. The thing is, I will never admit this to anyone in my family or social circle. If I do, I will be labeled a faggot for life. My sex life is essentially flings with ladies that I can brag about to my bros, along with discreet guy-trim pounding on the side.
The stigma of being bi is too much, I'd rather everyone think I was straight so that I can have a 'normal' life.
No. 84716
>>84118>you'd be surprised how many straight men watch gay pornMaybe some watch shemale/trap, but not full-on gay porn
>>84687You seem to forget how insanely common hot and sweaty manlove was in ancient societies. It has more to do with the fact that society is far less accepting of male homosexuals than females
No. 84733
>>84703I know that feel.
I've told a few people that I'm attracted to girls, but I'm pretty sure most of them think I'm 'faking it' because I don't openly date girls. I'm located in the conservative south, and I just don't want the judgement from my family. At the same time, I think it's really cruel to date someone secretly because of shame, so I don't want to put anyone else through that…ugh idk. most of my male 'conquests' are just status symbols, and at this point I'm not even sure if I have the right kind of personality to cultivate a loving relationship with.
No. 84781
>>84703>>84733I think another thing to consider is that it's more acceptable for women to admit that they're attracted to, or even sleep with the both genders. Even though I've slept with other guys, it feels weird to even think of myself as bi. I would never be in a relationship with a guy because (at least imo) it's basically just having a bud who you mutually masturbate with. It's a lot different with a girl because they're different and betters you, cheesy I know. It's proven true in my case though. How do guys and girls feel about this sentiment?
The only times I've slept with guys it didn't feel like "real" sex, but as I alluded to earlier, I think of it as more a mutual masturbation
It might sound really weird after all this, but I still overwhelmingly identify as straight
Another thing that popped into my head is the effect the media may have on this. Many girls my age grew up with Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song and saw tons of lesbian makeout fanservice scenes in popular teen movies, so it puts the thought of being with another girl on their mind at the very least. I can't say when I was a teen that I ever even thought about the idea of being with another guy because it frankly is not present in popular media directed at young people. You don't see guys making out onscreen nearly as much as women
Anyways that's a bit more than my two cents, but there you go
No. 84791
>>84781I understand where you're coming from since I felt the same way when I was much younger. I knew I was attracted to girls but absolutely refused to identify as bisexual. I honestly think that you feel this way because you're in denial because like you stated, society accepts and talks about gay women way more than gay men. it's getting better but there's still a stigma. I feel sorry though that you don't feel like you can ever come out.
I think it'd help you much more though if you admitted to yourself that you're bisexual, it's not good for your mental health to live in denial. from the sounds of it you probably identify as bi-sexual but hetero-romantic
No. 84818
>>84791It's hardly a big deal to me. I just dont see myself as bi. I dont get into tumblr labels all that much, but what you listed sounds about right
I'm more into the belief that everyone has the capacity to have sex with the same gender, but most aren't open to it. I mentiomed before that the thought never even crosses men's minds, and that was certainly true in my case until I got a bit tipsy with a guy friend and one thing led to another. I mean, it's hard to put myself in another person's shoes here, but I cant imagine not being able to get hard when your dick is in someone's mouth (regardless of gender) and not getting aroused from having a warm body rubbing up against you. I prefer women, but from a purely sexual perspective, men will do if they're available. I have never been attracted to a man like I am to women and I've never fapped to gay porn surprisingly. I've tried, but I can't
No. 84872
>>84733iktf anon, I'm horrified of coming out to my parents and force myself to stop from falling in love with girls. It hurts when I really love a girl and want a relationship with her, but then I think about my parents finding out and just try to repress my feelings. I guess my parents would be okay with it but it would be way too embarrassing for myself and having to admit at work and other places that I have a girlfriend would be too awkward.
I thought it was just a phase when I was 13, but I'm nearing 30 and still identify as a bisexual. The society might be more accepting of same sex relationships but coming out is still a wall built out of personal insecurities. I also don't want to be stuffed in the same category as all the crazy loud LGBT+ activists. Nice going assholes, way to defend our rights.