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File: 1452230951611.png (301.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-08-00-28-09…)

No. 57213

So I guess the same girl that sent Mark her tits on snap chat caught Yamimash in her web. Also keemstar is shoving himself into the situation, but is anyone suprised?

Yamimash explaining himself: https://youtu.be/6lUcIrFWowk

Keemstars response to yamimash explaining himself: https://youtu.be/NA-c9aw3bWA

Keemstar'so first video on it: https://youtu.be/fobrjUoV-A8

Image is some Tumblr kids thoughts, and like one of the few drama related posts I'm finding.

No. 57216

File: 1452231272159.png (211.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-08-00-33-48…)

this one just made me laugh

No. 57217


Adding this in here too.

No. 57225

I have such a love/hate fascination with LP YouTube drama. The fans are just so into the lives of their favorite youtubers. They can almost act like they actually know each other. And there are so many five paragraph essays on tumblr about how so-and-so's YouTube play through of silent hill downpour saved lives, and pulled people out of depression.

I'm always like "wat"

No. 57259

Same actually, I wish there were more drama about them.

No. 57515

File: 1452370318450.png (499.27 KB, 500x500, taWyH6FW.png)

I feel like Keemstar is a potential lolcow. Dude is on fire in terms of douchebaggary. He's an Onision level sociopath.


Apparently he has a fairly long history of causing trouble, so I'm sure he won't go into hiding after this fuck up.

Also this.


No. 57516

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