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No. 5590

General thread for cute models because someone started a thread about Tiffany Cadillac and it went to shit.

No. 5592

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My angel

No. 5720

who is this model?

No. 5732

Looks like Jourdan Dunn, according to Google

No. 5738

File: 1431711232469.jpg (54 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mszm18MKey1r25yneo1_128…)

Correct, it's Jourdan Dunn.
Allison Harvard should cosplay more tbh

No. 5763

this isn't cute at all just fucking scary…….maybe if she stopped opening her eyes so wide and putting white eyeliner in the waterline wtf her eyes are already huge how is that a good idea

No. 5777

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Stop being a jelly fatty.

No. 5778

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The holly goddess of all things beautiful and pure. I thought she was just a model, but apparently, she does cosplay and lolita as well.

No. 5787

Who is this?

No. 5789

Nastya Kumarova

No. 5790

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Nastya Kumarova/Nastya Zhidkova.
Girl with albinism from Russia. Super cute. Sad that /pol/ discovered her and made her into their "thing" though

No. 5791

They also freaked out when they saw her ginger bf and made plans to dox him or some shit lmao

No. 5792

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Chantelle Winnie looks pretty cool

No. 5793

(Siiigh) neckbeards

No. 5802

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Omg, she's so beautiful I can't believe it

No. 5811

Winnie is really pretty but that vitiligo around her mouth and chin is off putting. The rest isn't a problem just that area. I can't even explain why.

No. 5813

Ya, I agree. It makes her look like a messy eater or something.

No. 5814

replied with a worse picture tho? idgi.

No. 5820

she is so pretty and that coloration around her mouth is really too bad. i wish there was a cure for this shit. the only thing i know of is completely take pigment from the rest of the skin like MJ…..

No. 5832

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Lily cole

No. 5833

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No. 5834

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No. 5835

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You sound fat and nitpicky

I bet you look so perfect kek

No. 5841

Looks a lot like Venus at this angle. I believe Venus can model too contrary to what PULL members believe.

No. 5843

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VenusI get what you mean, but modeling isn't just about looks. It's about luck, hard work, knowing how to network and not act like a self absorbed retard and luck again.

Venus looks and more importantly acts like an ugly trollop compared to lily

Veebus is short stubby with a horrible pwrsonality and a control freak mother. No good for real modeling.

No. 5844

File: 1431866888180.jpg (331.16 KB, 600x797, 600full-lily-cole.jpg)

Sorry about the typos am on my phone

No. 5845


lol are you kidding me nigger? reminiscent of cracky.

No. 5855

She can model tall and model slim if she poses correctly in front of the camera. She tends to make a lot of unflattering poses and outfits, so that's why she may not be able to model well.

No. 5857

Venus looks nothing like Lily.. Oh no no..

No. 5860

lmao @ you psychos, i never said she was ugly, i was talking about the fucking makeup idiot. not liking someone's makeup and saying what would make it better makes you a jelly fatty hater now? i guess more ways to become one are popping up like wildfire around here.

No. 5861

jelly fatty hater

No. 6028

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No. 6030

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Only thing they have in common is a round face

No. 6038

How so? I just said Venus could model well if she could make changes in how she poses and presents herself.

No. 6079

She's too fat and too short. She's also a stupid cunt who would stir shit up if she isn't being doted on. She's never worked a day in her life, come on now.

No. 6174

I agree with you on her behavior, but she can model well if she presented herself correctly and posed correctly.

Changing her behavior and her diet (although there are plus sized models) would be presenting herself well. So would making flattering poses. and models who are 5'2" can model tall and make it in the industry but it's hard. She has already modeled but not for anything too big. Venus can become a model if she makes big changes but I think it can be too late since the damage her unprofessional mom and her self have created has been done.

No. 6298

Venus does not have a model body

No. 6315

She wouldn't be modeling if she didn't have that unique look. I think it's beautiful

No. 6697

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