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No. 55896
>>55884Tsubasacon is like the only anime convention I go to. I don't care enough about cons to travel far out of state. I'll also go to Tri-Con (comic convention in huntington) to pick up figures and shit every year, and I went to Lexington Comic Con last year.
What kind of cringeworthy panels are you thinking of, anon?
No. 55908
>>55896Any attempt at those Homestuck panels are usually embarassing. Ine year a little troll group kept harassing the shit out of me, screaming and asking me to take pictures.
And one year there was some yaoi showing and they had 2 dudes come up front to give a lollipop stick a blowjob. I got up and left after that.
No. 55910
>>55908wew lad. I've only gone to meta panels and stuff (like how to make a panel, how to survive a con).
I remember that there was one chick who did a panel on both "body positivity in cosplay" and "cosplaying as a person of color". Something about "we will talk about racism in anime/manga" in the latter. Both seemed pretty hugboxy.
No. 55923
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>>55863>>55910Oh god is that Alicia? I have her as friends on Facebook and she is cringeworthy. She changes her profile picture every two weeks. She is basically PC.
No. 56147
>>56137Shit, that's the one! I have no idea why it keeps coming back. The girls who head it are so full of themselves. Heard in passing the one call herself a professional cosplayer, kek. I got the Tumblr of the other one, and boy does she love herself. Does OOTDs and shit. Seeing them in the hallways and dealers area is just them constantly asspatting each other back and forth. Kinda perosnal vendetta-ish, but they leave a bad taste in my mouth.
The OOTD girl also runs tons of panels about religion and media influence (or some shit). Never been to those, though.
No. 65694
>>65657I remember this guy who is white from IRC and he discussed about fucking this fat, black otaku chick once. I know he lives in the same area as Alicia.
From what I gathered, the relationship didn't go far.
No. 65871
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>>65694Hm. Interesting. Any other details?
No. 70798
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>person posts she's sad cuz she didn't take any pics with her bf on valentine's day
>alicia tells her to "seriously calm down"
Bitch just be salty she's constantly single.