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No. 55334

>tfw this guy can make an AK out of a shovel
>tfw I can't even make a slingshot

Firearms general I guess

No. 55413

File (hide): 1451638667157.jpg (24.72 KB, 639x465, StenMk2.jpg)

Start with a Sten then. They are ridiculously simple subguns.

No. 55418>>55429

File (hide): 1451647509398.jpg (117.38 KB, 464x708, mugi-chan3.jpg)

I think you're on the wrong board.
As much as some grills like guns, you'll probably have some trouble finding like-minded folks on lolcow

No. 55422>>55427

He didn't make an AK out of a shovel. He just replaced the stock.

No. 55427

He did make the reciever out of the shovel as well. The rest is just a parts kit.

No. 55429

What, can't the peeps here handle a slice of /k/ here?

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