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No. 55270

Is anyone here an insomniafag?

I've had insomnia for about seven years, but nothing I have tried has ever helped it. It's anxiety induced.

Recently I've started having weird hallucinations after about 2-3 days of no sleep. Usually I'm fine until 4 days roll around, but not anymore. I see stuff out of the corner of my eye and hear conversations that no one is having. Spooky.

What about you guys?
(Pic unrelated)

No. 55281>>55341

Anon are you me? The last time that I ran out of my Lunesta was crazy. I keep seeing what I thought was a shadow creeping down the stairs and hearing things/voices. I actually made my boyfriend go out and buy sage. So apparently I believe in ghost when I go days without sleep.

No. 55305

Yep :(

and its tormenting me

No. 55341

i'm terrible sorry for this farmers. My insomnia wasn't induced by anxiety but by chronic migraine, what have helped me is changing my diet and habits. Eating at the same time everyday, turning off my screens a few minutes before going to bed, etc.
Maybe it could help you annons, if not, i'm sending sleep vibes.

No. 55352>>55355>>55604

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Hasn't your doctor suggested a short course of sleeping pills?

I've had insomnia since I was 14. Prescribed temazepam at 18. Hooked on the shit.

The only non script thing I found knocks me out is alcohol. Not good either.

Relaxation mp3s can be good if you use them regularly, and ASMR videos. Never discovered any drinks/foods/natural herbal thingies that help.

During an exam at the end of first year at uni I was having weird audio hallucinations. The room was quiet and I kept hearing like people were vomiting. I hadn't been able to sleep for over 48 hours and hadn't taken a sleeping pill to cram in shit for the exam.

Nope. No idea how people just drop off. It's like watching magick when I see them do that. HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!?

I'd say go look for some relaxation things. The visualisation ones are best. The music ones with panpines or delta wave keyboards are irritating.

Any excuse for a Christian Bale image.

No. 55355

sameanon - here, google creative visualisation for insomnia mp3 and download it from youtube. There're buttfuls on there. You can float around with the stars, go in a treehouse in a rainforest, speak to whales and all kinds of hippy shit.

No. 55421>>55480

Recently I've been having problems with sleep. Something that I had few years ago. I've tried everything and I can't sleep, only when my body gives up and usually is during day time after 2 or 3 days non sleep.

I hate it because then my thoughts get so confusing I can't even speak proper english, but I thought this thread was good to vent my frustration. Sorry about that. Tonight was my 3rd night non sleep and I'm all sorts of messed up.

No. 55480

You're good have you talked to a doctor about it. Mine prescribed me lunesta, but I think I've built a tolerance for it or something. It's suppose to be short term so it might help you get back on a regular sleep schedule.

No. 55529>>55534>>55568

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Same anon I'm going on nearly 7 seven years of insomnia as well. It started with a year of reversed-cycle sleep and these day I'll accidentally stay awake all night (no drugs or anything) if I don't remember to try to turn off my brain. I also feel you on the auditory hallucinations and the 'shadow people' you see in the corner of your vision. It's okay, they're friendly.

Sometimes I'm prescribed a sheet of Ambien or Valium to get my sleep cycle back to normal. I find Ambien a better choice since it makes you feel all nice and warm and wanting to go to sleep and not feel drowsy in the morning like with valium. Just be careful not to stay awake on ambien since you'll do a lot of weird stuff you won't remember.

No. 55534

Those weird Ambien dreams Anon.

No. 55568

I was withdrawing from zyprexa so took ambien to sleep and before sleeping all I would see is little gnomes on the ground and I felt like things were shrinking and growing. What a shitfest.

No. 55570

I am completely reliant on medication for sleep. Even if I could sleep without it I have a psychological dependency so I get paranoid I won't be able to and that gives me insomnia.

No. 55604

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About a year ago I couldn't sleep anymore due to work related stress. Around that time I also broke up and had some issues with my friends. Overall it was a shitty time in my life.
Day after day I found it harder to get to sleep. I'd lay awake for hours and my head just wouldn't stop. This made my work harder as I would make more mistakes and due to the mistakes I'd make, I'd find it harder to sleep.

Anyways, I started getting extremely scared at night. From the moment I'd go to bed, I'd be paralyzed by fear. I was afraid of mirrors for some godforsaken reason, and even the slightest sound would make me scared shitless. I didn't dare to go to the bathroom at night.
Just before I'd gone to sleep I could have sworn I heard things.
Twice I can remember seeing things as well.

I remember backing up the car after getting home from a long day of work, and seeing someone in the backseat. I don't think I'll ever forget that.

After that I got help. They started off prescribing sleeping pills since I was physically and emotionally exhausted. That alone helped a lot.
I took some time off to get my shit together. I'm better now. Sleeping will always be difficult, but I'm no longer afraid.

I drank a lot to get to sleep before getting help. Sure, it helped a bit, but I'd always wake up 2-3 hours after falling to sleep, more scared than ever.

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