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No. 55027

It doesn't look like there's a thread for New Year's yet but January is less than two days away for most of us.
>How was 2015? Are you happy or disappointed with it?
>Have you made any resolutions to follow in 2016?

For me it was a disaster but I'm just using that as a reason to look forward to next year more. I'm also going to buy a planner to keep my days more organized and avoid wasting time on videogames and browsing the internet.

No. 55028>>55040

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For the planner I'd like to buy some items to decorate it a bit. A lot of the journals online seem really over the top but I like looking at all the stickers people have designed to put inside them.

No. 55031

Not that great. Can't say I was really disappointed when I didn't have high expectations in the first place. Life's still going nowhere, still drifting apart from people, still not sure why I do a lot of the things I do. I spend a lot of time reflecting on life anymore, probably too much.

I've never been much of the resolution type. New Year's is usually a pretty depressing time of year for me for one reason or another, I never want to think about the future much. Hope everything turns out alright for you anon.

No. 55034>>55044>>55156>>55202

2015 was pretty shitty. The year before was complete hell though, so at least it was better than that. There was some cool stuff that happened (got my first place of my own) and some really crap stuff (first car accident, someone hit and ran my car a month later).

I'm really, really hoping 2016 will be an amazing year. I don't really do resolutions, but I set goals:

>Quit smoking

>Start my business
>Finish my side tattoo
>Travel to more states
>Write and draw every day
>Keep a diary and actually use it
>Get my abs back
>Learn how to do my makeup better

They might not all be huge goals, but I like to set things I know I can accomplish within a year. In 2013 I set a goal to grow out my pixie cut- and now my hair is to my stomach!

No. 55040>>55044

Nice, I love cute planners! Can't get any myself but I love seeing pictures and videos. What kind is your planner gonna be? Book or binder (like filofax, kiki k etc)?

No. 55044>>55148

I'm having a hard time deciding, at first I was thinking about a Hobonichi (I can see these blowing up within the next year or so) but I also found out about Moleskine having Petit Prince themed planners too.

Setting goals is a really good idea, plus with makeup and writing/drawing it's something you can work on for a little bit every day.

No. 55058

How was 2015? Are you happy or disappointed with it?

It was okay. I moved out of my parents' house and across the country, finally ditched all the toxic people from my life, and started paying off my credit card debt. I still have a shitty job and now no friends, but eh.

>Have you made any resolutions to follow in 2016?

-pay off all debt
-learn makeup now that I'm finally growing into my face & low key shit all over aforementioned toxic people who all peaked in high school and live at home smoking weed all day & work at Target/Del Taco
-buy a new car because why not

No. 55148

I don't really get the Hobonichi, is it just like you can choose the cover sleeve and then separately choose page types inside it and it works like a book? Anyway if you're into cutesy planner decorating check out your local dollar/pound shop if you have one nearby. I found some very cute stickers in mine for cheap. If I had better handwriting and better discipline I'd love to do this

No. 55156>>55192

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I didn't think 2015 could be worse than 2014 but here we are. Seems like a lot of people also had a shitty year? It really sucked for me in regards to how I felt about it, but it's in the past now.

>try to have shorter hair for 2016

>draw more than 2015
>get back into the habit of taking care of my skin
>possibly finally learn how to swim???

Keeping a diary is also a good idea that I want to do! I just hope I can get into the habit of it too and not slack off again like I did this year.

No. 55160>>55162

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Thanks for making this thread, OP.
>How was 2015? Are you happy or disappointed with it?
Like every other year, some parts were good, some parts were absolute shit. Most of the shit parts are my own fault though. I'm glad to leave 2015 behind, even though 2016 will (I'm sure) be just another shitty continuation of my shit life.
>Have you made any resolutions to follow in 2016?
Yeah, actually. Like OP, I want to be more organized, so I have a planner and some cute pens on the way. I want to be less lazy and spend more time away from the internet and electronics in general. I want to start running at least 5 times a week. I want to finish, at the very least, chapter 2 of my comic book and create a larger portfolio of my art. I want to do better in school and get my GPA up.

Mostly, I want to be able to accomplish the little things as well, like cleaning, making appointments, ect, without my mental illnesses getting in the way.

But more than anything, I want to stop being such a shitty person in general. I want to stop doing things I know are bad for me. I want to be someone people actually want to have around.

Anyway, good luck with the new year everyone. I hope you accomplish what you want to.

No. 55161

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happy new years you bottom feeders, pray that the new year brings fresh milk

No. 55162>>55172

Oh yeah, seeing the event posts in this thread reminded me: I also want to grow my hair out and keep a drawing diary.

No. 55164>>55171>>55183>>55189>>55192>>55195>>55198

Would anyone be interested in a lolcow chat for New Year's (US Eastern time), or do most people have some semblance of lives?

No. 55171

If im awake ill be down for NY chat

No. 55172>>55189

How long is your hair now? I'm growing mine out too, its just past my chin

No. 55183

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2015 was shit and boring, sadly.

Some 2k16 resolutions:
>quit drinking so much
>grow out my hair
>finally complete the several stories I’ve been working on for years
>Get toned, do oats n squatz

Happy New Years, Farmers. Hope all those goals get accomplished. Best of luck.

Would be down for this

No. 55189>>55249

I'm genuinely hoping I can go to my crush's New Years Party, but if not, I will be here.
My hair is about 2 inches below my collar bone right now, but I want ass-length rapunzel hair so this will be like a 4 year undertaking. Godspeed, fellow anon!

No. 55192>>55195>>55205

I can't swim either. Either I've never met irl or online others who can't or they're too embarrassed to say so.

2015 was uneventful. Meh.

I'm buying a new diary today because I sae a nice one in Paperchase. Not a planner, just journal day events, world news, books in reading, films etc.

Plan to finally de hoard the shit in my spare bedroom and make it a cozy craft room.

I'm not going out, so I'd like this.

Wishing all farmers good health, some pleasant surprises and excellent coping skills when times are tough.

2016. Sounds so…SPACE AGE.

No. 55195>>55205

Sounds like a good idea!

I've always been too afraid to swim mostly because imagining all the things we haven't discovered in the ocean yet freaks me out. That and public pools aren't so great.

Also just genuinely curious, how many other Farmers are spending New Years alone? I can't be the only one..

No. 55198

Sure! I'm in.

No. 55199

Happy New Years Eve, lolcow
My main goals are to be more financially stable and grow my hair out. Really long. I always say I'm going to grow it out , but I never do.

No. 55202

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These are very realistic goals and a lot I want to do myself. Here's to a happy 2016 for us!!

No. 55205>>55214

Non swimming anon >>55192 here. Public pools are the reason I don't bother to learn. Shame really because I'd love to do the scuba thing and swim with fishes.

I'll be alone. New Year is depressing and I choose to be alone. The bf phones around midnight to hear me freak out about Chinese lanterns setting the roof on fire. It's just another day. If I forced myself to socialise, I'd HATE every second. Being jolly, parties, etc is wildly overrated. I don't drink alcohol either, so being in a room full of pissed people is annoying.

I'm going to treat myself to that diary and a few other bits today. I'd rather that than spend the cash on taxis and overpriced soft drinks.

Miserablism, YAY!

No. 55214

Me again. I remembered, I said that in the NY I'm going to learn about insects. I choose a subject to obsess over and learn about every year. 2016 is the year of the insects.

No. 55249

ill be back in 4 years to compare progress.

i want to have really long grey hair when im old…

No. 55342

>work out more, especially weight lifting to build bone mass
>be more frugal
>take better care of my skin, hair, and teeth
>take vitamins every day
>ingest more calcium
>spend less time in my dorm and more time with friends
>make a move on the guy i like
>find a flattering haircut
>learn to apply eye-shadow better

No. 55358

2015 was probably the best year for me. When I broke up with my long term relationship bf I instantly started getting crushes and it was fun to be a 14-years old again. I nearly hooked up with one but then I realised that he does not want anything else but sex so I stopped talking to him.
In the end, I made up with my bf and we are doing great.
He was my first bf so I guess I wanted to see what other guys are like (this is not why we broke up in the first place)
Oh yeah I also partied a lot as I never did that when I was with my bf. Had to see what it is like
>inb4 whore
I finished my degree and I made new friends. I got my first job as well.
Honestly, I loved 2015.

No. 55362

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I'm having a year off resolutions

No. 55382>>55399

No. 55399

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That Northern Irish accent is really hot.

No. 55406

2015 had some really great highlights for me (landing an awesome new job, finally getting on an anti-depressant that seems to be working well, moving into a nice apartment with the SO) but had some down moments, too (losing a pet, more suicidal feelings than ever, skin went to shit.)

One goal for 2016 is to just take the best care of myself. I know it'll help me out at work and it'll help with my mental health as well. I'm binging on normie and lolita clothes this month as I just got a bonus, so that's a pretty nice way to ring in a new year.

Hope 2016 treats you all well!

No. 55407

2015 really sucked ass. Like, a lot. Probably the worst year I've had in a long time (2011 may have been marginally worse).

I never make resolutions, but I really hope 2016 is better. I feel like even years are better than odd years for some reason. I might try to keep a journal.

No. 55425

Happy New Year!!
I got fucked in the ass for the first time, not a bad start to the year.

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