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File: 1451414273722.jpg (20.21 KB, 620x387, boxxy_desktop_1920x1200_hd-wal…)

No. 54793

anyone remember her?
did you like her at the time?

No. 54800

No she's annoying and has the oh so randum mentality. Cringe

No. 54802


but it was a persona. I guess I just found her charming at the time because I was a lulzy teenager who was probably a little too hyper before hitting my depression.

No. 54807

Always found her annoying tbh
She was qt though

No. 59327

File: 1452748395371.jpg (84.38 KB, 375x500, 129014351130s.jpg)

I liked Boxxy at the time of the first three videos. It wasn't a persona though given she wasn't medicated for ADHD at the time which as she later admitted needing Ritalin for upon her return.
But Catie today sucks, she just isn't funny, a complete tryhard when doing new Boxxy stuff and is delusional regarding her fame coming back as she returns where people will be apparently waiting for her.
It's all completely dead and drained of any monetary income she hoped for and sometimes it's best to let the dead rest in peace. Remember things for what they were.

No. 59333

anyone ever check unichan?

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