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No. 546237

ITT we discuss anything pertaining to North Korea.

Do you guys think it's true that Kim Jong-Un is dead, as many Japanese, SK, and Chinese outlets are saying? When his father died, NK tried to dismiss it all as rumors and insisted he was fine for months after his death, so I absolutely don't trust their claims that he is alive and well unless he emerges to prove it.

Apparently his crazy sister, Kim Yo-Jong, will be his successor.

No. 546238

Kim Jong Un is dead, his sisters grip on power is tenuous so she's gonna establish herself then say a pneumonia killed him. Kim Jong Un's kids will have mysterious accidents.

No. 546241

So no Christmas gift? :(

Anyways I’m glad this thread was made because I’m confused and intrigued. I have no clue if he’s dead or alive.
Does everyone wish him to be alive because he’s less competent/threatening than Kim Yo Jong? Even conservatives here in the US who’ve always hated him say they really wish he’s not dead. Maybe it’s because he’s more likely to make peaceful deals with SK and the US than his sister?

No. 546246

how did people come to the conclusion/assumption that kim yo jong is even more evil than kim jong un is? There's barely anything known about here.

No. 546251

I think it's because she comes off as a pretty serious person and doesn't have the buffoonishness distracting from the evil like he does.

>Does everyone wish him to be alive because he’s less competent/threatening than Kim Yo Jong?
It seems like that's the case. From the little information about her that's available, she seems a lot more competent than Kim Jong-Un, which is not necessarily a good thing when you're talking about a nuclear armed dictatorial regime that's belonged to the same family for 70 years.

No. 546261

If she turns out to be awful she'll go down as the worst dictator to have ever existed and the prime example why women shouldn't rule

Wasn't there a rumour that she was the one behind the execution of those generals?

No. 546262

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idk just too much shit happening in 2020, I really want to get off this ride already.

Dude will pull a jesus and come back in three days.

No. 546263

Whether he is dead or not, I can't say. What I do know for sure is that he's definitely not well; mentally or physically. Him missing his grandfathers birthday and celebration of NK military is a big deal and as far as I know, has never happened without a good reason.

I don't believe for a second he's at some holiday resort drinking and sunbathing, this is NK trying to pull a Weekend at Bernie's with stunt doubles until they know for sure how to deal with whatever has happened(death, brain death, hospital stay etc)

Will be interesting to see what will happen. But anyone who says this could be a good thing for NK and the world is delusional. Unless his sister pulls a smooth powergrab, there will be a war of succession and the weak well-meaning party won't win it; a worse thing at the head of a country than an evil dictator is a weak dictator.

No. 546264

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No. 546265

>If she turns out to be awful she'll go down as the worst dictator to have ever existed and the prime example why women shouldn't rule

This is so upsetting because it's true. The world will happily continue to disregard every other fucking dictator on Earth and not see them as representative of the horrors males are capable of, but the one time we have an evil female dictator she will be brought up every time a woman runs for office for the rest of mankind's existence.

No. 546277

alright what makes people sure that Kim's sister will be the one to take over, he has tons of Uncles and another brother, won't they all be vying for power

No. 546282

Nobody has heard from his brother and nephew since 2017.
Its pretty safe to assume Kim offed them.
Im pretty sure he offed most of the actual competition so thats why the sister is the safe bet.

No. 546284

The way NK succession works is that the successor is always a descendant of the Supreme Leader unless there are no viable options, then it goes to a sibling. So, uncles aren't contenders and since Jong-Un's daughter is only a toddler, she is obviously not viable.

Of his siblings, his only remaining brother was already declared unworthy of succession by Kim Jong-Il, and it is highly unlikely the NK government would go against Jong-Il's wishes and appoint him when there are other options. This leaves Jong Il's two daughters, and out of both of them, Kim Yo-Jung makes the most sense because she is of a higher political ranking and full siblings with Kim Jong-Un.

No. 546288

I’m so ready for a female dictator, I hope she nuc’s us. I will happily take nuclear death from a woman dictator. I don’t even care about the repercussions of her actions towards the female gender, I’m just so pumped by the idea that that tiny angry woman will rule.

No. 546290

please don't do this anon, its just weird

No. 546292

This. Idiot sexists are already pretending there's swarms of feminists celebrating a female dictator (I've seen the "examples" they're using, and it's pretty much all obvious sarcasm they're too autistic to get) don't give them actual examples please.

No. 546294

I can’t be the worse off with this opinion, there are probably some woman (and even men) out there more supportive for that than we can imagine. I don’t think anyone will take what we say seriously anyways this website is for bashing other people. Either way it’s about time for a woman to make everyone shake is their boots. I love her anons I can’t help it. She’s scary and powerful and I can’t help but gawk at the idea of her in power. Come on let me have this, it literally so fucking cool the idea of her being leader. Who knows, maybe she’ll even end the dictatorship.

No. 546297

She's one of his closest aides who travels everywhere with him internally and internationally advising him on political matters while his surviving brother (his other one got assassinated with VX nerve agent in an airport, yikes) doesn't involve himself in politics (he plays guitar in a band in Pyongyang kek) and is rumored to be gay which his family and the ruling elites aren't fond of.

No. 546299

I mean absolute power isn't something most people are ever willing to give up

No. 546304

Don't worry, anon, I'm pumped too. A lot of men are too, the cumbrains on twitter all love the idea of a pretty onee-san dictator. I'm seeing a lot of right-wing men talking about wanting to be dommed by her, calling her mommy gf, etc. She's going to be extremely popular.

No. 546307

>She's going to be extremely popular
Get this, a female dictator of a country with prison and concentration camp (you know what happens to people and especially women there, don't you?) is 'gonna be extremely popular'. I wanna get the fuck off from this world

No. 546308


I feel like she is going to be the new bowsette

No. 546310

stop this weird fetish projection, a couple women are making memes about her and some cumbrains are making Mommy gf statements but 99% of people are not like this

No. 546312

I don't see how being such a pos that the entire world hates you is appealing. I guess that's why only sociopaths become malevolent dictators.

No. 546313

Onion was right again.

No. 546316

>Who knows, maybe she’ll even end the dictatorship.
Anon. She's the head of the propaganda department. She is absolutely not gonna end the dictatorship.

No. 546317

>he plays guitar in a band in Pyongyang
Omg what? That’s pretty cool ngl. His parents were probably like “it’s just a phase!” Lo and behold…
Imagine when the “women you’re ashamed you’d fuck” thread gets a load of her. I think she’d be sexy in a fictional storyline but I can’t wrap my head around supporting her irl. It’s true that a lot of men of all ideologies are loving her on the internet though, it kinda reminds me of the Natalya Poklonskaya days.

No. 546321

stop being so beta

No. 546325

I am not the slightest bit shocked that there are people stanning Kim Yo-jong, which is pretty fucking sad.

Look, I get that the idea of a young, pretty woman being a dictator is kind of fun on paper, especially for those of us with weeb tendencies. However, I would like to kindly remind you guys that North Korea is one of the single most brutal dictatorships in modern history. A dictatorship in which she is a major player, in charge of pushing out the horrifically dangerous propaganda that keeps their people under their control with lies and fear.

On top of all the countless other torture that goes on in North Korean death camps (which I highly recommend you guys read up on if you're not aware of the specifics) the women are systematically raped by the guards. Sometimes to death. How the fuck is the Supreme Leader being a woman some kind of score for feminism when this is how the women under her rule are treated?

No. 546326

he’s not dead. he’ll re-emerge in about a week and dab on the western media

No. 546328

>On top of all the countless other torture that goes on in North Korean death camps (which I highly recommend you guys read up on if you're not aware of the specifics) the women are systematically raped by the guards.
Highly recommend the Yodok story musical and documentary.

No. 546330

>On top of all the countless other torture that goes on in North Korean death camps (which I highly recommend you guys read up on if you're not aware of the specifics) the women are systematically raped by the guards. Sometimes to death. How the fuck is the Supreme Leader being a woman some kind of score for feminism when this is how the women under her rule are treated?
No idea, but libfems can't help but stan their #GirlBoss because they don't actually stand for anything.

No. 546336

China and North Korea have a bunch of shills who believe their equality heaven propaganda as it is (approval of China is 43% for people between 19-29 years old). Getting any substantial information about what really goes on in there is difficult to say the least, you really think she's not gonna be popular among normies too? You're delulu.

No. 546338

To gain the trust of her brother who had many of his family members assassinated, DUH. You can’t over throw something you’re not deep seeded inside of. I mean in all seriousness, the only way she would be able to change the way the government would be an active part of it. To know the ins and outs she would have to have the trust of her brother. To have the trust of her brother, she would need to prove her absolute loyalty. Need to act as if she believes in what he is doing etc. We don’t know whats going on inside her head. Her personal beliefs, what she would even slightly do differently. Sure, it’s dumb to Stan her. I’m not stanning her… yet. We will see what she decides to be when in power. But either way you cannot deny that a 31 woman coming into power of the worlds most tight nit dictatorship, one where they do not support woman, is a huge and monumental moment in history. Just amazing still, just the fact of that (possibly) happening. A woman!! In power of NORTH KOREA. It’s crazy.

No. 546339

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What do you guys think happened to Otto Warmbier back in 2017?

Was he tortured? Or he wanted to commit suicide but botched it and that is why he ended up being braindead?

No. 546340

I think he was tortured. The injuries he had sounded a lot like the kinds of beatings defectors have described as being common.

No. 546343

pretty certain he attempted suicide. the coroner stated there were no signs of physical torture

No. 546344

I wish we'd see a continuation of the Korean war. It has been a while since last big conflict and there are a lot of untested weapons, video cameras and eager americans around

No. 546345

Well, when she's officially declared Supreme Leader, she will have the power to make NK less of a dictatorial hellscape, so we'll see whose take is more accurate.

No. 546346

Please find me one example of a libfem who is genuinely excited by the prospect of a female North Korean dictator. Go on, I'll wait.

I'm so baffled by the amount of western leftists who stan North Korea because they think it genuinely is a socialist workers' paradise, and that all the stories about concentration camps with forced labor, rape, and executions are just evil western imperialist propaganda.

Also, I wonder what will happen if there's a protracted Game of Thrones-style power vacuum in North Korea between Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Il's brother Kim Pyong Il, and inner circle North Korean generals. If North Korea has no leadership, and its borders aren't closely guarded anymore, China and South Korea could suddenly be faced with the prospect of millions of refugees, potentially infected with COVID-19, streaming across their borders. Suddenly having an influx of millions of sick, malnourished, uneducated refugees would probably crash South Korea's economy and healthcare system.

No. 546347

don't talk about war like some kind of entertainment, people's lives are at risk

No. 546348

We also have to keep in mind, how easy would it be for her to change things?Absolute power NEVER means absolute power, even for Kim Jong-Un. There is always someone else there pushing for things to be a certain way, he didn’t come up with it all on his own. So if she is to come into power, change might not happen for 10 years, for example. It would take a while to start plucking the weeds and NK is well overgrown. How much wiggle room would she get if she came into power? There are obviously believers in their regime, people who believe more than the Jong’s themselves. I mean look at trump, people actually started drinking bleach when he said to. So how would the most loyal people in her society even react if she started to change things. She couldn’t just boom bang change everything the first year.

No. 546350

If war isn't entertainment then why media cycle lol.

No. 546352

the media is the media, i just think is gross a person is wishing for a war just to see "untested weapons and video cameras"

No. 546353

>Please find me one example of a libfem who is genuinely excited by the prospect of a female North Korean dictator. Go on, I'll wait.
Stanning a female dictator because muh equality and empowerment is the definition of liberal feminism.

No. 546354

It's definitely within the Supreme Leader's power to order the concentration camps be less barbaric, at the very least.

No. 546356

We truly do not know the extent of power in North Korea. Let’s not be ignorant and act as if anyone there would let her make such decisions, especially so soon. What would you even mean by less barbaric, by your personal standards. Have you been there? Seen what they need? No, so let’s not assume. Do they need to build full prisons or just give them better food, we don’t know. Basically, none of us really know what needs to be done to “solve” NK or the timeframe and extent of possibility to do so. It’s not an on off switch. She could start to lead the way for a better NK. But alas, we are all pessimists here.

No. 546357

Each to their own I guess.
Why would she want to though? Korea is functioning just fine as it is, the poorer the place is the more avoidant south is of an conflict and the concept of rebellion is less likely.

No. 546361

i mean libfems did stan the female cartel bosses with pink guns so stanning a dictator probably isn't that far fetched

No. 546365

Why the fuck is everyone assuming she'll do good (by our standards) just because she's a woman? That's some real sexist bullshit.

No. 546366

everyone is saying the opposite tho

No. 546368

That's horrific. I remember reading prison guards who escaped camps and told stories of the instances where women were raped for being pretty and they believed it would get them to be treated lightly if they stayed pregnant. But many of them would just be beatened until they miscarriaged or thrown to hungry dogs or just tortured because the prisoners werent to be thought of as human. It was hard to stomach through the details that thsoe women went through. There's also drawings posted online from escaped camp prisoners of what they saw that's fucked up. Where's the #bossbabe in any of that

>She could start to lead the way for a better NK. But alas, we are all pessimists here.
I want to hope but like you said…Pessimism.

No. 546369

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they're totally going to pull a weekend at bernie's here, i doubt these people would let a woman become their dictator

No. 546373

Idunno, it has always gotten worse lol. People get shot and everything is a mess.

No. 546386

There's a lot of speculation that NK is already a puppet state of China, and KJU's death would be the perfect opportunity to seize more control there.

No. 546394

He goes to concerts in other countries a lot, he’s a huge Eric Clapton fanboy

No. 546412

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I think a lot about rural North Korea and China. I don’t particularly admire or scorn these places, they just intrigue me and remind me what a powerful crapshoot the birth lottery is. It’s crazy to think about how the residents have no choice but to have such a limited world view and spend their lives chasing the first 2 levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but do they know better/have enough awareness to want it any different?

I plan on studying abroad in South Korea soon-ish and am most excited to take small excursions to the north. A lot of people must think I glorify juche and the DPRK like the ones described here >>546346 , but I’m very critical with my interest.

No. 546459

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No. 546472

Right, so many retarded anons itt

No. 546480

If Kim Jong-Un was dead, South Korea would likely be reporting a mass mobilization of North Korean troops, presumably in preparation for the ensuing power struggle. The execution of Jang Song-thaek indicated that support for the Kim family's continued rule among the North Korean elite is somewhat precarious. In order for Kim Yo-Jong to become the new supreme leader she'd need either need to kill or garner the support of several important figures such as Jong Kyong-thaek (minister of state security) and Hwang Pyong-so (vice chairman of the national defense commission). Given the intense sexism of North Korean culture mixed with their personality cult, I'd say it's a coin flip of if she would actually succeed Kim Jong-Un. On one hand having her rule would be able to in turn allow the old guard to maintain their power, but on the other it's not unthinkable that a number of military and political figures would use this as an opportunity to initiate a coop.

No. 546481

Already saw a picture of Kim running where someone photoshopped toast in her mouth. Asian fetishists, kpop weebs, and Cumbrians will be out in full force.

No. 546483

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tbf it's done to a lot of dictators

No. 546492


No. 546494

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True. There was literally an entire art book of dictators being turned into "moe" anime girls.
I don't doubt for a second it'll be worse this time around because Kim Yo-Jong is an actual woman, though. I actually found it funny at first, but I can already tell people will make it annoying.

No. 546497

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Same anon. Found it, for anyone curious (some are kind of NSFW, beware): https://imgur.com/a/2i3rH
Pic related, Kim Il-Sung.

No. 546498

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>Kim Il-Sung

No. 546500

It's not pessimism, and anyone who thinks she'll do anything outside of upholding the status quo is rather naive. Being that she's a woman they're surely reluctant to give her power as it is so she'll have very little leg room to make any changes. Being a woman in power means jack shit, she is first and foremost for the regime.

No. 546521

A regime that doesn’t believe in women in power and has been perpetuated by basically the same man. It’s naive to say it wouldn’t change things in NK. This is all hypothetical, but the simple fact of a woman coming into power would be a shift in NK society and politics. A regime only ran by dictator men for decades gets a shock death where a young woman has to step up and become leader, when they do not believe in woman of power, is already a difference in their beliefs. Let’s say she did become leader, that would shake NK society to the core. There would have to be splinters of change because a woman being leader was not a possibility to them before.

No. 546551

Cool fanfic I guess?

No. 546561

Is it really that big of a shock though? Communists love gender equality, or at least love saying that they do, I can see this blowing over as "we never had anything against women in power, it just hadn't happened, let's carry on business as usual"

Come to think of it, the only outcome of this worse for people's perception of female leaders than her being an evil dictator is her failing to be an evil dictator and changing things up. Can you imagine?
>We maintained our glorious political system for 70 years and all it took to destroy it was letting a woman into power. Women are always destroyers and saboteurs!

No. 546586

Oh boy as a huge North Korea nut I'm giddy over seeing this thread, bless you anons

The thing about this is that even though NK is technically a dictatorship, in the end it doesn't matter who's the face of the country because it's still run by a conclave behind the dictator. Everyone from the Kim family is basically for show and all they need to do is live a life of luxury while the party heads run the country and ensure their own position. If the current ruling Kim started talking about wanting to install democracy and let the people live free, they'd be assassinated on the spot. Even Stalin got poisoned (disguised as a stroke) when the noose around his closest men started becoming a bit too snug.

Pretty sure the "I'd let mommy yo-jong step on me uwu" posters are baiting.

I think it goes without saying that he was tortured at promptly returned to his country after they realized they couldn't have an American citizen dying in their hands. You don't get extensive brain damage on your own without someone causing it. If it was a suicide, why would the North Korean officials make up a bullshit story about how it was a botulism related coma (which they found no evidence for)? It wouldn't make sense for them to try to cover up a suicide.

No. 546601

>Communists love gender equality, or at least love saying that they do
When communists talk about gender equality in the workplace, they mean employing women as miners, garbagepeople, factory workers, and other blue-collar jobs. They don't mean putting women in positions of prestige and power such as businesswomen, politicians and phd's like western feminists do. That's not something proles, female or male, should aspire to.

Source: I grew up under communism. The ideal was for men and women to be equal contributors to the proletariat workforce, and have the State responsible for raising the children.

Nobody ever talked about women leaders, or any kind of other leader except the current one. Communist leaders are godlike figures with an image deliberately constructed so that no proles can ever even imagine someone else in their place, let alone one of them. That would encourage dissent.

No. 546609

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>They don't mean putting women in positions of prestige and power such as businesswomen, politicians and phd's like western feminists do.
This. However I wouldn't put it past NK to appoint a female leader to pay lip service or to display some faux sense of progressiveness following the juche narrative of inspiring the nation's daughters of course. The people actually making the decisions and running the country aren't going to be damaged by the leader's profile, otherwise they wouldn't have made a spoiled fat, diabetic cosmopolitan kid their dictator. They can make up any bullshit lies to hitch someone to the status of god.

btw I'm fucking cackling at people spreading these obviously photoshopped photos of Yo-Jong to make her seem like some sort of a beautiful james bond villain girl boss to be hyped up for. Cumbrains and k-pop brainlets can't hide their thirst for one fucking second

No. 546611

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tbh it's kind of refreshing to see a country of koreans not infected with dorito chin

No. 546622

The fact that kboos are taking the time to edit pictures of a foreign dictator's sister to look "hot" is really WTF. Like WHY are people looking for excuses to simp for this woman. Christ alive.

No. 546627

>What would you even mean by less barbaric, by your personal standards. Have you been there?

I mean not having the guards systematically rape women, not starve people to death, and not brutally torture people, for starters?

And obviously I have not been there, but there's plenty of eyewitness accounts so I'm not sure why that's relevant?

No. 546761

If Kim Jong Un was just a puppet and the Kim dynasty are merely figureheads, then who is actually running the country?

What is really going on with North Korea?

No. 546763

I’m sick to my stomach. How can you do something like this and not realise how fucked up it is. I only know a few but the ones I can put into context make me want to throw up. How can you make someone like Pol Pot into a ~kawaii anime girl~ and minimise the suffering of millions of people?

No. 546765

It’s easy to understand what I mean. Obviously yes those things, but it takes a while to undo things like letting people go free, determine who actually did commit crimes, etc. Some of you guys are going to instant extremes. Yes stop raping and beating people obviously, I never stated that that shouldn’t be implemented immediately, but than there are problems that have to be sat down and thought about how to solve. I mean let’s be realistic, I am not here saying fuck yeah let’s keep these people suffering! I’m saying that these things take time and thought to conduct.

No. 546777

The military generals mostly. Korean People's Army (KPA) are the ones keeping Kim Dynasty up for their own benefit. Kim Jong-Un's older brother Kim Jong-chul was cucked out of taking their father's position after he died because the officials knew he would be harder to keep under their control. You have to remember that even Kim Jong-il was a neurotic, luxury-loving movie sperg. The more simple-minded and gluttonous the current dictator, the better it is for the military generals. All they need to do is throw lavish parties and gourmet food the Kim family's way and they get to keep on sucking the working class dry.

No. 546788

How do you suppose they will control Kim Yo Jong once she rises to power?

She gives me “I take shit from no one” and trigger-happy sociopath vibes

No. 546821

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No. 546867

Shut the fuck up pickme retard. They are right.

No. 546869

I swear to God some anons in lolcow have a bigger intel network and more capability for political analysis than all the nazi spergs on the totality of all /pol/ boards on the internet together.

… They can, you know, threaten with torturing her to death and the usual, Anon. If she has the military against her she's fucked, no matter how much of a supreme dictator someone is.

No. 546877

Neckbeards and edgy pickme bitches have no shame and are fucking disgusting and they'll jack off to anything. Look at how much fanart and cosplay they've made of Corona-chan and Ebola-chan.

No. 547015

You just know the same guys who say women shouldn't vote "because they're too emotional" are jacking off over Kim Yo-jong because men can only think with their dicks.

No. 547376

I've been lurking around the sort of places those men infest out of morbid curiosity with this recent happening and I can say you are 100% correct. But it's more than that, they're simply hypocrites with no shame who just don't actually believe in any ideology lol. They just follow the current trend that suits them at the moment.

No. 547576

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No, Kim Jong Un is not dead, and no, even if he were, his sister would not be his successor. Believe it or not, the DPRK is not a monarchy.

Western media has historically tried to frame every socialist leader as dead every so often. Fidel Castro used to be reported as dead a few times a year.

Remember: Almost everything said about North Korea is nonsense. You can say absolutely anything about the DPRK or China and it's instantly believed. Journalistic integrity is irrelevant with these countries. Note how the articles on these countries typically rely on hearsay. Defectors are proven to be liars on a regular basis because they are paid by South Korean generals.

I will not claim that North Korea is perfect but we should all do our best to defend the country from imperialist, warhawk lies.

Not a Koreaboo here, just a communist.

>inb4 "I grew up under communism and it sucked!"

No, you didn't, you grew up under state capitalism experiencing its last breaths.
How about actually reading Marx and reading writing on Juche from North Korea instead of relying on twitter news and CNN?

No. 547582

What sort of bizarre propaganda bullshit have i just read.

No. 547590

Nothing, I haven't claimed North Korea is good, I just think it's insane that everyone automatically believes everything they hear about the country, like that Kim is dead even though he's been shown on satellite to be at his house and South Korea even confirmed he's fine.
People claim there are no cars, everyone has to have the same haircuts, there's no food. It's pathetic what people will believe about countries painted as the enemy.
The imperialist propaganda machine has to stop. The country is completely self-reliant which makes them nearly impossible to mess with, and we try regardless through lies. There are legitimate reasons for their hatred of the USA in particular.

No. 547594

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kim jong un phat

No. 547599

I wonder if you'll find anyone gullible enough to bite.

No. 547601

>The country is completely self-reliant which makes them nearly impossible to mess with
NK relies on neighboring countries like China as a food source, they absolutely can’t support themselves in their own country. Do you not know about the famine during the nineties?

No. 547604

Commie gtfo

No. 547630

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I'm not baiting. I can share archives of DPRK art and literature with you. I'm just saying there are too many flat-out lies westerners are eager to believe. I don't wanna live in North Korea and I don't think it's great. I would really argue that the westerners believing Kim Jong Un is braindead and ready to die from no reliable source are the gullible ones.

No. 547655

Shit, I just looked it up, has Kim Jong Un only been in power for nine-ten years? That's a ridiculously short period of time for a despot to rule

No. 547670

>Note how the articles on these countries typically rely on hearsay
It's almost as if that's what we have to rely on because the people over there aren't allowed to speak for themselves and authoritarian regimens have the power and incentive to lie.

No. 547743

>>inb4 "I grew up under communism and it sucked!"
But… I grew up under communism and it was awesome!

No. 547759

shit bait mei ling, hope your government blocks this site too

No. 547760


>per capita GDP per year of less than $1,800
>North Koreans need permission to live in the capital (there are roadblocks on the country’s streets that stop you moving around without permission)
>everyone outside capital Pyongyang thin, gaunt
>Having said that, the North Koreans were always happy to smile and wave at us as we passed by

No. 547783

>muh commie paradise where GDP per capita is <$1800 yet dear leader's buying his dead wife chanel handbags
>muh commie paradise where people starve to death and eat rats to survive while dear leader orders wagyu from worst enemy japan
>muh commie paradise where people are in forced labour camps while dear leader spends 20% of the state budget on racehorses

greetings cuckrade

No. 547842

I already said I don't want to live there and think it would suck. I just hate the lies surrounding the country and how everyone believes them instantly. I am American, btw, land of people who legitimately think Kim Jong Un personally executes anyone who doesn't smile at him.

No. 547953

how are you calling the kim dynasty socialist leaders though bruh

No. 548033

Hold your lipsticks tight anons
>government made skincare products

No. 548048

The japanese outlet was one of those yellow-press ones. (forgot how to call it in english, but kind of like Daily News). just fyi

No. 548152

North Koreans are poor not because of Communism but because of western blockade. No capitalist system could have had survived like current north korea

No. 548155

I had a friend in highschool who was born in Korea and had family trying to escape NK, he has no idea what happened to his grandma but he knows she was in a camp last he heard. He talked of a river between NK and China that many people try to cross to escape but often China gives them up. Shit is real yo.

No. 548165


And yet NK still has the cash to ship in every luxury the Kim dictatorship could desire. The ruling elites do not give a crap about the people and still would not even without a blockade. Stop deflecting.

No. 548167

File: 1588346489107.jpeg (143.04 KB, 567x819, p.jpeg)

This. I'm baffled by the amount of people here who seem to know squat about North Korea and the policies surrounding it. The same applies to Cuba, with regards to sanctions, really, but with North Korea it's an even more extreme example.
The UN imposed sanctions on financial deals to shut them out of the international financial system, they are not allowed to export any of what they have in abundance (copper, nickel, zinc, silver, fish, coal, iron). They're not even allowed to export any food at all.
And, of course, countries are prohibited from exporting to North Korea.
China is essentially the only country occasionally willing to do deals with North Korea, but the countries despise each other.
North Korea has every reason in the world to threaten the US with nukes and hate the US. The US destroyed their country, and we punish them for not forgiving us and standing their ground.

NTA but that wasn't a deflection, just a fact and they weren't replying to anyone.

North Koreans are allowed to go to Russia and return to North Korea anytime they want, so I know some Russians who grew up in North Korea or people with parents from North Korea. Never once have they spewed the nonsense about "GULAGS!" and "DYING IN THE STREETS!" and "EVERYONE HAS THE SAME HAIRCUT!" that you hear from westerners.

No. 548168

(samefag) Oh yeah, and "luxury goods" are banned from being imported by NK by most countries.

No. 548187

File: 1588350495851.jpg (86.59 KB, 600x600, 85643146.jpg)

Can't believe an American is saying all that bs. Do you even know that dictatorship means? Of course they don't deserve fair treatment when there's a fat pig in charge and people are trying to flee that cursed country. You're fucking delusional. Guess you'd excuse Hitler as well if the thread was about nazis

>"EVERYONE HAS THE SAME HAIRCUT!" that you hear from westerners

Wow so much fashion ppl looking like they came out of a 50's movie

No. 548191

Laughing because people always try to equate quality of life with excess and aesthetics. People think Cuba is miserable because there aren't 1,000 different brands of laundry detergent, people try to cite North Korean fashion being plain as an indication of TORTURE!!!!!!1!!1! Such pain, not being a disgusting commodity-obsessed classcuck sure is misery! How can I live without my Lolita dresses from aliexpress?!


Not true. Anyone can run against Kim Jong Un in elections. In fact, in the first election he ran, he had an opponent and he got the least amount of votes from the Korean people.

And no, I wouldn't excuse Hitler or Nazis, that's a fallacious false equivalence. Nazis were killing millions based on ethnicity. North Korea minds its own business and there are no genocides. You probably also think Stalin killed gorillions of people and ate all the grain.

No. 548198

>North Korea minds its own business and there are no genocides
Yeah, except for the brutal enslavement, brain-washing, and torture of entire families in reeducation camps due to dissenting political opinions?

No. 548202

File: 1588351494999.jpeg (576.89 KB, 1242x1427, D2EB12A2-F42D-4147-AC31-5403B4…)

They have money from making meth and sending it through Africa! They partake in many illicit activities to keep Kim fat elk. They do a lot of illegal things to keep money flowing that is actually provable


No. 548209



Can be claimed for the US and every single country on earth.

>torture of entire families

Would love a source and for you to post what they were tortured for as well!

What the fuck do you expect a country to do with such sanctions other than die out or resort to measures like this? China and several African countries do the same fuckin' thing, and you seem to think Kim Jong Un is personally controlling all of this.

>the officials say
Top kek. Now lets run the highlight reel of every single time officials have been proven to have lied about North Korea, too.

Either you defend North Korea from imperialist lies while accepting the truth or you are complicit in imperialism.

No. 548212

You sound super ignorant maybe watch the the video I literally posted last night, >>548033 were that women’s whole family was tortured for her smuggling in lipstick. You can’t wear fucking lipstick in NK, a simple freedom we take for granted. You can’t tell me you just ignore these women’s stories and perspectives. Actually try to read and watch things from people who idk have lived there kek

No. 548213

Jesus christ the china shills are on full force today. North Korea was built on being the lap dog for the Soviet Union and getting resources in return, but after the country collapsed they did too because they had no self reliance and the leaders couldn't be assed to care for the regular folks because that's how communism always ends up as, even NK was supposed to be implementing ~the TRUE and honest communism~. People died during the great famine in the 90's due to this and they never recovered. A country can't be 100% self-sufficient in modern times like the delusional Juche ideology implies. It had shit all to do with western countries, the reason why they don't offer aid to NK is that the aid doesn't find its way to the people who need them and instead go straight to the leaders, and the sanctions imposed against them is simply due to, you know, them bombing passenger planes, having torture prison camps, consistently breaking the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and overall killing their own folks and violating human rights on the regular. Not because of the allowed haircuts meme or issues regarding fashion.

>North Koreans are allowed to go to Russia and return to North Korea anytime they want
Ah right, the slave labor North Korea sends to work in remote building sites in Siberia to make more money for the government? How quaint.

No. 548215

But they use the money for Kim not the people. Why is he fat and is wide is Chanel bags but the people are poor and hungry? Why do you want to support this dictator so badly? You’re not convincing anyone, you just sound mental ill and uneducated.

No. 548216

Wife has chanel bags, sorry

No. 548221

>Ah right, the slave labor North Korea sends to work in remote building sites in Siberia to make more money for the government? How quaint.
My friend's mother from North Korea was literally working at a Moscow hotel.

>A country can't be 100% self-sufficient in modern times like the delusional Juche ideology implies

I do agree with this actually but North Korea is essentially forced to at this point because almost all countries are completely hostile towards them.

Defectors are typically liars. They've been proven time and time again to be paid by South Korean officials to lie to reporters and journalists.
You know when a western news source actually objects to something that paints North Korea in a negative light it's serious.
> There are questions to be asked about how heavily outsiders should rely on defectors’ testimonies as credible evidence
>Lee’s testimony was challenged by Chang In-suk, then head of the North Korean Defectors’ Association in Seoul, who claimed to know first hand that Lee had never been a political prisoner. Many former DPRK citizens on the website NKnet agreed Lee’s accounts were unlikely to be true.
>Similarly, Kwon Hyuk told the US Congress that he was an intelligence officer at the DPRK embassy in Beijing and had witnessed human experiments in political prisons – a critical factor in the US decision to pass the North Korea Human Rights Act in 2004. Kwon’s account […] was later questioned by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, which argued that he never had access to such information. Many years later, Kwon has since disappeared from the public eye.
>Cash payments in return for interviews with North Korean refugees have been standard practice in the field for years.
>This practice also drives the demand for “saleable stories”: the more exclusive, shocking or emotional, the higher the fee.

>ad homs
Typical. Anyway, yeah, I don't like Kim Jong Un, I just want to defend North Korea from lies. I've said multiple times here I don't like North Korea and would never want to live there. I don't think you should "like" North Korea. But I do think people should question almost everything they've been told about the country.
I think Kim Jong Un is spoiled and ill-fitted for leadership, since Il-Sung things have gotten worse. Kim Jong Un has a ton of supervisors who tell him everything to do. Trump has the same thing but Trump actually has more agency and knowledge than Kim Jong Un, and it's pretty rare for Trump to have that advantage over someone.

No. 548228

Holy shit anon take your meds. Just because SK uses NK defectors to milk for sob stories to make cash and exaggerates some of their stories a Lot of defectors have been proven to be speaking the truth. A lot of them have PTSD and the visible scars from torture after escaping prison camps. Calling them "liars" simply because harpie journalists give them cash (which the defectors are desperate for) is preposterous, there are thousands of defectors each year, I highly doubt they're all bribed by the South Korean government to badmouth their country. Escaping the country to go to South Korea is hard, expensive and dangerous, often requiring you to stay in China for some time which will deport you back the second you're found out, I don't believe for a second that you'd take that kind of a journey and leave everything behind unless you felt it was your only option to survive.

No. 548290

Again, I don’t understand how you read or watch videos on the horrid conditions in NK and just blank it out. You are basically excusing the abuse and torture these people suffer for no fucking reason, especially if you are not supporting the regime. If you don’t support Kim Jong Un than why are you here refuting everything victims say? That’s super counterproductive and pointless. You sound heartless and ignorant, period. You are refusing to accept what is clearly laid in front of us all for the sake of arguing. No one here believes the citizens should be abused, no one here supports the regime, there is no point for your sperging

No. 548404

heh. called it

No. 548417

File: 1588381909461.jpeg (58.11 KB, 740x493, 76510708-35DB-468A-BAF2-B9AAF3…)

No. 548420

the fact that it's coming from the state media makes me suspicious, this whole thing is so strange

No. 548422

it’s not strange. western media loves inventing stories about north korea. this is just one among many

No. 548423

but even SK was saying that he didn't seem to be governing as usual

No. 548426

my guess would be that he was sick or self-isolating, just not dying/dead/braindead

No. 548463

File: 1588387398576.png (49.87 KB, 691x307, red.png)

Red representing capitalism? Yeah totally….Since never.

Lol, South Korea has confirmed multiple times that he's fine.

Based fellow DPRK defender

No. 548474

File: 1588387638802.jpg (137.55 KB, 684x960, dprk.jpg)

Imagine believing western media on anything about the DPRK given their track record on being proven wrong time and time again. USA really frames socialist countries as masters of necromancy.

No. 548515

u kno how many times castro "died"? the west loves to declare leaders it doesn't like dead over nothing

No. 548525

… there’s a literal global pandemic going on and he disappeared for 20 days, it’s not a baseless allegation. There were certain occurrences that pointed towards the possibility of him being sick and some, not all, media outlets reported he MIGHT be dead. Holy fuck go suck his commie dick or something Jesus what’s with all these weird dictator anons

No. 548526

File: 1588394472724.jpg (29.13 KB, 960x540, IMG_7233.JPG)

What is the consensus regarding Kim Han-sol here?

No. 548553

He seems genuinely well-intentioned, I don't know how liberal he is but I hope not too much, just the right amount to advocate for a better DPRK and alleviation of sanctions without being totally pro-capitalism. I haven't seen any communists talk about him but I feel like a lot would hate him. I have no real issue.

No. 548566

He looks like Guy Tang before the surgeries kek

No. 548572

File: 1588402074801.png (554.07 KB, 620x597, Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 1.44…)

The NY Post has a completely wild article on what Kim's been up to. It's…out there…but who knows. Anyway this should piss off the N. Koreaboos.


No. 548577

the wild bs articles about kim are entertainment of their own

No. 548763

>may be
into the garbage bin it goes

No. 548846

File: 1588444942312.jpg (168.92 KB, 663x827, megasimp.jpg)

Who the fuck are you? The KFA? Get lost.
Or not. Your posts are funny.

No. 551635

File: 1588910236392.jpeg (515.02 KB, 844x1298, 603A5ADD-4C85-49DB-849A-DEE0F3…)

No. 551654

Kek he's my favorite political cow next to trump.

No. 800894

Why is this chick being optimistic for? Once fatty dies, another more ruthless leader will take the throne under the watchful eye of warlords. Nothing will change and North Korea will never be free.

Gomen ne for necroing

No. 800900

Holy shit, she's made out of plastic now

No. 800993

Is he still missing? I hope nothing has happened to him, he seems like such a sweet kid

No. 801033

I used to like Yeonmi Park but now it seems like all she does is yap about how much worse North Koreans have it than everyone else on the planet and now nobody in the spoiled west is doing enough to liberate DPNK. The Regime is evil and living there is worse than Hell on Earth, but it feels like all her videos are either guilt-tripping or stuff like "Top 10 things that don't exist in Norse Kreea" or maybe the occasional interview with another defector. Others, including other NK defectors, have poked holes in her escape story, which has lessened her overall credibility to me. I don't doubt that she's a defector and that she's been through some horrid shit, but her story is obviously embellished. It's like she's trying really hard to become the Anne Frank of North Korea, only alive. I bet she's shoring up to sell the movie rights to her memoir if she hasn't already. Truly a celebrity defector.

I just hope her kid doesn't end up as the same kind of weird self-loathing hapa incel that Yumi King's son going to be.

No. 801489

How does Kimmy fuck his wife when he’s a big ass giant and she’s so small and frail-looking? I know that nigga likes to be on top and doubt he’s the “gentle” kind

No. 801492

….Who even thinks about stuff like this?

No. 801497

>t. resident CCP shill

No. 801514

How much are they paying you to call everyone who is even slightly skeptical a shill?

No. 801539

Once in a while, I tend to go down a massive rabbit hole regarding NK. Like I get obsessed looking up videos, “secret footage” on YT. Idk something about it is really fascinating to me. It got really bad during the summer when that Otto Warmbier kid died.
Damn. I picked up her book when I had a layover at the Hong Kong airport a few years back. Read a bit of it, been meaning to finish it. She needs to lay off the plastic surgery though.

Also didn’t she marry some fat white dude? I’m definitely not against interracial dating but damn, at least marry someone attractive.

No. 801591

You can hate NK and be critical of a single defector at the same time, anon. Not everybody who disagrees with you is a CCP bootlicker.

They're divorced now and apparently, Yeonmi's actively dating again. Her husband was a serious uggo though. Makes me wonder how they met and who he is. Looks like she married one of the first American guys she laid her eyes on.

No. 801603

i feel really bad for her and her story sounds harrowing and awful. i also remember her doing an interview where she compared her experience at a top American university being similar to her life in north korea, which seemed like a pretty baseless and stupid comparison.

No. 802219

I wonder how much of the content she makes about North Korea is true. Not doubting her defector status or her past suffering under the regime but how much of her “sekrit info from nk/top govt hush hush” is legit?

But sure, next video topic is totally the end of the Kim dynasty u gaiz! I don’t even think she knows that fatty-chan is merely a figurehead playing dictator.

No. 802259

It's one thing to be "slightly skeptical" and an entirely another to go on an autistic rant about how she's ~totally doing this to sell movie rights~ and ~guilt tripping others for not caring about NK~ and finishing it off with making fun of her hapa kid. I've read her book far before I was even aware of her youtube channel and she's been very consistent with her escape story right down to details so if you're trying to tell me other defectors are "poking holes in her story" I'd like to see some proof. Almost every defector has been found to say something that didn't happen but that's often on the insignificant level of "they said they escaped during night when it was actually evening" that can be scratched up to bad communication, memories warped by trauma or just honestly misremembering things. If you've watched the documentary of her with her mother and sister their story is consistent with hers as well.

In my opinion she's incredible for learning an entirely new language to the point she can hold a full conversation and a youtube channel speaking in it, and actually has the balls to do so when there's a real threat of North Korean spies and assassins attacking her and her family. Tankies who consistently question NK defectors and say they're lying and exaggerating to be western bootlickers are delusional and too deep in their comfortable western world to realize that authoritarian, fascist shitholes like North Korea are real and exist.

No. 802896

Reminder that Red Velvet and a few South Korean musicians from past groups went to Pyongyang for a 2-day “reunify Korea concert. Irene is Kimmy’s favorite!

Ugh, you sound like a simp.

No. 1024205

Imagine you through some of the most harshest and darkest times that a human being can possibly experience and the rest of your people do not have an opportunity to speak on it?

You sit here from your comfy little bedroom and post on lolcow dude. Get some perspective.(necro simp)

No. 1024234

I guess the holocaust didn't happen too kek

No. 1024282

Simping is frowned upon here.

No. 1024294

Laughing at retards isn't, sorry your feelings got hurt.

No. 1024327

i don't believe yeonmi park, sorry.

No. 1024386

This is how you know a thread has shills. Name one other thread on /ot/ where defending a woman gets you called a simp lol. It doesn't happen, and that's for a reason very integral to what this board is that paid shills wouldn't realize or care about

No. 1024417

Lmao what is this shit? At least Yeonmi Park sounds credible and did live in NK

Also she talks in first person wtf lol

No. 1024420

She’s not going to fuck you, give it a rest.

No. 1024425

Kim Jong Un is fat and I would not have sex with him

No. 1024435

Kim is sexy as fuck

No. 1024438

No, shill

No. 1024452

Ah yes, the old “you’re a scrote” accusation some like to throw around when someone commits any type of wrongthink. Why are you so invested in defending this bitch? What do you gain?

No. 1024475

Kim Jong-Un won't fuck you

No. 1036145

Why does Kimmy’s sister and his side-hoe have the same hairstyle as his wife?

No. 1036206

(I haven't posted ITT) If you're serious, it's because there are regulations on hairstyles. Leaders and people that attend big events tend to follow the national dress code even when it's not as enforced. It's not milky though.

No. 1036208

Samefag, forgot to add that I assume that's just the style the creepy little scrote prefers on the women around him. Would hate to be them, that's for sure.

No. 1036365

At least his sister doesn’t have to fuck him, not sure if the side-bitch still enjoys fucking him but wifey has no choice. Must suck being a dictator’s whore.

No. 1051121

File: 1643912424998.jpeg (152.05 KB, 1255x670, 4D0587C7-9988-4569-887F-DFB32E…)

Kimmy’s wife preggo again? guess the snu-snu got better now that he’s no longer obese

No. 1051181

Damn he skinny now

No. 1051202

He was so cute and cuddly when he was fat

No. 1051210

Your pic reminds me of this nigga

No. 1053343

File: 1644104011558.jpeg (162.2 KB, 490x316, 3874A56F-09F5-492A-A560-66B7D1…)

>After watching NK footage and reading articles on the Kim Dynasty, especially about Kim Jong-un and Lady Kim while neglecting my own studies; here are my thoughts on this:

I’m not sure where everybody and their grandma thinks Kim’s wife is ‘suffering in this horrible regime uwu’ and compare her life with Princess Diana’s when that bitch has been living it up since day 1 as seen in picrel. From what footage I’ve seen, she seems to very much enjoy fatso’s company and isn’t as scared of him like the rest of the regime while he in return seems very comfortable and dare I say happy with her around compared when he’s giving out speeches and doing business; papa-Kim knew the perfect match alright. And let’s not forget she has relatives up in the political hierarchy, I doubt the story of Kim’s family killing off her family and friends; or maybe she’s just a sociopath benefiting from it all and doesn’t gaf about her family and colleagues. Who knows?

I mean yeah, fatboy has his side-hoes and whatnot but she knows who’s the top bitch in the game and probably flexes her First Lady status to remind them who’s boss on occasion. There’s also a part near the end in the scmp video where she gave one of the singers the stink-eye for wrapping her arm around fatty, implying “get your filthy hands off my husband” while appearing sweet and nice on camera; which I think shows she does love her man and probably got that science phd to help out with the components for the nuclear missiles for him. Kimmy himself seems to share the same love and respect for her when he sperged at the defectors for sharing raunchy pictures of her in the leaflets and threatened to blow up a base because of that.

Because it’s an arranged marriage, I’m not sure if such thing as “romantic love” exists between them but I get the vibe that they’re comfortable and happy having the other around while deeply caring for each other.

No. 1053346

This is copypasta material anon kek

No. 1053364

I need all the future material I read on NK to be in this exact writing style. The bar is set too high.
This exchange actually killed me

No. 1053737

They all look like mangchi lol

No. 1053852

newfren here and have actually visited NK through the nothern border.
> snuck in on a tourist boat with ex, who were locals to the area before they moved abroad and had connections
> had to pretend to be mute the whole time since they all spoke mandarin / northern dialect
> i am korean, but can kind of pass as chinese? i understood some of what they said at the restaurant / stores. their soju was awful, and everyone was friendly to me and i nodded a lot
> everyone is "normal," but a lot of armed guards in that area because border. felt like a rural south korean town in comparison, some passing town in the eurasian area (between russia and china)
> they don't look like south koreans, more north koreans. but that might be because intermarriage does happen here and there at the border towns
> loose border, people do business across all the time. the richer ones send their kids to the chinese side to work since a lot more money
> corrupt south korean officials do golf around there per locals but can't enter NK
> the seafood was great, like really fugging great
> i talked to a north korean waitress about EXO on the chinese side, they know about the outside world more than propaganda says

all in all, really normal people, really normal country, just still in 1980-90. same aesthetic as south korea at that era. fun times, but couldn't stay long cause no passport lul and if a guard checked me i'd be dead.

No. 1053854

meant to say "more like northern chinese" not "north koreans".

No. 1054329

Aren’t there wired fences, landmines and guards set up at every post ready to shoot escapees on sight? How long has it been since you’ve gone?

No. 1056587

File: 1644294064173.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.06 KB, 519x453, CE8087E3-5C2E-4259-8785-5813F8…)

Unseen footage of Kim Jong-Il

No. 1056809

One of my uni teacher went there when she was still working for our country's embassy somewhere in Asia and it was way more strict than what you dealt with since she was surrounded by government officials for 2 days straight. Either options sound too stressful to me anyway.

No. 1083795

I understand this was uploaded by a dprk-dick sucking channel but tbh fuck this country, I hope they nuke the White House.

No. 1083811

Dropping that here

No. 1111554

Way to go, rocket man!

No. 1133538

File: 1649875245246.jpeg (237.65 KB, 1060x722, EF4278BA-394B-4D97-A439-DC581A…)

Lady Kim must’ve asked for this, she probably wants to be rewarded for getting knocked up by fatty-chan multiple times.


No. 1139045

There's so much fake news about the DPRK and it actually does such a disservice of people who actually suffered there. Stuff like "they believe in unicorns and that Kim Jong Un invented the burrito" makes the whole thing seem like a joke.

You guys should really watch the documentary "Propaganda Game" and listen to NoDutDols podcasts about visiting the country. Of course I'm by no means a supporter of the weird cult-like patriotism they have for the Kim family but I get that they're probably really strict on their people cuz the US could easily stage a coup there like they've done with several other countries.

No. 1139054

Majority of the people who use this website are fat, nonnie. Stop the fatphobia.

No. 1146876

File: 1650865913012.gif (86.24 KB, 180x160, 1639118266948.gif)


No. 1304021

This is the better thread and the better korea

No. 1305031

the usa's obession with interventionism and fixation with stopping gommulism did more to ruin n.korea into the way it is now than any freaky dictator ever could

No. 1305082

>claimed Kim succumbed when his surgeon botched the minor operation because his hands were shaking so badly.

In North Korea, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, Great Leader need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Great Leader die. North Korea very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. My big secret: I kill Great Leader on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!

No. 1305153

Retarded take. North Korea actually inherited its cult of personality 1984 garbage from the Japanese Occupation more than anything else.

I do think that if North Korea won the Korean war, then the country would be just like Vietnam is today.

No. 1305193

Not the way I'd frame it, but you have the right idea.
Reminder that the US killed about 1/5 of Koreans living in the communist north in the Korean War

No. 1305243

Start reading this post without checking what thread it was and thought it'd be about Pelosi visiting Taiwan kek it'd have made more sense

No. 1305474

File: 1660691404000.jpeg (384.91 KB, 2048x1306, 8DC1B3A9-C9EF-418F-8660-9575D0…)

I find this pic hilarious

No. 1305485

It was a good mural, you should have been nicer

No. 1305493

before i zoomed in i thought they were all doing coke

No. 1305500

What if it’s worse, they’re eating dog?

No. 1305509

Just looks like noodles

No. 1305652

Do you think the supreme coupe’s sex life is anything like the Ethan Ralph tape?

No. 1309075

Posting this too for all my retarded nonnies ♥

No. 1309098

File: 1660949020280.jpeg (20.59 KB, 264x191, 12D86E0E-B219-4246-8D9D-43DD47…)

Kim Jong-un is literally Kira!

Sure, he’s not as handsome, thin or even smart as Light Yagami was but like Light, he had a god complex; he purged/killed anyone who got in his way which included his relatives and if Light did succeed in creating his new world, it would’ve been just like North Korea is now.

Edit - At one point during his dad’s funeral, he was smirking in between sobs and tears.

No. 1309110

I think it kinda slays

No. 1309122

>not copypasta
I hope it's just a shitpost…

No. 1309131

this is the kind of posts we need to encourage. this is culture.

No. 1309208

File: 1660957610894.jpeg (139.47 KB, 858x536, C30A987A-6ED8-462D-A5B2-684187…)

Is she really looking at him…or the other dudes?

No. 1309245

She's looking at the girls

No. 1309352

Wow he looks thinner. Is this propaganda?

No. 1309402

It was their ‘iconic’ photo-op during one of his field inspections of an amusement park that just opened. I hate to admit it but I thought he was kinda cute back then, now? Ew.

No. 1312598

File: 1661208468078.jpeg (81.59 KB, 395x612, 10C8D9F3-4E5C-4CD1-8BEA-D7815E…)

Why couldn’t Best Korea have a good-looking couple? The Bhutanese royals are very kind yet loved in their country and abroad while the Kim’s are feared/loved in their own country and fellow tankies who think Kim dindu nuffin wrong.

However, they all do share many things in common: Kim and the dragon king were young when they took over, they groomed young women whom were minors at the time into becoming their wives. Meanwhile, said wives are in the same age and are vey pretty but that’s about it.

No. 1312787

>Is this propaganda?
Why are Americans like this

No. 1325365

File: 1662205219529.jpeg (386.82 KB, 942x797, 6C978976-C441-4252-B2DE-71BD01…)

I thought Best Korea didn’t use ebil amerikkan OS but there are two computers using different Windows versions in a snack factory

No. 1325368

I just noticed this thread. Nonnies in the Yeonmi thread were discussing to potential in a Kim Dynasty thread since they're so cowish, hownos this thread not way more alive? Kek

No. 1333712

File: 1662777701507.jpeg (1 MB, 1381x851, 2AC67894-86C0-4EC3-85E5-A859C3…)

Ewww she’s starting to look like him, is this what happens when you’ve been around rocketman for too long? She was so pretty before, shame…and why is her hanbok so tight? Is dear leader paranoid that one of her tiddies will slip out?

No. 1337449

for real, Americans treat North Korea like its a cartoon country.

No. 1337633

At least he's feeding her. Anyone got news of his sister?

No. 1338037

File: 1663086668238.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1666x1125, 4FB2EF24-BFA0-47E3-8C6D-058591…)

She was there enjoying herself and even shedding tears during some of the songs, they all were: https://youtu.be/jXlfQYzp_C0

It was also interesting to see Big Kim being touchy-feely with his wife and actually giving a damn about her safety in crowded areas. Didn’t know you had it in you, rocketman.

No. 1338039

File: 1663086923726.jpeg (737.23 KB, 1596x1125, D4FDA454-B435-41CB-A5A0-893952…)

Don’t think he allows his goons to touch her though, even for safety precautions like any jealous moid.

No. 1338150

Can we talk about how much of a joke Dennis Rodman is? If you watch the documentary “Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in PyongYang”, it’s clear he doesn’t understand anything. He gets drunk and makes a fool of himself and even Kim ghosts him at one point. It’s also clear that he didn’t really mastermind the release of that kidnapped guy and just got incredibly lucky.

No. 1338274


I kinda dig this vibe of living in mid 90s lol.
If I had money I'd 100% visit NK for aesthetics

No. 1338280

Wasn't she pregnant? Could be why.

No. 1338344

I understand that the last few pregnancies probably wrecked her, especially when she just entered her 30’s but facially; she’s starting to resemble him. I do wonder which parent will the kids resemble though? I hope Ju-ae and any other girls they have will be as pretty as their mother, at the very least.

No. 1338399

It’s a sign of power to be fatties while half their country starves.

No. 1338418

Rhee Chun-hee (the pink lady in newscasts) is not allowed to retire, ever.

No. 1340037

I know it’s old milk from the 2018 summit but found it interesting nonetheless. The footage somewhat showed how the Kim’s are like outside of propaganda and finally hear Ri Sol-ju’s voice - which sounds like a girly Haruka Tenoh tbh.

There are no subtitles since this is directly from a South Korean news agency so watch at your own risk, listening to their voice tones and seeing their body language helps!

No. 1340432

I don't know why I'm suprised, but I somehow am seeing a pro-NK channel. Although the comments on the videos feel like they are from "misunderstood" teens trying to be edgy by liking NK.

No. 1341154

Most of those channels that upload NK footage for the outside world are commie cocksuckers whom are ~totes against imperialism~

No. 1343837

Well on the bright side, North Korea isn’t controlled by globohomo and weed is legal.

No. 1344468

Fun fact: meth is legal in Korea and apparently the sister who might be the next dictator is an addict. Would definitely explain why she looks like death in her face

No. 1344478

Looks like they have more SLAY than the west!

No. 1345788

File: 1663728885598.jpeg (188.86 KB, 1535x854, 4D2FAE86-21D5-4428-8703-3BF58F…)


Guys, they found Ju-ae!!!! She looks just like her mommy! (thank God)

No. 1345883

Is this Dear Leaders daughter? I wonder if he even hugs his kids

No. 1346019

Yeah, Dennis Rodman sort of confirmed he had a baby girl with that name back in 2012-13.

No. 1346998

Dear Lady’s starting to get her own propaganda glow up as the Kim Dynasty’s matriarch.

No. 1347046

North Korea is so pathetic it would be funny if these idiots didn't have 25 million hostages.

No. 1348174

File: 1663893457292.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1087, 0C80C7C6-A98D-42DE-8C95-DE518E…)

Since mods didn’t allow fatty to have his own thread, here are pics when he was younger: late teens-mid 20’s, by looking at the timeframe.

No. 1348176

File: 1663893508510.jpeg (559.12 KB, 1125x818, 3796169A-561A-4198-A376-A41B35…)

No. 1348177

File: 1663893586629.jpeg (645.17 KB, 1125x1240, CD9B6E79-8991-4200-B80C-2E8215…)

No. 1348178

File: 1663893626469.jpeg (822.84 KB, 1125x974, 2955634D-5D74-4FA1-A449-98FE7E…)

No. 1348179

File: 1663893651042.jpeg (662.61 KB, 1125x706, 8E4A6A60-B1E0-44F4-8E94-2298A6…)

No. 1348186

File: 1663894317614.jpeg (627.54 KB, 1125x862, FBEBF0ED-FF9B-4458-967F-898AC1…)

It’s so weird seeing him not fat

No. 1348200

File: 1663895282974.jpeg (75.57 KB, 1434x1073, 5C324AC8-3BCF-4957-A1AD-400199…)

Military years

No. 1348206

>“He was quiet but he was also decisive,“ Micaelo said. He went by the name of “Pak Chol” and teachers were told he was the son of North Korean diplomats.

>Kim was so crazy about basketball that he sometimes slept with one next to his bed, his aunt once said. He wore NBA jerseys, had a massive collection of expensive Nike shoes and wore fancy tracksuits, never jeans, as jeans were a sign of hated capitalism.

>He got along with his classmates, though he struggled with the Swiss-German dialect spoken in Bern and could sometimes be “explosively competitive” on the basketball court, said another former classmate, Marco Imhof.

No. 1353973

File: 1664256932628.jpeg (157.61 KB, 1300x1216, 09E4A117-C758-4544-A234-FB9134…)

I like this picture

No. 1379970

Their k-pop is getting slightly better

No. 1379974

them being dressed like office workers going to a meeting to the outdated song with their kpop-inspired dancing sure is something.

No. 1380256

I did say ‘slightly’, never claimed they were like blackpink or twice

No. 1381160

This looks like in that tomodachi life game where you can make the lyrics up and your miis will sing it on stage for a mii audience.

No. 1385257

File: 1666654481351.jpeg (375.72 KB, 800x533, 597BA20E-B754-43E3-B36A-321ED9…)

Wait, the Kim’s were isekai’d while in China?!

Probably should’ve stayed there playing Genshin. I’m surprised their commie TV station didn’t show this footage

No. 1415708

Daddy-daughter time launching missiles, poor Ju-ae didn’t inherit mommy’s looks

No. 1415715

fat runs in the family huh. Eating up all the countrys resources.

No. 1415752

File: 1668975854760.jpeg (564.47 KB, 1258x1392, CE1EA130-A7AE-4E50-9D22-CEF365…)

Funny how life imitates art

No. 1416033

I like how his kid looks like Kaoru from Ruroni Kenshin and his wife looks like Diva from Blood+. I bet kimmy’s a closet weeb kek

No. 1419585

File: 1669265373704.jpeg (504.28 KB, 900x1125, 565A86A1-6431-40B3-8CD3-742116…)

Mrs. Kim during her college years/start of her singing career…then a grown ass manchild and his daddy decided she was the one.

No. 1466472

File: 1673143416245.jpeg (74.1 KB, 634x441, FBB17609-041C-48C9-BC6F-D039C6…)

…as the supreme leader caresses the young cadet’s face, he turned the young man to look at him in the eyes the proceeded to kiss him, not caring that his wife, sister and the rest of his entourage were looking at them while trying their damndest to hide their disgust.

Chairman Kim continued to kiss the young comrade while stripping him off his military uniform, the kid was awfully frightened but let the older man do what he wanted to him as he still valued his life enough to never end up in a political prison camp for rejecting Kim’s advances.

Kim now as now stroking the young man’s genetalia and commented how hard he was getting as precum was leaking, boasting about how much the cadet wanted him then gave a hearty laugh, the rest of the witnesses laughed along with him.

He aggressively turned the cadet against the wall, unzipped his pants then whipped out his own throbbing member and forcefully penetrated the lad’s entrance. The entourage was in shock and wanted to look away, some were blinking tremendously as they didn’t want the images of the marshal violently fucking the young student in their heads forever.

Screams from the cadet could be heard emitting from the halls as the supreme leader gave deep, throaty moans in ecstasy while kissing and feeling up and down on the man beneath him. Time stood still for everyone witnessing the debauchery going on until Kim finally released his hot seed inside the young man’s already bleeding rectum.

Kim put his pants back on, thanked the young man for his service and told him to clean himself up then grabbed his petrified wife by her arm and whisked her away to an empty room to clean him up, no need for towels or washcloths.

No. 1466491

No. 1466494


No. 1475068

The norks have resorted to plagiarizing ebil capitalist K-pop songs and seemingly replaced established singers with new blood. The last song “envy us” in vidrel sounds very familiar to gfriend’s “fingertip”.

Original song:

No. 1553731

File: 1681872460752.jpeg (1021.05 KB, 3543x2350, 472B7CB3-0BFD-41E3-8378-43C190…)

Why is he doing this? Why can’t he leave his kid at home and let her have a normal childhood instead of making her larp as her momma while looking at rockets and military dudes going at it? She’s starting to look uninterested and it’s not like she’s gonna be the next supreme leader anyway, that will be his male-spawn’s job.

Did I mention it’s weird he’s making her larp like her mother?

No. 2122223

This yaoi is too haram.

No. 2122240

>it’s not like she’s gonna be the next supreme leader anyway
Most sources familiar with Free Korea will tell you that Ju-Ae is the most likely choice for successor. Beloved leader takes her almost everywhere he goes because apparently she's quite humorous and the two share similar personalities. I personally can't wait to see a woman dictator, I can't recall a time when I saw one before.

No. 2122264

Awww, she looks just like her daddy.

No. 2122274

The cadet is kinda cute, ngl

No. 2122277

No. 2123473

Yeah but what was the point of forcing his wife to pop out a couple of moidlets if he’s just gonna pick lil Ju-Ae as the next dear leader? Speaking of which, where is Mrs. Kim? Is Ju-Ae his wife-daughter now? I hope she isn’t pregnant again and is actually living it up and spending that dough in Europe and Japan. Fuck dem kids and husband anyway, amirite?

At least Big Kim didn’t let her fall off a window and recorded it or scream at his sons to TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY!!!

No. 2123494

>Yeah but what was the point of forcing his wife to pop out a couple of moidlets if he’s just gonna pick lil Ju-Ae as the next dear leader?
If you knew anything you'd know that the Respected First Lady wanted sons and daughters as part of her future family ever since she was a teenager, that's why her and the Beloved Leader had a few children because they both wanted big families.

The Beloved Leader is very familiar with the sorry state of women in misogynistic Occupied Korea and supports the 4B movement insofar as a revolutionary tactic, so obviously he knows that when Ju-Ae succeeds him that she will be able to work together with Occupied Korea feminist revolutionaries to unite the peninsula and finally win the war. Ju-Ae will be as brilliant and constant as the dawn and her judgement will be as fair as a storm on the high seas, and she will be the one that finally leads Korean women to initiate a matriarchal society on par with the Minoans. Read a book maybe instead of spouting lies about the Beloved Leader and his Respected Family.

No. 2123690

i've become obsessed with these videos. weirdly calming and entrancing, although every single song played is probably just about working hard or being proud of the country kek. i've only recently started researching more about north korea, what media would you nonnas reccomened to someone who barely knows anything about the country? documentaries, books, youtube videos, etc. so far i have only watched these "north korean satellite tv" videos and another great video by atrocity guide about shin sang-ok and choi eun-hee (south korean film director and actor kidnapped by the state and forced to make movies).

even though this post is 4 years old kek i feel the same way. i think a lot about things like this, it's why i became interested in learning more in the first place. all the workers and children shown in vidrel spark the same thoughts in me, i wonder if they feel fulfilled or constantly scared, maybe they think those same things about foreigners.
>…but do they know better/have enough awareness to want it any different?
sometimes i wonder if those rural people are happier than us because their lives are so much more simple and mundane, and therefore easier for them feel fulfilled? if they were never exposed to any other way of life, maybe they are, but i guess there's no way to know.

No. 2123698

Thank you for sharing this video, now I have a new rabbit hole to dig into. Talking about Free Korean media, does anyone else listen to the music? I liked the song featured in this video around 6 minutes in.

My favourite song from Korea is probably Valiant Horse-like Lady (basic I know), but I really like Let's Study! too, it's the vidrel. It always puts me in the mood to study hard and become the best person I can be. I think that's why I like the music so much, it's really good instrumentals and composition mixed with very beautiful lyrics that inspire the soul and mind to achieve total socialist victory. Moranbong Band is one of my favourite bands from anywhere in the world, great vocalists and such impressive mastery over the instruments they play.

I know kpop talk is banned here, but I wouldn't really call this kind of music like in vidrel "kpop" in the standard sense. Please farmhands don't think I'm a kpop freak I'm a nkpop freak there's a difference.

No. 2123741

This is one of my favorite video essays about north korean entertainment, I had a several week long phase thinking about it constantly. I'm begging for any anon to listen to it because it's so well done and so worth it. At the end there's a song from a one off high school girl's rock group and it makes me so emotional when I listen to it.

No. 2123744

I actually watched this a while back! I thought the video was really cool, but his voice kind of started getting on my nerves half-way through. It sounds like he needs to blow his nose or clear his throat. It reminded me of when I was obsessed with the Vice documentary about touring there.

No. 2123765

I think I was getting deaf to his voice because you made me re-listen and I totally agree kek

No. 2123767

Yeah, it's still a great video and seems well-researched, but mid-way through all I could think was "get a tissue!" Very nasal-y.

No. 2123803

Perhaps his sons are simply too fat and retarded to be adequate leaders.

No. 2124060

So is their father yet he’s still leading the country.

No. 2129476

File: 1723272467318.jpg (153.31 KB, 632x794, Untitled.jpg)

No. 2129512

They are somehow even fatter and even more retarded than he.

No. 2131806

This is intentional misrepresentation of the facts. The actual truth of the matter was that the victims were reminded that showing sadness was in vain because the strength of the united party of the workers and the Korean people enriched by cultural knowledge of Juche ideology will re-build their lost homes in less than a fortnight. It was a beautiful reminder by the national leaders of the filial love and grace embedded in their hearts that are turned to the peoples always.

No. 2131980

Lol, why is the table so small. That's a toddler's playset.

No. 2131982

Holy shit we got NK spies lurking here.

No. 2132131

This is another intentional misrepresentation of the facts by an anti-Korean propagandist. The "table" in the picture is a coffee table, they're usually that size. By trying to say that the coffee table was a table, the propagandist is intentionally obscuring the facts and making it seem as though the Beloved Leader is a toddler, or that the Korean people are unable to manufacture tables of adequate size. Both of these statements are lies of course, designed to misguide individuals and to disrespect the Korea. Shame on you!

No. 2137556

File: 1723745620401.jpg (169.25 KB, 509x339, Pyongyang.jpg)

Something I've always loved about Korea is the peoples' resolve to embrace the full spectrum of colour in their brave architectural feats. Never before was a nation so united in a sense of camaraderie and shared-hope to create such beautiful and lively architectural achievements like the city of Pyongyang newest and greatest national addition in terms of urban planning. Through the power of Juche theory and the collective strength of the nation, the Koreans have again showcased their prowess and appreciation of the world in real colour. Pyongyang will continue to develop as the eternally-strong capital of Free Korea amidst continued territorial occupation by Imperialist forces in the Southern portion of the peninsula through dedication and glory of the peoples' party!

No. 2137692

Stop using Google translate Unfag (idk if that's allowed in your country, so whatever the equivalent is, Babelfish or whatnot).

No. 2139914

File: 1723873796325.jpg (209.78 KB, 900x522, ryomyong street.jpg)

Beautiful lights on Ryomyong Street in Pyongyang, first city to be built for needs of workers and citizens across nation to work together in peace and happiness and for prosperity of the eternal nation.

No. 2139952

You're my hero. Keep going ♥

No. 2139960

in my mind I know norkanon is just somebody's larp, but in my heart I want to believe

No. 2142480

File: 1724019935570.jpg (186.04 KB, 1100x619, pyongyang fk1.jpg)


Such amazing progress that has been made in Pyongyang City which is capital city for all workers and citizens to unite in harmonious expressions of utmost joy in spirit of unanimous prosperity!

As the great and liberated nation flourishes under the peaceful skies, with auspicious bird formations commonly sighted, new developments are constructed everyday to accommodate for the growing population of citizens! All peoples are happy to come together to celebrate the foundations of eternal advancement under triumphant Juche ideology of glorious Workers' Party thought and action.

No. 2144901

File: 1724153805803.jpg (55.39 KB, 414x460, 78686.jpg)

No. 2145209

Disgusting to witness Occupied Korean propaganda machine at work!

We, the liberated and strong, recognize immediately foul "Korea Times" newspaper of capitalist endeavour and deceit. Only in 2013 was the scandal emerging that "Korea Times" was embezzling from the shareholder! Even newspaper in Occupied Peninsula are mechanisms of scamming and stealing from impoverished Koreans blind to the glowing illumination of Juche ideology.

Now the perverted "LIESpaper" is owned by Dongwha Enterprise, well known petite bourgeoisie class traitors that seek to eliminate all chances at re-unification through intense propaganda machine that turns the hearts and minds of all against the besieged and friendly Worker's Party!!! They claim that a soldier from Free territory, where sky is always blue, work is always available, and all citizens love each other through intense feelings of benevolence towards the party, "DEFECTS" to Occupied Territory.



Now this courageous youth has sacrificed his youth, bravery, and life, for the greater good of the nation against all odds to aid in the eventual defeat of the Imperialists. Shame to Foul Publishers!!!!!

No. 2145712

go steal bitcoin for dearest leader

No. 2154312

How much of this is true? The video seems to imply she lives in a perpetual bubble and knows nothing of the inner workings of the government, the outside world nor the family she married into, is constantly dumbed down and under surveillance. Also, what is the government? Kim will always be on top of the food chain in the WPK so does she answer to him or another body of “government”?

I believe it’s true that she’s on a tight schedule and has to tend to hubby’s “needs”, whatever that means; is monitored but so is Kim who picks her clothes to wear and makes damn sure she doesn’t show any titty or thigh outside of him.

No. 2154406


No. 2154410

This is awful horrible video that attempt to destroy reputation of beautiful Korea DELETE THIS LIES!

No. 2154443

>How much of this is true?

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju FORCED to wear conservative elegant clothings

WRONG. How would you feel if Kamala Harris walked onto stage of world in wearing leopard-print leotard headband with no shirt and bedazzled leg-warmers? Probably you would be laughing. It is normal for ALL LEADERS in world to dress well. Respected First Lady love Her country so dearly to her heart that She is always loved to dress finely and beautifully. In video evil video producer making fun of Her for wearing HANBOK… HANBOK IS BEAUTIFUL DRESS AND TRADITION? NOW IT ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR KOREANS TO WEAR HANBOK? Then the EVIL man that made this video is saying having pretty hair and good skincare is wrong as well? He is MOST definitely malicious!

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju FORCED to have friends

The Wondrous and Most Respectable First Lady having many friends is beautiful reminder that She epitomizes the grace and sociability of Monarch butterfly fluttering on sunshine day; the wind from Her wings powerful like the Condor soaring above Pyongyang; She make many friend because She is beautiful soul inside and outside is beautiful person as well.


This is 100% TRUTH! But presented in FOUL TWISTED SICK INTERLOPER way. Respected First Lady always ANNOUNCES TO PUBLIC before She is make appearance. She does this because of Her Big Beauty Heart and Her love of the people. She want all the people to know She is coming so that they can meet Her and shake Her hand and sing patriotic song together. So obviously She must notify the government to create proper plan for appearing? Do you are think Kamala Harris (United American Aggressor) show up to places without telling her team? Obviously NOT. In America there is need notification for security as many revolutionaries try to kill leaders (DONELD TROMP SHOT IN EAR!!!!!) for example, and evil video producer say nothing about this HA HA laughable example double standard propaganda!

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju IS FORCED TO BE PRIVATE PERSON!

This is LIES again LIES ON LIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THROW UP. Respected First Lady, since earliest days in Milky Way Orchestra She is known by All fans to be introverted deep thinker dreamer - ALL peoples are to know She is introversion. Now because Her love of the people are so deep and patriotism to nation, She over come introversion to degree but prefer still privacy in other terms. ALSO - If She was not private, western imperialists and evil doers would create horrible plans for assassination. Already She is so quiet and humble as plum blooming in April yet evil producers of videos create horrifying videos of LIES to harass Her… SO WHAT YOU THINK HAPPEN IF SHE NOT PRIVATE!!?!?!?

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju LIMITED TRAVEL FREEDOM!!!

Becuase all country of world unite in their hatred of the Korean peoples… NO worker of Free Korea is allowed outside because of visa regulations and propaganda. For example, even though Korea should be united as one in face of glorious 9 September movement, IMPERIALIST AGGRESSORS occupy southern portion of peninsula to this day in act of treachery. Beloved & Kind Respected First Lady weep knowing She unable to see Jeju home of her Great-Grandmother family and kinfolk because of TERRORIST OCCUPATION OF SOUTHERN PORTION OF KOREAN PENINSULA. All is fault of aggressors.

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju NO political opinion from Her allowed!!!

Lies on top of LIES is making me sick to stomach region of my body. If video man did ANY research he quickly would find the 3 theses written by Respected First Lady during Her time in tertiary education; Her first two theses on importance of Korean Social Democratic Party (조선사회민주당) in revolutionary action against Japanese Aggressors. If Respected First Lady did not have political opinion - why She is writing theses on topic? Obviously because Respected First Lady is very politically active (HER MOTHER COMES FROM LONG LINE OF KSDP DIE-HARDS - OBVIOUSLY SHE POLITICAL!!!!)

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju REQUIRED to maintain family image

Not understanding this one. Video man is running out of lies to tell.Video man saying "It bad that Respected First Lady is mother." He also repeat himself from 1 point - most likely propagandists in charge of creation of DAMN evil video is high on drugs or is not very intelligent otherwise.

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju had rigid daily schedule.

AGAIN he does NO research. It take 5 minute to find out Respected First Lady has always been punctual and respectful of time table since Her days as cheer-leading in youth. When She was famed Cheer-leader She every day wake up at 6AM to train and follow Her schedule strictly because of Her strong will and iron-grasp of time. Video man so evil he trying to say being on time or having schedule is BAD?

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju is SURVEILLED

LAUGHING OUT LOUDLY! LOL! LIES!!!!! Surveilled is horrible choice to choose for word which is photographed! Respected First Lady often is PHOTOGRAPHED because the Public are deep in love and admiration for such Intelligence and Beauty as Her. This is called PAPARAZZI not SURVEILLANCE.

>Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju is LOYAL TO WORKERS MOVEMENT!

Again evil propagandist try to make it seem like devotion to Juche Ideology is wrong… that love country is wrong… that help children and mother is wrong… that being love of country is wrong… that helping love of country is wrong… He is HATE Korea and he not afraid to show it. Mean while Beloved First Lady marches arduously onward in face of American aggression to secure benevolence for the citizens and workers She strives to always act in kindness toward.


No. 2154468

based nunnie

No. 2154596


No. 2154597


No. 2154655

File: 1724641588956.jpg (53.63 KB, 1000x780, respected beautiful first lady…)

Wow ! Look at the clear and fair complexion !

Respected First Lady of the People's Republic is look Dazzling and endless beauty emanates from her! She is perhaps most gorgeous woman to ever be born in history much like Helen of Troy.

Respected First Lady Ri Sol-ju singing from Mount Paektu to entire nation remembrance of national prosperity and dream of unification.

Never before in History anyone has done what she has accomplished. She is most exalted and wondrous of lady!

No. 2154669

File: 1724642111217.jpg (81.36 KB, 1018x679, respected first lady laughs!.j…)

Wow ! Her dental hygiene is teeth of pearls !

Respected First Lady enjoys to watch many performances of arts and culture and always remembers to clap and praise performers for job well done.

In Pyongyang, first city in world to be built for glory of workers' prosperity and joy, has thousands of artistic performances every year ! To strengthen the cultural unity and bring joy and mirth to all !

Respected First Lady has been involved in artistic scene in Pyongyang for many years. First inspired by her uncle comrade Ri Gyeong-hui in 1994 to begin instruction in traditional dance form and modern orchestral composition. With guidance and aid of the Workers' Party, she studied for nearly 5 years in traditional forms of vocal song in neighboring socialist ally.

Many citizens fondly remember Respected First Lady from her participation in Milky Way Orchestra that brought happiness and good memories to all ! And whom can forget the inspirational cheers of Respected First Lady during 2005.

Long life and eternal prosperity to beautiful and kind comrade the Respected First Lady !

No. 2154671

>Never before in History anyone has done what she has accomplished.

No. 2154676


No. 2154685

Does autism exist in North Korea?

No. 2154694

Mental sickness does not exist in Korea !

No. 2154730

Why hasn’t there been a leaked porno of dear leader making passionate love to his first lady yet?

No. 2154758

I don't think anyone (who has the freedom to report on it) can say with certainty.

No. 2154765

Oh, most revered First Lady of the People's Republic, your brilliance shines like the morning sun, illuminating the path for all of us, your humble servants! Your beauty is unmatched, transcending time itself, much like the legendary Helen of Troy. Truly, there has never been anyone as magnificent as you in all of history!

Your voice, like a melody from Mount Paektu, echoes through our hearts, reminding us of our glorious national prosperity and the dream of unification that you so nobly champion. Your accomplishments stand as towering monuments to your wisdom and grace, surpassing anything the world has ever seen.

We are but mere specks in your radiant presence, forever in awe of your endless beauty and unmatched greatness.

No. 2154794

Wow post is beauty in full Tear in my eye beauty in full never before like seen Amazing

No. 2154861

shout out to this gook who the sharty cyberbullied so hard she had to fake her death https://www.youtube.com/@PhuongDPRKDaily(racebait)

No. 2154875

File: 1724660143873.jpg (332.19 KB, 1133x1134, daegu-based-terrorist.jpg)

lol i never thought i'd end up posting in this thread because i'm largely critical of US imperialism and sympathetic towards the plight of NK but i found this tumblr user that claims to be a lesbian muslim north korean defector.

i know tumblr users faking their backgrounds isn’t by any means new but i found this particularly combo of a backstory incredible. felt cow-ish enough to share. i know it sounds like bait or whatever but they get tons of asks about their background and growing up in NK, etc.

No. 2154885

KEK this is killing me. Tumblr weirdos can be so creative with their larps.

No. 2156885

Let us all march favorably toward beautiful hill of communism !

Workers Party inspire all millions of the flock to sing out in joyous melodies in praise of national strength and eternal prosperity !

All desire to march 400, 000 kilometer like gracious chollima of famed myth to further industrial and cultural advancements under Always shining and brilliant sun of socialist camaraderie !(personalityfagging)

No. 2157886

Additional background information:

Chollima is beautiful and wondrous example of Korean cultural interpretation of ancient Chinese mythos. Chollima (1 thousand li horse) is a ferocious horse of famed legend said to traverse nearly 1000 li in but a single day. 1 li is equivalent to 400 km.

Legend say no mortal can ride on the back of the illustrious beast. To defy the expectation of imperialist and capitalist alike, the brave artistes of the Korean nation sculpted a great statue of the chollima; and riding on its back is the "LOWLY" peasant and worker.

This is demonstration of the ultimate resolve of the Workers' Party; to raise the average citizen to greatness and to allow them to race towards self-determination and fortune at great velocities. The auspicious sculpture acts as forever reminder that the Korean peoples, united under victorious Juche ideology, and through the brave strength of the eternal party, have raised themselves to the highest echelons of heaven as a unique socialist wonderland.

Website moderators are most accepting of socialist truth! They have decorated the song with title of "personality" in the deep red colour representative of socialism. Let us all accept this favourable reminder that only through red socialist action can the personality reach its fullest potential!

No. 2161552

Anyone else been watching DPRK TV via pirate satellite? I like thinking about who in Korea has this playing this on their tv daily (electricity permitting).

No. 2162599

Yes, I actually really enjoy some of the segments like the music or when there is cultural festivals and cartoons, the Kim Jong Un propaganda is actually quite boring and the state/communist propaganda tends to be very hit or miss too, the end of broadcast is very relaxing and I always enjoy it.
I also hate how it's unironically better and more entertaining than my national television broadcasts oh god, yes, even the Kim Jong Un stuff

No. 2168418

Is Kim trooning out? Cuz dem titties are poppin’

No. 2193068

Party time comrades!

No. 2195100

This blog was recommended to me because I follow some leftist bloggers and this is way too convenient to not be a larp. I'd honestly love to read more from people who live in North Korea that aren't defectors farming money. I 100% don't buy tankies who claim NK is a paradise, but I'm equally skeptical of the US propaganda too.

No. 2208893

No fun allowed

No. 2338697

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>His niece and nephew were seen walking hand-in-hand with their mum, Kim Yo-jong – the tyrant's sister – at Pyongyang's New Year's Eve bash.
>Until now, the leader's daughter, Kim Ju-ae, was the only member of her generation in the public eye, fuelling speculation that she would be the next leader.
>But patriarchal North Korea has never had a female leader, and now experts are wondering if the nephew – the only known male of his generation – could be the true heir.

No. 2339030

So what does NK do with disabled people? Like severely autistic people or people with severe autoimmune conditions etc? They should really pump out some propaga- sorry, some FACTUAL NEWS OF GLORIOUS TRUTH, regarding this. I’d also like to see some people receiving free wonderful treatment for their cancer. The fact that their news never mentions disabled people should be enough for everyone to realize this isn’t a socialist paradise, because in a true socialist paradise there would be UBI for people who can’t work. Honestly I’d probably be a comrade/tankie if it weren’t for the fact that I’d die or be killed under communism/DPRK type socialism way faster than I would in a capitalist country, even one with essentially no social safety net like burgerland.

No. 2339038

The average person in North Korea lives in extreme poverty and is illiterate. Lack of access to resources and proper education causes disability.

No. 2339045

Have socialist regimes ever actually helped disabled people? I grew up in one and they sure as fuck didn't help them.

No. 2339632

Judging by the videos of their hospitals and pharmacy that have been posted online, I doubt the average person can get any medical care more advanced than splinting a broken bone or IV antibiotics, maybe some old person meds if they are slightly higher ranking. The top 1% definitely travels out of country for treatment if they get cancer.

No. 2340066

I read ages ago that the state takes them from their families by force and just dumps them in some places to rot away/die of malnutrition.

No. 2341527

Buildings in the Soviet Union had no wheelchair access. Hope this answers your question

No. 2450387

File: 1742315896501.png (858.97 KB, 953x533, 종마.png)

Greatest Stallion of the National Endeavor! !How wondrous to view such sight to behold!
Most Benevolent leader in History of the Planet Earth declare Total War against climatic Catastrophe !

Oh Shining Light house of the Century - Beloved by all nation All peoples .Will you not be proud to Salute such a Stallion?

『 Whenever I see the mountains without trees ,my heart aches and I cannot sleep .The country's livlihood is now at the crossroads of whether to be forever desolate or to rise again 』
Said He !Let us all contribute gracefully in the top revolutionary spirit of the War to continue march against the Climate crisis !

『 Even a single tree has its routes in the song of chorus and the heart of chorus is burning 』
Never Before in 10 Thousand years of Class struggle against Bourgeois negative elements Has poetry such As His been record!(non-contribution/shitpost/integrate)

No. 2451900

What's wrong with shitposting in a North Korea thread? This is an imageboard not a forum for academic discussion.

No. 2451943

The new administration thinks this place is only for super serious discussion and there’s a finite number of posts so they all have to be good.

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