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No. 5465
I'd be interested in a Skype group, honestly. The only issue that I can see coming up is the almost inevitable circlejerk and group dramu that would arise, like in /cgl/'s old tinychat groups. If we could keep things neat, things like what
>>5458 said could be avoided.
I was just thinking about making a thread where we'd post like throwaway e-mails, Skype accounts, kik, etc or whatever and make friends, but I didn't want to get BTFO for possibly making us anons easier to identify by salty lolcows.
my skype is lichrabbit by the way, i don't care if you're a mean cunt go ahead and add me
No. 5485
This is great, I'm glad we're discussing it like this because it's the reason I made this thread. I didn't want to jump in and get a Skype group together without at least going over the pros, cons and what people thought about the idea.
As I said, I'm willing to mod the calls/chats and there would be rules in place, which we would agree on and discuss. I want it to be a place for us to be able to talk about things in a more private manner, not just bullshit but a civil conversation. I know we will get trolls or shit posters but as soon as they start they will be blocked. I won’t take shit when it comes to that and hopefully after a while we will weed out the cunts and have a group of people who actually want to be involved and have a serious conversation. Of course there will be times some of us disagree but I’m hoping at least we can talk about it in an adult way without starting fights or shit.
As for concerns of people being cunts about people’s appearance and what not, you don’t have to go on cam. I kind of envisioned all of us making throw-aways and just going by a nickname (username?) so we aren’t actually putting our identity forward, but more a persona. We just enter a Skype conversation where we all just communicate through text. To start off at least until we are somewhat familiar with the each other that are part of it. Then if people are comfortable enough, and have at least gotten to know each other better, people can choose if they want to cam or make friends outside of Skype.
This is still just a thought though, so please tell me if you have any ideas on how to make this better.
No. 5604
>>5486The rooms are 10 people or less… You can pay premium though, and I think anyone can join then. Chatzy can get kind of repetitive and boring, but its okay if the room is fast.
Oh and if the room is inactive for like a month (I think?), the room deletes itself basically. Js since /b/ has slowish traffic.
No. 5694
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I'm down 2 clown.
I don't have any friends IRL who love juicy e-drama like I do, would love to chat with you guys.
Anyone willing to take the initiative to start things up? Maybe
>>5485 ?
No. 5723
>>5716I don't think you understand… I just mean you probably shouldn't reveal personal information or cam or generally attention whore. Idk. It doesnt make very much sense to to not try to be as anonymous as possible..
I think lolcow tiny chats could probably be a good thing. Sorry, I'm not contributing anything meaningful.
No. 5775
OP here.
Sorry guys I'm at my grandmas so I haven't been able to post but I have been working out this idea and such so hopefully we can give it a test run soon. From what I've gather either Tinychat or Skype seem like the best opions so far but I'm still looking for others. I'll be home in 2 days so I'll be able to post the rules I've come up with than. With your feed back we can get this started very soon.
>>5724I'm a reasonable person, I will only ban if a person breaks the rules. Even if I get personally offended by something someone says, it's not my place to ban them for that. I will just be acting as a mod for the chat, its not going to be a place for asspats. I can understand why people have a fear that the person running it will use it as thier own attention whoring platform, I have it too. Thats why I'm more than happy to do it, I just want a place that we can talk about e-drama without attention whores or white knights.
Honestly, I just want to talk to and maybe even make friends with people who are interested in the same things. And if that means modding/running tinychats to give people the space to do that than I'm all for it.
No. 7146
>>5609I've been wanting to try out toxfor a while but haven't had anyone who actually cares about encryption and security.
Is making a throwaway Skype simple or do you have to jump through hoops like providing phone numbers etc?
No. 7157
OP Here, sorry I've been MIA.
I've made a Skype so I can start adding people or I just can post the skype so you can add it, whatever is easier. I'm still looking into Tinychat, so if you would rather that idea, let me know and I'll finish that as well.
I'm still working out the kinks in the rules. But they are pretty much "no trolling" and so on. But what kind of rules are you guys wanting to see? I need your opinion now so people don't get sandy when we start this and complains about the rules.
>>6013And honestly, you are a little young but if you're not going to act like a child, I'm sure people wont have a problem.
No. 7168
>>7157All I can think of is that if you and one other user REALLY like to talk, add each other, don't spam the chat with just back and forth convo between only you two. That being said, if you don't want notifications, set yourself to "do not disturb". Don't bitch about being in the chat if you're in the chat.
I'm a little worried that it'll turn into a mini PULL and attract attention whores because the anon factor is gone though.
No. 7171
>>7168I'm going to try to do everything I can to stop attention whores. I'll give warnings if people start but if they continue they will no longer be welcome to join the chat. They can fuck off and attention whore somewhere else.
But that's a good rule, it will save the chat from getting overtaken.
The Skype is: lolfarmhand (couldn't think of anything else lol)
No. 7194
>>7193nvm got it working
No. 7955
Just a friendly reminded that the chat is tomorrow, so make sure you add the Skype if you want to be a part of it.
>>7908 If you want to add the Skype and tell me what time zone you are in I can tell you if you will make it or not.
>>7909Sorry, I did laugh though not at the fanfiction part (I wrote it too ;_;) but at the girl you were explaining. It reminds me so much of a girl I used to know. Anyways you don't have to worry about that kind of thing happening, at this point in time we are not going by our real names ect. so yeah, there is no way someone could get that obsessive unless you give them your information. Not saying that people getting to know each other better will never happen, but I think for now everyone who is apart of it is comfortable just going by a username until people decided they want to get to know one another more personally. So basically you only share as much information as you are comfortable with.