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No. 54236

Am I the only the only one this year who isn't feeling the holiday spirit at all and just feels miserable?

It can be blues about anything guys, just rant it out.

No. 54355

No, you're not the only one. I'm spending the holidays alone this year and it's been a mixture of peaceful and also really depressing.

No. 54356

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I really hate it.
I got no vibes from my family at all, my mum has slowly been killing herself to death working in the hospital. Today she doesn't have a day off either, so I'm alone.
The Christmas card she gave me wasn't personalised like she would usually do. I don't feel it at all. I'm in bed, and I wish I could sleep through the whole damn day. These holidays lately have been so crappy, that I gave everyone too tier gifts hoping that their smiles would bring smiles to my face, but it's only a temporary feeling.
Man, I'm so tired with life.

No. 54357

i don't feel it at all.
we've had no decorations up like usually, no family dinner. so far i've spent most of the time in my room, except for when we exchanged these forced presents and acted as if we liked them. christmas feels so dead this year. we're not even a family anymore, my parents are still in the middle of divorcing and none of our relatives wanted to come over. i wish i could've stayed at boarding school over the holidays. this is so tiring.

No. 54362

christmas is the worst. if anything, it reminds me of everything that's wrong in my life. i dont have anyone to celebrate with bc the few acquaintances that are in my life are bitchy and have a general nasty attitude so i just isolate myself from all the bs. it makes me feel bad that no one gives a damn about me. i woke up at 4am and got sloshed so it feels like any other dreadful, boring day.

No. 54367


>killing herself to death

No. 54381

nah, I've just been playing video games and waiting for the day to end

No. 54417

Christmas was nice, I was very happy to see my parents and exchange gifts. but on Christmas day I had a huge insomnia/anxiety breakdown and had a fit in front of my family. I'm extremely embarrassed about it, even though I could feel it coming on for weeks.

I had to leave after that and I talked to everyone afterward and apologized, but yeah. I feel like shit.

No. 54646

I'm sorry that happened, anon. I too had a breakdown. I'm really embarrassed about it as it happened in front of my dear 90-year-old grandmother.

Oh well. Over now.

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