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No. 53769

Have you ever had someone in your life copy you until no return?
Or someone who you know can view your social media accounts and are influenced by you so much they blatantly copy you with everything that you do?

Copy catting from your personality, your image, your posts, to everything in between.
I want to know that I'm not the only asshole who is bothered by this shit.

Tell me your creepy experiences.

No. 53807>>53811

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HOLY SHIT YES my time to shine has finally come. I wish I had more screencaps

a couple years ago some girl from tumblr started altering her appearance and her blog to look like mine– she dyed her hair dark and got a perm, got actual fucking blue contacts, bought the same specific jewelry and clothing as me, etc etc. she would send me tumblr anons asking me where I got certain items. I kind of brushed it off because she was younger than me and kids do that but it got weirder

I found her facebook and it was full of pictures of me as well as her, intermixed to look like they were all of her. she had posted my and my best friend's art without context. even her likes/interests were the exact same as mine, in the same order– books, films, hobbies, including the obscure stuff or pages I'd made myself. she had a closeup of my eye as her cover photo. some real creepy shit

I called her out on it and she said it was a coincidence (???) and that we just happened to look similar. she was literally pulling photos from my account and posting them to hers. she had her city listed as mine even though she lived on the opposite coast. she even posted a status on her timeline saying that she was changing her name to mine, and she wouldn't own up to it.

eventually she cut the crap and got her own identity, but then she tried to befriend everybody in my immediate circle who didn't know about the saga. after a period of schmoozing with my friends she kind of vanished. this whole thing unfolded over the course of a year or so. I don't know where she is now, but hopefully she has her own name now.

No. 53811

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I thought you should cut her some slack because she sounds like she has some serious mental problems and simply sees you as a role model, until…

>im so gomen about all this

Should've obliterated her from this existence. Fucking nuke her

No. 53812

YES! From 6th grade to 11th this one girl would copy me like no other. I met her in 6th grade like I said and at the time I was pretty lonely and a loser, I still am but you know. Anyways I met this girl, we'll call her Audrey. Basically me and Audrey clung to each other considering we were both losers who still wore tshirts with kittens on them and watched Lizzie McGuire.

7th grade comes and I grow up a bit, started dressing my age and making more friends. Audrey stayed the same, but she wanted to "be popular too!" I wasn't popular at all. I had friends, some were jocks and cheerleaders but I wasn't loved by the school or invited to every party. I was still an outcast if anything. I explained this to Audrey MULTIPLE times that year but she would always kiss my ass hoping to be in my position. Here's where to copying began.

One day in about 8th grade she came to school and followed me around where she could. You know in those kid sitcoms were the mean girl had a posse of friends agreeing with everything she did and mimicking what she did? That's exactly what Audrey was doing.

At first I didn't suspect anything, I just ignored it as Audrey being Audrey. Then 10th grade comes, and this was when scene, MySpace fame, and all that jazz was popular. I used to dress as a weird mixture of William Beckett and Gerard Way. Teased and layered hair, tight flare jeans with a bandanna tied to the knee, heavy eye makeup, tight tshirts, all that jazz.

A week after I started doing this, guess who shows up to school in the same exact type of get up as me? Audrey. It was pretty fucking freaky. Audrey was a fatty too, I've always been skinny as a twig, kind of like shmegeh before she got really bad (inb4 ana-chan). So this look I was doing looked like shit on Audrey. I mean, it looked like shit on me, too. But it looked so much worse on someone who was about 200 lbs.

This is when I flat out asked, "Are you…copying me?" Audrey LOSES it. "What the fuck no?? I've always liked to dress like this! If anything you're copying me." Yeah…okay. At this point I flat out stopped talking to Audrey. I couldn't take it anymore.

For months she tried to keep talking to me but I would either be polite and brush her off or flat out acted like it was the wind.

Next thing I know she moved, I don't know what came up of her or even where she went. I kind of hope she's doing well, she obviously had some problems.

No. 53818>>54042

This girl still haunts me. I met her in middle school and she copied me then, but not to the extent she did in high school. I think she just never had an identity for herself, but that doesn't excuse her creepy behavior.

I'm only going to note the weirdest stuff she did, because every single thing she copied about me would fill a book.

>Every time I'd change my style, she'd start dressing the exact same way

>She would buy the same articles of clothing as me from the same stores

>I cut my long hair into a pixie over winter break

>School starts and a few days later she has a pixie cut too
>Dye my hair black, she dyes hers black

>Get a boyfriend from another school

>She obsessively tells me to break up with him
>Me and bf break up after months out of nowhere
>A while later he comes over to try to fix things
>Left his FB logged in to my laptop
>See message pop up
>It's the copy-cat
>Had sent him nudes, talked about how she loved sex with him, and trash talks me over and over

>Obviously I rip her a new one and we aren't friends anymore

>I finally leave that school and transfer to graduate early

>Still hang out with some girls from my old school
>They pull up her Instagram
>She stills dresses exactly how I did before I transferred

Years later and that girl sent me a Facebook message about how she misses me. I deactivated all of my stuff (not bc of her, I was just tired of social media) so I'm not sure how she looks or what she's up to now. But damn, what a strange person.

No. 53982>>53983>>53984>>53997>>54006>>54007>>54009>>54034

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This crazy ass cunt. Parker Kelli Marie. I'm probably going to sound like a douche but whatever, I have to vent about this bitch. She has like 15k followers on IG for no reason at all. She literally copies everything I do down to the way I type. Copied and pasted my Twitter bio as her Tumblr bio basically. Calls herself a "kitten" and says "mew/meow" all the time like me now… She used to be like ~plain jane red lips black hair megan fox look i love jesus~ and always said she didn't like piercings or tattoos. She just got an assload of piercings in the same placement as mine (double nostrils, medusa). I wore a snapback over to her house and after that she started wearing a black snapback in like every picture. Oh and she got a leather collar online, I wear fetish shit out all the time and now she's just following the trend and copying me. Like my bio used to say "Your dream babe" and hers says now "Your dream babydoll". I have BABYDOLL tattooed on my knuckles. My bio said " ____'s collared & owned kitten" (my ex, took it down since we broke up) and her's says the same exact thing but "Paul's" like FUCK. Idk generally creepy had to block her cus her copying my writing style was the worst and soooo annoying. She's been accused of copying her ex's new gf, which she does very obviously with her tweets that are identical and obsessions with the same shit. They look creepily similar too. She even posts saying her height and weight as the same as Shannon… She also is way into "pouty" lips, wants surgery and shit and I've had my lips done with Juvederm twice. Also she sends herself questions on Ask.fm and it's sooo obvious.

No. 53983

What are you doing

No. 53984>>54009

Oh yeah, now she randomly puts incorrect kanji in her name and tweets in Japanese, I speak Japanese and am interested in Japanese culture.
She used to say she was allergic to weed but bc I smoke weed openly she has to be like #1 ganja queen now~ but she got sick of that identity eventually. AGH I can't stand this shit is making me more irritated I just see more and more shit she copies.

No. 53997

What she's doing with copying you is shitty but tbh you sound like absolute trash lol

No. 54006

All these trashy bitches look the same.

No. 54007

I seriously feel like you're under 18, anon.

No. 54009

Not sure if most idiotic post on lolcow.com or troll.

Most likely would get troll'd again.

Farmer's can't resist bait: Noko - I believe you need to be put down or castrated. You can't be allowed to breed. I'm assuming you're biologically male.

No. 54034

I've seen at least 10 other people with similar aesthetics and bios on tumblr or instagram, if not more. You're not special, you're just following a trend yourself.

No. 54042

oh my god that sounds like this one bitch i had in my school.
i changed schools, joined this one in 8th grade. 1st day, she sits next to me, we make small talk. back then i was ~super edgy goff~, she looked like a rich kid that didn't know how to dress properly, everything clashing, etc.
throughout the year we start hanging out and become good friends, she gets into my music, really heavily into marilyn manson (o teh edge!), starts buying some more black clothes. starts asking me to make outfits for her so she would look more goth. starts buying the exact same shit i bought, talking to the same boys i liked, ended up dating one of the, and still is to this day.
i had mental health issues, started self harming, she got mad because she couldnt copy that bit lmao.
also she was always always lying about everything, told me she knew this guy that i would get on with well, introduced him to me through skype (he was "abroad"), in the end found out it was her pretending to be the guy all along, i got so fucking mad i told everyone what a psycho she was, pretending to be someone online, people in school never really spoke to her again and made fun of her until we all graduated. also daddy funded her last big art project for graduation, i.e. bought all the work from professional designers and paid for the grades :^)
after school banker daddy bought her a flat in London, got her into a university there, sent her on holiday to New York for a few months. saw her a couple weeks back pass by my uni (we both went on to study in London), looked like a glittery whore who just got out of a dumpster.

No. 54747

This girl who use to consider me her enemy in high school decided to make amends with me when I was moving to another state.

She added me on every kind of social media I had. Suddenly she went from emo/scene girl to kyary pamyu pamyu loving pastel wearing anime loving girl. She started cutting her hair like mine, bought some of the clothes I owned and started spamming some of my favorite anime girls all over her facebook. (some images she saved off of my tumblr)

I decided to test if she was copying me or if I was paranoid and started posting a lot about an indie band I like. At least a month later she started buying the merch and attending their concerts. I felt like she was trying to rub it in my face honestly.

She also use to send herself anons on tumblr asking "are you half asian because you look very asian to me" and I was pretty sure it was because I'm half asian

The copying has died down since she recently got a girlfriend to obsess over. I don't hate her either I just thought being copied was intrusive.

No. 56888

I used to frequent a forum website, a new user signed up and she was pretty cool. A bit irritating, but otherwise seemed nice. A few months after joining she dyed her hair the same colour as mine. Honestly, I didn't even notice, and even now I doubt that part was deliberate.

She starts using the same emojis as me (gasp! the horror!) - But once again, I didn't notice. People pick up new habits like that all the time. I started to dislike her after she started following me around, posting in any thread I was in, being very ~rand0mz!!~ to whore attention. It just ruined all the conversations when she was popping in every thirty seconds with shit like "LOL I FELL OVER AND DID A FARTz… SOOOO NOT LADYLIKE XDD" By this point she had started calling the people I spoke to a lot on the forum her best friends, still very "meh, whatever, no biggie."
But then she suddenly got really… Crazy. She'd use almost-porn anime chicks as her display photos, then act like she didn't know what people were talking about when they complained. I mentioned finally changing my hair colour in a week, she dyes hers that colour the next day and smears photos of it everywhere, presumably so that it would look like I was the one copying her. She did the same thing when I mentioned getting a piercing.
I changed my style, decided to grow my hair out. She did the exact same thing. I migrated off the site, so did she. She started stalking all of my social media pages.

Then I hit 18 and got involved in the BDSM world. (kek what an edgelord I was) Immediately she's bought herself a leather collar, starts calling herself a slave for random guy-friends of hers. From then on, everything I did, she had to do one better. I showed interest in cosplay? She'd drop a hundred on a sub par cosplay and start attending conventions. I considered modelling and booked a couple of shoots? She was signed up to ModelMayhem and PurplePort, hooking up with anyone who had a camera.
I reblog some latex? She throws all her cash into a latex wardrobe.
I start wearing wigs to cope with the awkward hair growth phase, suddenly all she ever does is wear them. From that point on if I so much as mentioned a wig, she'd buy it. It was insane, her collection became ridiculous, and especially godawful because she didn't seem to know that you're supposed to style them.

I blocked her everywhere I could after she started claiming to be my ~bestie~ and wouldn't shut up about being ~super duper close~ with me.
The obsessive copying was just really annoying, but I heard alarm bells when she started pretending she spoke to me. I still feel like if I hadn't got out then, she would have gone full psycho on me. Maybe a little dramatic of me, but hey, better safe than sorry. Either way I'm definitely happier with her out of my life.

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