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No. 5104
>>5101oh no
would you change your mind if they were goo gobblin' male feminists getting their tooshes pumped?
No. 5108
>>5107Yea, reminds of weird nazi porn where they dom black ladies. Orientation play too.
The fucking titles crack me up.
I wonder if they're a fan of the original wonderwoman comics. I'm sure they are.
No. 103033
File: 1468570622969.jpg (18.48 KB, 480x480, tmp_6335-2016 - 1 (23)15960980…)

And that's how their entire argument of "muh sexism goes both ways" shatters into pieces. I've yet to see such anything equivalent by feminists or women in general.
Also, doesn't one of their mods also mod gamergate or Tumblr in Action? kek