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No. 4974
>>4957nyc is a shithole. every time i'm there (family) i can only think about the ambient rubber particulate (tires) and exhaust fumes i'm inhaling. expensive as all hell, and the people aren't great. and given that nyc has been such a hub of culture, you'd think it'd be more progressive than it actually is.
i live near miami. my city is terrible anyway, and very similar to miami, and no one would recognize it, so i'll go with miami. miami is awful. the crime is ridiculous, it's unsafe (look up the crime stats if you disagree), the housing market is outrageously expensive, there's no legitimate music scene that isn't straight up suicide inducing, there's very little in the way of museums and other interesting shit, at least compared to other more well known cities. really just a place for annoying, financially privileged girls with obvious vocal fry to slut it up and wade through a sea of boring dickheads for the proverbial enrique iglesias of their dreams. even the absolute nicest parts of miami (see: pantsshittingly expensive) are negligible in their nice-ness when all other factors are considered.
in my immediate area (not even miami) it's like, 1000-1100 for some crackerjack 1/1 apartment in a crap neighborhood, and everyone in florida is FUCKING NUTS.
and this state, i swear to god, MUST have the highest population of conservative dickheads in all of the US (probably not literally, but for a state that has Miami, you'd think it wouldn't be so immune to change). CUBANS (WHY? IF ANYONE DOESN'T LIKE YOU, IT'S THE GOP), seemingly jaundiced old fucks (it could be that they're just impossibly tan, but it looks like liver disease to me), and the 20 year old children of yuppie fraudsters, unfailingly, vote in trashbag conservatives, even ones that oversee and execute 1.7 billion dollars worth of medicare fraud. it's mindblowing. every attempt at bringing this state out of the fucking dark ages is shat on by these aged, liverspot ridden cocksaps with enormous jowls the size of econoline trailers. moreover, IT IS HOT and HUMID ALL of the time. admittedly, it's better in northern florida, but it's disgusting here. i have swamp ass 24/7. i can't take a shower and walk outside without feeling like my whole body has been jam packed into fat man's asscrack. i'm sweaty and clammy all of the time. i'm agitated all of the time (due to the heat). there are flying cockroaches everywhere. it's inescapable.
i don't think anyone will read this mess, but i fucking hate florida. if any very sad floridianons want to team up with me to get the fuck out of here, i'm SO with you.
No. 4978
>>4974I can feel your hate for Florida coming off the screen and I honestly love it because it's reminiscent of my hate for nyc. I come across so few people who hate where they live (and not just because of how small the population is, lack of jobs, etc). It's as though they've become resigned to the fact that even the shitty aspects of their neighborhood makes it what it is. That may be so but it doesn't have to be that way.
A few yrs ago I was thinking about moving to Florida, but it was around the time that the man who ate that homeless guys face after ingesting bath salts came out on the news. It was insane reading about the crime rate there and it made me change my mind. I'm aware that those extreme examples aren't an accurate representation of the entire state of Florida, and it's not like nyc isn't the crime capital of the world in terms of the billionaire thieves that run the show, but there were so many cases of
bizarre crimes.
The flying cockroaches would have been enough for me though. I would rather overpay for rent than have to live in a roach infested apartment.
I've gotten used to the people here, so I usually can't tell what it is that makes people say new yorkers are rude assholes, though I can say that the worst people I've met here are entitled kids who come from other states thinking they've made it to the land of the free where it means you're free to do whatever the fuck you want regardless of how anyone else feels about it (hmm, maybe these are the assholes others are talking about?).
One of the things I hate most about living here though is how dirty it is. No one knows how to pick up dog shit, especially in the summer time. I'm always terrified of wearing open toed shoes and finding myself stepping in it one day.
Trashbags line the streets of most neighborhoods except for affluent ones of course. Transit is a joke, and becomes more expensive each year. I'd buy a car but then I'd have to park it half a mile from where I live or work because it's the only space available. I think this is why such a large percentage of people raised in nyc can't drive.
Speaking of jobs, just like most places now a days you have to have at least 2 yrs experience for an entry level position it seems. The minimum wage here
($8.75) hits hard because of how high rent is along with everything else.
There are many things to do in nyc, but 99% of the time they're limited to Manhattan and a tiny section of Brooklyn and become jam packed and over priced.
No. 4982
>>4978>the worst people I've met here are entitled kids who come from other states thinking they've made it to the land of the free where it means you're free to do whatever the fuck you want regardless of how anyone else feels about itI thought you were describing San Francisco for a sec, because fuck this place too. SF is notorious for being a whole "we're so open-minded! etc" kind of place, and that is true and a huge aspect of the city's history, but that kind of mentality is part of why it's declining, unfortunately. There's been increasing influence from people from other states who come in and try to mold it into a second Portland or NYC or whatever. They're sucking the charm of the city dry, and it's getting to the point where a lot of locals are just peacing out. These fucking transplant assholes from shitfuck nowhere, midwest come here in droves with their special snowflake syndrome packed in their bags driving out locals and raising prices for EVERYTHING because they're too retarded to realize that maybe paying $4 for a single slice of toast is fucking ridiculous. Dumbasses here will wait 40 minutes for a smoothie because it was featured on Buzzfeed once and has so much hype they just need to instagram it to their asshole friends and show off how fucking cool they are. Most of these people come here for retarded reasons like ~finding themselves~ or to make another shitty tech start up that inevitably fails because of how stupid the concept is. If you've ever heard SF to be SJW capital of the world it's 75% a vocal minority of transplants who were so ~oppressed~ in Ohio but now they're in ~progressive and tolerant~ SF and are free to do whatever the fuck they feel like. Techies are even worse. They come in, make a stupid app that gets some ground and think that makes them like celebrities because for once they're not getting their heads shoved in toilets by mean jock bullies. Their egos and entitlement skyrocket and now they have a fucking luxury bus that has one route that's like 15 minutes long and fully equipped with wifi and overpriced hipster coffee, because taking public transportation or carpooling or whatever like normal people is too low class and what if an undesirable touches me, no way, I need an entire bus company so I can tweet about racist/mysogynistic/transphobic white gamer nerds or something on my commute.
I used to like this city when I was a kid. Now, I fucking hate it and can only tolerate it for at max a couple of weeks. I'd never come here again if my family and friends didn't live here. There's a lot of articles talking about how SF is being ruined by gentrification and a bunch of other things, but imo it's already ruined. There's probably no turning back and it's bound to be eaten up by Silicon Valley in a few years.
No. 4997
lol you are all from the USA
I am from Croatia. I'll just list the pros and the cons. Of course, the cons outweigh the pros by large
1) Unemployment is huge. Basically no future for new generations. A lot of young people are moving to other countries in search for better future. Myself included, probably gonna go to grad school outside the country and then find job there.
2) For those who have a job, average pay is low. Unless you have ties with politicians which leads to the third and biggest problem:
3)Corrupt politicians and retards who can't vote for third options. Croatia has two major political parties. Both were proven to be full of criminals. Not only have they stolen from the country, they also invent jobs to employ their relatives and give them huge pays. Those jobs make no sense, usually are tied to government and they basically do nothing all day while receiving pay. And yet after all that, people will still vote for those two parties (or won't vote at all) and the third option never gets anywhere.
4) Bureaucracy is total disaster. It could be fixed by firing people who hardly do any shit but get big pays for it, but it won't because of nepotism described in 3)
5) Education system sucks. It's nonsensical and outdated. In high school I had 16 subjects every year(grade). That means I had to study for a lot of shit that I wasn't interested in (like fucking Latin) instead of concentrating on subjects I was interested in (Math). At the end, you forget everything anyway. I can't speak Latin. I don't remember history of classical music or ancient philosophy. Yet I spent hours of learning those subjects because I had to. Universities also suck. Elementary and middle schools are decent I guess.
6) The way things are going, we are going to be sold into slavery one day. And people will still remain passive.
Pros of this country would be:
1) Relatively clean
2) Hardly any street criminal, people feel safe at night
3) Coastline is pretty. Tourism is the only industry that is thriving. I live by the sea and enjoy swimming in it every day during summer. Yay.
No. 4999
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>>4977Actually, they're really gorgeous. And yeah, some of the houses aren't so bad in price, either. My mom essentially moved next to barns, woods, and field for like $150K. Lots of rivers/lakes/waterfalls/mountains/forests. Mostly exurban towns– people commute to work pretty far if they're not blue-collar.
You're likely to run into a lot of racism if you're not white, though. My high school bulled a black freshman girl out of the district on her first day. :/
No. 5011
>>4996No way man, I can completely relate to what they're saying. If you grow up in a place and have no choice in how it changes because of the type and amount of people that move there, it can be really frustrating.
Especially because it not only changes the culture of the city, but because it typically has economical repercussions as well, both of which drive out people who made the city as beloved as it was.
Like, these people consider the city itself a novelty and not really a home where you
live not just spend a few yrs in. Thats why they don't mind playing $4 for a slice a toast as that anon mentioned or $40 for a half mile car ride in nyc where I live because they think its the experience of living here. They turn the city into what they think it is from their media brainwashed perceptions.
No. 5013
>>4997Wow those cons definitely outweigh the pros. A lot of the problems your country faces are present throughout much of the world, the USA included, but it seems to be much more extreme in your country since people have to move out to compete for success.
Good luck to you in your future endeavors anon, hopefully the state of the country will improve within the next few yrs, if not at least your life time.
No. 5014
>>5013Another Floridafag here.
1. No seasons whatsoever. Literally the only difference you will feel is slightly chilly in the winter, and damn hot in the summer. If you pay very close attention you may notice that little white flowers grow on the ground in spring, and in autumn they're not there….. that's it.
2. The division between the rich and the poor is EXTREME. Take a ride from one city to the next, and you will likely pass mansions and penthouses, then a couple of minutes later you look out the window to see trailer parks, hobos, and the whole place looks like the fucking slums of poverty.
3. Cuban neighborhoods don't speak English. This is mostly in South Florida, but drive up to any random neighborhood in Miami, go to the store and not a single person will speak English. Some schools are also 99% Hispanics.
4. Harmful sun rays if your skin is very pale. If I just take a 10 minute walk outside, the skin on my arms and forehead will start hurting. I sometimes have to wear long sleeve to avoid that, even when it's scorching hot. May not happen if you're tan or dark skinned.
5. Crimes also depend on area. Everything depends on area. Just like the rich/poor division, you can be in safety happy town in one instant, and in the second instant you drive into a dangerous neighborhood of drug addicts, hobos, ghettos etc. Kind of like Mufasa telling Simba never to go to the dark shadowy place just a few miles ahead.
1. Disney World. Aside from being driving distance away, Florida residents get discounts and even annual passes for as little as $20 per month. I've never been to any of the other disney parks (Disney World, Paris, Hong Kong etc.), but the Florida one is the largest and probably the best.
2. In some areas you can actually find huge houses with 4 bedrooms and a pool for as a little as $130k-ish. Dirt cheap apartments in some areas can also be found for around $600 monthly, and they're not dangerous places. It's all in the area.
Anyway, I fucking hate this place and am seriously planning on moving alone to Oregon once I save up enough.
No. 5023
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>>4957Caracas, Venezuela.
Pros: none.
If you have stuff robbers gotta rob you, it doesn't matter what time it is, or where you are. Sometimes they also kill you even if you gave them everything you had (happened to a teenage girl at noon a few days ago).
If you are to nervous and accidentally drop your phone while being robbed, they kill you (happened to a young dude some weeks ago).
If you don't have a phone, they kill you (happened to a 12yo kid a few weeks ago).
If you don't have any money they kill you (happened to a woman yesterday).
Also, there's a shortage of fucking eveything, and the lines to get food at the supermarkets are so long you can see them from google earth. (pic related)
I only leave home to work my ass off for minimun wage (25USD per month, it was even lower but the president made a raise yesterday) or to wait in line for several hours to buy something to eat. In my free time i just chan and avoid leaving home because i don't want to get murdered. Plus internet here is too slow to do anything other than chan.
i wish i was bullshitting you.
No. 5027
>>5023Oh my god. I laughed, I'm sorry anon. Is there any way you could come north to the U.S.? I kinda hate where I live but at least the internet is fast enough for movies and games.
Anyway, to stay on topic: California.
>I actually can't think of any, but apparently it's one of the "cool states."Cons:
>Everything is so fucking expensive. It was expensive when I lived in the Silicon Valley, and it's expensive now in southern California. Yeah, I live five minutes from the beach, but I never go and it costs like 2k for a run down studio. And I don't even understand why everything is expensive in the south Bay Area when there is literally nothing to do but shop and eat bland food.
>California's sense of style is nonexistent. Everyone dresses like they crawled out of a hole, sweatshirt and yoga pants and shorts.
>The lack of seasons. I haven't seen snow since I left my home country, excluding vacations to Tahoe and other states and Canada. The only indication that the seasons have changed is the fucking Starbucks menu.
>The radical liberals. I find them to be as insane as their conservative components, just infinitely more annoying because they don't have poverty as an excuse to be as ignorant as they are.
>The food is shit, but that holds true for most of this country. Thanks for nothing, England.I'm sure there's more cons, I just can't think of any more at this point…
No. 5031
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I forgot to add, this is an actual picture from my balcony a few months ago.
No. 5034
>>5025>>5027>>5028Venezuelanfag here, you guys are so sweet, i don't want to derail the thread, but thanks a lot for your concern.
The hope of moving to another country keeps me going. The problem is, you need to have USD to travel. Official currency is 6.53 bolivar equals 1 USD, but you can't get those unless you have an account in a certain public bank (needless to say, it's difficult as hell to get an account there), and even if you do you will get the chance to buy 700 USD at most.
Plus the government decides if they give you the chance to buy USD at that currency or not.
For example, a year ago or so a group of venezuelan students won an international cultural prize but they couldn't go get it because the government decided that it wasn't "a matter of national interest". Same stuff has happened to many sport teams. The government decides if they let you buy dollars or not.
Now the real currency, which is the real value of bolivars, is around 300 Bolivars equals 1 USD. Which is very expensive. You can buy USD at that currency in the black market.
But I'm trying to get there. I was trying to cheat my way with a fake blog, paidverts and bots, then the goverment fucked up venezuelan paypal and now i have to start all over again.
I apologize for this blog thingy, and for my wonky english, I don't want to keep shitposting, just wanted to let you guys know i'm working my way out. Don't worry.
Also, two friendy reminders so you never let the comunists take over your contry:
>In 1955 one bolivar had higher currency value than one USD, i mean you had to pay many USD to get one bolivar. Nowadays, 300000 of those bolivars are worth just one USD (yes, 300K, chavez got rid of three 0's to make it look like bolivars weren't THAT worthless).
>Even nowadays Venezuela produces more oil than Emirates, and has been doing so for a lot more years, but emiratis live in luxury, while venezuelans are starving. No. 5035
>>5034I just googled about Venezuela and found
>Venezuela has the second-highest homicide rate in the world
>kidnapping crimes had skyrocketed … after late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez freed thousands of violent prisoners as part of controversial criminal justice system reforms
>businesses, families and friends gather money and put it aside for possibly being used to pay kidnapping ransoms.WHAT THE FUCK. You win this thread anon, you beat all of us. I hope you get out of there safely.
No. 5037
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>>5034Two things I find fascinating about Venezuela:
1) The country got super fucked up in under ten years. Usually that level of destruction takes a generation or two.
2) A lot of the left in America and Europe are still in love with Chavez after his media stunts in the mid 00s (free oil for the poor in New York & London, anti-Bush rants, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, etc).
Pic is "neutral" UK overseers that were paid by Chavez to overlook the 2012 Venezuelan election. They are all members of "Friends of Venezuela" and are not at all neutral.
Centre is Labour MP Grahame Morris. To his right is far left Guardian journalist Owen Jones. To his right is Labour MP and regular race baiter Diane Abbot.
Jones and Abbot are both very famous and regularly on political TV shows. They both want the UK to be more like Venezuela.
You could have given Chavism the benefit of doubt in 2002, but in 2012, or even 2015? Only two weeks ago Abbot posted a pic of one of her campaigners with Chavez: much worse does it have to get before these people abandon Chavism?
No. 5075
>>5051You poor soul. I grew up in Tacoma/Gig Harbor and moved away at 18 with my parent to LA and then eventually went to uni in Europe where I live now. But last month I recently had to go back to Seattle to attend my grandmother's funeral with my Dad and jeesh, Seattle is so different from what I remembered.
IDK if I grew up in a good part of it (Gig Harbor is fairly rich) but holy shit, Seattle/Everett was red neck city and hipster paradise. So many trucks and plaid and beards. I was happy to see Pike's Place again, and go to my favourite comic shop but aside from that and uwajimaya, man, it was weird to go back after seven years. It was kind of miserable (or maybe I was just miserable because I had funerals and such)
I remember that my friends and I spent most of our time playing games or manhunt at night because yeah, it was boring as fuck. All my friends still live there, though, and I find that weird. None of them moved. I just can't deal with that.
No. 5087
>>5082Well no and kinda? It's not like people are going to travel all the way to NM just for a show tour. If anyone is here for a business thing or etc., they'll take the official BB tour. It's expensive but kinda decent from what I hear.
Mostly it's people on the internet who ask about meth production. I know some former meth "producers" who buried entire labs minutes before the police came and other Walter White type stories.
Some cities have hookers or crocodiles or extremists, but here in Albuquerque we are plentiful in meth addicts and schizophrenics. Tho, controlled narcotics usually take the substance abuse relating in death award as most US cities.
No. 5098
>Massachusetts, 40 min north of Boston.Pros:
1) Proximity to city/airport, which is convenient for jobs, traveling, etc etc.
2) It's pretty. My town in particular is pretty picturesque, and there's a lot to do downtown.
3) Nicely balanced "countryside" and city parts.
1) Cost of living is outrageous.
2) No one can drive to save their life.
3) The winters are super harsh and totally trash your car, roof, anything that is outside basically.
>>5090I grew up in MD 15 minutes from the state line (now live in MA). It's boring. It's basically farms and shitty cities along route 13, like Dover. Rehoboth Beach is alright I guess.
No. 11818
>>11817I live in lower Mainland BC and only heard of this recently
made the most what the fuck face ever
then I kek'd
No. 11863
>>5027Oh my god. What a whiny little shit you are. Then fucking leave. California is amazing
-LA/Malibu/Santa Monica
-San Diego
-The bay area
-The UC'S
Cost of living is high but it's worth it. There is so much to do here and is all really fucking nice. Move to the Midwest anon no one in California wants you here kek
No. 11886
>>11869They are really great. San Diego is really beautiful and upscale and beachy. SF is like a smaller, cleaner New York. Breathe the air there, it is so clean. LA is LA but there are nice parts and overall it has the most things to do. And our universities are amazing. Maybe not cal states but UC's and privates here are word renowned. If you don't understand and must drastically reach for a ~muh Utopia ~ comparison I suggest doing your own research and visiting. I can't explain it to someone that retarded.
If you are poor and or live in central California your life WILL suck but don't blame that on the rest of California. That's your fault for being poor and or choosing to live in a farm town.
And I did agree with the whiny anon that cost of living was high. But that's partly because California is very environmentally friendly when it comes to legislation it passes, which is expensive. I would say our worst offense is our drought situation however. It's a giant fucking mess. lol
No. 11895
>That's your fault for being poor and or choosing to live in a farm town.Right, every single poor person has chosen that life for themselves.
You are so fucking stupid, it is incredible. How amazing a person finds a city is subjective, but only to a certain extent. At some point you have to consider the standard of living for the majority and question why they would be making claims that California isn't great for everyone. I'm not saying the majority of the population in California hate it, but as you said, the cost of living is high. Having nice scenery and clean air isn't sufficient to make up for that, especially when you can't even afford those great universities or have access to sufficient water.
Anyway, when you reduce this whole argument down to personal opinion, it still doesn't make sense for you to say that California doesn't suck to that anon for those reasons. For them
their reasons are enough to dislike it, while for you,
your reasons are enough to like it. You're both basing it off of personal experience.
No. 11896
>>11895Lel, original CA-basher here. I'm thinking buttmad anon obsessed with California is part of UC admissions and/or a California fetishist from another state (of college age?).
Thank you, random CA anon for being reasonable.
Anyway, butthurt anon, I have my own reasons for disliking California and you have yours for wanting to marry the piece of land. Although, it does seem that you masturbate to calling everyone on the Internet who disagrees with your personal opinion a faggot, so whatever.
No. 11906
>>4997Ali jednom kad se uguzis, to je to, tak da nije ful lose. A to mozes cak i bez hdz-a i sdp-a :)
I ne vjerujem da jos netko iz Hrvatske cita /b/
Ovo je skoro love post
No. 11951
>>11948And what are you basing that on?
It's certainly not a myth in third world countries, and in some cases girls from third world countries who come to the US.
No. 11957
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>>11948You sound ridiculous
No. 12516
Ok I'm from Israel please don't kill me.
> Medically advanced. tons of hospitals, innovative technology etc.
> People are super friendly, kiss you on the cheecks, if you help a grandma carry groceries on the street she's instantly your friend and you can get a job at her son's restaurant.
> Everything is close, the beach is easy to get to (1 hour driving) there's deserts if you want to tan, hills if you want to hike, and forests if you want to collect fruit. If you want snow you go north. (again, very close)
>Food is healthy, fresh fruits, olive oil is used everywhere, because of the Kosher thing not many people eat meat much, many vegan places.
> War
> When not war, there's still hate crimes, getting ready for the next war.
> Fucking jews, on friday and saturday everything is basically dead. no transport. hard to get non-kosher food. The orthodox get money for "serving god" (the males go to 'Yeshiva', which is a university YOU GET PAID FOR ATTENDING. The females get money for spurting more brats.)
> You have to go to the army, and if you don't go and don't have any valid reason (like being muslim, elergic to bees or mentally ill) you go to prison.
> Politicians are extremly corrupt. The prime minister before Netanyahu is in jail for bribery. a former president is in jail for rape and sexual assult. My town's mayor got into jail a few months ago after they found out he was laundering money all those years.
> Cost of living is outrageous cause all the money goes to the Military expenditure, the orthodox, and the politicians.
>For everything here you have to know the right people.
I'm an immigrant from russia and I can't go back because they closed the burders. Even then it will be hard for me because I'm considered a traitor. Many people are victims that survived genocides from nearby countries, a whole country of refugees and immigrants and it doesn't become a melting pot. You WILL get hated for your ethnicity no matter what it is. I love the country, but I can't stand what the goverment made of it.
No. 12658
>>12655I'm not the original Texas anon but Ive lived a significantly long time in San Antonio. Dallas might still be underwater with all the flooding. I always equate Dallas with the money making old people, for the younger hipper crowd Austin has a lot more to do.
Texas is usually a dry heat unless you're down by the coast but it can be humid at times when the weather calls for rain.
I've only ever driven/flown through Dallas so sorry I can't be of more help.
Is there a reason you're worried about the humidity?
No. 12698
>>11892Liverpool anon here.
You missed off our atrocious public transport system and all the thirteen year olds drinking on streets.
No. 14988
>>14982I've actually never heard that before now if im honest, Lol.
And, the only defense would be… hmm, Jesus i guess? Or the police if they aren't busy being shit heads.