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No. 478630

anons, how do i get a gf?

i started browsing this beautiful thread after my only gf who i had dated for over a year broke up with me last year, and i wanna know how to get back there when i wasn’t such a degenerate

i feel so lonely, and i don’t know what to do. i have several female friends and i’ve been rejected twice in the past year.

how do i do it again anons?(male)

No. 478637

fuck off scrote

No. 478642

Just rope and be reborn

No. 478644

what if OP is a lesbian though?

No. 478648

He said "female friends" so I feel like the answer is no. Also we have vent, advice, and relationship threads so I feel like if this anon was a female regular user he would have posted there instead.

OP is going to get banned anyway, so if they're actually a chick they'll learn their lesson and post in the right threads next time.

No. 478651


No. 478664

There have been a bunch of baity/trolly threads popping up in /g/ lately which makes me think this is a troll. But its been 3 hours and hasn't been locked/deleted yet so idk.

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